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ALLSOPP dt SOJNS, BASS CO., otberl of the Bnettt BURTON PRICES ALES Kilderkin Krkin 18a 98 \k/ 21a 10s 6d 248 128 0\ ADd opwudll 1C30 h ———— alt5 bg ÀUdían. AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. Messrs BOWLING BROTHERS. Freehold Property, at Pembroke July 15 Mr W. BRADLEY, Household Furniture, at Caidift .July 14 Horse, Cart, and Harness, at Cardiff Juiy 14 Messrs W. C. CLARKE a.nd DOVEY. Brewery Property, at Cardiff July 29 Messrs TREGERTHEN DUNN and CO. Steamship Shares, at Cardiff July 17 Mr D, EVANS. Grocery, Crockery, &c., at Peuarth July 15 Messrs GOTTWALT7 & BO WRING. Hunters, Harness Horses, Ac., at Cardiff July 19 Shire Stallion, at Cardiff July '9 Household Furniture, at Cardiff July 25 Messrs HOWARD and KING. Villa and Premises, at Pontypridd July 16 JOHN HOWELL and HUGHES. Freehold Properties, at Aberdnre .July 17 Double licensed Public-house, at Aberdare Mr RICHARD K HUGHES. Leasehold and Freehold Property, at SWanS611. July 17 Mr THOMAS MAJOR JONES. Beerhouse and Building Land, ft Aber.avoa..July 17 Messrs JOHN M. LEEDER & SON. Freehold Estates, at Llandilo Aug. 29 Messrs MAD110X and CO. Fnrniture, at Cardiff W'Tc'? Furniture, Pianos <fcc., at Rooms • •. Ju.y lb & -.7 Safety Bicyc es and Tiicycles, at Cardiff July 23 Mr MONTGOMERY. Property, at Cardiff July 24 Mr G. W. MORISCO Hungarian Cobs and Ponies, at Non-port July 16 Mr PHILIP MORGAN. Freehold & Leasehold Properties, Biaenavon.. July 17 Mr T. RULE OWEN. Freehold Property, at Haverfordwest. July 22 Freehold Property at Haverfordwest Au, 2 Messrs EDWARD ROBERTS and SON. Leasehold Properties, at Swansea July 14 Messrs SHORT and DUNN. High-class Paintings, &c. at Cardilf .July 17 & 18 Messrs STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER. Freehold Building Sites, <fcc., at Cardiff July 15 Plaat, Machinery, &c., at Toudu July 18 Freehold Shop and Premises, at. Cardiff July 29 Leasehold Premises, at Cardiff July 29 ^ensehold Residence, at Cardiff July £ 9 ■•freehold Premises, at Cardiff —July — Mr MATTHEW WI1ITTINGTON. ■Double-licensed House & Premi es, at Neath July 16 „ Mr JOHN WILLIAMS. ■freehold Properties, at Llandovery July 18 SHERIFF'S SALE. norse, Cart, etc., Garden Produce, at Cardiff ..July 14 m- m_- SALE TO-MORROW. -» SALTMEAD, CARDIFF. JVFESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ±-*JL ANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION j R°yal Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 15th y. 18^0. at Six for Seven p.m., 55 LOTS OF FREEHOLD YEARLY RENTS, niountinc: to £ 189 5s 7d. very amply securcd, an 1 LOTS OF ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD Ihei BUFLDING LAND. e lanll IS free from tithe and land-tux, and will be ji. 8ldd without any restrictive covenants. road rS "nlaRes '<> Clare-road, Saltmead-road, Court- <^omi\J'0rnwa""roat^ Allerton-street, Stouthton street, i>or«pf0^"Streot;> Somerset-street, Hereford-street, *>Pon *et' au(l Devon-stieet, recently constructed Canliff Wah forraerly known as the Saltmead, nà Coneya.nce. free of charge (except for Stamp kiid ti be. granted to any Purchaser of a piece of th^"c«la- »«»d Conditions of Sale may be had of COrb UctlOneers, 5, High-street, Cardiff Mr K W. M. ett, Surveyor, Castle-street, Cardiff or of 47,„ Mr ROBERT W. GRIFFITH, -=- .Solicitor, Cardiff. GLANNANT COLLIERY. TONDU, GLAMORGANSHIRE. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX. oa FJUANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, In th Dy, 1890, at the above Colliery, Parish of Bettws, the whole of the surplus In 0 PLANT, MACHINERY, &c., flne;¡ about the colliery, including: (,.wheel locomotive 67ft. v' kf? 8-ton coal wagons, egg-eml boiler, fcin. boi-;»! Wi ftf-tings ^mall tubular boiler, pair i„,ual engines, mortar null, 5ft. 6i». pan and IIteanl a.lever land pump, ram (nearly new), two bin. ^eatu ■s~J!e8' Bil'y Fairplay, 100 sets tram fittinjrs, two Pullr>ys fA03' ra'' straightening block, six various bra'kp vk° <t' &in" <luantity various pumn rod. pit, r0nft5 «'heel, lot or railway chairs, water tanks, old raiis and\ plates, and several tons of mixed The sli ■s'!t am' cas' scrap iron, <fcc <tc. Punctually comrnence at Twelve o'clock Noon *Clv°neS. are lri course o? preparation, and will further int Issu?d; and may, together with any at the r i,?nnMion, b obtained from Mr Lawrence, Ca-veiify u lory or of tho Auctioneers, 5, Hi^h-streot, ^•^0. 49"3 KALE op QUKF.N-STREET, CAROfFF. l^/i ircoryALUABI'K FitKEHOLD PROPERTY. STEPHENSON & ALEX- Ilt the Pa,u I? are instructed to SKi.L bv AUCTION, cf";diT, on TUESDAY, the 29th to condition. octockin the Afternoon, nubject IlS to J.¡c then produced, all that com- L!HLD SHOP AND PREMISES, occupation QUlmN.HTR¡¡;T. CAffDtFF. How in music f Messrs Cooper Coutts & Co. as a tfouml floor ware,ho,u^e- aiid coniainiug, on the ,'tche'i on<! », p ;uul *hcwrooni. large kitchen, liacli "ra\vi,IL; V"'1. thu usual offices on the flrsf floor. Panttv. ,,ns' and sittuiR-ro'oniH, bathroom and •oouVy Ul° s«cond floor, four bedrooms, dressing. the and a servant's bedroom and attic on 111 I> uoor. !J.Ve.uat3^ freehold, and have a frontaeo to ^h a. ha t" 2lft. 6in.. and a depth of over /OOfc., street entrance by an occupation road toCharles- Part'culars of the Auctioneers, or of Messrs Jni ew, Ince, and Vachell, Solicitors, Cardiff, 1890. 5212 I, MOUNT STUART-SQUAB fC. CARDIFF SALE OF VALUABLE LEAS & HOLD PREMISES JY| ESSRS STEPHENSON and A! EX- rr* ANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION j. ,^10 Park Hotel, Cardiff, on TUKSDAY, tiro 29th \r/• !890, vit Three o'clock in tho Afternoon, alf that ^ALUABLK LEASEHOLD PREMISES, thfi°Wn *s'°* Mount SLuart-squf re, CardiU', now in tlth OCCUpation of Aieasrs J. Heron Wilson and Co. and Tr as lnerchant's office,. fetuai-h prtni^es have a frontage of 20ft. to Mount the NnS?Ua,e an<1 a depth of about 58ft., and abut on '*cinl H sid« the New Dowlais Arcade, is Almost *nci in roain entrance to the Merchants' Exchange, The business centre at the Docks. years Perty is held under a lease from 1858 for 99 Produpin8, *?round rent of £ 4 10s, and is let at rentals Fiivtbfir U?e nKKreKate £ 121 per anuuui. Rnrt W'ju^ Partl9ulars may b? had of Messrs Randal 5. Hith .+n' aolicit;or! Cardiff, or of the Auctioneers, J ulr i90eet, C1\rù¡fl. -IIGGR'C"A'°- 5.2_3_- SALE OF l^y,POIlT-KOAD. CARDIFF. "]&/I v«auciUABLE LKASKIIOLD KHSIDENCE. LVL/V\BT!^ STEPHENSON and ALEX- >t ihe Pn-i-11 are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, July. 1890 >! Cardiff, on TUESDAV, tiio 2rfth C( )M A/irvi-riee °'c'ock in the Afternoon, all that WWD[(|US AND DESIRABLE Known a, fru^H0LD RESIDEN'C! ARNAL, beinir No. 38, NEWPORT- And lately in ROAD, CARDIFF, y 111 the occupationof J. A. B. Williams, Esq., The Honse' M.lC.K bedrooms t con tams 1 hrce reception rooms, scven room, w c a linen closets, bath- jjwdation.'hot. a, lc> 'des excellent/kitchen iiccom- 3 here i8 aijj,, cold water, and the u-uul oltices. two viiieues in v,JJ,,eVt' cellarage. The gardens contain *n'} the house ha* f,u'- trees, and shed, Fuitherparticui^t'i1"^ back ent ranco. published, and mavV13 l^ase, Ac., will shortly be Messrs Uory ana Wlii* <?!,t^ed u^oii application to Auctioneers, 5, Hjcri, 'f' Solicitors, Curditf, or to the July, 1890. Sh-btreefc, Cardilf. 