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TOWYN AND ABERDOVEY URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. FRIDAY. Present, W Jones Hughes (cha.rman), E L Rowlands, J Geufronydd Jones J M J Maethlon James, Henry Evans, D 0 Davies, John c Roberta, Meredith Jones, G Williams, Dr Gordon, medical officer, Ed Williams, inspector of nuisances, John Jones, sub-inspector, R P Morgan, surveyor, and R Barnett, assistant clerk. TREFEDDIAN HOTEL DRAINAGE SCHEME. Mr Edward Morgan and Mr Howard Jones, C.E., attended with reference to the hotel scheme-The Chairman said that, as some of the members were not sure of what had transpired, the clerk would read the report of Mr Pickering, Nuneaton, the expert which had been appointed to report as to the safety or otherwise of the scheme. It would be remembered that Mr Pickering met the owner and his engineer on the spot a short time ago. The report was a lengthy one and in it the expert stated: I have no hesitation whatever in advising the Council not to allow the sewer to be maue. It would be nothing better than an elongated and offensive cesspool, and it is impossible to estimate the prejudicial effect of such an unsatisfactory scheme both as regards its actual danger to health and its objection from a merely sentimental point of view —considerations which cannot be lost sight of, more particularly in a health resort. I am con- vinced that the scheme would not be satisfactory to the Council or the proprietor of the hotel and cottages. There are several alternative schemes which could be provided for draining tte property, which would be quite satisfactory from a sanitary point of view, and probably less costly than the scheme proposed. The Surveyor found the hotel could be connected to the existing sewer through a self-cleaning hydraulic main, and the drainage for the cottages treated separately in simple bacteria beds or both could be treated in a similar manner. These are however matters for the proprietor and do not come within the scope of my report. J. S. After this a letter had been received from Mr Howard Jones, in which he stated that be bad sub- mitted the report to Messrs Cameron, Commin, and Martin, an expert firm in Exeter. They replied as follows" Our experience extends over six years during which we have dealt with a large number of sewages of all kinds, and which justifies us in stating absolutely that there is no danger to health or offence to sentiment whatever in the scheme lubmitted by Mr Howard Jones. We have carried out the system in very many large towns in the country, and have always been very successful." With this a letter was again received from Mr Howard Jones which stated-" I may mention that Mr Cameron was one of the first engineers to make use of the septic tank system, and is one of the best authorities on the matter. I would therefore be much obliged if you will submit the same at the next meeting and point out that my sewer from the septic tank to your existing sewer was intended to work under pressure which I distinctly mentioned to Mr Pickering who now suggests that the drain- age could be conveyed from the hotel in a hydraulic main, which I pretoli iseann sewer under pres- sure, which I arranged for in my scheme but which I considered would not work satisfactorily with crude sewage, and I therefore made use of the septic tank to liquify the solids before entering the tame." In reply to this Mr Pickering wrote:—" My remarks upon the offensive character of the septic system are based upon my general experience with all classes of sewage. I would point out that Messrs Cameron, Commin, and Martin are the patentees of the septic tank system and conse. quently their opinion is not qnite unprejudiced and I am convinced that any experienced and indepen- dent engineer would at once condemn the scheme, and the Local Government Board would also do so. With reference to Mr Howard Jones's letter, I may say that the sewer proposed by him would not nd as a hydraulic main as it is clearly shown on hia drawings as a gravitating sewer. I am of opinion that a better scheme could be devised.—J S that a better scheme could be devised.—J S PICKERING. Mr Ed Morgan said, I should like to point out that the number of inhabitants in the hotel and cottages will be a small one.—The Chairman We have bad the report of the expert, and on the face of his statement what are we to do ?—Mr Edward Morgan said that be did not intend to construct anything that would not work satisfactorily.—Mr J James It is a new thing in the district.—Mr D C Davies asked whether it was not possible to have some cesspool system which could be opened at certain times, like the ordinary style.-Mr J M James: We might ask the Aberdovey Committee to seriously consider the statement of Mr Morgan that he will disconnect the system if it does not work properly in so many years.—Mr D C Davies Mr Pickering has a scheme of his own which he offers to Mr Morgan.—Mr Howard Jones said that he distinctly explained to Mr PicKering that it was a hydraulic main.—The Surveyor I fail to agree with you there; I certainly do not think so.—The Chairman; There are two distinct opinions from the experts.—Mr Henry Evans Yes; you can get as much as you like (laughter).-The Chairman If we accept it as it is and give it a trial, there will be no risk.-After Mr Henry Evans had made re- marks to the same effect, Mr J M Howell proposed that they should accept Mr Morgan's offer to try it for three years.—Mr E Morgan It is ruination to me, as I am spending money with no return, and it haa been going on for a long time now.- The Chairman We appreciate that, Mr Morgan; that is why we sent for Mr Pickering.—Mr D C Davies: It is a matter that should be finished with.—Mr E L Rowlands I must take exception to that remark more especially from a rural member who only comes here occasionally.— Mr D C Davies We all have a right to say what we think.