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htRnErn Annomtctmritls. established ISS*. X. GANZ, WATCH MANUFACTURER, GOLDSMITH. JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 231, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA, SOLE MAKER OF THE IIHONDDA WATCH, REGD. No. 150,980. -_n_ "•A'riio i'ov full i1¡t5ic¡¡lL-_ 3062 gUTTER E(iGS CREAM ST. HELEN'S DAIRY, 66, ST. HELEN'S-ROAD, SWANSEA. PURE BRITISH BUTTERS ONLY. 3090 BUILDERS HEATHFIELD WORKS BUILDERS YARD. REQUISITES BUILDERS rgn X> TONES WORKS BUILDERS' i I .) REQUISITES BUILDERS T'.Tr WORKS BUILDERS A A RON BOUNDY REQUISITES, BUILDERS AARO> frORKS ?}!& BUILDERS RK&TI*™'S 51-rH, MATFRIAI-S OHFvs GUILDERS "A- REQUISITES -f'DERS wr)PK.' WOKKS 2^7^EQUISITES. ttWF-MTKS HNITURE JjlURNITURE -P J) O W N & S ° N FOR GOOD SUBSTANTIAL JP URN ITU RE, jgEDSTEADS, jgEDDING, <ARPETS, IT INOLEUMS, LND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNITURE. STEAM CABINET WORKS- 221, HIGH-STREET & MORRIS-LANE, SWANSEA. The Larges and Cheapest Steam Cabinet Manufactory in South Wales. Illustrated Catalogues Free on Application. IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Carriage Paid on all orders above £10 or de livered Fiee in our own vans. 4024 JJ AIR RESTORER. Persons losing hair through illness or any cause what- ever, should use JONES'S most nutritious and success- ful preparation. The result of 20 years' study. It thoroughly prevents hah- from falling, clears away scruff, producing an abundant crop in a very short time. Prepared and sold by J. H. JONES, 26, Coliege- Btreet, Swansea. Price 2s per bottle, by post ?s 4%d postal orders preferred. Numeroustestimonials. Origi- nals for inspection. 3180 COPY OF LETTER. Stockport, October 8th, 1891. Dear Sir,—Please forward another bottle of your excellent Hair Preparation, as I find it most valuable, both as a restorer, a cleanser, and in keeping the Hair rom falling off. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. BENNETT. Mr J. H. Jones, Swansea. jpEETH 1 TEETH TEETH MR KE ALL, SURGEON DENTIST, 199. HIGH STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), gs to intimate that he can produce I), perfectly fitting t of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- p guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by i new Ansesthetic Cocaine. 'artial Sets from 5s per Tooth Upper or Lower Sets m Two Guineas. TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE. e and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreaux, Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. %d and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist, udiff: Mr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street Mr -b, Chemist, Roath. Neort: Messrs Garrett 5., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. Neath Mr Isaac (late Hayman), Chemist. Llanelly. Mr tyin Evans. London Newbery and Son. 1058 14 GLENTAKIT ENTAKIT GLENTAKIT j ASK FOE j LENTAKIT J OLD SCOTCH OF THE FINEST WHISKIES IN THE MARKET. r' TOL STORES 28. NICHOLAS-STREET MFF CHURCH-STREET 5565-293e SNSON'S LUDGATE WATCHES the Cheapest, the Best Value, the Strongest, and tost Durable English Watches ever made. de in thousands, on an Improved erchangeable System. are not liable to failure, but possess :ra Strength, greater freedom from accidents, and jher quality than any other Watches sold for lie the money. "y UDGATE" WATCH the Modern Three-quarter Plate make, not the Qary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other fcrs. j in Silver Cases. In 18-ct. Gold Cases. £5 5S' £12 ist Loudon made THREE-QUARTER PLATE lglish Lever, Jewelled, 13 actions, in rubies, j .tonometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, 1 itent. Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band, eeps better time than, and is double the rength and Value, of any £55.; Watch yet made. Neat and Elegant size or Gentlemen and Youths, or in Extra Small size Ladies. Aliio Extra Strong and Full Size for Work- i and Artizans, and a Special Extra Large Size for ilway Men aud Miners. n Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with Extra ong Crystal Glass, any size, S5 5s. In 18-earafc id Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size, S12 12s dy's size, in 18-carat Gold, £10 10s. í W. BENSON will send any of the above Watches, 1 • together with Warranty for correct perform- ce, to any part of the world free and at his risk, receipt of P.O.O. payable at G.P.O., Bank Draft, Cash. Z>ENSON'S CLOCKS for the house, of every kind 3 in great variety and of the newest designs om £1 to £500. The largest and newest stock in ondon. Presentation committees invited to view the n now Rooms, or to send for photographs. f) ENSON'S CHURCH and TURRET CLOCKS. JL» Estimates and advice free. Just completed, «e Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town-hall, Ashton- 1)er-Lyne Parish Church, Faversham Church, Trow- bridge Town-hall, Lockerbie Town-hall, &c., &c. BENSON'S STABLE AND FACTORY CLOCKS. Silent, £15; Striking, £ sq. Best quality, with rt8 wheels, steel pinions, 2ft. 6in. dial, with all need- 1111 lines, weights, &c. BENSON'S Turret Clock Factory 13 the largest in If Inade. the City of London, and only the best quality is BENSON'S JEWELLERY and CHAINS in Fine Gems or Plain Gold of best London make. Sifny thousands of novelties at manufactures' prices. el I.argest and Newest Stock in London. Selections to the country on receipt of a reference. ~f>ENSON',s ENGAGEMENT RINGS, of special M »nd exclusive designs, in endless variety, set make finest selected Gems, and 01 best London Speciality Brilliant Rings, at S5, £10, and £20. Selections free on receipt of reference. PAMPHLET, the largest and best of of Prices and £ 500- cIass of WATCH from £ 2 2s to and JEWELLERS, PLAIE, post free on appVfc?tf K'S' "eW edition JUSl' 0 J. W J>ENSON, [Established w 1\T Maker to ROYAL FAMILY, MIIRALTV, WAR OFFICE, INDIA OFFICE etc., etc. THE STEAM FACTORY, HOUSE LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, And 1, BOY-COURT E C A, BOYAI EXCHANGE 4 WESI-E™ HOUSE A OLD BOND-STREET W LONDON. "VV originated by J^W^ lTeiisnr.6 °lu^n were first Applications invited for Agencies years ag0< siaerable increase to incom. a con- tree. particulars post 6Se—145C9—2958 SC., &C. GROWN l' RUIT <fc FOREST TREKS FnRFi-T ROSES, &c„ I At Reasonable Prices. It A^n THORNS SPECIALLY GOOD AND K Aixu CHEAP. K Inspection of the Llandaff Nurseries rl. KT/ifi' Invited. Six minutes' walk from T.V.R. r* S1B!K Llandaff Station. LARPW WREATHS AND CROSSES, QUANTITTP-Q Ct*T FLOWERS, UUJlS FLOWER SHOP, HIGH-STREET WREATHS ARCADE, AND CROSSES bend for Catalogue (anything required AND in the Garden) to BOUQUETS. WILLIAM rjplESEDER, NURSERYMAN, 1391 — CARDIFF- OS, SHIRTS RE-FITTED.—Fine Irish to wear 2«'f>r»3' °i \?ry ^est Linen, returned free, ready 9d, 5s 9d or o^ew Sllirt sent free, 2s 9d, 3s 9d, 4s dozen. Pricp TL. ,Best Linen Collars, 2s 9d half- and Irish Camtv m Patterns all kinds Linen Goods ind Ve^teS?Handkerchiefs free. Merino Pants & E- MCISSH 3&uzitttss l.bbrt!í5ts. ELFCTRIC LIGHTING. ELECTRIC PUMPING. ELECTRIC HAULING. THE PRINCIPAL COLLIERIES IN SOUTH WALES SUPPLIED BY J. C. HOWELL, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, LLANELLY SOLE AGENT FOR SOUTH WALES FOR CROMPTON CO., LTD. 5376 JPIANOS, HARPS, ORGANS. JL JLJa- HEATH AND SONS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, Invite the Public to inspect their Large and Varied Stock of Instruments, by all the Leading Makers, at the Cheapest Prices and Largest Discounts. PIANOFORTES, From 10; Cd Monthiy, by Broadwood, Collard, Erard, Kirkman, Brinsmead, &c. Sole Agents for the Celebrated STEIN WAY PIANOFORTES. One of these Splendid Grand Pianofortes may be Hired for Concerts, &c. ORGANS. FROM 5s MONTHLY. Sole Agents for MASON & HAMLIN, &c. SEND FOR NEW PRICE LIST AND DRAWINGS, POST FREE. Every Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tune Free for One Year. Pianofortes Exchanged, Repaired, and Tuned in all Parts of South Wales. HEATH AND SONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WAREHOUSE, J 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 931 NEW MUSIC DAILY. 1066 ■OODHOUSE&J^AWSON^JNiTED, vv LIMITED, 88, QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, LONDON, J^LECTRICAL JGNGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, &c. LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE AND STORES ENGINEERING DEPOT, WEST BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. REPRESENTATIVE JOSEPH M. ROSE. 5775 Every Requisite Fitting in Stock for the Trade. