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THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES. MEETING OF THE COURT AT WREXHAM. The annual extra-collegiate meeting of the Court of the University of Wales was held at the County Hall, Wrexham, on Thursday week. The Court assembled at ten, when there were present Dr Isambard Owen, senior deputy-chancellor, the Hon G T Kenyon, junior deputy-chancellor, Principal H R Reichel, pro vice-chancellor, Principal T F Roberts, Aberystwyth, Mr W Cadwaladr Davies, junior standing counsel, Professor C M Thompson, Acting Principal, University College, Cardiff, Col Mainwaring, Mr D E Jones, treasurer of the Guild of Graduates, Col Pryce-Jones, M.P., Prof Anwyl, Aberystwyth,. Prof Edw Edwards, Aberystwyth, Prof D Morgan Lewis, Aberystwyth, Messrs E Thomas, Llanfair Caereinion, W J Johnson, Aber- ystwyth, Prof Snape, Aberystwyth, Rev G Hart- well Jones, Nutfield, Surrey. A MUNICIPAL WELCOME. Before business was begun, the Mayor of Wrèx. ham said as chief magistrate of the borough, he had the honour and privilege on behalf of the Corpora. tion, the burgesses, and the inhabitants of the town, of extending to the members of the Court a most hearty and cordial welcome.-Dr Isambard Owen returned thanks on behalf of the Court. CONGRATULATIONS TO H.R.H. THE CHANCELLOR. The Senior Deputy Chancellor moved that they offer their most cordial and respectful congratula- tions to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales on his escape from assassination.—The motion was carried, and the message was ordered to be telegraphed to H.R.H. Later in the day the following telegram was treceived from the Prince in reply I cordially bank the Court for their telegram and kind con. gratulations.—Albert Edward." THE LATE PRINCIPAL EDWARDS. The Senior Deputy-Chancellor moved that the Court express the deep and heavy loss Wales had sustained by the death of the late distinguished Principal T C Edwards, D.D.—Principal T F Roberts seconded the motion.—The Rev Aaron Davies supported.—The motion was carried in silence, the members standing. THE LATE DR EDWARD JONES. The Senior Deputy-Chancellor also moved that they express their profound regret at the loss the University of Wales had sustained in the death of Dr Edward Jones, and their appreciation of his valuable services to the cause of intermediate and higher education for many years. The Court desired to express its sympathy with Dr Jones's family in their bereavement.—Mr Cadwaladr Davies seconded the motion, which was also carried in silence. CORRESPONDENCE, &C. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales wrote expressing his cordial thanks to the Court for its good wishes on the occasion of his birthday.-The Rev L C Edwards wrote conveying, on behalf of his sisters and him- self, their sincere thanks for the flowers sent for their father's grave.-The Vice-Chancellor, Prin- cipal Viriamu Jones, sent his grateful thanks to the Court for its sympathy and good wishes.-The Registrar said ll, would be glad to hear that the Vice-Chancellor was progressing satisfactorily.- Dr Isambard Owen said they would allow him to express their extreme gratification at the progress the Vice-Chancellor was making. They hoped he would soon be among them again (hear, hear).-The Lord President of the Council wrote notifying the re-appointment of the Hon G T Kenyon and Mr Brynmor Jones, Q.C., M.P., as members of the Court for five years.—The Merionethshire County Council wrote stating that they bad re-appointed Mr 0 M Edwards, M.P., a member of the Court, and the authorities of Aberystwyth College that they had re-appointed Lord Rendel, Lieut-General Sir J Hills-Johnes, Mr Mortimer Green, and Dr Emrys Jones, in the place of Dr Edward Jones, Principal T F Roberts, Alderman J F Roberts, Dr D R Roberts, and Lieut.-Colonel E Pryce Jones, M.P., for three years. The Headmasters and Headmis- tresses of County Schools had appointed Mr E Thomas, Llanfair, Miss Mason, Bangor, and Mr W J Russell, Wrexham, for three years.-Letters ex. pressing regret for absence were read from, amongst others, Mr Humpbreys-Owen, M.P., and Mr Marchant Williams.—The Senior Deputy-Chan- cellor said their treasurer, Sir J Hills.Johnes, was absent because he was paying a visit to the seat of war. He hoped they would soon see him safely back again (hear, hear.) ELECTIONS. Dr Isambard Owen was re-elected Senior Deputy Chancellor amidst applause. The election of a Junior Deputy-Chancellor was then proceeded with.—The result of the ballot showed all the votes to be in favour of the re-election ot the Hon G T Kenyon and he was accordingly declared appointed. —In returning thanks Mr Kenyon said thanks to the excellent attendance of his friend in the chair, the duties of Junior Deputy-Chancellor were not very onerous, but if ever there were any deficiences to supplement he should be happy to supplement them (cheers). The Executive Committee was elected as follows Professor Snape, Mr Cad- waladr Davies, Lady Verney, Mr Brynmor Jones, M.P., Dr R D Roberts, Professor Dobbie, Mr 0 Owen, Professor Selby, Mr Humphreys-Owen, M.P., Mr D E Jones, Colonel Pryce-Jones, M.P., Mr Wm Edward s.