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Itosiitggg ¡\blrteszt5. "JMPOETANT NOTICE. GREAT PREPARATION FOR AN JgJXTRAORDINARY SALE, TO REMOVING TO NEW PREMISES. JJOWELL AND COMPANY JQL Are now engaged in absolutely reducing tho whole of their Drapery and Fancy Stock to Clearing Prices. SAL WILL QOMMENCE ON rj H U R S D A Y NEXT, JULY 17TH, 1890. H& CO. will not only Sell SURPLUS, but the Wijole of their Drapery and Fancy Stock, down even to ome Haberdashery. NOTICE. During this Sale H. & CO. would respectfully recommend their Customers to make Special Visit to their yarious Departments, as one day will not sufficfl to inspect such an Immense Stock. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR ONE MONTH. J^RESS DEPARTMENT. The Dress Room will be found full of valuable and fashionable Stoci, including Real Kilmarnock Cheviot Tweeds, Bradford Tweeds, Habit Cloths, Kstamine Serges, Flakes, Plaids, and plain Goods, Black and Coloured Cashmeres, Black and Coloured Siiks, Velvets, and Plushes, Broche, Alpacca, &c., &c., every line of which will he reduc in price for this Sale. MANTLE, JACKET AND COSTUME DEPARTMENT. H. & Co, are now in a position to buy for this department direct from the Manufacturers, ttnia saving, to start with, from 20 to 30 per cent. for their Customers, thus the public cau at once see why it is that H. & Co can sell these Gor under any other House in the Trade. A JOB LINE OF DUST CLOAKS, AT ABOUT ONE HALF THE COST OF PRODUCTION. (This Line will be found most Useful when the Dust Comes.) LIGHT CLOTH LADIES' JACKETS, FULi.Y ON 1C-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICKS. A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SI K AND PLUSH MANTLES, CLEARED AT 40 PElt VENT. OFF. The above are New, Stylish, and perfectly fresh, direct from the Manufacturers. 1/fA COLOURED COSTUMES AT Xtc\7 SALE PRICES. TWO or THREE EXTRA GOOD LINES in UMBRELLAS, and the whole of the SUN- SHADES to be cleaved regardless of cost. MILLINERY, MADE-UP BONNETS l\' AND HATS on an average at Haif-price. MANCHESTER JJEPARTMENT. In this Department most of tha plain Drapery is kept, and Ladies can be supplied with almost any article, at. say. 15 to 25 per cent. under the usual prices, including Unbleached and Waste Twill Sheet- iugs, Sheets, and Counterp3.nes, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Woollen Cloths, Oxford Shirtings, Real South Wales Shirting Flannels, North Wales and English Flannels, eveiy line of which will be reduced for this Special ."tale. A JOB LINE in STRIPED FLANNELS, -CTL suitable for Lawn Tennis SUIts, at Clearing Prices. A&(\ PIECES of FANCY PRINTS, Commencing at 2jd per Yard. QENTLEMEN'S J^/JERCERY JQEPARTMENT. In this little but very important Department Gentle- men will tind the bet quality ood at very nominal Prico, especinIJy when compared with the same class bought at other establishments. Gentlemen's White Calico and Linen Fronted Shirts, Woollen hirt, Pants, Drawers, and Vests in Wool and Merino Stockings and Socks; Scarves, Ties, and Collars. Also a great Variety of Lidios' Woollen and Merino Garments. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S -t-J GLOVES AT SALE PRICES. RIBBONS AND RIBBON VELVETS UNDER THE SAME MANAGEMENT. JJLUUNISHING DRAPERY -6' JQEPARTMENT. This Department during tho re-building of New Premises carried on in VVIIARTON-S'iRKET. In this Depariment Lacies can select Table Linens, Sheetings in Cotton and Linen, L'ce Curtains, Blinds, Down Goods, Cretonnes, TrtpesGry and Chellille Cur- tains and Table Covers, Cotton and Linen Pillow.anti Bolster Cases, ready for imu.edi ite use. Every piece of Goods (new or old) will be marked at Sale Prices. MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF J-Tja. LINEN SHEETINGS, TABLE NAPKINS, and TABLE CLOTHS at Special Sale Prices. A *$^ PAIRS COLOURED CANY AS TT-OiP LACE CURTAINS, to Clear. