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W _A. JCST T-SD LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-OFF CLOTHES. LADIES' and Gentlemen's Left-off Clothes purchased by E. J. "WEIGHT, 2, Dimond Street, Pcmbroke- Dock. Letters personally attended to. P.O.O. sent on Teceipt of Parcels. v Agent for P. and.P. Campbell's Dye Works, Perth. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIF.IE'! lop t I. WORLD-FAMED -Ti L JIM The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities cannot be too highly recommended For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Sores JCures "Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on th Fa": Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood Irom all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either "sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in Cases containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the majority of long-standing cases,—BY ALL PATENT MEDICINE VENDUES throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by The & MIDLAND COUNTIES' DHUG COMPANY, LINCOLN Trade Mark—"Blood Mixture." "M CELr,13]tATED ,oor Owl Is unrivalled for Joiners', Gardeners', Foresters', Farmers', and Amateurs'use. Sharpens with a spittle. Ask your Ironmonger to get you one; il he won't, drop me a note. Honourable Mention at) Paris Exhibition, 1878; and Bronze Medal, London International Exhibition, 1884. < JOHN C. MONTGOMEBlE, "Tam o' Sbantet" Btons, Bone Works, Dalmore, Itirboltcn Station, B.S.O., Scotland. ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all derangements of the urinary organs in either sex, gravel and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists, or sent for 60 stamps by the makers, the LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. Wholesale, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. KEATING'S POWDER". Nothing to Equal It. KEATING'S POWDER. Nothing to Equal It. KEATING'S POWDER. Nothing to Equal It. KEXT T Wo'Tzqwder. Nothing to Equal .n. This Powc] 'ctly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, FLEAS. MOi tS 13 1LE3, and all Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollen3 furs should be wdl spnnxled with the Powder before placing away. It is im 1 to t ike to thü Seaside. To sue 1 1 -^oint- ment lU- 1\ 1'1 hiving •' JCCt1tiTlg-'S Powder." No other •Powd i il Sold on If/ in tins, (id Is., anl 2s. Gd. Beware of i i i u Don't bo deceived. ~W F„ M S I N CIIIL SEEK, WORMS IN CHILDREN, Are easily, snrelv. and with perfect safety got rid of by using KEATING'S WORM TABLETS Tins Is. L.^d. each. N U R S E "E DI) A'S C ARMINA T I V E! This unequalled remedy is entirely free from any Opiates or noxious or strong acting Medicineits effect is instant in relieving Infants, from • GlilPJiS, WrXD, COLIC, &e. It is guaranteed a simple, harmless Medicine. No.one in charge of a Baby should be without it. Price Is. per bottle at Chemists, or free on receipt of that sum by Thomas Keating, Chemist, London. by everyone, to find where prize medal teeth and workmanship CU> M bad at Charges generally paid lor most inferior dentistry.9 TVROAT AFFECTIONS AND HOARSENESS.—All suf- fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness Will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate teli«f, afforded by the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famona lozenges are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at la. lid. per box. People troubled with a "hacking cough," t "aUght cold," or bronchial affections, cannot try them too soon, as similar troubles, if allowed to pro- grtJM, rssaltin serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic affec- t'iou. See thai the words 11 Brown's Bronchial Troches" «•» os tha Government Stamp around each box.- by JOBS I. BROWS 6 SONS, Boston, U.S, remoTod to £ 8, Farrisgdoo$o*d, JFTOBII-IKB!—FOR THB TEETH AWD BREATH.