52M_ The Model Aunrion'M^tfSlsPA)1- ZT&^lvo- quantity of HOUSEHOLD I,'] a la,»e "ale at 2 o'clock RNITURF., Ac- "— — 855 SALE THIS J)A) » n, ,6 M°del Auction Mart, North-road M VJN. SKLL^tuc. gtrv- dp"eaSed.) Sale'at half-wa^t 1. RSa A WONDERBUL MEDICINE Are uniwo „ BRKCHAM'S PILLS BOXfor bmn y ai1lniltted to bo worth a GUINEA a intho uisorders.such as wind and indsweUimr .^11'81^ headache, Riddniess, fullness lliills. flinivn J -111? liizzi"es3 and drowsiness, cold kreatfi Cosri.fS 01 • Jos,s of appetite, shortness of jlistuibed si„:nef! a,u:' blotches on the skin, ireinblinr dreams, and all nervous and relief in T ic- The firfit dose will give Hver nty "'mutes. iheae HHs ^e,r<3;r.\s earl"rMy invited to try one box of \vVw>i!ew w be acknowledged to Re ForK.«. )0I}J A GUINEA A BOX. *s a few nla °/(f11 ages t^ese Pills are invaluable, >bout Zi tV*? °( Ulem °?rry °,f aU 'ours, aud brin- »utth«!i th»«»s required..No female should be with- £ oec.W' 1> ner? meaiclue t0 be found equal to ecuams PiUsjorreuiovmg any obstruction or irregu. i¿t; of the system. If taken according to the direc- f gncn With ea.CH box, they wlll soon restore hmales of all ases to sound aim robust health This ■a* been proved by thousands who have tried them S i°und the benefits waitv are ensured by their us» For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, aud ail ilsorQes of the Liver, they act like M/GIC, and a. few loses will be found to work wonder, upon the most hiporwuic organs ill the human mnchme. They Hrengthen the whole muscular system,restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, a.rouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These lie FACTS testified continually by members of 'las^es of society, and one ot the best guarantees to Aie Nervous and Debilitated is Beecham's Pills have u ^aie oi any patent medicine in the worid. Prepared onlv, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helen's ca.shire. in Boxes Is lAd and 2s 9d each. Sold by al a.nd Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. 62 full directioDs are given with each oox. 1144 nfts kg ^mtion. ON SATURDAY NEXT. JULY 19TII, 1890. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING will hold a SALE of HUNTERS, HARNESS HOHSES, COBS, PONIES, AND CART HORSES, At the Horse Exrhange, Cardiff, on the above date. Present Entries include :— 2 HORSES from T. P. Powoll, E-q. HUNTER from S. A. Whitehead, Esq. HORSE from A. Lewis, Esq. 2 HORSES from n. Thomas, Esq. Also Entries from Messrs Smith, Divies, Jones, Ellward" and others. Further entries are solicited, which, to appear in pre. liminnry catalogues, must be received bJ Tuesday, July 15th. 5164 ON FRIDAY. 25TH JULY, 1890. AN IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE OF SUB- STANTIALLY-MADE AND VALUABLE HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, ABOUT 40 HIGH-CLASS OIL-PAINTINGS and WATER-COLOUR DRAW- INGS by renowned artists, a VERY SUPERIOR COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, a quantity of First- quality Electro-plated Articles (removed from several large Residences at PJ113rtlJ, Cathedral-road, and elsewhere) MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING have received instructions to SELL uy AUC. TION, at their Rooms, 11. High-street, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 2Jth July, 1890, at Eleven o'clock pre. cisely, THE VERY SUPERIOR AND SUBSTANTIALLY. MADE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIC- TURES, &c., Comprising THE CONTENTS OF SIX BED- CHAMBERS. including a MASSIVE BEDROOM SUITE jn American w,1iuut, with handsome wardrobe and elegant toilot tables; five other tuitos in mnhopany, walnut, and ash, and the furniture of :ecúndaryand "e\wts' rooms. VERY HANDSOME BRASS AND JAPANNED BEDSTEADS with spring m3.ttrÐso¡:, wool and hair mu.ttre3sèS, and bedding, by tirrit.cla83 manufacturers; in splendid condi- tion; toilet services, baths, &c. A COSTLY DRAWING ROOM SUITE, beautifully inlaid aud corerod in silk, tapestry, and plush. A VERY HANDSOME AND ARTISTICALLY IN- LAID CABINET WITH LOFTY BACK; elegant walnu;, rosewood, and gilt overmantles large pier glass, occasional cbairs Jll sili; and plush, an inlaid rosewood centre table card, occasional, and work- tables in rosewood and other woods. A VERY BRILLIANT-'J'ONED FULL-COMPASS TRICHORD COTTAGE PIANOFORTE; WILTON AND BRUS- SIÇJ.8 CARPETS of tbeb6st quality and vry choice designs, supplied by the leading houses. Several suites of tapestry and dunask window curtains. A VERY SUPERIOR BROWN OAK DINING-ROOM SUITE uplJOjtered in morocco leather. A NOBLE SIDEBOARD with large plate-rrlass back, and a DINING TABLE en ^uite a WKLL-MADE LIBRARY SUITE of FURNITURE in American walnut, covered in leather, with HANDSOME 6-FT- SIDEBOARD, DINING TABLE, and ft SECRETAIRE BOOKCASE HANDSOME MASSIVE MARBLE CLOCKS, equestrian groups and statuettes, and costly suites of vases and ornamental articles hall furniture in oak, capital grandfather's clock in carved onk case, barometer and thermometer ABOUT 40 HIGH-CLASS OIL PAINTINGS and VVATEU- COLOUR DRAWINGS dinner, tea, and dessert service, table glass, electro-plated articles, and quantity uf miscellaneous effects. ON VIEW THE DAY PRIOR TO SALE. Catalogues MAY bo HAD of THE AUCTIONEERS ONE week PRIOR TO SALE. 5165 SALE THIS DAY. snORT NOTICE OF SALE. RIIEOLA HOUSE, No. 189, RICHMOND-ROAD, CARDIEF. ON MONDAY, JULY 14M, 1590, COMMENCING- MESSKS J. G. MADDOX AND CO. ARE INSTRUCTED BV THE EXECUTRIX OF THE LATE MRS Dyer to SELL BY AUCTION, at THE RESIDENCE as above, the w hole of THE EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in drawing and dining-rooms, hall, 4 bedroom3, and kit chens. There will bs 110 reserve. For further p.trticul .rs see posters, or apply to the Auctioneers, at, their Offices aud Salerooms. 25. Dlli;e. street, Cardiff, SALE TO-MORROW. DUKE STREET AUCTION ROOMS. ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY IS^O.ICOMMENCIING AT 2 O'CLOCK PRECISELY. SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EJiFEG r. MESSRS J. G, MADDOX and CO. will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above dates, a quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removed from a Villa Hesidence in C,v;tlt\J"oad, Roa.th; alsoa portion of a manufacturer's STOCK of new furniture consigned for sale to cover advances, ai d comprising appointments suitable for drawing, dining, t'J1l1 break- fast-rooms, halls and bedrooms; also two excellent pianos, in walnut an,1 ebonised cases hI Neumeyer Rnd Co. Giving to the numerous lots i b impossible to particularise, but goods will be on view ùa's prior to and on morning-, of sale, 1111 IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE BREWERY TO BREWEK'S, INVESTORS, AND OTIIF.RS. MESSRS CLAHO: and DOVEY J..Vï have been favoured with instructions to oiler for SALE by AUCTION, as A going concern, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, ON TUESDAY, July 29;h. at three for four o'clock, all that dosirable uropertv known as he CANTON CROSS iiREWERY, Cardiff, together with the Canton Cross Vaults, nnd Two MESSUAGES '11' Dwelling-houses adjoi niul. alld the goodwill of the business connected therewith. J'ho prooertv is held for a term.OF SCyeaMfromSep- teinber, 1Pb!, AT aground rent of £J2 12S per annum. The Brewery Plant quarter] is of modern con- struction. is in good working order, and has been laid down with a view to meeting a large and increasing business. Information may bo had on application to II, Heard, Esq., Solicitor, Cardiff ;Messrs Ingledew, Ince, and VOCHELL, Solicitors, Cardiff or to THO Auctioneer: ;51, Qneen-streat, Cardiff, June 21st, 12:9', 5330 SALE OF STEAMSHIP SHARES. AT THE EXCHANGE, MOUNT STUART-SQUARE CARDIFF. ON THURSDAY, JULY 17nr. 3890, AT 3 P.I. i'llEGEt.THLIN DUNN and JL CO. have been instructed to SELL bv AUG- TION, ûs above, the following STEAMSHIP SHARES, Viz. ] South Cambria SS. Cu., Ltd. t0 -^10 SHARES Golddiffe S.S. Company. Limited. 3 £ 125 R.->HARE ( £ 120 paid) St. Donat'.S N.S. Co., Ld.. Company, Limited. 1 £276 SHARE Castanos S.S. Co., Ltd. 1 64th SHARE S.S. True Briton, of Cardiff Entries for this salo can be made up to the 14th inst. For further particulars apply to Messrs Tregerthen Dunn and Co., Shipping Salesmen and Auctioneers, Merchants' Exchange, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 5101 SALE OF HIGH-CLASS PAINTINGS. DRAWINGS, AND ETCHINGS. !YF ESGRS SHORT and DUNN are in- structed to SELL bv AUCTION, on THURS- DAY and FRIDAY, 17:H and 18 h r.ist., a VALUABLE SELECTION OF PICTURES. Sale will tltko pi :ce at 15, Mount S uatt-aquare, at ii.30 p.m. SHORT and DUNN, R,0„ Merchants' EXCHANGE, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 4, ARCOT-STREET, PENARTII. -M U-T^ ^.T0 GROCERS AND OTHERS. Jyl R EVANS 13 instructed by T. H. to E"q-. C-fiici,\1 Receiver in Bankruptcy, TUESDA vY 4UCTI0N, ON the Premises as above, 011 AIR, lbthJuly, 1590, at 12 o'clock, a quantity UROCEHY, CROCKERY, AND TRADE UTENSILS. b«u fiivourjd WKUNltSJJAV 0:1 excellent; bigh-steppi, .YUUN!7 PONIES, imported DIRECT by TIL 1! COBA and highly recornmeniled to COLLILV FH(. • '"R, Sale to commenoe at 12 o'clock^ S^IT' ISTSA others. Auctioneers' Office, BROADWA° LESERVTG25 SALE THL^JJ^^ NEAR 1HE WHITCJXLJI^UI rgio BE SOLD by AUCTION, ON MON- 1 DAY NEXT, July 14th, a very useful HORSE, CART, and HARNESS, TOGETHER a imntit, of general GARDEN PRODUCE, QJANTLTY the property of Mr Fredk. Ncake, MARKET gardener seized under a distress for rent. • !ieize,lllnder Po distress for rent. • The horse, cart A*rtl ^IIARNES. will be offered for sale at the Hose aud Crown \uril, at l6 o clock noon and the GARDEN produce will be offered for .-ale ON the fie'd belonging to Mr Noake, near the Heath Cato, North road, at half-vast Two o'clock p.in. There will be no reserve. Cardiff, July 10th, 1S90. 5303 Nos 38 and 5F, Elm-street; No. 50, Clifton-street" NOS. 2S, 30, 22, and 34, Bertram-street. Mos. 46 and 48, Sprin»field-place, Canton. 1% /G"R MOIS'TGOML'-LRY is instructed by Mr JJJF j|_ Edward FOX, wh-< is leaving ;!ie iiei^HI>'ourhood ♦A SELL the above valuable PROPERTY by AUC- TION at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, 011 THURSDAY, 24th July, at 3.30 o'clock. Particulars of the Auctioneer, at his Offices, Station- terrnco. Cardiff. 752 RICHARD JGENSON, IMPORTER OF JJAYANA ^JIGARS, 10, HIGH STItKKT' CARDIFF, AND AT BRISTOL. 5107 CURE FOR INFLUENZA. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND < }j The mot certain and speedy Remedy HAYMAN'S BALSAM of JDOREHOUND H For Coughs and Colds and Influenza. TTFCELIEVES COUGH in TEN MINUTES Invaluable in the Nursery. Your Bal-am has cured my cold., and that at oncei I C^N therefore vecomend it confidently to all who suffer from cold. —John Iluyh Janes. {Wisginfab,), Cat. Athraw, Carnarvon. Jan, '87. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JLJL For all disorders or tho Lungs. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of ROHEHOIJN D I JnL Prepared only by A. Hayman &Co. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JL1 15, Albemarle-st., London, (Sold by 1l Chemists ftice, Is lid, 28 9.4 4s W. 1022 ales lm Àurtinn. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. SOUTH WALES. COUNTIES OF CARMARTHEN, PEMBROKE GLAMORGAN. AND CARDIGAN. IMPORTANT SALE of highiy-valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, situate in the patishes of Eettws, Llandebie, Llanedy, Llaneliy, Llangendeirne, Cayo, and Llangadock and the town of Carmarthen, in the County of Carmarthen. In the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, in the County of Pembroke. In the parish of Llanjxyfelach, in the County of Glamorgan, and In the parish of Llanddewy-Brefi, in the County of Cardigan. Comprising the Fertile and well-wooded PROPERTY, known as the New Inn Demesne," together with many eligible farms and tenements, of excellent arable, m"adow, pasture, and woodland, and a house in the Parade, Carmarthen, which will be otIerell for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY ]Vf ESSUS JOHN M. LBEDEIl & SON, -i.TJL at the Drill Hall, Llandilo, on FRIDAY, the 29ili day of August, 1890, at half-past 12 in the after- noon. For further paiticulars see future advertisements, or apply to Messrs Spencer, Corbett, & Evans, Solicitors, Cardiff John Hughes, Esq., Bank, Llandilo or to Auctioneers, Goat-street, Swansea. 5309 SALE 'THIS DAY. COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA: SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, SITUATE AT THIS HAFOD. SWANsjfiA. MESSRS EDWARD ROBERTS & SON have received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, a the Hafod Inn, Hatou, Swansea, oil MONDAY, the 14th day of July, 1S90 (subject to such conditions as shall then and there be produced), the following VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PHOPERTIES LOT 1.—All that MESSUAGK_ or DWELLING- HOUSE, situate and being No. 74, Upper Aberdy- ber:hi-st;eet, Hafod, containing 5 rooms, w.c., and othr convenient offices, now m the occupation of Mr Smith, at the weekly rent, of 5s 6d. LOT 2.- Ail that MESSUAGE 01 DWELLING- HOUSE situate and being No. 75, Upper Aberdyherthi. street. similar to and adjoining Lot 1, now in the OC. cupation of Mr Maddock, at the weekly rent of bs 6d. LOT 3.—AH that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE situate and being No. 76, Upper Aberdyberthi- street, similar to and adjoining Lot 2, now in the occupation of Mr Broomfield, at the weekly rent of 5s &1\, Lor 4.