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDER- CLOTHING DEPARTMENT will be found full of CHEAP LINES, and every line in this useful department will be reduced in Drice for this Special Sale. rpRIMMINGS AND LACES will be JL marked off in Lots to clear at very Low Prices. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, & FLOOR- CLOTHS. AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. Tapestry, commencing from lCfd Real Brussels, from Is I15d Kiddelmi,srer (Union), from Ii 3d per yarcl. LINOLEUM AND CORTICINE SALE AT PRICtS. /id PIECES BiiST FLOOR-CLOTH, -2t (/ Regular Price, 2s 7Ad, Sale Price, Is lljd per yard. THE LOW PAINTED BACK FLOOR. CLO I'll, usually sold at Is iij l and Is 33 i, now a.t lljd per runnmg yard of 70 inches wide. This Cloth canUOL be bought 1rum any other House at the price. PIKCES BRUSSELS CARPET, COMMENCING AT Is l!jd PER YARD. PIKCES BEST (NOT SECOND) QUALITY TAPESTRY CARPET, com- •neneing at Is per yard. Competition defied and (■mothered. Complaints to Manufacturers as to our sailing under list prices are useless. GOOD bought wiil be delivered as early as possible, but H. and Co. cannoc guarantee to deliver day of Sale. fJlERMS £ JASH—j^"0 CREDIT. JJOWELL AND 0OMPANY, THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, CARDIFF, DOORS OPEN AT TEN A.M. 5313; I j Jlnfrlic glotues. ARDIFF GAS AND COKE COM- PANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ONE HUNDRKD AND SEVENTH HALF YEARLY or ORDINARY MEETING of the Proprietors of this Company wiil be held in the Board Room, at the Company's Offices, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 5th day AUGUST NEXT, at One o'clock p.m. for the transac ion of the General Busïnes of the Company. The Transfer Books will be closed on and after the 26th day of July instant, and will not be re-opened until after the said Meeting. By order. GEORGE CLARRY, Secretary. Cardiff, 9th July, 1890. 5328 l-RITON FERRY DOCK. The GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY and the NEATH HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on and after the 1st August next, GREAT REDUCTIONS WILL BE MADE in the DOCK and HARBOUR DUES upon aU steamers and s-ailing vessels entering the Dock, in the Dock and Harbour Dues on coal and coke, and in tbe pilotage charges. The charges for Buoyaje and Mooring Chains will be abolished. For the Great JVestern Railway j. IIENRY LAMBERT. For the Neath Harbour Com-) T-PWTQ missioners. j-uWYiN lifcAVlb. KHONDDA AND SWANSEA BAY RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Company's Trains will, on and after MONDAY, the 14th imt., RUN INTO and START FROM t'e TAFF VALE COMPANYS STATION at TREHERBKRT. Five Trains will run between Aberaron and Treherbert each way daily, as follows :— Sats. UP TRAINS. only, a.m. a in. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Aberavon (dep.) .8. 5.. 9.30..12. 5..3.40..6.30..8.45 Treherbert (arr.).„ ..8.47..10. 8..12.47..4.22..7.10..9.27 Sats. DOWN TRAINS. only. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Treherbert (dep).8.12.. 9.35..12.13..2.40..6. 0.. 9.45 Aberavon (arr.) .8.53..10.18.. 12.b3..3.20..b.41..10.2S For full particlIh1.r.¡ ee the Time Bills exhibited at tlw various Stations. Notice is hereby further given that this Service will shortly be altered, noticy of which will be given. By order, H. S. LUDLOW, Secretary. Swansea. July 12th, 1890. 