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE1 JgEECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS r Are universally admitted to be worth* a, Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous disorders, such as wind and pain at the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of hpat, loss of appetite, shortness: of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This ¡ I no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be "VJTTORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages they are invariable. No Female should be without them. There is not a medi- cine to be found equal to them for removing any ob- struction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore Females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are nsured by their use. JGEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS jD For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and al disorders of the liver they act like" MAGIC," and afev; doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the appetite, and arouse into action the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS" testi fied continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World FULL DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Proprietor, T. BEECIIAM, Chemist, St Helens, Lanca- shire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. In Boxes, 9Vid, Is 11d, and 2s 9d each. 1392 G. A. STONE & CO., I COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Snellihiers, supeib FlemIsh Horses, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICE LIST 011 APPLICATION. 10,11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, 1103 CARDIFF. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. ORLD-FAMED JgLOOD MIXTURE. RJPHE GREAT BLOOD jpURIFIER and RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the JL- BLOOD from ALL MPURITIES it cannot be too highly recommended. # For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczeuia, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. <> It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from all Impure Matter. A O NF-10,1" whatever cause arising. rantorii f™„J!!tur<5 is pleasant to the taste, and war- • constitntf™ ? anything injurious to the most delicate sufferers^io-;? ,sex> the Proprietors solicit erers to gn e it a trial to test its value. T snfTprori t "Chester, March 5,1888, lees for nvpi- iiv rheumatic pains in my arras and thfou-h whil ? \&}*° luul a braised shinbone,. time." All sorts 01 only a .fevv minutes at a any good for more thai^^few^dav^' TUt n°nC mended to try Clarke's Blood Mixture ^7?s,rTC?-nf' and on taking the first bottle I felt relief t ?li i that eleven bottles would effect a perfect CUVP I I took nine bottles and a half, which cost me\ til nil bottle.. 11 It is now ten months since, and I have not felt U.» least pain—in fact, I am perfect in my walk, and am in as good health as ever I wa3 m my life. Moreover, I told two friends of mine who were laid up with rheumatic pains of my cure, and they tried X,r Clarke's Blood Mixture. They are tailorfby trade, and in seven daj& they were at work again, and they say it cannot be too highly praised..—Hoping I am not intruding, I remain, yours sincerely, P am n "G. HOWARTH, Sergeant, Depot Cheshire RegIment, Chester. e Sold in bottles 2s 9d and lIs each. By all CHEM LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES D&UGVO6 LINCOL> ANUi "BLOOD MIXTURE.' Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD.MIXTURE, an do not be persuaded to take an nmtat.JOI1 1005 rjirii.' oREAT BLOOD PURIFIER MHOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS over- I forms of diseases, and the.foulest state of the blood, stomach, liver,Jind k^e^^ ^ey .goto the core of every disease,where no other medicines ^ePGREATrXo6D PURIFII^ cures the foU^ complaints Indigestion, or wind in the. stomach or bowels, giddiness in the. head, dimness sIght, wea or sore eyes, loss of memory, palpitation of the heart, livei and bilious obstructions, asthma, or ti„nt^ chest, rheumatics, lumbago, piles, gravel, back, scurvy, bad legs, bad breast, sore thi^t' Sore headjs, and sores of all descriptions, burns, w°unds, or whrte swellings, scrofula, or king's evil, gatherings, tumours or cancers, pimples or blotches on the faeeana body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, ei'J'sipeias, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is lid and 2s 9d each, sold by,most Ohemists, or from the Burdock Pill Manufactory, 44, Cxford-street. Swansea. 