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TENBY TIDE TABLE. AUGUST, i88q. i Horn. Even. Keight h m h m ft. in. Thursday 29 7 45 8 3 22 6 Friday 30 8 21 839. 22 4 Satwrday 31. 8 58 9 17 21 9 Sunday, Sept 1 9 36 on 9 56 20 9 Monday 2 10 19 10 43 19 8 Tuesday 3 .1 11 9. 11 40 18 3 Wednesday 4 —— 0 18 17 6 Thursday 5 1 2 150 17 6 MR. HELYAR, SURGEON DENTIST, 7, VICTORIA PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST, MAY be consulted at 3, LANCASTER BriiJHNes HIGH STRRKT, TKNBY, on MONDAYS from 10 till 4. ST E AM. C O M M U NIC A T I O N. BETWEEN BRISTOL AND TENBY. THE Bristol Steam Navigation Company's (Limited) powerful Steamer Briton, or other Buitable Steam Vessel, are intended to sail from Cumberland Basin, Hotwells (unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence, and with liberty to Tow Vessels) during SEPTEMBER, 1889, as follows:— BRISTOL TO TENBY. Friday, Aug 30 8 morn Friday, Sept. 6 21 after, Friday 13 — 8 morn Friday 20 2 after Friday 27 7 morn No Cargo received at Cumberland Basin. All Goods in Craft to be at the risk of the Shipper or Consignee, whether conveyed at expense of ship or Freighter. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Particulars may be obtained by applying to the Bristol Steam Navigation Co's. Office, 50, Prince Street, Bristol; or to Mr. W. WALL. 36. Victoria Street Tenbv. "faR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE?.. I WORLD-FAMED 'i- iwmuMiai The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer, FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from ALL IMPUBITIES it cannot be too highly re- commended. „ „ For SCROFULA, SCURVY, ECZEMA, SKIN and BLOOD DISEASES, and SORFG OF ALL KINDS, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. I feel duty bound to inform you of the wonderful effects of Clarke's Blood Mixture on me. I have had suffering over two years of a severe nature. I first consulted the best medical aid I could possibly procure till my means were run out, and with a sad heart I was compelled to come into the workhouse hos- pital where I now am. I had been in here 18 months, and my legs gradually got worse. I began to think they would never get better, till I read of Clarke's Blood Mixture," and I deter- mined that when I could raise the means I would try it; so I commenced to deprive myseif of little necessaries till at length I raised eleven shillings. I commenced to use the Blood Mix- ture on Monday, May 6th. I then had five wounds on the left leg, one very large on the ankle bone, one on the shin about the size of half-a-crown, and three on the calf almost as large. The right leg was somewhat similar, but there were three sores which I thought would break into one. All are perfectly healed up now but one small place on the left ankle about the size of a shilling. There are fifteen patients in the ward that I am in, and they were surprised to see my legs when I had taken the mixture a week, aud there are three of them now using it. I am verv sorry, indeed, that I cannot purchase another bottle, and if you would kindly send me a small quantity I should be able to get it, and I shall never forgetit as long as I live. Yours faithfully, EDWARD STATHERS, No 8 Ward, Analley Road Workhouse Hospital, Hull, June 13, 1888. LATER. a write to let you know how I am getting on. I received the bottle of Mixtuie you sent me, and the wounds are now com- pletely healed up. 1 will be out of here in a few days and get to work, which is already promised me. I am going to reside at my sister's, Mrs Bullmer, 26, Grimsby Lane, Market Place, Hull. If you wish to use this case for the benefit of other poor sufferers do so. The results of your Mixture is really wonder- ful —I remain your thankful servant, June 26, 1888. EDWARD STATES. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d. and lis. each. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by THE LINCOLN AND MID- LAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. TRADE MARK, BLOOD MIXTURE. Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. NORTH CLIFF DAIRY, TENBY. IB. TiioivnJLS. FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS DAILY. CLOTTED CREAM, CREAM CHEESE, JUNKETS CURDS AND WHEY. Creams delivered to any part of the Tllwn. registry OFFICE FOR servants. a Plra.tES, .7hich rhorougWy S«es the teeth from f « impurileS hardens the gums, 5 from decayed teeth or smoke. 1& The com. posed 4* patot Honey and sweat h«bs,»■ddiaousito &TK«Mlthe greatest toilet toow*7J«JjJ Price 2a. 6d., of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wioi#- "Is depot, &3. Farrinsfdon Ro&d, London. VALUABLE DISCOTOBT FOR THE HAIB.