—A few drops of the liquid "Floriline" sprinkled on a t wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites « impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, etopQ decay, givee to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, »n<l a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removea all unnleiwarn; odour arising from decayed teeth ot tobacco smoke, "The Fragrant Floriiine," being com- posed ior, part of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the taste, ana the greatest toilet discovery of the ag*. Price 2c. of all Chemists and Perfumers, Whole* tale depot removed to 83, Farringdon Road, London. WATCHES, 1EWELLERY. MIDLAND COUNTIES C°MPANY.—(Cheapest house in the World) T Silver Crystal Glass, heavy Ladies Watches, 25/ Ladies' heavy-case^ Gofl Levers, 70/ Gents' So. do. do., 80/ Before pur- chasing: send. foriCompany's Catalogue, beauti&lly illustrated, 1,000 fine copper-plate engravings, gratis, post free on application, to any part of the world. Apply Company's Manager, A. iWov, Vvae Street, Birmingham. The press universally reoom. mend their readers to obtain a catalogue. ADVICE TO MOTHERS I-Are you broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth ? Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harm- less and pleasant to taste, it produces natural quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the littlb cherub awakel "as bright as a button." It Otoothee the child, .it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieve* wind, regulates the bowels, and is the BMt known remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea, t whether aming from teething or other cause*. Mrs, Wuulow'a Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers •vtrywhor* at la. f^d. p«z bottla. MASON'S GUIDES TO TENBY, I- Now lleady, Foolscap 8vo., 3rd Edition, with 24 Illustrations and a Map, price Is.; -cloth, Is. 6d., TENBY: Its History, Antiquities, Scenery, Traditions, and Customs. By Mr and Mrs S. C. HALL. Just Published, Foolscap Svo,. with 8 Illustrations and a Map, price 6c?., A HANDBOOK TO TEN BY. J'ust Published, Grown 8vo., 7th Edition, with 63 Illustrations and a Map, price Us. Gd., MASON'S GUIDE TO TENBY. MASON'S LIBRARY, TENBY. The Pure NATURAL WINES of the COUNTRY MR 0TH J„ 9 Stone's Celebrated fino C QUININE WINE, M Specially Prepared. i Strongly recommended jLJf Ar 1^ by the Highest |& m 3 9 a V Medical Authorties. JSk UP M M M Sold everywhere. Ginger, Orange, Port, "W" WiniinimiiiiluiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininniiiiiiiiniiHiiiMiiiiiiiiiii Sherry, Raisin, Grape, k Mk M i«m ^BSS5S5i' yw Raspberry, Gooseberry, WmmM H Tr V M peg3 Sold by Wine Merchants, Grocers, Muscatel, Currant,Tent, fW V III &c., everywhere. Malaga, Elder, Cowslip^Stc. JLA. he# WHOLESALE AT ROPEMAKER STREET, FINSBURY, LONDON, E.O. TENBY: GOTIDON," Corilwerci,ll Hotel." jin rnm-8 TT-Rfi itm# Dresses. Thfe Art of Dress-cutting Taught in a few Easy Lessons by tii% n-' -hp evwr-i onr^-rssTT!"P. « j d LJ tlM OfOILtfi Ua wU 1 Iii'Jws 0 )H-ic V,, been made in — r Dressmaker knows that the first and most V ii this important step^is c> 1 t. 1 "nte those f < Lve used nothin;T better than charts or t t eii-h year L- f* models for cutting, each one of which is t ti I io 1 ladies J utterly imperfect in principle,, as a Httie ,;r l more to careful reasoning would convince them. jr, whore this is W ipk's In the first place, charts cut the same :t :» ladies f Vfflj shape for every figure, measuring the v.g-j. ».tt1.L-ltn-ur!ous IV £ 0L same size bust. The fallacy of. this idea j„ .i- r ihe ser- \y R*'< is apparent when you consider that per- a. ,j jn coa. sons measuring the same size bust are v. «0f t'-V" wh'!e th"ir pre- rarely^if ever, shaped alike.^ Consequently, r°H r I r l th i J of t* is'evil -and* a great amount ( ''KxHe time « r-1 e and there seems to be no^more ^re convincing j. iof science and industry here, and letting one out in another place, } i is always maintained a leading a you have thrown the seams out cf all pro- irin. Why, then, in a point so vital J? portion, and Utterly destroyed any grace to her, and where so much capital is ex- -'M the dress might have possessed; you pMni.'ii will she permit a foreign rival to ought then to be assured of the necessity bear the palm of victory? Elegance and 6 '-7 of a true and correct method of cutting, rrlinement in dress have become so much which would save you this wasted time a study by