1004 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the U rinary Organs in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d each, by all Chemists anCi. Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln 10QS Uttshuss JUtftrmiea. r rjTflREE y EARS' SYSTEM rpHREE YEARS SYSTEM pIANOFORTES BY BROADWOOD, pIANOFORTES BY COLLARD, pIANOFORTES BY BRINSMEAD, JpiANOFORTES BY NEUMEYER, pIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN, JpiANOFORTES BY ERARD, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, FROM 10s MONTHLY Until Paid for; after which, and Without any Furthel Charge whatever, the instrument becomes the Property of the Hirer. rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL LIMITED, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF THOMPSON AND gHACKELL JL LIMITED, 32, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. rrHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, LIMITED, 118, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, LIMITED, 5, COMMERCIAL. STREET, NEWPORT ALSO AT 30, BRIDGE-STREET, AND 142, NEWFOUNDLAND-ROAD, BRISTOL MAESTEG, CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTER, PENARTH, PONTYPRIDD, &c., &c. rjIHE rjTHREE YEARS' gYSTEM Was first introduced into South Wales by THOMPSON AND SHACKELL upwards of thirty years ago, since which time many thousands of homes have been ren. dered happy by the possession of a Musical Instrument on such easy terms. The Monthly Payments are so low that there need be no house without a PIANO, AMERICAN ORGAN, OR HARMONIUM. rglHOMPSON AND jgHACKELL, LIMITED, Are always pleased to send Full Particulars, with Descriptive Pamphlet, Photographs of the Newest Styles, &0 free by post, on the application of any nt ending purchaser. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. The most liberal Discount is allowed to Cash Buyers and a large number of SECOND-HAND PIANOS are always in Stock to select from at about HALF PRICE. fJlHOMPSON AND jgHACKELL, LIMITED, CARDIFF, SWANSEA, BRISTOL, CHELTENHAM NEWPORT, MERTHYR MAESTEG, PENYGRAIG, GLOUCESTER, PENARTH, 1047 169e CARMARTHEN, AND PONTYPRIDD f E ^TAUGHAN AND CO., STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, &c., LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFF. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 2, QUEEN-SfREEl, 1 q RDIFF 243 BUTE-STREET 60, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. 53, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPOR 83, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. Parcels Received and Forwarded Regularly to the Dye-works by the following District Agents:— Aberavon Miss Morgan, Tandfield-place Aberdare Mrs KMC hie, Commercial-place Aberkeniig Mv Wo H. Hitcliings, Grocer Abercarne .Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Bridgend Mr Woodward, Grocer, Adare-stveet Blaenavon Mr J. Harris, London House Briton Ferry ..Mr D. L. Jones, Villiers-street Cowbridge Miss Griffiths, Fancy Repositor Griffithstown ..Mr H. Peach, Post-office Llandilo Mr J. Lockyer, County Press Maesteg Mr T. Davies, Grocer, Cascfle-street Mountain Ash.. D. R. Davies, Temple oÏ Fasluon Neyland Mesw-s Biddleeon)be, London House Nantymoel ».Mr E. David, Cambrian House Pembroke Dock M. S. Cole, 10, Dimond-street Porthcawl. Mr R Thomas, Great Western House Pontypridd Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrhiwceiber Mr D. R. Davies, Draper Porth Mr J. H. Thomas, Cloth Hall Pentre Mr J. Hitcliings, 129, High-street St. David's Mr W. Lewis, Tailor, Cross-square Treforest Mr J. Gibbon, Tailor, 88, Wood-road Treharris .1\11' Lewis, London House Tondu Mr W. II. Hitcliings U sk. Mr Jones, Grocer, llride-street Parcels amounting to five shillings sent direct to works will be returned carriage paid one way. Trade books and price lists sent free on application. 'V. E. VAUGHAN AND CO., DYERS, ARE CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHES AND DRESS CLEANING by FRENCH PROCESS, producing per. manent colours, a superior finish, moderate charges, and promptness of dispatch. 