—All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING. HOUSE situate and being No; 77, Upper -Aberdy- berthi-streec, similar to and adjOIning Lot 3, now in the occupation of Mr Morgan, at the weekly rent of b, bel. LOT 5,-All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE situate and being No. 78, Upper Aberdy- berthi-st: ett, similar to aud adjoining lot 4, now in the occnpation of Mr Evans at the weekly rent of bs btl The above lots are held for a term of 99 years from the 25th day of March, 1885, at the yearly ground rent of £ 14. The vendor reserves tho lights of selling the above in one lot or otherwise if separately, then the ground rent will be apportioned a.t the time of Kfile. The mines and minerals Huder aU the lots are re- served. A great portion of the purcuaso money may remain on mortgage. Sale to commence at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. For further particulars apply to Mr P. Lewis Martell, of 25, Castle-street, Swansea, Solicitor or the auc- tioneers, 45, Oxford-street, Swansea. 5277 COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA, AND ELSE Will* RE. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD AND FREE- HOLD PKUPERl*- M R RICHARD E. has been instructed by the Execu'or of the late Mr E. Beavau, to OFFlt for SALE by 1 ^BL^ AUCTION, at the Roval Hotel, Swansea, on 111 uu.^>UA Y, July 17tb, 1830, at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such cOlllitions as shall then and there be produced), the following l'IWPERTmS CONNER HOUSE and PREMISES, situate and being No. b7, truuswick street, Swansea, ac pieaeut in LOT 2.-All..¡lat I.ed.seholll IIOU:IC, known as No. 58, Kruuswick-street, let to Mr Anthony, as tenant, at £ 19 15sper annum t OQ Lots 1 and 2 are held on Lease for a term of 99 years, from 34th of June, J52, at a ground rent of £\10s II year, which will be equ-tlly apj>ortionea. LOT 3.—-All that Leasehold HOUg, known 53, Brunswick-street, let to Mrs Sey. as tenant, at a. a year, held for a term of S9 years, from the 26111 of March, 3853, at a ground rent of b a. year. LOT 4.—All that Leasehold RESIDENCE with laree Garden, known as Bruns.vick Cottage (otherwise 63, Brunswick-street), let to Mr Owen, as tenant, at £35 Ser annum, held for a term of 59 years, from 2oth lecember, 1851, at the very low ground rent of £ 2 10s LOT 5.—All that Leasehold HOUSE, GROUND, and PREMISES, situate at Springfield Gardens, West- cross, in the occupation of Mr George George, who holds same for a term of 45 years from September, 1872, at the yearly rent, of £9.1-;0 all that HOUJi: jn :pril1¡!;field Gardens, Westcross, now let to lr Jen. kins at R13 a year. This Lot is held for a term of SO years, from 29th September, 103, less 4 days, at a ground rent of 50s per annum. Lot 6.—All that Freehold HOUSE and GARDEN, situate at Abergwiili, near Carmarthen, a.nd known a Larab Cottage, let at S13 a year. Further particulars and conditions oi sale can be obtained oÎ tht: Auctioneer, 4, Wind-street, Swansea or from Mr R. 1'. LEYSON. Solicitor, 20, York-street, SlVase. By crder of the Executors of the will of Mrs Elizabeth Howelis, deceassd. A B ERA VON, PORT TALBOT. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FitEKHOLD BEER HOUSE AND VALUABLE BUILDING LAND ja H, THOMAS MAJOR JONES will SELL by AUCTION, at tho Walnut Tree Hotel, Aberavon, on THURSDAY, Juiy 17th, 1890, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in the following orsnch other lots as may be detsruiiped upon at the time of sale. LOT I.-Tho ohl,cRt,Lblíshôd FREEHOLD ImEU, HOUSE, known as the "Rod House,situato in Cwui- avon-road, in 'he town of Aberavon, having a front- age "fnbont 37ft 6in to the said street, and now in the temporary occupation o. Mr Walter Ilare, together with the Two Cottages and Gardens at the rear thereof, in the occupation of Mrs Jenkins and another, as monthly tenants, the whole containing 715 square yards, or thereabouts. LOT 2.—The Valuable PIECE of BUILDING LAND adjoining Lot 1, and having "i. ti outage of about 51 feet to Cwinavan-ront aforesaid, containing 632 square yards, or thereabouts. The pioperty is situate in the man thoroughfare leading from Aboravoa to the large and important works' centre at Cwmavon. ami wea within the busi- ness area of the town of Aberavon. The Auctioneer desires to call attention to the fact that property in this important centre is being rapidly bought up and sites acquired, so that intending pur- chasers will do well to a rail themselves of this Sale, as affording an excellent opportunity of acquiring 0110 of the best available building sites in the town of Abenivon. A Ground Plan may be inspected nt the Offiees of the Solicitors to the Vendors, ard further particulars obtained 011 application to tIn Auctioneer, High- Street, Aberavon or to Messrs TENNANT & JONES, 50.59 Solicitors, Aberavon. ABERDAl.'E. TO BREWERS, LICENSED VICTUALLERS, AND OTHERS. MESSRS J. HOWELL and HUGHES J3JL have received instructions noni iMr John Evans, Ynyscedwin Ami*. Ystradgynlai^ to SELL ny PUBLIC AUCTION, on J <' ESDA v July .2., lb^O. at 6 o clock p.m., upon the Premises (Marq.us of l>t t„ In„, Com- mercial-placs, Aberdare). in such lots a^ ia .y then be determined upon, all fckat «ld-e'a(3rTK, T(, BftlT FREE DOUBLE-LiCENSED UBLIC-HOUSE, Known as the Marqui' of Bute tun rcial-place, Abenlaie, with Brewhouse aHHch .d, and TWO COTiAGES, Situate and being Nos. 70 and 71, Bute-street, Aber- dare. The licensed house is lot uoon a1,early tenancy, and is now in the occupation of M^ :and with the cottages produces an annuai c^lof £ o7 10s. ^8F^urThe^particu!a?3eand o)»tained of the Auctioneers, at their omces„7, Cardiff- Btreec • Lewis-street, Aberaman, and Park-lane, Aber- dare or of Messrs Linton and Kensholc, Solicitors, Aberdare JJEMPTHORNE & SONS. Solicitors, Neath, FREEHOLD PROPERTY MESSRS BOWLING BROLHEI^S are the Pre.u«e|PRIOMISi^ attic, w c pan > )tillpond. The Premises sr^ssssssirw*- A"°»^" ■»- BUForCfurther particulars apply to Messrs Hughes and Iioiiurtuer^ obapel-street, Bedford-row. L011- don"' cr of the Auctioneers, Pembroke Dock^ 5191 Ir FINE ART V/ SOCIETY, 3, CASTLE-STREET, CARDIFF, PRINT SELLERS, PUBLISHERS, FRAME MAKERS, AND GILDERS. A DIRECT DISCOUNT of 2Q per CENT. OFF ALL ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, etc. Any Subject not Stocked obtained within 24 Hours. PAINTINGS COPIED, ETCHED, etc. ART GO JDS FOR PAINTING ON. STUDIES LENT. Gilding from 3s bd per Book, Solid Oak Mouldings suitable for Engravings, from 41 Per Foot. 4293 THE GREAT i^0 HPHOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS over- JL comethe worst forms «r^'s\^sii^Tthe state of thebiooa, stomach liter, and:K'aueys they go tos he core of everv aiseass, »heie ao other meruicmo, ^The^GREA/T BLOOD PURIFIER cures the foilowin complaintsIndigestion, or stomach