-The Chairman You have no knowledge of the question at issue. -Mr D C Davies Well I am sorry for the members of the Council.—The Chairman Is it right to ask a committee to report on the matter, and for you to try and do away with it in five minutes ? We want the thing discussed.— Mr Morgan: It has been on for very long.-The Chairman We have two totally different reports from experts.—Mr Morgan Yes, but it is for the Council to decide.—Mr Morgan and Mr Howard Jones were then asked to retire for a few minutes. The Chairman said that they had their own su; veyor and they should listen to him.—The surveyor II stated that he did not approve of the scheme, and that it might work for three years, which wonld be no time to test it, as there was about f of a mile of piping necessary, which could not be filled up in that time, supposing that it did fail to work. especially when the number of inhabitants was taken into consideration.- Mr Henry Evans: In that case it would be condemned ?-The Surveyor: Certainly, but I do not say that there will be much risk in that time. It might work and it might not. Mr D C Davies In any case we run no risk. Mr J M Howell: It is a very serious matter for Mr Morgan, with all the money which he has spent.- Mr D C Davies Yes, and if it is granted it may be an incentive for other people to build.-Mr Henry Evans asked whether four or five years would be sufficient to test the system.—The Sur- veyor: I should suggest six years.—Mr E L Row- lands One blander of this kind will ruin the place for ever.-Mr J M Howell asked the Surveyor whether he thought a better scheme could be pro- vided —The Surveyor replied that there were other schemes possible, but it was a question for experts He was sure that the Local Government Board would at once coudemn the present scheme.-Mr E L Rowlands Mr Pickering offered to provide an alternative scheme. He appears to me to have treated the question in a very fair manner.— ilr J M James: Nuneaton drainage is in a very bad state.-The Surveyor: Yes, but that is not his fault. It was bad before he went there.-Mr D C Davies: Do you prefer that to the present scheme, which entails no risk ?-The Chairman: It is an important question for us.-The Surveyor said that he could suggest a scheme by which all the waste water would assist flushing the sewer. It would be a very serious matter for tha place if anything went wrong, say, during the summer months, the visitors would leaye at once.—Mr J M Howell then proposed that permission should be granted to go on with the work subject to amendments of some details which could be arranged with Mr Howard Jones and the surveyor, and that Mr Morgan should maintain the drain for four years after the occupa- tion of the houses before handing it over to the t 0be under- would not like my name to be-r gched to it.-Mr G WiHiama We won't die at-A, T dovev (laughter) but seriously Mr D C Davies has no sympathy with us.—Mr D C Davies: Yes, I have. That is why I have spoken. We want to have the rateable value of the place increased. You Aberdovey members appear to have a tendency to conceal matters from the Council.—The Chairman You know nothing whatever about it.—Mr D C Davies: I consider I know as much as you do.—Mr E L Rowlands You only come here occasionally, and here you are trying to bounce the thing through.—Mr D C Davies: You are afraid that the place will develop and that some shops will be built there (order, order).-The reso- lution was then read, the Chairman remarking that it was important to notice that the Council did not thoroughly approve of the scheme.—Mr Morgan was then called in and the resolution was read to him, which also further stated that it should be cut off if proved unsatisfactory, of which the surveyor would be sole judge.-Mr Morgan I object to the last clause because the surveyor is dead against the scheme, and has been all along.— Mr James He will not be our surveyor at that time, perhaps.- Mr Morgan Change it and state it to be proved to the satisfaction of the Council.— T J,) Chairman But we accept the surveyor's decision n these cases. Mr D C Davies: Bat if he gus the Surveyor against the scheme he would beat once condemned. -The Chairman No Surveyor ean do anything without first asking the Council.—The Surveyor I am quite agreeable to wash my hands of it alto- gether.—Mr G Williams: What about the Aber- dovey committee? (Laughter.) A Member: Woree still (laughter).—The Surveyor I can do nothing without your consent.—Ultimately it was decided to allow the scheme to be carried out under the conditions mentioned-namely, that it Mi -iild be maintained for four years after the houses had been occupied by Mr Morgan, and if avthing went amiss before it was handed over to he Council that it should be disconnected. SURVEYOR'S REPORT: TOWYN MATTERS. The Surveyor reported that it had been decided that three more lamps should be put up: one at the entrance to the recreation ground in Neptune Hall road, one at the junction of this road with Warwick Place road, and one at the junction of the last-mentioned road with the Marine parade, the last to be of the same as those on the Promenade. With reference to the Fire Brigade, some members of the Town Improvement Committee had attended, and it was resolved that the first step to be taken should be to ask Captain Parry to report on the work done by the brigade, of which he is the captain, and also as to the present condition of its organisation, the Surveyor suggested a scheme by which the sewers could be flushed from one end of the town to another by a powerful volume of water, which could be accomplished by making a provision, at a comparatively small outlay, by utilising the Ty- mawr brook. The chiaf point was to intercept all gravel, and to prevent it from getting into the sewers. The sidewalks in High street would receivo immediate attention. The streets were in a yery dirty condition, owing