ladies in these days that all /✓ „i* and miserable results. All good cutters thfi art and grace can do for them is called A know that a badly cut garment can never inio requisition. It is in these points. be made to fit well. By this system of therefore, we know we are rivalled abroad Cutting, which is based upon mathemati- hiss why are foreign modistes patronised sal principles, and will enable one to fit in preference to our own Dressmakers? B wZl/Xm A&& every figure perfectly without alteration, Ali ladies know when the Dress arrays x you can arrive at every point that consti- their figure to the best advantage, and the tutes an accurate fit with certainty. Ladies with irregular forms can be fitted with the same ease and certainty as those with perfect proportions, and. this cannot be done by any other method of cutting. Its adaptability to all changes of style, or variations in form ma'es this system an enduring advantage to the Dressmaker, and its comprehensive use wii place her on an equal footing with the Continental modistes in the Art of Dress Cutting. Ladies are discovering that there is science inCuttillg a Dress. The time has passed when the Dressmaker tmd try on the garment to see if it fits for with this system of calculation there can be no failure. Testimonial from a few English Ladies who have tested the Scientific System of Dress Cutting. \V~, the undersigned ladies, having learned the Scientific System of Dress Cutting, take great pleasure in recom- mend. ng the same to the ladies of our country, as we have proved its practicability and accuracy by many tests, and we h.iv.j never yet failed to obtain a perfect fit when the instructions are followed, which are so simple that a child can cut and lit by them as well as an adult; and we are sure that any lady who may learn this system will never regret the invest- ment she has made, as the saving of material alone upon a few garments will more than pay for the System, beside the Assurance and Satisfaction of always having a perfect fitting garment.—Mrs. Phillipson, 3, Colville Square Terrace. vsw-iicr, W.; Mrs. Malcolm, 40, Carlton Hill, St. John's Wood, N.W. Mrs. Smythe, 37, Blenheim Cres., Notting I: dl, W.; Kirs. Winton, 67, Bessboro' Street, Pimlico, S.W.; Miss Lang, 121, EdgwareRoad, W. Mrs. Dunlop, 16, Solon New Road, Clapham Miss Syer, 60, De Beauvoir Road, Islington, N.; Miss Field, Stratford House, Wimbledon, S.W.; t>jrs. 13aker, 1, Bedford Terrace, High Street, Streatham. To whom we refer. IFSTEUCTIONS given from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Owing to the demand for evening instructions by those employed during the day, pupils may now be instructed at their own Residence for the same charge. # Practical ladies wanted to take charge of Branch Offices. Situations furnished to pupils, if desired, in First-class Houses, where they can command the highest salaries as dress cutters. P jt ( One Scientific System, with general instruction at the office as long as desired £ 9 O O -1 Oue System in full, with special printed instructions,enabling anyone to thoroughly PB.Cji ^IbT. ( understand it, will be sent by post to any part of the United Kingdom for Jgl O O Car Patent Double Tracing Wheel, tracing two lines at a time, one to cut by, and the other to sew by, making the to mis all the same width, enabling a young girl to do the tacking as well as an experienced Dressmaker, will be found invaluable to ladies if tkey have much sewing to do, as it saves a great deal of time and labour. The above wheel will be s rt to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of 2s. (Two Shillings.) POST FREE, Post Office Orders (crossed) to be made payable at General Post Office, London, to N. HANBURY, Limited, 472, Regent Street, Regent Circus, London, VV. A few more Ladies of intelligence and good address Wanted, to learn our System, as teachers to give instructions at private house-. Unexceptionable references required. Agents wanted in every Town to sell our System. Send for Agi-nts' Special Price List. TRACING WHEEL. Address all Communications to the General Office of Toll The SCIENTIFIC DRESS-CUTTING ASSOCIATION, 272, Regent St., Regent