o. bowels giddiness in the licaa. <uJnness 01 sigut weac o: sore eyes, loss of memory, palpuawon.01 tne hear:, nye: and bilious obstructions, ascj°. „ „.viFn ?3S :u -1 chest rheumatics, lumoaso, piles, graved pains m tn-i back scurvv bad legs baa breast, sore throat, sor head's and sores oi ah «esc"pCS,b"5}s« w0^nds, 0 white swellings, scrofula, or .ting's evfl, gathering; tumours or cancers, pimpies ormotches on the facOan body, swelled feet or iegs,jcabs ^_d itch, ery^ipera jaundice, ana aroosy, ana 5 In boxes at lid ana 2s Jd each, soid by moi Chemists, Or from the Burdoct PIli Mannfactory^. Oxford-street. CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES CASTLE CHAMBERS, 21, CASTLE-ST CARDIFF. SECRET Alt Y FRANK H SIMPSON. liost l-eriuansnt Posting Statious in Cardiff a.ud Neigneouraooa Contractors 'or ail ««scr p 1011s <>•. Neigneouraooa Contractors ir ail wescr p 1011s Advertising Curctmu- Disirisuting <&c9 Ad oraera PFMBMir MtteiuledV <2W\ a1£5 iin auction. BLAENAVOX, MONMOUTHSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES FOR SALE. MR PHfLIP MORGAN will offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at he Market Tavern, Blaenavon, 011 THURSDAY, the 17th of July, 189:1, at two for three o'clock in the afternoon pre. cisely, the following VALUABLE PROF ERTIES ;— LOT 1.—All that LEASEHOLD FARM known as Tile Firs, cor.tainins: 6 acres (more or less), facing Llanover-road, Blaenavon, aforesaid, and now in the occupation of Mr John Davies as a yearly tenant, to- gether with the annual ground rent of B2, payable by the Blaenavon Gas and Water Company, Limited, under or by virtue of a certain indenture of lease dated the 22th day of February, 1S76, and also the three Co'tages and gardens built on a portion of the said farm, mid now in the occuvation of Messrs S. Roberts, Osborne, and Underwood. This property is Leasehold, being hold for a term of 9¡9 years, which comuionced to run on the 25th day of Decembor, 1853, at the yearly ground rent of £12, and is sold subject to tho above-mentioned lease to tha llbenavoll Ga. and Water Company, Limited, and to a certain right of way, as shown in the plan theieof annexed to the particulars and conditions of sale. The whole of the above- mentioned farm is pasture land, and there is a constant stream of water runnirg through lt, and one of the cottages is sitpp icd with water by the Company free of charge under the provisions of the above-mentioned indenture of lease. LOT 2.-All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, Shop, Yard. Outbuildings, and Premises, situate on the corner of Wihiaui-streec and Ivor-street, Blaenavon, aforei-aid, and containing 302 square yards (more or less), no-.v in the oCCUp:1.tlon of Mr Thomas Pritchard, at the low rental of 5u per annum, but possession of the lot can be obtained on the day of September There is an off b-er licence and a grocer's wine and spirit licence attached to this property, which make it. more valuable, and is is in a commanding and central position. The lot is sold su; ject to a right of way for the owners, for the time heing, of Lots 3, 4, aud 5, as shown in the plan annexed to the particulars and conditions of sile. LOT 3.—All that FREEHOLD PIECE of BUILD. ING GROUND, containing 141 square yards (more or less), situate CIl tho corner of William-street and Broad-street., and having a frontage of zi feet 1 inch to th« latter, together with a Piece of Ground at the back of Lot b, containing 45 square yards (more or less), facing Ivor-street. LOT 4.—All that FREEHOLD PIgCE of BUILD- ING GROUND, containing 141 square yards (more or less), situate immediately above the last-mentioned lot, and having a similar frontage to Broad-street, together with a Piece of Ground at the back of Lot 5, containing 45 square yards (more or less), facing Ivor- street. LOT 5.-AIl that FREEHOLD PIECE of BUILD. ING GROUND containing 183 square yards (more or less), situate immediately above the last-mentioned lot, and having a similar frontage to Broad-street. These lots are excepiionally well-situated, and an opportunity is afforded (Of acquiring building lots in the main street of the town, not often to be mot with. Th Vendors propose offering Lots 3, 4. and 5, in the first instance, in one lot, out,if not so sold, then as enumerated in these particulars. LOT 6.—All that LEASEHOLD BEERHOUSE, MESSUAGE, and PREMISES, known as the Jolly Colliers, situate in Duke-street. Blaenavon, aforesaid, a.nd now in the occupation of Mr Lewis Richards, at the low annual rental of £18, whose tenancy will expire on the 1st day of August next. This Lot is Leasehold, being hetd for the residue of a term of 850 years, which commenced to run on the 9th day of March, 1840, at the apportioned yearly ground rental of £1 ts 3d. LOT 7.—All that fr.liy-lioensed F'REEHOLD PUBLIC-HOUSE and PREMISES, known as the Castle Hotel, situate in Broad.street. Blaenavon, now in the occupation of Mr Charles Francis Westlake under a lease tor seven years, which will expire on the 1st day of October, It91, and the nurchaser will then have to pay a proportion of the licenses, but nothing for goodwill, fixtures, or trade utensils, at the annual reut of £65 per annum, This valu,) hIe property contains excellent celhrage ill T'art <.If basement. On the 1st floor, bar, taproom, parlour, smoke-room, kitchen, back kitchen, vith a convenient brewery attached. On the 2nd floor, 4 bedrooms. On the 3rd flkor, large ciub.oom. 'Jho outsido premises comprise yard, 2 w.c.'s, slicjd and stabling for three h and is approached by a back entrance from James street. This lot is sold subject to an annuity of £1468 for a life now aged 70 years and upwards. To view the several lots apply to the tenants, and for particulars and conditions of sale, with plans, to the Auctioneer, at Abergavenny or Pontvpool or to 5290 T. WATKINS, Solicitor, Pontypool. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARISH OF MOTHVEY. TOWN OF LLANDOVERY. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES FOR SALE. MR JOHN Wli .LlAMS will offer for SALii itv AUCTION at the Castle Hot*). Llandovery, Oil FRIDAY, tho loth day of July, 1890. at three o'clock in the afternoen precisely, in the fol- lowing or such other lots as may be determined upon at the time of sale, and subject vo conditions of sale, the under.Menti. ned most desirable and valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, viz :— LOT 1.—All that COTTAGE and TWO GARDENS, with piggery and other conveniences known as Penychaawndir," situate in tho parish of Mothvay, in the County of Carmarthen, in .ho occupation of Mr Thomas Jones. LOT 2.—All those TWO COTTAGES and GARDENS, Piggeries, and other conveniences, called Llwynce/yn, sltnMe in the parish of M-thvcy aforesaid, in the occupation of Mrs 1&rv Thorax and Mrs Ann Jones. I.OT .i-An thoso TWO MESSUAGES or DWEL- LING-HOUSES, Gardens. Piggeries, and other out- buildings, called Myrtle 1 till, situate in the parish of Mothvey aforesaid, 111 hc occupation of Mr John Thomas, bootmaker, and ilIr John Thomas, carpentier. LOT 4.