to the continuous rains, but it was best to leave them alone at present, until a permanent job of scarifying and rolling c-:uld be carried out. Water wasting was still rampart and some of those on the highest points had to suffer considerably, but there were few defects in the mains. RURAL WARD. This committee met at Bird Rock and had in- spected the site from which Miss Scott proposed to allow stones to be taken. The site from which they had always been taken was however by far the best. It was decided that the surveyor should write to the clerk of the County Council for all tLe information necessary regarding the transactions of the County Council with Mrs Scott, and the clerk was instructed to look into the matter with a view to advising the Council how to proceed. The whole of the stones had been put down on the main roads, but many bad places had to go without as it was impossible to do justice to them with the amount allowed by the County Council.—Captain Kirkby had examined and approved of the plan for improving the road near Tanycoed Uchaf and gave the land free. The letter stated that a plan should be p-rp\rrd showing the quantity of land to be taken v\i-h measurements, and the Council must maintain the fence until in a good condition when it would be taken over by him. The surveyor required instruction with reference to the repair of the roads over bridges and to know whether these were included in the Council's contract. He had received a reply from the clerk with reference to the stones from Bird Rock and had every reason to believe that under the Highway Act the Council would be acting within their rights in taking stones from the same place as formerly without any objections. ABERDOVEY WARD. The committee appointed to meet Mr Robt Owen the tenant of Bwlchgrwyn, presented their report stating that the tenant was allowed to let the shooting of the farm, and to retain the amount he would have for the same, and he would have full security to cultivate the farm as occasion demanded. The tenant asked whether the committee were pre- pared to give him all the materials he required for repairing the buildings, and also for fencing during his proposed ten years' lease, if he on the other hand did the work. The committee decided to in- form him that they would agree to this, at the same time acquainting him that under the present lease he is to leave the place in good condition. He said that he was not satisfied with the repairs now being carried out. and that he would not give mote than nO. It was resolved that as everything had been done, they had no alternative but to advertise the farm to be let. With regard to the main roads they were in a better condition than any of the others, but he would like to draw their attention to the fact that the sum allowed by the County Council was not arrived at by calculating on former years of rolling, but on practically six years of no rolling, and the present rolling cost three times more than the old style. He would like to have instructions as he could not take the responsibility of the cost, which might exceed the estimate, with- out their consent—The Surveyor having been asked to accept the office of superintending the completion of Mr Morris Jones's contracts and having asked permission to do so, leave was granted on condition that it did not interfere with his other work. TYNFEDWEN COTTAGE. j. no xuapciui/ui ui uiaauces reported that ue riao to again state that nothing had been done here, although the place was in a very bad condition.— The clerk stated that a communication had been received which said that the necessary repairs were being carried out. Mr E Williams They have done nothing there.—The Chairman Well, we must send them a notice.—Mr H Evans t We are too slow in these cases.—Mr E L Rowlands: Yes, they regard the Council in a very indifferent manner.- It was finally decided to give 14 days' notice or legal proceedings would be taken.-A similal"noti.ce was ordered also to be sent in the Sandilands Dairy Farm case. NO FLUSHING CISTERNS. The Inspector said that there were no flushing cisterns at the houses in Plevna terrace.—Mr E L Rowlands Are there many such cases in Towyn ? Mr E Williams: A very large number.—Mr J Geufronydd Jones Have the Council a right to compel them to be put in ? If so, I think it is quite time we did so. — Mr E L Rowlands: The Council compelled us to do so at Aberdovey, and I think it should be done in Towyn.-The Inspector said that he had been told by medical men that it was a very important matter indeed, and their own medical officer of health had said the same thing.— It was decided to leave the matter to the Towyn Committee and ask them to draw out a report for the next meeting. BUILDINGS AND BY-LAWS. The attention of Mr John Roberts, a member of the Council, was drawn to the fact that he had not complied with the by-laws with reference to the house built by him.—Mr Roberts I did not bear anything about it.—The Chairman: The Surveyor received instructions to write to you.—The Sur- veyor I did so.—Mr J Roberts Well, I did not see it, although it might have arrived. BWLCBGWYN FARM. Mr D C Davies asked how much the Council had paid for this farm, and the Chairman replied £1,050 and that the rent was zC34, but the present tenant wanted an abatement, as had been stated on the surveyors' report.—Mr J Roberts: It is a very serious thing to turn a man out just now.- The chairman: We have spent hundreds of pounds there and have done all we can in the matter.—It was decided to advertise the farm as recommended by the Aberdovey Committee. THE STREETS ACT. The motion of Mr D C Davies to adopt the above act was brought forward, but it was decided to adjourned it until the next meeting, as safficent notice of motion bad not been given and copies of the act had not been procured.—The Council then rose. +


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