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iØusintSS J\bbrtSSl.5. SFSDAY: GUNDAY pALM gUNDAY TO F CASE FOR ,T REA T H S, ROSSES, OR ANY JpLORAL JQESIGN IN THE LATEST STYLE. WREATHS AND CROSSES OF FRESH CUT PURE WHITE FLOWERS, 5s, 10s 6tl. and Upwards. OUR UNEQUALLED SPECIALITY WREATH, 10s 6D. F. CASE, JjlLORIST, 35 & 37, QUEEN jgT., CARDIFF. N.B.—Shall have ready to cut for Easter Week Hundreds of Arum Lily Blooms. 9915 SPECIAL NOTICE. W. H. QHAPMAN & CO. (FROM CAMBRIDGE). JJIGH-CLASS rjlAILORS AND ROBE MAKERS, Beg to inform their Patrons in South Wales that on or before MARCH 25th they will OPEN an OFFICE at BANK BUILD. GS, CARDIFF, where a. Manager will be in Attendance to Receive Orders. Telephonic communication with our Head Establishment, Queen's-road, Clif. ton, Bristol. Telephone, No. 565, Bristol. 9519 jgIG gHIPMENT OF JPOREIGN MARBLE JYJANTLE pIECES AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT JOHN "Y^ILLIAMS AND gONS, 9, 13, 15, 17, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ALSO ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS OF GRATES AND TILE WORK IN THE KINGDOM. 8178 ESTABLISHED 1840. 44 A DELINA MODEL" pIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE. JQDWARD g JgRADER. Cheapest good Pianoforte ever offered to thePublir is my ADELINA MODEL PIANOFORTE AT 28 GUINEAS, Suitable for everybody, being made of very best seasoned materials, full iron frame, metal pin plate, fun trichonl check action, ivory keys, elegant walnut wood case, pane! front, mar. quecerie centTe panel. Grand tone. Stands 4ft. 2in. high. Curved trusses Only requires to be een nnd heard. Much inferior instruments are every day advertised at.36 gllinc<. Call, hear, a.nd try it. All are easily con- vinced. It speaks for itself. jpDWARD B. JgRADER, ADELINA MODEL* PIANOFORTE "^TAREHOUSE, 5, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, FOR CHEAP GOOD INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS 8312—125e i' T'REE GRANTS OF LAND IN MANI- .11 TOBA. A>:r OTIiKR PROVINCES IX CANADA. SEE IMPORTANT REPORTS MADE BY BRITISH FARMERS DELEGATION. MONEY BONUSES (Tn-EX TO ACTUAL SELLERS AND THEIR FAMILIES The reports of tbp twelve- British tenant farmers who visited Canada in 1890, and pamphlets issued under the authority of the Imperial ami Dominion Governments, containing full informatii.il as to land regulations, bonuses grunted to settlers, who take up kind m Mani- toba, the North-West Territories, and British Colum- bia openings for capitalists, demand for labour, rates of wages, cost of living, and all other particulars may be had post free on applying to John W. Down, Cana- dian Government Agent, Bath Bridge. Bristol.8&le 9936 FOR THE BLOOD Is THE LIFE. ^Y^ORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. fJIHE GREAT BLOOD jpURIFIER and RESTORER. IPOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing »nd permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimpled on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cures the Blood from all Impure Matter. From whatever cause lri8ing. A9 this Mixture ig pleasant to the taste, and war. ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a. trial to test its value. Chester, March 5. 1888. I suffered from rheumatic pain in my arms and legs for over five years. I also had a bruised shinbone, through which I could rest for onJy a few minutes at a time. All sorts of remedies were applied, hut none (lid any good for more than a few days. I was recom- mended to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, which I did, and on taking the first bottle I felt relief. I was told that eleven bottles would etfect a perfect cure. I onJy took nine bottles and a half, which cost me 2s 6d per bottle. It is now ten months since, and I have not felt the least pain-in fact, I am perfect in my walk, and am in m good health as ever I was in my life. Moreover, I told two friends of mine who were laid up with rheumatic pains of my cure, and they tried your Clarke's Blood 1ixture. They are tailors by trade, and in seven days they were at work again, and they HaY it cannot be too highly pra.ised.