—All that DWELL'NG-HOUSE called Uodre. wain, with a larue well cultivated Garden at the i.'esr, and the outbnildincs comprise stable, cowhouse, barn, piggery, and other necessary conveniences. At the front, of the house, there is a large pasture field (now divided into two enclosure.). all of which premises contain together by admeasurement 2a. 2r. thereabouts, and are in ti:o occupation of Mr John Price. The above properties are situate in the ma.in leading from Llandovery to the village of Moth-ray, from which latter place they are distent about half-a-mile, and are surrounded by estates belong- ing to Gwvnne Holford, IS.-q. ir>r> LOT t).—All that DWELLING-HOUSE, GARDEN, and BAKEHOUSE, situate anil being in Orchard- street, in the town ot Llandovery, in the occupation of Mr Daniel Lowis. LOT 6 —All tho?e two MESSUAGES or DWELLING- BOUSES and GARDENS, situate in Stone-street, Llnndovery, in the occupation of Messrs Itecs Evans and John Jones, at the aggregate rent of £?;2 per annum. And all that Wheelwright's Shop situate intho rear, in the occupation of Mr Morgan Davies at the rent of £3 per annum: and also a Coachhouse and Stable, in the occupation of Mr Evan Davies, brewer, at the rent of £ 5 pgr annum. ,»T.n t Lot; 7.—All that FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of S5 IUs per annum, secured by an indenture of lease dated the 26th May, 1852, for the term of 9 years from the 25th March, lt52, on the Victoria Brewery, an,1 six Messuages adjoining, situate in Stone-street and Victoria-crescent, in the town of Llandovery, tojetn:r with the reversion in jee to the said Brewery ana ilon the determination oj iht unid Iccun'- To view aprly to the respective tenams Oil the pro- mises, and tor further particulars and conditions 01 sale apply to the Auctioneer, Llandovery; to lVIr Thomas 1 hillips. Solicitor, Llandovery or to Mr H. JEFFREY JONES. Solicitor, Abeigavenny aad BlagP&ton^ '0: ICrgal flottres. fJlHE- BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1883. IN BANKRUPTCY. RE EDWARD Seiujbenydd- street, Treoiky, Glamorganshire, Pianoforte and General Dealer. Receiving Order made—4th July, 1G90. PONTYPRIDD.—No. 1J of 1890. Date of Order for Summary Administration—lOtll July, 1890. Date of Adjudication—4th July, 1890. Bnn Date and place of First Mee'ting-22ud July, 1°9U, at 3 o'clock p.m., at the Official Receiver's Omce, Merthyr Tydtii. Date of Public Examination—29i.li July, 1090, W. L. DANIEL, Official R-coiver. Address—65, High-street, M rthvr Tydtii. Dated 12th July, 1390.. rpHE BANKRUPTCY ACT, IN BANKRUPTCY. RF: JOSllUA POWELL, of 23, Llewellyn-street, Pcntre, Y'trad, Glamorganshire, Carpentor and Undertaker. PONTYPRIDD.—No. 10 of 1890. Receiving Order made—2nd July, 1S90. Date of Order for Summary Administration—10th July, 1890. Da to of Adjudication—2nd Julv, 1890. Date and place of First Meeting—22nd July. 1890, at 12 noon, at the Official Receiver's Office Merthyr Tydfil. Date of Public Examination—29th July, 1890. W. L. DANIEL, Official Receiver. Adùress-t.5, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. Dated 12th July, 1830. W. ill \r^UGHAN AND CO., STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, &o., LLANDAFF-ROAl), CARDIFB. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 32, QUEEN -STREET, ■ Rm 248, BUTE-STREET, |CARDIFF. 11, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. 5j; COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 83, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA Parcels Received and Forwarded Regularly to the Dye-works by the following District Acents Aberavon. Miss Morgan, Tandfield-place Aberdare .Mrs Eschle, Commercial-place ) Aberkenfig .Mr W. H. Hitchings, Grocer Abercarn Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Brecon JlrsWot.tou, Lion-screet Bridgend Mr Woodward, Grocer, Adare-streefc Blaenavon Mr J. Harris, London House Briton Ferry Mr D. L.Jones. Villiers-street Cowbridge. Miss Griffiths, Fancy Repository Griffithstown ..Mr II. Peach, Post-office. Llandilo Mr J. Lockyer, County Press Maesteg- —Mr T. Davies, Grocer, Castle-street MounWinfAsh..D. R. Davies, Temple of Fashion Neyland.. Messrs Biddlecombe, London House Nantym.oel ..—Mr K David, Cambrian House PembrokelDock, M. S. Cole, io. Dimond-street Portho»wkv.Mr R. Thomas, Great Western House Pontypridd Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrhlwcelber Mr D. R. Davies. Draper Porth J. H. Thomas, Cloth Hall Pentre.r.r. Mr J. Uitchings, 129, High-street St. Dav^dfl .Mr "VY. Lewis, Tailor, Cross-square Treforeat SI* Mr J. Gibbon, Tailor, 88, Wood-road Treharris Mr Lewis, London House. Tenby Mr Tringham, The Thimble, Tudor-sq Usk .Mr J ones, Grocer, Bridge-street Parcels arnounting to five shillings sent direct to works Withe returned carriage paid one way. Trade books a^djprico lists sent free 011 application. w ill Yaughan AND CO, DYERS, ARE CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHES and DRESS CLEANING by FRENCH PROCESS, producing per. manent colours, a superior finish, moderate charges and promptness of dispatch feitrsians* RISTOL CHA:SN!'L PASSENGER SERVICE. LIMITED. DAILY SERVICE, CARDIFF and WESTON by the LADY MARGARET. LEAVE CARDIFF. LEAVE WESTON. Mon. 14-6.20, 7.30 am., 1 Mm. 14-7.20 a.m, 1.0, 2.45, 5.15, 7.bD p.m. Tues. 15—7.0 a.m., 2.30., Tnes. 15—8.0 a.m., 3.35, 4.45,7.0 p.m. ti.O, 8.15 p.m. Wed. 9.15 a.m., Wed. 16—8.45 a.m., 2.45, p.m. Thur. 17-7.15, 9.30 a.m, Thur. 17-8.20 a.m, 3.30, 4 45,7.0 p.m. 6.C, 8 15 p.m. Fri. JS-SO, 10.1b 4.15, 5.30 p.m. 8 "C) p.W. Sat. 19-70, 9.0, 9.20, 10.15 j Sat. 19-8.10, 10.40 :1.m, 4.30, 6.0, 7.0, 8.30 p.nu S~ PECIAL EXCURSIONS AND PLEASURE SAILINGS FROM CARDIFF BY THE MAGNIFICENT SALOON STEAMERS OF THE ABOVE COMPANY. "MONDAY7"! July U. I TO LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE. By EARL OF Leave Cardiff 85 .1.Ill. Leave llfra- DUN. RAVEN, 4.0 p.m. 8.5 a,in. TUESDAY. .¡ July 15, TO LYNMOUTH and ILFRACOMBE. By Leave Cardiff 8.15 a.m. EARL OF Leave Ilfracombu 3.45 p in. DFNRA YEN Leave Lynmouth 4.45 p. 111. 815 a.m. WEIVNSD'Y, J TO WE.^fTrN, LYNMOUTH, and July 16, ILFRACOMBE. By J Leave Cardiff EARL OF I Leave lixracombe 4.45 o. in DUNRAVEN Leave Lvnuiuuth 5.15 p.m! 8,5 a.m | Leave Weston 8. 0 P,W. I HALF- HOLIDAY. AFTERNOON EXCURSION TO July 16, l'uLTbiJ EAD aud CIlEP.-TOW. By Leave Cardiff 3.45 p.m. BONNIE Leave Chenstow 7.15 p.m. BOON. Leave Poriishead 8.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. Fares, to and fro, to either piace :— Fore Deck, Is 6d Saloon, 2s. nOON. Leave Poriishead 8.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. Fares, to and fro, to either piace :— Fore Deck, Is 6d Saloon, 2s. I TO L\NMOUTH~and"ILFRACOMBE. TiTi-Tjcr. a v Leave Cardiff 9.20 a.m. T T7 I Leave Ilfracombs 4. 