1000 BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS piANOS, QRQANS, AND JL tOf ARMONIUMS. Latest Models, with all Latest Improvements. Cheapest House for Cash Customers, also for New Hire System. A VISIT WILL CONVINCE ALL THAT FOR VALUE E. B. BRADER, 5, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, IS BEST. MY UNRIVALLED ADELINA MODEL PIANO- FORTE. 28 GUINEAS. 4399 G. BOYLES, SADDLER AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER, 29, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. G. BOYLES has just OPENED an ESTABLISHMENT in the COACH-BUILDING PREMISES in TAFF- STREET, and has on View a Large Assortment of Harness and Saddles of all descriptions. An Inspection Invited. 5618 All kinds of Waterproofing kept in Stock XTOTICE TO BUILDERS CON- JJl TRACTORS, AND OTHERS. J. SAINSBURY, BACK OF 47, CYFARTHFA-STREET, CASTLE- ROAD, CARDIFF, Is now prepared to supply all kinds of CENTRE FLOWERS, TRUSSES, and ENRICHMENTS of every description at 20 per cent, less than any other shop in Cardiff NOTE THE ADDRESS. 4083 J^ATIONAL^jglSTEDDVOD J3RIZE srORY. JUST COMMENCED IN THE 0ARDIUF rpMES AND SOUTH ^7-ALES EEKLY NEWS FOR FREDOM, A TALE OF OWEN GLENDOWER'S REBELLION BY T. EVAN JACOB (Winner of the £100 Prize for "The Life and Times of Bishop Morgan, etc.) THIS PRIZE STORY, which Commenced publication in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH, is replete with interest, and should be read by every- one interested in Wales and Welsh History. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. PRICE ONE PENNY. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, COUGH ASTHMA, &c. 1/ v v vrxx When other things fail, get a bottle, take according to directions, and Bi r o report its wonderful power to your ALSAM. friends. In Bottles, ls_ij<l and 2s 9d. OEORGE'S UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED TO vJT BE THE SAFEST AND BEST. I Contain no Opium nor anything NF ANTS' injurious to the youngest babe. Teething, Fits, Measles, Scarlatina, and other ailments, they are a sure Pnwnwno a"d certain specific. A mother's best help and comfort. IN PACKETS, Is ljrP EACH. m?l<iQiLT'Beadjthe remarkable and interesting testi- r ^wr ^ir\ewR;lcket antl bottle. everywhc^ P0WDERs and BALSAM are sold OLAmga&Sig!iTOE' BHONDDA VAMEY V'—One Box of Hortons I.X.L. are guaranteed to cure all private cases and comhcations of the urinary organs, whether acquired or otherwise. Also gravel ana pains in the back. Free from mercury. Post free for 4s from G. p. Horton, M.P.S. (from the General Hospital), Aston- rd., Birmingham Agents Cardiff—A. Hagon, Chemist, 39, Bridge st.,and 11, Bute-st. Merthvr—Wills, Chemise. Swansea-Lloyd, Chemist; Oxford-st. Newport- Young Chemist, High-st. N.B.—Hasneverbeen known W faril. Letters answered freo. ;S1tSintB5 J\lrbrrZ5tz. DAVID JONES AND COMPANY, LIMITED, WSTMINSTER STORES, AND CANTERBURY MEAT MARKET, WHARTON-STREET. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PRODUCE PROM AMERICA, SWEDEN, HOLLAND, DENMARK, AND NEW ZEALAND. IRISH AND AMERICAN PROVISIONS. SPECIAL for the SHIPPING TRADE. IRISH AND DANISH BUTTERS, Packed in 41b, 71b, and 141b Tins. I CANNED GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY Always in Stock. SPECIAL & PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL SHIPPING ORDERS. 3762 D Ei L L TRADE'S •pH-S. AU;,WHO suffer from Gout T^ADES PNJ'S- VESS JADE'S PUXS. dreds OF'^RESSM&SK RAPE'S Slv^n^ns ft intiie very worst cases. Ti!ESO I'M? SIVIU? REUEF LAWEYND perfectly safe in their ACUO, VOGE INSTANTLY J J ItAPJDIY Clin 4„dPblithe largest recoln^ndutraV'1'"08' any PNTE.IT ME,T!0INA^(I^O^^ER G>ve>. MPORTANT TESIIMONY FROM WALES. COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN. Y^OUT G, Dewinton-terrace, issTtig"sas. /TI OUT SIR,—Your Gout a F' RHEUMATIC Pills are RH KU M A T I S M OF ;V'U,VUS remedy, and one H BEST I ever came ssj OUT MY wife has been FV TROUBLED with Gout in her RHEUMATISM and 11 FOR •F,WUIVE YEARS> F T!? THE pain was almost /■NOUT arable some nights could not sleep for RHEUMATISM CF; I RESOLVED to try A 11 TO O YOUR PILLS> AND took three doses, the pain left, HE/IFNLL^RISE'„.FFTER SBE great boon to mankind, by the b W* „ F3^ ,LH5Y ARE A make what use you like of thi-, _V AG °[ G,OD- VOU CAN Ctt A R U'S truly, Mr George Eade, 3AULK.S WAKELIN. 