- Colonel Pryoe-Jones moved that the Standing Executive Committee be requested to consider the advisability of amending the present system of voting for the election of officers at the meetings of the Court. He was sure everyone was dissatisfied with the present system of electing officers, for by mistake such men as Mr Hum- phreys-Owen and Mr Brynmor Jones, who had "doce so much for education in Wales, might be overlooked if they did not happen to Le present.- The motion was carried nem. con. A HANDSOME LEGACY. The Senior Deputy-Chancellor said since the Court last met they had received a legacy for the founding of open scholarships from; Mr Price Davies, of Denbighshire, who had spent the greater part of his life in Leeds. The scholarships, which were open to the world, were to be given entirely on the results of competitive examinations. The solicitors had informed them that after all pay- ments had been made about £5,500 would come to the University (cheers). He moved that the matter be referred to the Standing Executive Committee to deal with.-This was agreed to. FINANCIAL. The estimate for the yeer 1900-1 was presented by the Executive Committee, the total being £4,486, as compared with JB4,737 in 1899.1900 and JB4,116 for 1898-9.—The Senior Deputy-Chancellor said the Committee thought of making some representation to the Government as to money, but this had been thought hardly a propitious year for doing so and they decided to defer it.—Mr W C Davies, present. ing the financial report, said the year began with a deficit of R128 7s 6d, and ended with a consider- ably larger deficit of zC288 8s 8d. That was accounted for by the fact that the Committee estimated the expenditure at £4,737, whereas the sum provided by the Treasury was limited to £ 4,000. HOSPITALITY. At mid-day the Court was entertained to luncheon at the Wynnstay Hotel by the Mayor, who presided. He was supported by the Mayoress, the Senior Deputy-Chancellor, the Junior Deputy. Chancellor, and others—After lunch, the Mayor proposed The Queen," and the toast was duly honoured- Continuing, the Mayor proposed H.R.H. the Chancellor," and said he thought one reason why they should drink that toast was that the Chan- cellor bore the name of their beloved country (cheers). Another reason was the dastardly attempt upon his life which had been made recently. He was sure they were all thankful that he had escaped without injury (cheers).-Sir Robert Cun- liffe proposed The University of Wales." He believed he was one of the earliest subscribers to the College at Aberystwyth, and he had also taken a humble share in the establishment of Bangor College, the distinguished Principal of which was present that day. They did not have to look far to see how great was the need in Wales for that keenness after higher education. Partly owing to its isolation by having a separate language and partly by its remoteness Wales had no doubt suffered in the past. They were cut off, by having no language except their own, from contact with the progress made in the rest of the world except what reached them through translations. No people could stand in such a position without suffer- ing [great social and commercial disadvantages. That, however, only referred to about one-third of the population, who, according to the last census, spoke Welsh. Although Wales had suffered in some degree through isolation, yet in no part of the United Kingdom would they find people who were more able to take advantage of the opportunities which were now laid before them (cheers). The Welsh people had distinguished themseltes in art, literature, and music. That had in the past been more or less sustained and fostered by the help of eisteddfodau, but now the study of the arbs might be carried on by the young students in a much higher degree. A Welshman who was fond of literature could not be satisfied with studying ancient Welsh compositions, however interesting they might be. It was difficult to estimate the enormous gain the University must be to the Princi- pality in the course of a few generations. He hoped no one would think that because they wanted their yonng Welshmen and Welshwomen to take up those studies they would lose any of their love for Wales (hear, hear). That had not been the case in Scot- land or in Wales, for where could they find men who loved Scotland better than Scott or Burns P Both of them were perfectly aware that there were hills beyond the Cumbrians and fortbs beyond the Forth (cheers). So a man might travel far before he would find mountains as beautiful as those of Wales, but when he did find them they would not lesson his love for Wales. As to Ireland, where would they find names more distinguished as writers, statesmen or soldiers, than those of Irish- men P They wished to see the higher form of culture opening up to the young men and women of Wales so that they would be good Welshmen and good Welshwomen, and able to take their place among their compeers of the United Kingdom as worthy citizens of the republic of arts, literature and music (cheers).