Circus, London, W. LOCAL AGENT WANTEn FOR TENBY. I MEN QF ALL AGES should read LIGHT MEN BEHIND THE CLOUD," a new medical work, o_ 116 pages, containing over one hundred valuable prescriptions for self-treatment. ALL i Sent post free, on receipt of two penny I stamps to defray postage, on application AGES to D. HIGSON, 8, Bridge Street, Middles- brough. JAMES FISHES, FROG STREET, Authorised Plumber to the Tenby Urban Sanitary Authority, BEGS to inform the public that he has just received JD a large stock of the Regulation WATER FIT- TINGS, &c., which he can confidently recommend. Having been engaged upon several Water-works in England, the experience so gained will enable him to give satisfaction. Persons requiring Fittings or Repairs waited upon. JOHN ANDREW JENKINS, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT and GENERAL AGENT, FERN HOUSE, TENBY. Sales Guaranteed. DANCING, DEPORTMENT, AND CALIS- THENICS. THE Misses BRADSTREET hold their Classes at Tenby, Pembroke, Pembroke-Dock, and Haverfordwest. La Nationale taught. Private Lessons. Marlborough House, Tenby. RJPO be Let, Furnished, a comfortable House, EATON J.. COTTAGE, Victoria Street, CONTAINING Sitting-room, 3 Bedrooms, one W.C., and the usual offices. Small Flower Garden in front. Moderate rent. Apply to W M. DAVtBS. 15, Culver Park, Tenby. TLANORBEER. 7 TO be Let, Unfurnished, a seven-roomed House, in JL the centre of the village. Large and productive Garden. Rent £ 12 per year. Apply at Vine Cottage, Tenby. MESSRS. T. DAVID & CO., IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, IMPLEMENT MAKERS, AND AGENTS, WOODSIDE FOUNDRY, SAUNDERSFOOT. BUILDERS supplied with Ovens, Boilers, Grates, Railings, Columns, Window Weights, Street Grids and Covers. Land Rollers, Horse Gears, and Agricultural and Colliery Castings of all kinds. Mill and Machinery Brass. Breakages Re-cast and Repairs executed promptlv. LYFERVOUGTDEBILITY.-GB.ATIS, a Medical Work X1 showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of Quacks. Free on receipt of a postage stamp.—Address SECRETARY, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. SOUP. FAMILIES can be supplied with SOUP from the COBOURG" HOTEL. J. B. HUGHES. Proprietor. MR. F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. [Post free on application, a complete List of Fur- nished Houses and Apartments to Let.] MALVERN HOUSE. TO Let, Furnished, with possession, this very com- fortable and well arranged House, containing Drawing, Dining, eight Bedrooms, and the usual offices. Servants can be left in the House. The House drains are ventilated on the most approved principle. 1, LEXDEN TERRACE. TO Let, Furnished, this delightfully situated House, commanding a fine Sea View and a southern aspect. The House contains Entrance Hall, Drawing- room, Dining-room, Breakfast-room, Ante-room, and Closet to Dining-room, five Double-bedded Rooms, & Dressing-room, a Single-bedded Room, six Closets, and three W.C.'s. 10, CROFT TERRACE. AWELL-Furnished Residence to Let, containing Drawing and Dining-rooms, Breakfast-room, 6 good Bedrooms, a Dressing-room, 2 Servants' Bed- rooms, 2 Water Closets, China Pantry, Servants' Hall, Kitchen, Larder, &c. There is a Flower Garden in the rear. TO Let, well Furnished, for a few months, from June 1st, a Lady's Private House, pleasantly situated a ad quite close to the sea. Two good Servants left. Low rent to careful tenant. be Let from 1st May till the 15th September, or X shorter time, a Gentleman's House in Tudor Square—3 Sitting-rooms, one leading into a Green- house, 5 Bedrooms, 2 Servants' Rooms; Terms mode- rate. Good plain Cook left. OLD RECTORY, TENBY. TO be Let, well-Furnished, the above Residence situated in a sheltered nook in the outskirts of Tenby. The House is fully Furnished, and gas and water laid on; a three-stalled Stable, Coach-house, Hayloft, and a large Garden, well-stocked with choice fruit trees, can be had if required. The House con- tains Dining-room, double Drawing-room, Library, 7 Bedrooms, and the usual offices. Apply to Mr J. Roberts, Green, Tenby; or F. B. Mason, House A gent. TO Let, near Tenby, a charming Villa Residence, standing in its own Grouuds, pleasantly