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'8' I am accused by Spectator," a writer in a local contemporary, with having made a mis-statement with re- gard to the construction of a sewer to the Jubilee Cottages, Belvedere, and the New Road. Every word I said at the meeting of the Ratepayers' Asso- ciation was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and Spec- tator and his friends can put them in their pipes and smoke them. I repeat that, although a member of the Town Council, as well as the owner of six houses it was proposed to connect with this new sewer, I received no official intimation that the Local Government Board had sanctioned the loan, that the money had been obtained, or that the work was about to be commenced. # I do believe that advantage was taken of my absence, because from previous correspondence which had taken place between myself and the Town Council before I became a member, as well as the statement made by me to the Govern- ment Inspector, the Corporation were well aware how seriously I objected to the work being done simply because there was no proper outlet on the South Sands. I stated plainly that I was anxious to forego the advantages of a main sewer being laid to my houses in the interests of Tenby at large, and not because I in any way objected to the construction of a sewer under suitable conditions. # # My readers will, no doubt, observe that "Spectator" makes no attempt to maintain that a sewer was urgently required, neither does he argue that men of common sense would take care that the sewage at its outlet was not likely to do serious harm before they arranged to deposit an extra quantity at the mouth of the outfall. I am not sure if I have mentioned before what Councillors are aware of, that I went to the Local Government Board and inter- viewed one of the officials responsible for the sanctioning of the loan. This gentleman told me that the Board did not like to refuse because it was con- trary to their rule to object to loans used for the purpose of providing drainage to houses which had none, but that the consequence of the Tenby Town Council spending £500 would mean a very serious outlay on the ex- tension of the Culvert which they should oblige them to proceed with. # Proof of this is now very obvious, for ever since the Jubilee sewer has been constructed the Town Clerk has periodically received communications from the Local Government Board demanding that the work of extending the Western Outfall should be taken in hand and I contend that had they carried out the suggestion made by me to them by letter and by statements before the Government Inspector they would have extended the Culvert before they constructed the Jubilee sewer. And the curious fact remains that the work was commenced in my absence, although I was the most interested party concerned. It might very well have been allowed to remain over for two or three years had the best in- terests of the town been consulted. The flimsy foundation for Specta- tor's" attack on me should be sufficient evidence to the ratepayers of the par- lous state into which he and his friends have got by their idiotic management of public affairs. I have more than a suspicion that Spectator" enjoys the confidence of the Incubus," and I am sure many readers of his notes, myself included, would be obliged if he would tell us- Why JE200 per annum is paid to an absentee Treasurer? Why a reduction of about cS75 per annum in the refuse removal contract was not accepted ? Why the Tenby Marine Baths, built and.fitted up with public money at a cost of nearly £2000, is now let in tene- ments ? Why members are allowed to reap pecuniary benefit from the Tenby Town Council ? If he will be good enough to reply to these few questions I shall be glad to put some more, by- and-bye. Again. Why should not the Mayors of Tenby be selected in the Council Chamber? Who gives the "Incubus" authority to invite some gentlemen to fill the office, and prevent the discussion of others being asked? A short time ago, in reply to my application for an opportunity, I was informed "We don't choose our Mayor until after November 1st;" also, "We always choose one at a. meeting specially called for the pur- pose." I reported that these statements did not coincide with my experience of the last two Mayors but I would wait and see." Last week I heard by chance that Mr Clement Williams is to be the new Mayor." Sure enough, this popular gentleman informed me that he had been asked, but under medical advice had declined the honour. I suppose it can only be the "Incubus" who presumed to make the request. No one else would have the assurance. I quote the facts, that ratepayers may know whom to thank for the brilliant occupants of Tenby's mayoral chair officiating during the last few years, and realize that fitness for the office of Mayor does not appear to count as much as good service to the "Incubus." Don't we want a Ratepayers' Associa- tion ? Don't we just? P.S.—I have just heard that a bona, fide gentleman has been asked to be Mayor of Tenby for next year, and will accept office. I should like to have joined in asking him; but though I did not get the chance, I shall shout "Hooray!" as loud as the "Incubus" if the news is true. # Last May I gave the Coronation Garden a top dressing of four loads of black mud and sand from Tenby Har- bour, and I now invite all occupiers of land in the immediate neighbourhood of the town to take a look at the beau- tiful clover thickly mingled with the grass growing in this garden. I can positively say that no clover was visible last year, and as far as I am able to judge its luxuriant growth is to be entirely attributed to the top dressing of muddy sand given it in the spring. 1f.* I had previously heard that this fertilizer gave wonderful results in the improving of grass lands, but this is the first time that I have had actual experience of it. The winter will soon be with us, and many will want to top dress their meadows, so I very cordially invite them to take advantage of the offer still open by which the Town Council contribute sixpence per load towards the cost of removing the black sand from our little Harbour. 1f Nearly 200 loads have already been carted away, greatly to the improve- ment of the Harbour, and I estimate that another 300 loads would make it clean looking as well as sweet smelling. This state of things would be as much to the advantage of Tenby as a health resort as the fertilizer will improve the land on which it is placed. I respect- fully ask for the help of every rate- payer who is also an occupier of land in carrying out this work. Perhaps the Rector and Churchwardens could see their way to spend two or three pounds on their beautiful little field beside the Rectory. I am sure the result would be very gratifying. 1(. # Mr D. Harrison has very kindly given me 5s. towards my little fund for helping an invalid widow and her family of six. I have enough money to ( last for the next four or five weeks, but the fund will remain open, and I hope to receive further contributions from charitable readers. F. B. M. THE TATLER."








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