0 p.m. Rv 1 evvm Leave Lynmouth .4.45 p.m. y Also EVENING TRIP from CARDIFF 001 1 round II.M. l'raining Ship Formidable. a.m.; also LeaTC Cftr(liff l. 7.^0p.m. at '^P-ra- Arriving birk about, 10.0 p.m. Fares :—Fore Deci;, Is Saloon. Is 6d. FHIDAY, I TO WATCHET. MINEHEAD, J.YN Julv 18, I MOUTH, and ILFRACOMBE. Bv EARL OF leave Cardiff 7.15 a.m. DUNRAVEN Jlfraombe 4. 0 p.m. Lynmouth 5. 0 p.m ——. I Calling at Wa'cliet and Minehead to By EARL OF and fro. JERSEY, I TO BRIDGWATER, WHOLE DAY ) .4b a.m. and I and E\ENI!XG TRIP. 5,0 p. m. ) See Speci.-il Bills TO WESTON, LYNMoUTH, AND SATURI)AV. ILFRACOMBE. •y 39> Leave Cardiff 9.20 a.m. lifr. c jmbe 4.15 p.m. ■< J.ymuouth .5,0 p.m. DOON. Weston 7.15 p.m. TO WATCIIKT. MINEHEAD, LYN- SATURDAY, MOUTH, AND ILFRACOMBE. July 19, Leave Cardiff 7.30 a.m. Bv EAiJLOF „ Ilfracombe 4.45 p.m. DUNRAVEN „ Lynmouth 5 45 p.m 7.30 a. 111. Calling at Waxhet and Miuehcad to and fro. —— awl fro. arne Div By EARL OF j ALSO EVENING TRIP to WATCHET JERSEY, ) Fares, to and fro. Is 6d ana 2s. I TO WATGUET. MINEHEAD. LYN- MONDAY, I MOUTH, AND ILFRACOMBE. Julv 21, j Bv EARL OF I j DUNRAVEN | 8.15 A.M. J CALLING A'. WATCH: T AND MINEHEAD TO I ) AND FRO. NEWPORT aind WESTON SIGRYICE, QUgEN OF THE BAY, -JUI.y: 158J,- LEAVE RODNEY J J [-I YP, VVRESTON WHARF. I ,LMW. Mou. 14-7.iC :U<1. Mon. 14—4 3 p.m. Tnes. 15—8.15 a.m. | Tnes. 15—5.15p.m. Wed. 16—9.0 a.m. I Wed. 16—4.30 p.m. TltU 17-9 30a.m ,5.30p.ui. I Thll. 17-3.30 md 8.30p.m. Fri. 18—lOa.iu Fri. H!-6 30 p.m. I ucs. 22-8.30 a.m., 12.30. Tues. 22-:(J.O a.m., 6.30. Wind, weathoi a/HI other circumstances 1>ermittin. THE COMPANY RESPI TE TO THEMSELVES THE RIGHT OF SUB- STITUTIIIG ANY F VEAMOR OR STEAMERS WHEN CIRCUMSTANCES l'cqnire. FOR FARES AMI PARTICULARS SEE BILLS. EDWARDS, ROBERTSON <FC CO., AGONTS. 105, BUTE DOCKS, < ::trùiff, AND 3913 J ^REAT WESTERN RAILWAY. NEW AND IMPROVED SERViCE TO THE CHANNEL ISLANDS VIA. WEYMOUTH. QUICKEST AND BEST HOFIb, AND SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. WEYMOUTH to (. UEliNSEY in about '<? hours. GUERNSEY to JERSEY in about J hour. POWERFUL FAST STEAMERS, specially COli. I structed for the Great Western Company for this Service, and fitted with electric light and all latest improvements, yill, weather and circumstances permitting, ruu DAILY from WEY- MOUTH to GUERNSEY and JERSEY {Monday Mornings excepted), and from JERSEY and GUERN- SEY to WEYMOUTH (Sundays excepted) in con- nection with Fast Trains from aud to all parts of the Great WeEterll System. Passengers leaving ew Miliord llt 5.0 p.m., Swansea 7.25, Cardiff 9.20, ana Weymouth 2.20 a.m. reach Guernsey about 6.4b a.m. and Jerseyabout9.0 a.m and leaving Jersey at 8.30 :111., Guernsey 10.30. reach Wey- mouth about 2,45 p.m., Cardiff S 26. Swansea 11.45 p.m., Passengers pass direct between the train and steamer Weymouth. 1857 HENRY LA>! i'.KU.T, General Manager. N- NORWAY, SWEDEN, AND RUSSIA. O OLIDAY TOURS AND £ .-B_ CRUISES LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN. WILSwN LINE of ROYAL MAIL PASSENGER STEAMERS, with Saloon; and Sleeping Accommoda- tion Amidships, tind luxuriousiy titfeit, SAIL from HULL to BERGEN every TUESDAY, and during JULY every THURSDAY also; SiAVANGER every TUESDAY. „ CHRISTIAN IA. and CHRISTIANS AND every FRIDAY, „ DRONTilEIM, every THURSDAY, GOTHENBURG WEDNESDAY and SATURDAV MORNINGS. I LONDON to every FRIDAY. II CHRISTIAN SAND alternate FRIDAY MORNINGS, and present the quickest aud best opportunities of visitina tht !naniaèut Fjords anÚ Mountain 8cencry of NORWAY, -.it very reasonao.e cost. Special YACHTING CRUISES to the NORTH CAPE, Lofoten Islands, aud the Fjords, by the ss. | DOMINO, in-ended t0 leave. Hull, 30;h July. These cruises are maae in SMOOTH WATER, within the islands 011 tbe Norwegian C.vMi~paesenffer« eonite- j gucntl:/ not beini exnofed t.) ike sea a passengers are by larger ateamers wh ch cannot takd this iruside ruuÜ- and afford u!l tue pleasures of Yachting with none of the unpleasantness. HULL to ST. PETERSBURG.—First-class passenger Steamers weekly. For programmes, wir.h fail D.irticulars, apply to THOS. WILSON. SONS & CO., HULL. or to JOHN BOYEY & CO.. CARDIFF. 3727 -O:M" Insiu'anj^- LOMBARD-,STREET, AND CHARING-CROSS, LONDON I ESTABUSUUO 1782. MODERATE RATES. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. ELECTRIC LIGHTING RULES SUPPLIED. LIBERAL LOSS SETTLEMENTS. PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Joint eeret3.ries W. C. MACDONALD, AD F H. MACDONALD LOSSES PAID OVER £ 17,000,u0j. Rates and full particulars can be obtained of the Agents at Cardiff Mr Charles E. S tally brass; MrT. W. Thomas, 7", 'J'udor-road Mr David Shepherd, 1, I Frederick-street; J. H. Jones, Esq., 3, High-street; Mr D. Williams, Consulate Chambers, Bute Docks; Mr S. A. Hussev, 23, Landough-street; Mr Henry Lander, Bute Docks Othce. 1031 JpiANOS, ORGAN, pIANOS. CHEAPEST HOUSK IN THE TRADE, Pianos from 10s 61 monthly, Organs from as monthly The Public are invited to inspect AND gONS -La- Stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, &c., As Pounds will ba Saved by placing their Orders with them, Enry Instrumênt Guaranteed and Kept in Tune one year free of charge. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. HEATH AND SONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS, 5 1, Q u E E N S T R E E T CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 9431-5,106) rj^EETidl 1 TEWTfcL t TEE'Iil M R FlF ALL, SURGEON DENTIST 199, HIGH STRKTCT, SWANSEA (Jnstbeiow the Groat Wester.1 Railway Station), Begs to intiiuate that he can produce a perfectly fittin: Set of leeth ID one eiear day. Tne very best workman- ship guaranteed. Painiess Dentistry bv Gas, also by the new Anaesthetic Cocaine. Partial Sets irom 58 per Tooth Upper or Lower Sets rora two Guineas. KEALI/S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURK, Sura and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheums, Toothache, and ail Nervous Pains. Is Ud ami 2s 9d per Bottie. Through any Cbenais: Cardiff; Mr Munday, cheiivst, 1 Duke-street; Mr Robb, chemist, Roath. Newnorc; Messrs Garrett Bros., chemists, 171, Commercial-street. Neath: Mr | J. G. Isaac tlate Dayman!, chemist. Llaneliy; Mr Owilym Evaus J. ndoa Newbery and Sou. 1038-111 MARRIAGE OF MR II. M. STANLEY WITH MISS DOROTHY TENNANT, AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY, ON JULY 12TH Grand representation of the wedding; service, together with the brilliant assem- blage who will officiate on this occasion, may be seen in the windows of the ALLIANCE CLOTHING Co 33. ST. MARY-STKEET, this day and follow- ing days, N.B.—Business as usual during the festivities. 