5129 I £ JAMBRIAN IiiiYlTw AY s7 ABERYSTVVITH, TOWYN, BARMOUTH, &C„ VIA THE WYE VALLEY ROUTE. Important accelerations have been made in the Train I. Service from 1st July, aud hnllg] carriages are now runnin daily fWlIl CARDIFF (T.V.) at 10.28 a.m. NEWPORT (B. & M.) at 11.5 a.m. and MERTHYR (B. & M.) at 12.10 p.m. The Rhymney Company s train from Cardiff at 11.30 a.m.connects witÏ1 Ntwport through carriage atBargoed. Fortnightly and Two-monthly Tourist Tickets are issued at all the principal stations ill South Wales. J. CONACHEK, Secretary and General Manager. Oswe-try, July, 1890. 5063 THE SOUTH WALESUNION BANK, -S. LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that fhe Board of Directors have this day declared an INTFRIM DIVIDEND upon the Paid-up Capital of the Company ac the rate of 7 PER CET. PER ANNUM, free of Income-tax, for tbe half-year ending 30th ultimo. The above dividnd will be payable on and after WEDNESDAY, 16th instant, and the usual warrants will be forwarded in due course. The TRANSFER BOOKS of the Company will be CLOSED from WEDNESDAY, 9th, till THURSDAY, 17th instant, both days inclusive. By order. T. R. R. DAVIDSON, General Manager. Swansea, 7th July, 1890. 5329 PONTYPRIDD FRUIT, FLOWER^ JL AND VEGETABLE SHOW. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The FIRST ANNUAL FLOWER, FRUIT, and VEGETABLE SHOW will be held in PONTYPRIDD on THURSDAY, August 28th next. Funher particulars will be advertised, or caD be obtained of the Hon. Sec., WJlI. SJ-ickott. Gelliwastad- road, Pontypridd. 3839 ABERYSTWYTH.—WEST COAST OF WALES. Bracing Air, Grand Scenery, Excellent Sea Bathing, Good Fishing and Hunting—Foxhounds and Harriets —Perfect Sanitary Arrangements, with abundant Supply of Pure Water from Plynlimon Lake. "A, fortnight's residence at Aberystwyth in some cases is equivalent to a month's residence at most other watering-places."—Sir James Clark. Physiciau to the Queen. "You cannot have a healthier watering-place in England or Wales than ABERY8TWYTH.Sir W. Gull, Bart. Through Carriages from Merthyr and Caadiff. 4704 RIGADE ORDEHS BY COL. E. S. HILL, C.B., M.P., Comuiandent Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers Cardiff, 12th July, 1890. From July to 2nd August an encampment of Regular and Volunteer Forces will be :formed at Maker Heights, Devonpovt. The Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers, numbering 30 all ranks, and 196 of the 1st Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers, together with I batteries of field and garrison artillery, a regmlent of the line, detachments of army service and medical staff corps, and a Rifie Volunteer Battalion, will form defence force, while an attacking force will be en- camped at Tregantle. The first four days will be de- voted to drill and organization, under the supposition that war is threatened, but not declared, The la,t three days' operations will be carriecl on under the supposition that war has been declared, and naval and land attacks will be made on the forts and defences manned by the corps. The Commandant invites all wishing to attend to legister their names at once so tbat the necessary arrangements for their transport and comfort in camp may be completed. By prder, (Signed) M. S. EYRE, Captain and Adjutan^Glamorgau Artillery Volunteers. REGIMENTAL ORDERS BY COL. C. H. PAGE, Commanding^nd Glamorgan Artillery Y oluntetlrs. Cardiff, 12th July, 1 90. Gun and recruit drill every evening, except Satur- ay at 7.30 p.m. Carbine practice on Saturday from 1..30 p.m. For duty :—Major Fisher, Lieutenant Cooke, Surgeon-Major Vachell, Sergeant Harding, Corporal Pitman,Bombarà.ier Banflll, Corporal Trumpeter Prigg. By order, (Signed) M. S EYRE, Captain and Adjutant 2nd