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The offical return of the last Census gives thlf poplation of Italy as 32,966,307. A telegram from Bonny on Saturday records; further British successes in cenneetion with Aro expedition on the Cross River. A Royal Commission has been appointed ttP in- quire into the resources of the coatfmtds oT tie United Kingdom, the rate of exhaustion which may be anticipated, the effect of the exports* on the! home supply, and the time for which that supply,, especially of the more valuable kinds of coaJ" will probably be available to British consumers, includ-- ing the Royal Navy the possibility of a reduction1 in cost by cheaper transport, or the adoption of' better methods, or through a change in the cus- tomary term and provisions of mineral leases; and- whether the mining industry, under existing con- ditions, is maintaining its competitive power with' the coalfields of other countries. The house in Upper Brook street, London, long occupied by Mrs Siddons is coming down, owinv-, to the railway. It is on the east side, and was for.L- merly used as the Portman Estate Office. Mtg-i Siddons asked the Prince Regent not to build so>as'- to spoil her pretty country view, looking over the- park to Hampstead. A memorial window contains,. medallion portraits of Shakespere, Milton, Spenserr. Cowley and Dryden. At a meeting of the Cork Corporation, on Fridayv evening, it wt:S>esolved to present the Freedom "of f the City to Mr John Redn ond, Leader of the Irisbji Party.