—K yoru hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use THE, MEXICAN HAIR EENEWER," for ifc mil positively ) sstore in twery case Grey or White hair to its original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." It makes the hair charmingly beautitul, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Price 3s. 6d. —For an Oil to make the Hair soft, glossy, and luxu. riant, ask for" CAltlbR S COLOGN E 01 L." Price Is. of all dealers. Wholesale depoi, &i, Farringduc Road. London. TENBY LAWN TENNIS CLUB. THJS Ground, comprising Eight Courts, is now Open. COMMITTE* W. BOOKER, ESQ. J. KENWORTHY, ESQ. COLONEL W. LEWES. F. E. REMFRY, ESQ. W.H. RICHARDS. ESQ. CAPTAIK WESTBY. WM. BORLASE WILLOCK, ESQ. L. R. WOOD, ESQ. HON. SECRETARY AND TREASURER: J. KENWORTHY, ESQ., 23, Victoria Street. Sabscriptions win be received by Mr JAMES, Chemist, 2, Lancaster Buildings (opposite the Church), who will furnish copies of the Rules and all information required. 1889. TENBY SOUTH CLIFF LA W N TENN I S C L U B (For Residents and Visitors,) Is now open for the Season. Subscriptions will be received, and copies of Rules supplied, by Mr JOHN EVANS, Tudor Square; Mr W. H. SAIES, High Street; or the Ground Man. W; PARTRIDGE, Hon. Secretary. TENBY GOLF CLUB. npHi; GROUND, Situated on the BURROWS, is X now OPEN for Play. Boy in attendance. COMMITTEE. Colonel FITZGERALD F. E. REMFRY, Esq. J. KENWORTHY, Esq. W. B. WILLOCK, Esq Subscriptions for Visitors—Fortnightly, 2s. 6d. Monthly, 5s. Apply to F. E. REM FRY, Esq., Hon. Sec., 2, The Esplanade. Just Published, Price 2 s. 6d., VITAL TRUTHS AND OPPOSING ERRORS In the Words of Holy Scripture. By CLERICUS ANGLICANUS, D.D. WITH MANY WEIGHTY TESTIMONIES BEARING ON RITUALI S IMT. -L AND SOME NOTES. By W. CUST GWYNNE, M.D. LONDON: JOHN KENSIT, City Protestant Book Depot, 18, Pater. noster Row, E.C. To be obtained at FARLEY'S Library, Tenby. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS §Aie universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a box foi bilious and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddi- ness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings oi heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, eostiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensa- tions, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly in- vited to try one box oi these Pills, and they will be acknow- ledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. It taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appe- tite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debili- tated is, BEECHAM'S rILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the ivorld. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchia Affec- tion, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppres- sion of the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty oi breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let an) person give BKECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. f1l:1: Telegraphing from Sophia on Tuesday the Times correspondent states that the latest despatches from Crete report that the inhabitants of 15 disturbed villages had proposed to submit to the authorities on the sole condition that liberty, life, and property would be protected. Shakir Pasha had replied with the full required assurance of a complete amnesty, and the populations have returned to their usual avocations. At the village of Ward near Sandwich, a woman, working in the fields, noticed the peculiar action of a dog sitting close to a ditch. Several hours later she returned to the same spot. As the dog was still sitting in the same place, and evidently trying to attract attention, she went to the ditch, and there found the body of a man with his face down- wards. The man proved to be a farmer named Baker, 70 years of age. The number of members of the Society of Friends in the Australasian colonies is gradually increasing by immigration. There are close upon 500 mem- bers of the society now resident there, chiefly in Melbourne. A boarding-school has recently been opened for the children of the members. Mr Balfour intends to go to hi* seat in Scotland after the rising of Parliament, and will probably remain there till the latter part of October. The Linconshire (Kesteven) magistrates have been engaged at Bourne, investigating a charge, insti- tuted by the Treasury, against Arthur Croydon, late a draper of Bourne, of fraudulent bankruptcy. Defendant was declared bankrupt last year, and in December he decamped to South Africa, and thence to America. His mutilated business books were found in his shop, and the creditors were