-Hoping I am not intruding, I rema.in, yours sincerely, .1 G. HOWAJRTH, Sergeant, Depot. Cheshire Regiment, Chester.' Sold in bottles, 2s 9d audlls each. By all CHEM- ISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS through- out the world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by the LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CO., Lincoln. TRADE MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE." Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not ka persuaded to take an imitation: 1005 COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS I OF ALL CLASSES. 3 ) Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, 5 superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. > J PRICE LIST on APPLICATION. t 10, 11, 12, WORKING-STREET, 1108 i CARDIFF. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Vrinary Organs in either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d each, by all Chemists »nd Patent Medicine Vendors throughout th e world or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers; iTtojtoogoIn and Midland. Counties Drug Comginy, Uusittm -55t!i. L E W I S AND L E W I S, LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS 23 & 24, DUKE.STREET, LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS CARDIFF. LEWIS LEWTh LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS THE OLD-ESTABLISHED LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS HOUSE LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS FURNISHERS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS voTFn LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS f0R SUPPLYING FLRST LEWIS LLWIfc* QT7 4T,ITV LEWIS LEWIS yUALlIV LEWIS! LEWIS p, n n n « LEWIS LEWIS u u u u LEWIS LEWIS AT LEWIS LEWIS \rOT)FT? 4TF, PRTPFS LEWIS LEWXS "mJl- LEWIS LEWIS —— LEWIS LEWIS INSPECTION INVITED. LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS AND AT LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS 137 & 137 A, COMMERCIAL- LEWIS LEWIS STREET, LEWIS LEWIS LEWLS LEWIS NEWPORT. LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS AND T E W I S JU 8765 H. (J Massingham' A.I.E.E., GENERAL JgJLECTRIC J^IGHTING J^NGINEER AND CONTRACTOR. ESTIMATES given or Fitting up throughout and Lighting, with or without motive power, Houses, Country Mansions, Business Establishments, Hotels, Works, Mills, < £ c. Also Ship Lighting. n. G. MASSINGHAM has just. complei the Largest Public Installation for Electric Lighting as yet earned out in the United Kingdom, comprising the lighting of 59 of the principal Streets for the Bath Cor- poration, and including 40 Miles of Underground Mains tor public and private supply. ESTIMATES FREE, AND EVERY INFORMATION GIVEN. A Vacaney for Two Pupils will shortly occur. JJATH JgJLECTRICAL JgJNGlNEERING WORKS DORCHESTER-STREET, BATH. 8728 JplANOS, QRGANS, J3IANOS. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Pianos from 10s 6d monthly, Organs frcm 5s monthly. The Public are invited to inspect HEATH AND SONS' Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, &c., I A< Pounds will be Saved by placing their Orders with them. Every Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tune on" year free of charge. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. HEATH AND SONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 9431-5-1966 COUNTY gREWERY CO., J>ENARTH JJ^OAD, CARDIFF. MILD AND BITTER ALES Now ready in SPLENDID CONDITION. In 9, 18, 36, and 54 gallon casks. lOd, l, and la 4d per gallon. Dealers supplied. For further particular? apply at the Brewery. 14350 8276-124e THE GREAT JJOOK 8; DRUG STORES, 48, ST. MARY-STREET (Opposite the The? tre Royal), CARDIFF. MESSRS COLEMAN & CO. Beg to inform the Publie tbat they have constantly on hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS" by the most Celebrate.! and Popular Authors of the Day. Also Useful, Eiesrant. and Acceptable PRESENTATION AND REWARD BOOKS FOR SCHOOL PRIZES. BIBLES (Plain and Illustrated), CHURCH SERVICES, HYMN BOOKS, COLOURED PICTURE BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, MOODY AND SANKEY'S HYMN BOOKS and CHRISTIAN CHOIR. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, WRITING CASES, PERFUMES IN BOTTLES, CASES, & CASKETS CABINETS OF STATIONERY in great variety, BIRTHDAY and EASTER CARDS and BOOKLETS. Note the Address— COLEMAN AND CO., THE GREAT BOOK AND DRUG STORES, 48, ST. MARY-STREET (Opposite the Theatre Royal), CARDIFF. 