Glamorgan Artillery Volunteer3. t- — .1 i 1Eaa Isfe for Qtlassitiratiou. BUTCHERS' ARMS YARD, PONTYPRIDD, SALE OF U>EKUI. HORSES, CARTS, HARNESS, &c. MR JOHN THOMAS has received in- structions to Si<LL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at I the above yard, on WEDNESDAY, July 16, 1?90, at Two p.m., the following HORSES, CARTS, HARNESS, (Sc., Three very useful cart horses (warranted good I workers), o atr tip carts (as good as new),several sets of harness (quite new), several chain harness, also new a quantity of nosebags, together with several other useful artIcles too numerOllS 10 particularise. The above are the prOpèrty of a contractor who bas just completed a contract. Hiving no further use for them, tho whole will be offered for ab'3olute sale. Terms cash. Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer at his Offices, Market-street and Bridge Inn Hotel, Pontypridd. PARTRIDGE AND PONTRHONDDA .IL ATHLETIC SPORTS. TROTTING CUM. PETITION, and HORSE RACE, MONDAY. BANK HOLIDAY. August 4ch, 1890. PROGRAMME. 130 YARDS OPEN HANDICAP.. £ ZQ 440 YARDS OPEN HANDICAP „ £ io" HAN JHGAP. £3. 14 MILK OPEN TROTTING HANDICAP. £15. 1? MILE HORSE BACH, 14.2 and under.. £ 10. Entries close Thursday morning certain. July 31st, 1890. lor further particulars apply to TOM FELIX, lrealaw Hofceli Trealaw. SW ANSEA. JJRAPERY. JQRAPERY. J^DWARDS' SUMMER SALE rjlO-DAY, O N D A I, AND DURING JULY. OXFORD-STREET, WATERLOO-STREET, And PARK-STREET, SWANSEA. 6137 £ JA VENDISH JJOUSE GREAT ANNUAL SUMMER Jg ALE HAS COMMENCED. SPECIAL gAR GAINSi IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Ladies are invited to write for De- tailed Catalogue of the Sale, and Patterns of the Reduced Materials, Sketches of tho Costumes, Mantle*, &c. CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPY.. LTD., /CHELTENHAM. 5005 INDIGESTION,—-The MEDICAL RE. Jt. FOtlM SOCIETY will send FREE to all applicants an excellent BOTANIC CUR 15 for Indigestion, BilioUij. d Liver complain's.—Enclose address to the SECRK* X4&Y, BOTANIC INSTITUTE. NOTTINGHAM. 971 liusiiuss Àùùresses. | H 6* j •i* c y. (J ARDItfF, AA 23, 29, & 30, HIGH-STREET, I 30, 32, & 34, CASTLE ARCADE. JOHN JAMES AND GREAT JJALF YEARLY SAL OF I SURPLUS gTOCK I AT LESSENED PRICES THIS J)Ay> I ) AND THROUGHOUT THE MONTH. THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST I ASSORTMENT OF I JpRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY (TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED) OUT OF LONDON. I THE WHOLE STOCK RE-MARKED IN ¡' RED INK AS USUAL AT HALF PRICES. Every Piece throughout our Popular JpANCY JJRE&S JQEPARTMENT AT CLEARING PRICES. I Our Grand Collection of Hi^h-class I jyjODELS IN MANTLES, JJOLMANS, JACKETS, COSTUMES, ETC. EVERY GARMENT REDUCED. JMPERIAL WATERPROOF CLOAKS, LARGE STOCK TO CLEAR. jJ^ADIES' BLOUSES IN MUSLIN, ZEPHYR, SURAT, PONGEE, etc. An enormous Stock to clear at from Is Old up. The whole of our Stock of LADIES"JERSEYS AT CLEARING PRICES. J ADIES' REAL IRISH HAND-SEWN UNDERCLOTHING. SOME DESPERATE BARGAINS IN HIGH-CLASS GOODS. ALPINE WOOL UNDERCLOTHING. A LOT TO CLEAR. I J^ORLEY'S CELEBRATED HOSIERY I AT SPECIAL PRICES. I ASHING DRESS FABRICS, IN ZEPHYR, PRINTED SATEEN, YOSEMITE, DE LAINE, &c. The wbolo of our beautiful range reduced for j clearing. j i j LACE CURTAINS, MADRAS DITTO, j GUIPURE DITTO, j ALL REDUCED. j OUR CHOICE COLLECTIONS; OF I TAPESTRY & BRUSSELS CARPETS, ¡ SQUARES, RUGS, &c., I AT PRICES WORTH LOOKING AFTER. 