—Dr Isambard Owen said he thought lie might claim on behalf of the Court to say that they were doing their utmost to de- serve the appreciation which had been shown them. They might certainly claim that there was no British University which had at a more early date justified its existence, and, he might say, surpassed the expectations of its promoters. Great Britain generally had been a little too prone to neglect the importance of education which con- tinental nations, even the most economical ones had done well to avail themselves of. They had, perhaps, been a little too confident in the inherent qualities of the British race, and in its power to surpass other races without recourse to those labo- rious means of training which other nations on the Continent had found the necessity of (hear, hear). Perhaps they might say that during the last few years there had been throghout Great Britain a considerable awakening in that matter. They had awakened to see that large branches of manufac- tures and commerce were passing into the hands of their better-trained German rivals (hear, hear). They had awakened to see that many millions of British money were passing out of this country every year in payment for articles of agricultural produce, which might have been kept at home (cheers). Within the last six months they had had an evan more than rude awakening, for they had found that even the mag- nificent qualities of the finest troops in the world might be spent in vain unless informed by exact scientific knowledge and guided by carefully-trained intellectual faculties (cheers). They had, perhaps, attached a little too much importance to the saying said to be used by the Duke of Wellington, that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, and not enough to the equally pregnant remark attri- buted to Von Moltke, that the issue of the Franco- Prussian War was decided in the public schoolrooms of Prussia (hear, hear). He hoped when they came to view the work of the year, they would realise that they were not pursuing a mere private aim, but were undertaking a work which was as important as the administration of justice (cheers). He wished to thank the Mayor and Mayoress for their princely hospitality to the Court, and he was sure the Court would re-echo his feelings when he referred to the trying circumstances in which he had entertained them (hear, hear).- The Hon G T Kenyon said his duties were limited to filling any deficiencies of the Senior Deputy- Chancellor, and if there were no deficiences, what were his duties ? (laughter). He and Sir Robert Cunliffe stood in similar positions, for they were both graduates in a science which was not recog- nised in the University curriculum-they were graduates in the science of political warfare (laughter). They had both obtained first-class 1 honours as successful and unsuccessful candidates (laughter). He was sure they would congratulate them, and hoped that they would repeat the per- formance (renewed laughter). They were, how- ever, in the usual position of wanting money, and be hoped that visit of the Court would stimulate the generosity of their friends to make Wrexham what it should be—one of the chief centres of educational progress in North Wales (cheers).-On the call of the Senior Deputy. Chancellor, the health of the Mayor and Mayoress was drunk with musical honours.—The Mayor, in reply, said he could assure them that no event in their lives had given them greater pleasure than that visit of the Court. They only regretted the circumstances in which they had to entertain them, and they fully appreciated their kind sympathy (cheers). THE REPRESENTATION OF COUNTY SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Court re-assembled at three.—The Clerk to the Central Welsh Board wrote intimating that the period for which Mr Charles Owen, Merthyr Tydfil, Professor R W Phillips, Bangor, and Mr T W Phillips, Newport, were elected by the Court to be members of the Board would expire on May 13.— Mr W J Russell, speaking as Chairman of the County Schools Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Association, said the Association felt that they were not sufficiently represented on the Central Welsh Board, and the Court had graciously nomi- nated three or four headmasters and headmistresses to be members of the Board. He therefore asked the Court, in accordance with that understanding, to re-elect Mr C Owen and Mr T W Phillips.—The election was made by ballot, and Mr F P Dodd, Professor R W Phillips and Mr R E Hughes were declared elected.-The Court continued sitting until evening, but the discussions were of a purely technical character.