8147 JfJLECTRIC LIGHTING. J. C. HOWELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEER, LLANELLY. Contractor for the Supply and Fitting-up of ELECTRIC LJGHT APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sole Agent for South Wales for CKOMPTON A CO., LIM.. LONDON AND CHELMSFORD, Incandescent and Arc Light Installations for Collieries Factories, Ships, Houses, &c. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. Contracts taken for Transmission of Power to Distance. TelegraDU-" ELECTRIC," LUNELLY. 1126 MOST ACCEPTABLE AND LASTING is A pRESENT OF A NICE J> I C T U R E. Mr FREKE has the Largest and Best Selection of ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS, &c., in SOUTH WALES, and invites all who wish to have a good Artistic Picture to call at his FINE ART & PHOTOGRAPHIC g T U D 1*0 s., 12, DUKE ST*R™ CARDIFF. B2S1 JSU5t1U55 bbrtsSt5. jgJARLY SPRING JJUSHIONS. B. EVANS AND COMPANY Beg to Intimate that they are now "howing the NIOST JpASHIONABLE STYLES IN COSTUMES, MANTLES, JACKETS, MILLINERY, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACE, GLOVES, DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, VELVETS. WASHING MATERIALS, &c. The Recent EXTENSIONS & JMPROVEMENTS made in the Premises enable them to compete most favourably with houses of the first rank, both as regards Stock and facility for display, as well as for the convenience of Customers whilst making Purchases, The gHOW 1p 0 0 M S have been considerably enlarged, and every advantage has been taken of the extra space for the present Display whilst the Dimensions of the celebrated JJOUSEHOLD LINEN DEPARTMENTS Have been nearly Doubled. Very considerable Improvements have also been effected in the DRESS GOODS JQEPARTMENT, Giving more light and more room for Stock. The object, during the rapid develop- ment of Business, has always been to ensure the fact that the inhabitants of the County Borough of Swansea, of the Neighbourhood, and of the adjacent Counties, shall find their Establishment second to none in the Kingdom as regards the CHARACTER OF THE STOCK, the NOVELTIES ALWAYS SHOWN, and the VALUE OFFERED in all Classes of Goods. Temple-street, Swansea, March, 1891. a 1046 CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. NEW SPRING DRES MATERIALS. PATTERNS are now ready of the first deliveries of Our Specialities for Early Spring Wear, all exceedingly novel and pretty, and Ladies are invited to apply for Sets of "he same for inspection. 5005 Address CAVENDISH HOUSE CO., LIMITED JJERBERT ASHMAN & CO. 2, 3, 4, and 5, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL, LEATHER MERCHANTS, AND MAKERS OF LEATHER MACHINE BELTING, HOSE PIPES. &c., &c. Price Lists on Application. 9576 R E-BUILDING OF pREMISES. 14 & 15, HIGH STREET- CARDIFF. • QRIFFITH JAMES (tREAT CLEARANCE gALE NOW PROCEEDING. ON SHOW AN JMMENSE gTOCK OF GOODS AT STARTLING LOW PRICES. JQEPARTMENTS. DRESS MATERIALS, SILKS, MANTLES, COSTUMES, FURS, MILLINERY, GLOVES, LACES. RIBEONS, HOSIERY, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING, DRAPERY AND HOUSEHOLD LINENS, CARPETS, CURTAINS, TAILORING AND OUTFITTING. The Stock in every Department has been care- fully Re-marked in Plain Figures, which must command a speedy clearance. 8830 NEW P 0 R T, M O N. ESTABLISHED 1870. THE DE REES BILLPOSTING AND ADVERTISING COMPANY, LIMITED, PROPRIETORS OF 150 PROTECTED STATIONS. NEWPORT, PONTYPOOL, RLSCA, PONTYMLSTER, TYDU, AND EASTERN AND WESTERN VALLEYS. ESTIMATES os APPLICATION. 7957 180, COMMERCIAL ROAD. OLD SHIRTS RE-FITTED.—Fine Irish Linen, 2s, or very best. Linen, returned free, ready to wear, 2s 6d. A New Shirt sent free, 2s 9d, 3s 9d, 49 9d, 5s 9d, or 6s 9d. Best Linen Collars, 2s 9d half- dozen. Price Lists and Patterns all kinds Linen Goods and Irish Cambric Handkerchiefs free. Merino Pants and Vests are now very cheap.—B. & E. McHUGH and CO., LIMITED, BELFAST. 9801 Watt for Classification. WANTED immediately, superior General Servant; nurse-housemaid kept small family good •wages.—Apply Box 13, P.O., Neath. WANTED, young lady as Governess for three VV little girls willing to do needlework Dis- senter preferred country.—Address H. L., Daily News," Cardiff. ENERAL SERVANT waited; nurslTkept^wasiT ing out.—Apply, with reference, D. Thomas, Iron- monger, Treorky. CI ROCERY. — Wanted, an Assistant; first-class JT references state age and salary.—John Walters, Treherbert. DRESSMAKING.