defrauded of several hundreds of pounds. Croydon was com- mitted for trial. SERVICES AT TENBY. Parish Church Supdays-Mating with Sermon, 11 a.m.; Children's Service, 3.30 p.m.; Evensong with Sermon 6 p.m. Week-days—Matins, 11 a.m.; Evensong, 6 p.m.; except Fridays, Evensong, 7.30 (choral), with Sermon. Holy-days—Matins, 11 a.m.; Evensong, 7.30 (choral). Holy Communion, every Sunday at 8 a.m.; 1st and 3rd Sundays, 12.15 p.m.; 2nd Sunday, 8 a.m. and last Sunday at 12.15 p.m. (choral) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Holy-days at 8 a m. Rector-Rev. GEORGE HUNTINSTOK, M.A. Ovrates- Rev. A. NbBL HuKT, B.A.; Rev. GEORGE EDMUND WARLOW, B.A. New Hedges School Church. Evening Service Sunday 6.15 p.m. Holy Communion, 4th Sunday in the Month, 8.15 a.m. St. Julian's Chapel, Quay. Evening Service, Sunday 6 p.m. Holy Communion, 2nd Sunday in the Month, 7.30 a.m. STJNDAT-SCHOOIS. S. Mary's, 2.15. New Hedges, 2.30. S. Julian's—Men, 2; Boys, 3.30. Classes, Adult—Wednesdays, 11.30. Teachers' Meet- ing, 11.30. CHAPELS Congregational Church, Warren Strt;et-Minister: Rev ROBERT AHH, The Manse, Warren Street.—Sun- days Prayer Meeting at 7; Morning, 11 o'clock; Afternoon, Sunday-school, 2.30; Evening, 6. Wed- nesday Evenings at 7. PenallyChapel-Sunday-school at 10.30; Afternoon, 2.30. Wesley Chapel, Warren Street — Sundays Prayer Meeting at 7 a.m.; Services, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Mondays: Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m.; Wedees- nesdays: Service at 7 p.m Minister: Rev. G. HAWTBKY CAMBURN. Baptist Chapel, Deer Park-Sundays: Prayer Meetings, 7 and 10 a.m.; Preaching, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday-school, 2.30 p.m. Week-days: Preaching, Tuesdays, 7.30 p.m.; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; Bible Class, Thursday, 8 p.m. Rev THOMAS EVANS, Minister. Presbyterian Chapel, Frog Street-Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. Rev. B. LEWIS, Minister. Mission Hall, Chimney Park Sundays at 11 a.m., Breaking of Bread; 6 p.m. Preaching of the Gospel; Mondays and Thursdays, at 8 p.m. Young Men's Christian Association, St Mary Street, Tenby -Services: Sunday, Address, 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m.; Friday, Bible Class, 8 p.m. Side Room ,Ro'yal Assembly Rooms. Lord's Day Meetings: 11 a.m., Worship-1 Cor. xi.; 3 p.m., Bible Reading; 6 p.m., Gospel. All are welcome. St. Bride's Roman Catholic Chapel, Frog Street. Mass on Sundays at 8, and 10.30 with Sermon; Evening Service with Sermon and Benediction at 6. Mass daily at 8 a.m. Wednesday and Friday Evenings-Devotion and Bene- diction at 7.30. NEIGHBOURING CHURCHES. Penally Church-Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev D. M. MORRIS, M.A., Vicar. Gumfreston Church-Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Rev. G. E. MASSY, M.A., Rector. St. Florence Church-Sundays, Morning Service at 10.45 a.m. Evening Service, 6.30 p.m. Holy Com- munion on 1st and 3rd Sundays at Mid-day; on 2nd and 4th Sundays at 8.30 a.m. Rev. G. T. LERMIT, LL.D., Rector. St. Issell's Church-Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Holy Communion 1st Sunday in the Month. Monday-Service at Stepaside, 7 p.m. Wednes- day— St. Issells at 7 p.m. Friday-Coffee Tavern Service at 7.30 p.m. Rev J. JONES, M.A., Vicar. Manorbeer Church.—Sundays at 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Rev. J. G. MOORE, M.A., Vicar. WM. BELT'S Furnishing & General Ironmongery Stores 15, FROG STREET, TENBY. Agent for Rippingill's Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves. Cooking Stove, complete, with kettle, 3/6. A large assortment of all kinds of Stoves kept in stock. LAMPS.—Just received, the new Season's Stock. Petroleum Lamps, complete, from 8d. each. Bedsteads from 10/6. A first class washed Wool Mattress, full size and best tick, 15/6. Baths and Lamps for Hire. Workmen kept on the Premises to make and repair all kinds of Goods, in Iron, Brass, Copper, Tin, &c- Gas Fitting and Plumbing. A large assortment of Gas Fittings in Stock. Best Crystal Lamp Oil delivered in any quantity. Please note Address of Stores- 15, FROG STREET, TENBY. THE TENBY LOCAL MUSEUM, CASTLE HILL, IS Open Daily, Sundays excepted, from Nooa till Four p.m. It contains collections illustrative of the Geology Entomology, Botany, Ornithology, Conchology, Zoo- phytology, and Antiquities of Tenby and the neigh- hood. There is also a small Library of scientific and other works. Entrance 6d. Season Tickets, not transferable-Three Months, 2s. <!d.: Twelve Month. 5s. LAUNDRY WORK AND Taken at S. WINIFRED'S HOME, SOUTH PARADE. Apply to the Lady-in-Charge.


