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3' t '^ns are not wanting this week that the Boer 8 ance to our arms in South Africa is beginning appreciably. Surrenders are constant Co flnCreas,n £ 'n number of those who thus ffi11'688 k*16 °f further resistance. Con- jja*10ri 18 openly made by the refugees that they 6 been worked out by our incessant movements, Inter is approaching there, many of the enemy jj6 w,th°ut horses, badly clothed, and half-starved, to 61 ^ese circumstances only one course is open 0f 111611 w'10m fanaticism has not entirely deprived re ref80u" The practical good of Lord Kitchener's reatrictive measures is in this way abundantly in Cc^ proof. As an organiser he is once mora j.0 ,lQciDg'y demonstrating his powerand testifying ho 6 W*8(*om ^6 action on the part of the sn authorities in handing over to him the Lo j6lne Gommand in the field upon the recall of p When the back of the Boer guerrilla 18 ^ro^en' Lord Kitchener may confidently be Usfced with carrying out a scheme of settlement. A. step onward seems to have been made in a> The Celestial Government has notified its lngne8s to comply with the demands of the °Wers for payment of an indemnity, such pay- on 8Prea<^ over a term of years, but re- a reduction of the amount demanded. The ^J&peror's advisers profess that they will submit to 101 post of forty millions sterling in consideration 8ood^6 demands of the Powers. So far, so This appears, on the surface, to have some jto°w °f reason and fairness. But there is one Qojj omission. No meation was made in the e°tive Note of interest on the sum demanded, the Chinese reply simply treats the matter as it f °f the principal, apparently taking granted that no interest is required. If this 88ion was unintentional, those who drew up the a ,e °annot be congratulated upon their business 'tilde. If( on the other hand, they deemed it to make such a stipulation, trusting to g "inese sense of fairness and knowledge of 1 °Pe&n methods, it is evident that they have ^rned but little of the character of the people "ith whom they are dealing. TT *#* Hess something is done at once there is a danger totbe collapse of the Towyn Cricket Club. The people feel that the result would be a deplor- j 6 one. All that ia required now is to call a meet- 14 8.nd to appoint officers who will spare neither "a n°r efforts to put it on a sound basis. It is te Or t e leading townspeople to acknowledge tostitutiona of this kind are dependent for their existence and success upon their actire IUPport. *#* lir Maethlon James has been appointed chairman the Finance Committee of the Towyn and Aber- UOv»y Urban Council. The first report of the com- read at the Urban Council on Friday, 611 the surveyor's allocation of the amount ex- pended during the month was presented. Tn • fe 's absolutely free from all kinds of in. diseases. From the report of the medical cer, which we are to understand is not quite plete, it will be seen that there was not a single case of infectious disease in the town last year. question of this formation of a Golf Club for has this week been more keenly discussed frftu ever been the case before, and judging ^0ln the amount of enthusiasm displayed it would Th W*Se course to ^rike the iron while it is hot. e tradespeople and the lodging-house keepers j. to be unanimous on the desirability of estab- lhg a club, and the only stumbling block is the cation of ways and means. A golfer now staying tK makes an excellent suggestion, viz, a bazaar should be organised to be held in KQst when the town is full of visitors, and the °c«eds devoted towards putting a suitable plot of 11 in order. We are confident that the trades- P'e and the lodging-house keepers would j guarantee a certain sum towards the ih expense, and once started there is no know- 8 how much benefit the town would derive from What is urgently required now is a leader, a ntan of business-tact and sound common-sense, Who will take the initiative, and pilot the scheme to ^•^ccessful issue. We could rely on the hearty ^operation of the county member (Mr Osmond hams) who is a golfer, and who has expressed Willingness to do all in his power for the town, p 6 trusfc that this season will not be allowed to With nothing done in this direction. It« th f med to t!l8 general opinion on Tuesday j the fair was -the poorest held in Towyn for a taif titDe" Ifc has long beinS evident that the. e the8 dwin(iIin £ to nothing, to the great loss of jia^0Wn8pe°ple and the farmers themselves. We a^Vocafcec* ^he reorganisation of these fairs, and Pointed out the advantages which would I%L rlo to the townspeople from a busy fair day now and again, and to the farmers themselves by the presence of English dealers who would pay better prices than the local dealers who now go round the fartna previously to the show day. Towyn is an excellent agricultural centre, and some of the best fairs in North Wales should be held held here. Could not the rural members of the Urban District Council devise a scheme to bring the fairs up to their former popularity ? Should not the new Market Hall be made better use of ? Weekly, fortnightly, or monthly markets would add some importance to the place. The statement recently made that it would be to the disadvantage of the local members of the Urban Council is without foundation as regards the members generally, for it would only affect one market, and instead of iijuiing any trade would, on the contrary, attract man} II (Ire cus- tomers to business houses. Motives of an u!. worthy nature are too often attributed tc members of public bodies who do their very utmost for those they represent. *:¡¡:II< The great drawback of the Towyn Urban Council is its non-progressive attitude generally. As regards improving the town and inaugurating schemes for the welfare of the ratepayers at large, the members are lamentably backward. They should bear in mind, that if they are content to be inactive, they are preventing by their presence in the Council others from being of use to the town. 4-