—Wanted, First Hand, to cut, fit, and take entire charge of small workroom good medium trade.—Morgan, Draper, Fishguard. WANTED at once, respectable Girl, aged 14 or 15.—Apply, stating wages, 97, High-street, 'I: f" 15.—Apply, stating wages, 97, High-street, Barry. TO WHEELWRIGHTd. — Wanted, a Woodman JL constant work good wages.—Apply David Allen, Coach Builder, t reherbert. I WANTED, an Improver, able to make trousers TT and vest; constant employment; to live in- doors.—Apply to D. L. Davies, Comet House Hotel, Treherbert. ¡ iSuaintsa AiiOrtustii. R E Aiv ALES AND JpORTERsj In 4i Gallon Casks and upwards, PALE AND MILD ALRR from lOd per Gallon PORTER AND STOUTS from Is per Gallon BREWERY, BRISTOL. I CARDIFF STORES WORKING-STREE t. NEWPORT STORES COMMERCIAL-BUILDINGS CHKPSROW STORKS BEAUFORT-SQUARE. 'ec; Apptica-tions for purchasing agencies to be addressed to .1. B. MADDOCKS, PZNARTS. 13966 1 1221 BRISTOL wAGON 0OMPANY S 0ARTS, ^TAGONS, V AINS, CARRIAGES, &c. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, PRICES AND FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO AGENT, 0HA RLES D. P HI LLTPS, j NEWPORT, MON. 9778 ANELL'S HOTEL, WEST STRAND^ LONDON LONDON TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS IIAXELI,, LONDON." Telegrams for visitors must lie marked e/o Haxell, London. For Families and Gentlemen. In the midst of the Theatres and places of Amusement. Within 20 minutes of the City by 'Bus or Railway. Thoroughly modernised in every particular, combining a most elegant Restau- rant with tile largest Smoke and Billiard Room in London. BED AND BREAKFAST. 6s 6d. LIGHTS AND SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE, LIGHTS AND SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE. In the hope of meeting in every way the continued preference shown to this hotel, A NEW COFFEE ROOM, OCCUPYING THE WHOLE LENGTH OF THE FlJST FLOOR, has been added to the hotel, Its Seven Noble Windows Commanding the Strand Panorama, with DRAWING, READING, and MUSIC ROOMS aùjoininry LONDON AND BRIGHTON. 4406 TELEGRAMS, TELEPHONE "CIGARS. C'ARriTm" No. 607. JJICHARD JgENSON, jD IMPORTER OF HAVANA CTGARS, 19, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF AND AT BRISTOL. ESTABLISHED 1818. TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES. SUNDRIES. 9614 ^iirMirRsi SEND YOUR OWN NVOOT, TO BE MADE INTO CLOTH from Is 3d per yard. Blankets from Is 2d per yard. Stocking Yarn from 9d per Ib, Carriage Paid both wavs on all Orders of over £1. Patterns forwarded to select from. T YLER, AND COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, 13607 SOUTH WALES. 1139 Carriage paid both ways on all orders of over E2. ;ross's Royal "BELFAST Q I N G E R L E AND LIME JUICE CORDIAL, &c., May be obtained from your Grocer. 8693 IEBIG COMPANY S EXTRACT of BEEF For Improved and Economic Cookery. As Stock for Beef Tea, Soups, Made Dishes, Sauces (Game, Asp:'e or 3-Ieat Jelly. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of BEEF Keeps fqr any length of time, and is cheaper than any other Stock. Perfect purity absolutely guaranteed. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of MEEK. Sole Manufactory FREY BENTOS, SOUTH AMERICA, where Forty pounds of prime lean beef (value 30s) are used to make one pound of Extract of Beef. COOKERY BOOKS (indispensable for > ladies) sent free on application to LIEBIG'S EXTRACT of MEAT COMPY. (Limited), 9, FENCHURCH-AVENUE, E.C. 3596 PJPiEETH. —Complete Set, One Guinea JL Single Tooth, 2s M. Five years'warranty. Re- models, repairs, &e. Painless Dentistry, Gas, &c.- GOODMAN AND CO., 56, Queen-st., Cardiff, and 23 n, High street (Market-lane), Newport. 1304 11141 •GRINSMEAD PIANOS. GOLD MEDALS of the principal International Ex hibitions LEGION OF HONOLK, 1878; Royal Portuguese Knighthood, IBSi. jgRINSMEAD PIANOS. -!D The Perfection of Tonch and Tone. For Sale, for Hire, and OIL the Three Years' Svstem. JOHN BRINSMEAD & SONS, PIANOFORTF MAKERS by. Special Appointment to H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES, LONDON, W. Lists Free, and of the Leading Musii- Sellers. 5189 QROSSLEY'S "OTTO" GAS N C,' I.N LE. GVER 28,000^ From 2 man to 100 h.p. REFERENCES for ALL TRADES and in ALL TOWNS. Second-hand Engines. Deferred Payment System .c ROSSL Ey BROS., LIMITED, J OPENSHAW, MANCHESTER.

Family Notices


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