3870 19UùlÜ: Àtnus£utenís. CARDim rj H E A T R E ROYAL. LESSER AND MANAGES, Mr EDWARD FIjETCBER AcriNQ MANAGr.a., Mr JOHN SHERIDAN TO-NIGHT, MONDAY. July 14, T. Morton Powell's Company in th* New Romantic Drama, by C. A. Clarke, DAY TO DAY Direct, from the Pavilion Theatre, London, Beautiful Scenery Speci3.1Jy Painted. Monday Next, July 2br, Ihe Greatest Novelty 01 the nay, THE NEW MAZEPPA. Box Plan at Thompson and >hackell's (Ltd). GRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF, TO.NIGHT AND DURING THE WEEK, ARTHUR PERCY AND HIS CELEBRATED COMPANY, In Boucicault's Great Drury Lane Drama, the SHAUGHRAUN. Splendid Mechanic, d Scenery and Effects. Popular Prices Circle, lis Stalls, Is 6d Bad Circle, Is Pit. fid Gallery, 4d. MONDAY NEXT—IRVING''S LYCEUM COMPANY. Lyciim Sctinevy. Lyceum Dr.-s.se. and Etfwct.s. CADOXTON, BARRY. BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST 4th, at the WITCHILL ATHLETIC GROUNDS. Handicap, t)15 Open Galloping Race; also £8 Small Pony Rice. —For particulars apply 5285 B, HODDINNOTT, Cadoxton. PENRHIWCEIBER. A GRAND EISTEDDFOD AND CONCERT will be held in a SPACIOUS PAVILION at PENRHI WCEIBER, 011 MONDAY, September 1st, 1390, Programme- post lid), may bi had from the Secretary, T. William*. 4616 19uhlir ?4TpGintmcnts. rpHTC Y STR ADG YNLAIS LOWER e SCHOOL BOAHI) invito APPLICATIONS for the OFFICE of MIS TRESS of the CWMTWRCH (INFANTS) BOAIW SCHOOL, at a salary of B60per annum, to be increased tu £70 if the "excellent" merit grant be obtained. The teacher appointed to commence uuties 011 the 26111 Auust, an:! to reside at Cwmtwrch. Applications to fie received hy me not later than the 26th inst.— D. BE V AN TURBERVILLE, Solicitor. Clerk to rhe Board. Pontard nve, Swansea Valley, 12t[¡ July, 1890. jp O NTYPllIDD UNION APPOINTMENT OF SEWING MISTRESS. 'jhe Guardians of the Pontypridd Union will, af their meeting to bo held m> th" 23rd inst., proceed tc the APPOINTMENT of SEWING MISTRESS ar, tJH Workhause sit a salary cf £'5 per aunum, with rations, Washing, and furni-hed r jJa.rtllle!lts. Candidates must bo single, or widows without incum- brance. The person 3ppointt><Ï must uIl11eraud cutting out an.1 he abie to work g, machine, and will be required to inoke J¡,,¡>¡¡ generally lldl11 to the matron. Applications in candidate's handwriting, stating age and o;¡.¡er¡enCt). ,,1;(1 a..cPII1pilme,1 liy recent tes- tim,)uiab, tl) be sent, to me by .¡!onday, the 21st inst. By Order, E. C. SPICKETT, Clerk. Pontypridd. July 10 H;O vintiUrs and CLouiraris. BEnDAR LOCAL BOARD OF FJ. HEALTH. MARDY ROAD. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. The Local Bonn! imile TENDERS f a- the CON. STRUCTION of the MARDY ROAD in the Diçtric ot Aberdare, under Liw following COlllr.1cts:- Contl:"ct No. 1 will c.xtetid fr in Craig House 10 the north-west corner of liafod Wen, a Üistilnce of about 3,390 line,ll yanh. Contract No, 2 will extend from tlie north. west corner of Hafod Weu to tho Mardy New Bridge, It distance of about 4,120 lineal yards. Separate tenders will b s required for each contract, anfl approved sureties must I", provided. Plan, awi ;,peci ÚC:1.t¡OllS may be seen, and any further information with form of tender obtained on apPÜcltil!1I to the surveyor cf the Board. Tenders to bi sent to the undersigned, endorsed Tender for Mardy-road C()Htr.1t:\o not later than Thursday, toe 24th day of July, 1890. The Board do 110S bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. R ORTON GERY, Clerk. Town-hall, Abirdare. 5197 YfeTitADi~F0DWG LOCAL B0AHD. TO IRON nnmGE BUILDERS. The above-named Board invite TENDERS for TWO MAIN LATTICE GlKDERS, 9m. or thereabouts in length. Also CROSS GIRDERS and IRON FLOORING for 36ft. Carriage-way, anti all other iron wot k as shall be found nectssary iortha Cymmer lllide, Po th. Pians and specific ilien may he seen allll forms cf tender obtained frum the 7th to the 2nd iust. at the Surveyor's Office, Local Board Otliees, l'entre, Rhondda. Tenders to he delivered at the said office under seal by noon on tbe 23rd inst., ad,!re-se,1 to the Chairman of the Local Board, endorsed Tender for Cyinuier Bridge Iron wot k, itc." The B >ard docs not bind it"e1.f to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, J. W JONES, Surveyor. BAUGOKD TERRACE BUILDING CLUB. TO BUILDERS. The above Club invite TENDERS for the EREC TION of TWENTY-FIVE HOUSES, to be built at Treharris. Plans and Specifications may be seen at Mr Reel Jones s, 1, Fox-street, Treharris. Sealed Tenders, endorsed Building, to be sent to Mr Uees Jones not later than Wednesday Julv loth, 1890. Stores and haulage aie offered ai special advan- tageous terms. The Club does not bind itself to accept the lowest 01 any tender. 5323 IL DAVIES, Secretary. nnENDERS arc invited for the EREC. JL TION of a NEW ENGLISH JjAPfISl CHAPEL, BLACKWOOD. Mon. Pians and specifications Illay be Reen at Oak Villa, and quantities ch ained from the Architect, Mr W. L. Grifli'hs, 68, Hixh-street, Newport, and Blackwood. beaied T.-nuers, endorsed Tender for Chapel." t,) be sent to me on or before 10 o'clock a.m., Saturday, July 19th. Neither the lowest nor any tender necessarily accepted. OWEN EDWARDS. Blackwood, Mon. h_- 5318 mo CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. JL —To EST, a large quantity of MASONRY and EX- CAVATIONS. either iu one lot or separately.—Apply personally, Coalbro ikvale Colliery, Nanty^lo 7/4 It. L E w 1 S, 13, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF WHOLESALE DEPOT' FOR PLATE-GLASS, OILS AND COLOURS, VARNISHES, PAPER HANGINGS, Sole Consignee for South Wales, Monmouthshire, and Hereford, of PARKER'S KATHARTIC MARVEL FLUID, Begs respectfully to inform the Public that, to suit the convenience of tho Trade, HE WILL CLOsg EARLY ON INSTEAD OF WEDNESDAY S, as heretofore. From this Week business hours will be 6 a-m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, 6 a.m to 3 p.m. 4Ü43240 THE G R E A T S PE C I F I 0 MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT Is warranted to cure ail. AMERICAN MILTON'S discharges. HERB MAT Thoroughly reliable COII-I PASTE. MILTON'S venienl to take. In tins, AMERICAN MAT od each. Freej HERB MILTON'S by post 3d extra. PASTE. MAT -AMERICAt" MILTON'S HEVVSON'S COMPOUND HERB MAT PENNYROYAL PASTE. MILTON'S PIL1.S FOR FEMALES. AMERICAN MAT lu boxes, Is lid and21! 9d HERB MILTON'S each; free by post 2d extra. PASTE MAT ——— il AT MILTON'S Locai Agents: Cardilf, Mr MILTON'S AMERICAN Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke- AMERICAN HERB street Newport, Mr J. HERB PASTE. Phillips, 92, Commercial PASTE. MAT street; Swansea, Mr Keai: MAT MILTON'S Chemist, 199, High-street ■ MILTON' AMERICAN F. H. Hews oil, 8, Victoria- AMERICAN HF.RL avenue, Mainuee, Newuon HERB PAnf. lon., PASTE. Bnrc ay & Sons Messrs w. h. SIVUTH ana SON uenver tbe SOUTH WALES DAILY XJSWS ai an eariy hour eaca Morning in au Darts of the ioilow ng towns:— CARDIFF SWANSEA NKWPORT PORTS KEW ETT Kf'n nroSAU1! PONTYPOOL ROAD kHI MP V^^C1U) PEMBROKE DOCK XSVV MIJjFORD HAV F.RFORDWRSX NEAlJi HRlSTOk. GLOUCESTER LLANELLY TKNBY ABERYSTWYTil LAMPETER CARMARTHEN ARERU A VENN V The CAMDIFJi' TlUJiS also delivered every Fila. 19 any aaaress in the aoovs Mentioned Tewns.