situated in a sheltered glen facing the sea, very convenient for bjating and bathing. The House contains Drawing, Dining, 7 Bedrooms, with Bath-room and good offices, Stabling, large Gardens, &c. MANORBIER. TO be Let, a Furnished Villa, containing 2 Sitting- rooms and 7 Bedrooms; Coach-house and Stabling; Flower and Kitchen Garden. Rent moderate. RPO be Let, at Manorbere, near Tenby, the desirable JL Seaside Residence, CASTLE MEAD." The house stands on its own grounds, overlooking the sea and Manorbere Castle, and within five minutes' walk of the Church and sands. The air of Manorbere is noted for its salubrity. The house is well furnished, and contains two reception rooms, ten good bedrooms, kitchens, larder, &c., with every other convenience; also good stabling and coach-houses, saddle room, with man ser- vant's room above. The reception rooms overlook a full-size tennis ground, surrounded by a pretty shrub- bery, with a large kitchen garden adjoining. A plentiful supply of spring water. The railway station is within one mile of the village, in connection with the Great Western and North Western Railways. Two postal deliveries every day except Sundays. About 4 acres of pasture land can be had with the house if required. IVY TOWER, NEAR TENBY. T*> LET- Furnished, that very desirable Residence Ivy Tower, within three miles of Tenby, standing in its own well-wooded and park-like grounds, and with or without about fifteen acres of Meadow Land adjoining. The House contains three Reception-rooms, Smoking- room, five Bedrooms, and three Dressing-rooms, besides Nurseries and Servants'-rooms, and all the usual d )mestic offices ample Stabling and Coach-houses, and O':her buildings well-stocked Gardens; Green-house and Orchard-house, Store-house, &c. UNFURNISHED. 1, ESPLANADE. THIS desirable Residence to Let, Unfurnished, with immediate possession, containing five Sitting- rooms, eleven Bedrooms, two Bath-rooms, &c., at the very low rent of £ 80. NO. 2, LEXDEN TERRACE. NO. 2, LEXDEN TERRACE. TO Let, Unfurnished, with possession, this finely situated House, containing Drawing, Dining, and Morning Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, Dressing-room, 2 W.C.'s Kitchen, Servants' Hall, and other offices. 7_ WORCESTER HOUSE ~— TO Let, Unfurnished, with immediate possession containing 4 Sitting-rooms, 8 Bedrooms, &c. 3, BELMONT, TO Let, Unfurnished, from September next. Full particulars on application. 12, DEER PARK, TO Let, Unfurnished, containing Drawing, Dining,. () Bedrooms, Servants' Hall, good offices, and small Garden. Keys at No. 10. ^I^O be Let, Unfurnished, with immediate possession* X Number 2, KENT HOUSES, situate in the Norton* Tenby, containing four Sitting-rooms, nine Bedrooms' and the usual offices.' Rent £ 65. TENBY. TO be Let, with immediate possession, Number 4 LANSDOWNE COTTAGES, St. Julian Street. Rent JB17 per annum. R PO be Let, Unfurnished, with possession, RIPLEY X HOUSE, St. Mary Street, containing 2 Sitting- rooms and 6 Bedrooms, with the usual requirements. STABLlNG. TO Let, on the outskirts of Tenby, a well-built' Three-stall Stable, Coach-house, Harness-room, Corn and Hay Lofts, &c., with good Yard and every necessary requisite. Low rent. PENALLY, NEAR TENBY. FOR Sale by Private Contract, or Let by the year, the House known as Penally Court Villa, containing two Reception-rooms and seven Bedrooms, with Garden and the usual offices. The House is well built and in thorough repair. It is distant about fifteen minutes' walk from Tenby, three minutes by the railway; is well sheltered, and commands extensive views of Tenby and neighbourhood. Good bathing and sea fishing. Shoot- ing procurable. The property is of copyhold tenure,, and the rental C50 per annum. MANORBIER. TO be Sold, a bargain, a semi-detached and well- built Residence, containing 3 Reception and 5 good Bedrooms, Entrance Hall, and very convenient offices; Coach-house, Stable, Fowl-house; a large and profitable Garden, with about 5 acres of Land, on which are several valuable Building Sites. The Property is Freehold, and a large portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at 4 per cent. Apply to F. B. MASON, HOUSE AGENT, TENBY.