1 1 LINOLEUM. The Best Makes (including i Staiuos') at 4 SPECIAL PRICES. — 1 JJOUSEHOLD J^INENS.J JUL jU LONG CLOTHS, SHEETS, AND j SHEETINGS, J BLANKETS, QUILTS, TABLE CLOTHS, J at less than manufacturers' prices. J "YY^RITE FOR CATALOGUE. TV OF j SPECIAL Y INES. j jgYSTEM OF JgUSINESSl AND | CONDITIONS OF SALE. ] ] THE WHOLE STOCK MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AT LOWKST PRICES FOB j READY MONEY. | ANY ARTICLE BOUGHT AND NOT | APPROVED OF EXCHANGED, OR "j THE MONEY RETURNED. j I GOODS ON APPROBATION CANNOT BE | SENT OUT DURING THE SALE. The SALE PRICE marked in Rod Ink beneath; the Original showing the Reduction. PATTERNS of any of tho lines mentioned in our Catalogue Cut and Sent Post Free on Application. rpms J)AY, j j AND THROUGHOUT THE MONTH. j j JOHN J AMES AND QOMPANY, Renowned for Fashionable Goods. The Best Article at the Lowest Price. 6096 < i | ^gatngss 2>Dftrgs5gs. ROGERS' AK v ALES AND pORTERS i t £ '(In 4 Gallon Casks Intl upwards). BREWERY, BRISTOL. CURDIFF STORES WORKING-STREET. NEWPORT STORES COMMERCIAL BUILDING H CHEPSTOW STORES BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Applicatiom for Purchasing Agencies in South Wales to be addressed to 5. B. HADDOCKS, PKNAHTH. No extra. charge fcr Ales and Porters supplied in 4i 13966 Gallon Vask. 1221 AMERICAN PRODUCTS. R OY AL BAKING POWDER, ABSOLUTELY PURE; (Trade Mark Registered). INDISPENSABLE FOR FINE COOKING. The Royal Baking Powder raises bread, biscuits, rolls, muffins, scones, cike, etc., without the aid of yeast, saleratus, or cream of tartar, rendering them lighter, sweeter, and more palatable and wholesome. Its use avoids all decomposition of the flour as •aused by yeast rising, thereby saving a large per- centage of its most nutritive elements. Maintains its full strength in any climate, any length of time. Endorsed by the United States Government Chemists, and by the leadingphysicians and hygieuists of America. The Royal Baking Powder ia guaranteed absolutely pure and wholesome, and superior in all ways to every other baking powder. Because of its much greater strength, the Royal Baking Powder is likewise more economical than any similar leavening agent. 4 SOLD IN CARDIFF BY E. THOMAS, 282. BUTE-STREET, And other Dealers in High-class Groceries, I A valuable oopy book, containing nearly 1,000 re- cipes for the preparation of the choicest cookery, will ba furnished free, on application. ROYAL BAKING POWDER COMPANY, 106, Wall-street, New York York, U.S.A. 5156 ¡ SWANSEA, I B EVANS AND £ J0MPY''S GREATEST QLEARANCE SALE OF J-JR APERY, J1ANCY AND F URNISHING GOODS, AT JJEDUCED PRICES, rjlHIS D AY, AND DURING THE MONTH. 1016 Possessing all the properties ot the ttnest arrowroot; JgROWN AND JpOLSON'S 0ORN JjlLOUR HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. 226 NOTE.—Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist ou being supplied with BROWN AND POLSON'S. It is distinjruished for uniformly superior quality. 1017 TEETH.—Complete Set Guinea Single Tooth, 2s fed. Five years' warranty. Re- models, repairs, &c. Painless Dentistry, Gas, <fec,— GOODMAN AND Co., B' Cardiff, and 23 B, High-street (Market-lane), Newport. 1.504 ill1. THE S TAN D A R D LIFE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1825. FUNDS: £ 7, 3 5 0, 0 0 0. BONUS YEAR, 1890. Policies effected with profits before 15th Nov next will participate. BONUSES DECLARED LAST VALUATION IN 1885, 9 3 0, 0 0 0. 1428 CHIEF AGENT AT BRISTOL P. BURGESS, 7 ST.STEPHAN-STREET. c "0TTO" (^-AS JjJjNGINE o vIm 28,000 IN USE. I From 2 man to 100 h.p. REFERENCES for ALL TRADES and in ALL TOWNS Second-Hand Engines. Deferred Payment System. I ROSS LEY jgROS., | ^IMITED OPENSH AW. MA NCTI EST KK.

Family Notices

.1.-41¡ MONDAY, JULY 14, im.I

-_-,----.----THE LATEST RHYL…


--.-.----.....--.-SOUTH WALES…

-------_----_-_-CANON LIDDON'S…

[No title]