72, Goswell-road, London. EADE'S GOUT AND p,11?rT, Arc sold by all Chemists in BOJ?UMATIC V1LLS or sent post free for PostalVS*EI'' IS l £ d and 9d GEORGE liADE, 72, GOSV-V/I ,Y TL,E Proprietor, and be sure vou obtain Askfor, RHEUMATIC PILLS. ^AHE'S GOUT AND EADE'S I LLS. 145 7 5524 THE A TLAS FURNISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, 5, ST. JOHN'S-SQUA.RE, CARDIFF JpURNISH ON Jg4SY rjlERMS OR FOR DIRECT FROM TIU-T MAKERS. wE I ColiTINUP 'To'SUPPLY FURNITURE OF EVERy I)ESCRIJ.TIQ]>; To Householders, Lodgars J..T L Classes in any station ot LIFE> HIRE pURCH^SE SYSTEM, The Liberal v,'IedS^d MOST ^YRnTFF^OR1? K VEIi OFFERED IN CARDIFF OR 32LSEWHERE The ^«islnngD^artmem cwa^.ses SEIIOLD 'QUI, EVElU IIOU EL SITr, INCLUDING KSs, QU^mVoNS &c. TERMS £ 3 WEEKLY PAYMUXTS £ 6 2a6d £10., 48 £ 15 >» 6s £ 20 u 7s 6d £ 50 »» 155 £ 100 ,» 20S ALL GOODS CARRU PlANOS ON EASY TBBTAT' BATH LE^UF'ONHIRTBYLKO^Y CARRIAGES aiid with Option of CHAIRS LENT F°L^ pARTiES Clocks, ATC.I-»J JU °F every descrip- Prospectuses and Pge LI,TS POST FREE ON 13M y IGHTS OF THE be^oh AND BAR. THE ,« CARDIFF 0?IAies AND SOUTH WALES wKT?B;Ly NKWS,' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH" Contains the FIRST 0J A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES CELEBRATED AND ADVO- Under the title of LIGHTS OF THE BENCH r AND BAR. These Sketches are TO BE G graphical detaUs, but to wiiich l»v the aid of the pen as tlie, P > J/, ^sthl vlttrZ con-ect idea of EACH SUBJECT^ reader A Sketches will be enlivened J^A FUND OF RDOTO which will add piquancy and MTOREST TO The Sketches will appear in the foUoW;NG OTDEI. No. 1. Lord Chief Justice COLEIJLR) • No. 2. Sir CHARLES L^ ^L (Oct 24^BV No. 3. Lord Cliancelior HA^BLTLV^TO^TH) No. 4. SirEDVVARD OHARKLJ(^0VWCWO1) No. 5. Lord HERSCIIEL'L (NOV. No. 6. Sir HENRY JAMES (Nov. 2isU- To be followed from, week to we?k h others, making the series voithy of Us number of LIGHTS OF THE AND BAR LIGHTS OF THE t AN gAh- LIGHTS OF THE bENCIi gAR. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17th THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES NEWS." -=-=- im A R M E R S, SEND YOUR «^^d^eryidnR^AI)SINTO CLOTH from Is 3d t0,2s I'l^uiaK frorr, from Is 2d to 2s 6d per yartK 9({ PG^. JK 9I U> 6d per ard. Stocking Yarn Salterns for- warded to select ^^rrdersofover° £ |;Rd ^e TYLER AND COMPANY -NIIL MAESLLYN MILLS, LLaNDYSS!L, 13607 SOUTH WALES. 1139 1139 R"OSS'S ROYAL "BELT AST GINGER ALE AND LIME JUICE CORDIAL, &c. May be obtained from your Grocer 1344 THE G RITA^IS P^^nTi MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HER PASTE MAT Is warranted to cure all AMERICAN MILTON'S discharges. HERB MAT Thoroughly reliable. Con- PASTE. MILTON'S venient to take. In tins, AMERICAN MAT 2S 9d and 3S 6(1 each. Free HERB MIL'I'ON'S, by post 3rd extra. PASTE. MAT ——— AMERIC \N MILTON'S HEWSON'S COMPOUND HERB MAT PENNYROYAL PASTE MILTON'S PILLS FOR FEMALES. AMERICAN MAT In boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d II ERE MI 'LTON'S each free by post 2d extra. PASTE. MAT MAT MILTON'S Local Agents Cardiff, Mr MILTON'S I AMERICAN Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke- AMERICAN HERB street; Newport, Mr J. HERB PASTE. Phillips, 92, Commercial- PASTE MAT street; Swansea, Mr Keall, MAT MILTON'S Chemist, 199, High-street; MILTON'S AMERICAN F. H. Hewsou, 8, Victoria- AMERICAN HERB avenue, Maindee, Newport, HERB PASTE. Mon. PASTE. 6e I Loudon, Barclay & Son. 10h2 -36 J\hbr25ZtZ. X" OF ARK WHAT ~THE X J. WILD WIND SAYS. Unquestionably there is no re- JryK medy up to the present age equal to TUDOR WILLIAMS, PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY for all Chest Affections. Fortifies the sys- tem, increases the resisting power against all diseases, heals the lungs, and cures a winter cough when all otherremediesfaU. If you, children, or friends, are losing your grip on life and scarcely able to breathe, you should try Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey. For weak-chested men, delicate women, and children. It cures when all other medicines fail. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. Cures thousands of Children from Bron- chitis and Whooping Cough. Cures for one shilling when pounds have been spent in vain. Persons suffer- ing from Difficulty of Breathing give it a trial. Now Commended by Surgeons and Physicians. Wonderful Cures Daily, thousands of Testimonials to hand from all pru t. f !he world. FEW SPECIMENS THE GREAT COMIC KING speaks highlv of TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING FACT FROM A POLICE OFFICER. I"or weeks I suffered from a severe cold, incessant cough, tightness of the chest, and bronchitis. When a severe cough came on I thought I would rup- ture a blood-vessel. One of your bills was handed to me on the street at Middlesbrough. I went to the nearest chemist shop and purchased a bottle of your Tudor Williams's Balsam ot llonev. I took a dose thelc rtnll then in the shop, The effect was mar- vellous it eased my cough instantly. I have found nothing so effectual. I consider it a Golden Remedy.— Yours truly, FREDERICK THOM < s (Police Constable), Herrington, Middlesbrough THE PUBLIC SPEAK IIIGJILV OF IT ALL OVER THE WORLD.—" A child of ours has been completely cured of Bronchitis r1.n,1 bad Cough by your Patent Balsam of Honey. His breathing was so tight, and he had such terrible paius in the chest, that we had given up all hope? 01 his recovery Since then I have always kept a bottle of your wonderful remedy in the house. The children are fond of it, and take it eagerly.—Yours truly, Mrs M. EDWARDS, 19, Woodland-street, Moun- tain Ash. ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL EXPF-],,S.I;ION —(t For eleven years I have been a great sufferer from bronchitis, coughs,spitting of blood, and tightness of the chest; for five years I also had great difficulty in getting about I couldnoc even sleep or he down at night or day. I have been under medical treatment for eleven years have also been under treatment at the Hereford In finnary and Buxton and Southport Hospitals, but al to no purpose. Doctors advised me that I could not expect a cure, being 64 years of age. Having heard so much talKof ludor iiliams s Patent Balsam of Honey I o-ave it a trial, and, to my gi eat surprise, the first' dose gave me immediate freedom in breathing. Day by day blood-spitting from the lungs diminished, bron- chitis disappeared, like magic to the four winds of the heaven, and in a few weeks I was restored to my usual tood health.—'Yours sincerely, Mrs EMBREY, 19, Con- fshy-street, Hereford, May 25, 1800. "sold by all Chemists and Stores all over tlie World in Is, 2s yd, and 4s oil bott-lss. M255 Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 3s an 5s from the inventor, y/94 DT 0 DOR WILL! A. MS, R. D. S. L., MEDICAL HALL ABERDARE 27o THE REASON WHY you should take SCOTT'S EMULSION is, that you should take SCOTT'S EMULSION is, that your appetite is gone and you are all run down SCOTT'S EMULSION will qnicbJy restore the appetite and the health. — RNIIE REASON WHY X you should take SCOTTSF EMULSION of Pure Cod Liver Od and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda is, because it is as palatable as milk. THE REASON WHY JL your Children should take SCOTT'S EMUL- SION is, that it so effectively checks "wasting diseases in children. b THE REASON WHY yea should take SCOTT'S EMULSION of "Pure Cod Liver Oil if you have a cough or cold is, the common-sense one, that it cures either, at once. THE REASON WHY thin people, whose food does not nourish them as it should, ought to take SCOTT'S EMUL- SION is, that it has often been known to add a pound of flesh a day to those who are all run down. THE REASON WHY you should take SCOTT'S EMULSION is, that it is everywhere prescribed by physicians. THE REASON WHY SCOTT'S EMULSION is bet er than plain Cod Liver Oil is, because it is skilfully combined with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. MHE REASON WHY J- ail Chemists sell SCOTT'S EMULSION at 2s 6d and 4s 6d a bottle is, because of its great success its a curative agent. It is made bv SCOTT BOW.JSE,. Md., 47. Farringdon- street, London, E.G. • 14254 1291b I' LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC QWBMDGE'S TOGXC LUNG TUNG MONIC, XONIC LUNG X TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. TONIC LUNG It has a power over diseases hither- TONIC I-UNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you at aU weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of cough now and then ? TONIC LUNG "Try this Wonderful Medicine.' TONIC LONG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appear as if by magic, and you will TONIC jirvQ feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNO had before. TITNG IONIC tttVG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC TTmG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC jfrvrt HAVE YOU A COLD? TONIC tunG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC r TT £ G REMOVE IT. TONIC tr". TONIC fnNTG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC instantly. TONIC r TTNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC r TTNG f«l hi Whooping Cough become less TONIC jt'v'G with each dose of the medicine. TONIC T UNO 1 had Bronchitis two years. My TONIC TUNG Doctor said it was chronic, and I gave TONIC T f TNG up all hope of cure, but three small TONIC TTT\"G bottles of your LungTonic quite cured TONIC i TTNG mo. I feel it my duty to write to TONIC T UNG thank you. SARAH BLACK, 30,Marv- TONIC Sti-eet, Fl. TONIC TUNG "I have known your Lung Tonic TONIC' TUNG cure a child of 10, as if by magic, after TONIC T'ITNG many ot her remedies and even change TONIC T'IING of air had entirely failed. I know it TONIC f TTNG also to be invaluable to vocalists, lec- TONIC l UNG turers, apd public speakers. H. LAS- TONIC LUNG CKLLES, Protestor of Singing, 349, TONIC T TING Oxford-street, London." TONIC LUNG Prepared by W T. OWBP.IDGE, TONIC TTT>JCT Chemist, Hull.. >old m Bottles, Is TONIC LUNG li'l. 2? ,M> 4* :if\ lis, by all TONIC LUNG Chemises and 1 atent Medicme Von- TONIC LU NG do". Wholesale all London and Pro- TONIC LUNG _vinoial Houses. U5?-13711 TONIC PEPPEKS QUININE AND IRON j TONIC Strengthens tho Nerves and Muscula System PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Animates the Spirits and Menta Faculties. '■ PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Promotes Appetite and Improves Diges tíon. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC thoroughly Recruits the General Health and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces. JEAT NERVE STRENGTH.— PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC braces up the weakened nerves, increases strength of pulse," fortifies the nerve centres. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH.— PEPPER'S QUININE and iron TONIC.- By enriching the olood, giving firmness to the tissues and strengthening the muscular system, weakness disappears, appitue returns, latigue ceases, and re- cruitid health results. ri REAT MENTAL STRENGTH.- PEPPERS QUININE and IRON TONIC, by its supporting influences on the body and nerves, repairs the ravages caused by over-taxing the brain power, and so gives really great mental strength, it osts about lVgd eacii dose. Gi REAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH.— (f PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC pro- motes appetite, strengthens the stomach, stopping linking sensations, repaoves indigestion, heartburn, palpitation, cures dyspepsia, constitutional debility, restoring health, strength, and energy. AXF-CROWN BOTTLES of PEP PER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC are now 1 1 ivnn«ing it in reach of all. Next size, 32 doses Is 6d Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. No other i of Orii y use. Ci ULPHOLINE LOTION clears the SKIN SPOTS, BLEMISHES, BLOTCHES, REDNESS, ROUGHNESS, DISCOLORATTONS, UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES, UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN DISFIGUREMENTS, Entirely fade away. S ULPHOLINE LOTION makes the SKIN HEALTHY, SOFT, BEAUTIFUL, TRANSPARENT, SMOOTH, SUPPLE. ULPI-IOL*li'-TE. -For the COMPLEXION SOFTENS and PRESERVES. GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE COUNTERACTS EFFECTS of WEATHER EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES. Bottles, 2s 9d. Sold everywhere. T-TLPHOLINE-TH o best SKIN LOTION. O BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS Bottles, 2s 9(1 Sold everywhere. 1062 I E P P S S GRATEFUL, COMFORTING. (BREAKFAST MADE SIMPLY WITH O C O A BOILING WATER OR MILK 14554 3909 230o TERILITY IN WOMEN ITS CAUSES AND CURE. Bv J. B. RYLEY, M.D., M.R.C.S., London. A NEW EDITION of this work is NOW READY. PRICE 3s 6<1 POST FREE, 3s 8d. London: Henry Rensliaw, 356, Strand. 1255












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