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LOMOON-OVER THE-BCRDER I CHURCH FUND. (For London in Essex and the Tilbury Docks District.) g President—The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF CHELMSFORD. if All Church people are asked to r member in their 1 prayers and gifts the needs of this densely populated area, g which includes the following Deaneries. tB 1. Barkin<- 243,000 4. Walthamstow and Chingford 133,000 2. West Itam 293,000 5. Wanstead and Woodford 33,000 g 3. Leyton 124,000 6. Tilbury Docks District 28,000 This Fund makes grants to supplement the efforts of Parishes in the g poorer districts and appeals for generous help to enable the work to be g carried on. Bj PLEASE REMEMBER THE" L.O.B." CHITCH FURD j is the main support of many hard-pressed Parishes and it would be a g real disaster if its help had to be withdrawn or reduced. By means of || its grants -1 LIVING AGENTS (M «E 8E1N6 MAIBTMKED I KAND LAIJ IEiY CHUr:CHES & MISIDN ROn MS ARE BEIIG BUilT B The increased cost of living affects the Clergy no less than the jg working classes, amongst whom they live. Therefore, this jl APr EAL IS MADE FOB NEW IINCREASES CONATIONS I go that adequate grants may be made and Church work may be main- g tained and extended. u Cheques should be crossed Barclays Bank, Ltd. and sent to the |1 Offices, 88, Romford Road, Stratford, E. 15. J§ Clerical Secretary Rev. Canon P. M. BAYNE. I General Secretary Mr. S. C. LAMBERT, g ._=' ")há»" I%dmmoma I "So P. c. K. r- -— THANKSSIVIKG FUND-ilo9coo The Treasurers have acknowledged 21,667 :13 11, and trust that the approach of ARMISTICE DAY will remind Church people that S.P.C.K. NEEDS SUPPORT for the continuance and extension of its work for CHURCH AND EMPIRE. Central Offices, S.P.G.K., 6, St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W.C. 2. RECONSTRUCTION BY REGENERATION. The Church Parochial Mission Society seeks to promote a national religious revival by the provision of experi- enced Mission Preachers to supplement the work of the parochial clergy. Help ni prayer and by monetary contributions is earnestly solicited towards a widespread Evangelist v Campaign. General Superintendent- Rev. Canon W. Hay Aitken, M.A. Treasurer-G. A. King, Esq. Secretary-Rev. D. E. Davies, M.A. Applications for Mission Preachers should be addressed to the Secretary at the Church House, Westminster, London, S.W. THE NATIONAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Founded by the late PETER HERVE. Established 1812. Incorporated 1859. Pensions of S21 per annum are granted to reduced Gentlefolk of 60 years of age and upwards. Over 620 Pensioners now on the Books. Annual Expenditure iu Pensions and Gratuities exceeds Y 15,000. Additional Annual and Life Subscriptions are greatly needed. One rote at two Electiomfor every 5s. subscribed. RODERT W. DIBDIN, J.P., Treasurer. HENRY C. LATREILLE, Secretary. Office: 65, Southampton RelY, London, W.C. 1. ADVENT TESTIMONY ALL-DAY MEETINGS will (D.V.) be held at KINGSWAY HALL, On TUESDAY, OCTOBKB, 21ST, 1919. Morning Meeting 11.30. Bible Study 3.0 Evening Meeting 7.0 w Speakers:— B Preb. F. S. WEBSTER. I Revs. E. L. LANGSTON. I T. J. 8TOGKLEY. g DIN8DALE T. YOUNG. B TALBOT-HINDLEY. g J. A, BEVAN (Gt. Yarmouth) I Dr. BURTON. B Paster FULLER GOOCH. B R. CALDWELL. | I ADMISSION FREE. No Reserved B Seats. B Future Meetings: November 18th, B December 16th. 3 :iI COLONIAL j A"'ID I CONTINENTAL I CHURCH SOCIETY I Humbly, earnestly, and faithfully the Society is discharging the plain duty of alleviating the spiritual desti- tution and promoting the spiritual welfare of our countrymen scattered over the great portion of the earth's surface in the colonies, dr settled -on the Continent of Europe, by propa- gating the power of the Gospel of Christ, and seeking by wielding this two-edged sword of the Spirit to bring souls to His obedience; and thus to hasten the day when the earth shall I be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. I Secretary The Rev. J. D. MULLINS, 9. Serjeants'-inn, Fleet-street, London. E.C. 4. SIX REASONS WHY FOR THE SAKE OF: THE KING OF KINGS; > Our Beloved Land The Sanctity of Hearth and Home Our Sisters and the Womanhood of our N ative Land The Health of Man, Woman, Boy and Girl The Unborn Generation THE SOCIAL EVIL MUST BE GRAPPLED WITH. Purity means Efficiency; Im- purity means disease find disaster, sorrow and suffering. The Alliance of Honour is tendering yeoman service in the Purity Cause, and SHOULD BE SUPPORTED by all who desire the Spiritual, Moral and Physical uplift of Humanity. GIFTS towards the extension of the Work, in its many-sided activities, will thankfully be received by the Hon. Treasurer SIR FREDERICK GREEN, K.B.E., or by the Joint Acting Directors Messrs. E. E. BAGNALL and A. n. KENT, 112, City Road, London, E.C. 1. Please Cross Cheques and P.O.'s Barclay's Bank, Ltd." QUEEN VICTORIA CLERGY FUND. (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1897.) OBJECT.—To impress upon all the members of the Church of England the clearly defined Christian duty of contributing towards the support of the Clergy, cowTRiELTIONS received by the Central Fund are distr buted by the Council Amongst the affiliated dioceses in proportion to their needs. are distributed by the Council Amongst the affiliated dioceses in proportion to their needs. Remittances for the Central Fund should be sent to the Secretary, SIDNEY W. t'LAMAKK, Esq. (Secretary to the Church House), Church House, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W. 1. Cheques to be crossed London Joint Stock Bank, Westminster Branch." ■MMBmqmBB&aammmsmaBBmBBsaasmasMKBmaBEmBBs&m NATIONAL CHURCH LEAGUE President: The Right Hon. Sir EDWARD CLARKE, K.C. Vice-Presidents: THE ARCHBISHOP OF SYDNEY: THE BISHOPS OF DURHAM, MANCHESTER, SODOR AND MAN, CHELMSFORD, TRURO and BARKING; THE DEAN OF CANTER- BURY; THE ARCHDEACONS OF LLAN- DAFF and STOKE; CANON DAWSON WALKER, D.D.; PREBENDARY WEBB- PEPLOE; Col. Sir ROBERT WILLIAMS Bt., M.P., Sir W. JOYNSON-HICKS, Bt., M.P., Sir MONTAGUE BARLOW, K.B.E., M.P., T. W. H. INSKIP, Esq., K.C., M.P., &c., &c. General Secretary W. GUY JOHNSON. WHAT IS THE LEAGUE P A Society formed to defend and pro- mote the Faith of the Church of England as set forth in the Prayer Book and hirty-nine Articles. It maintains that the National Church is the priceless possession of the whole English people and not of any one section, It is not a narrow party or political organisation. It appeals to all members of the Church I of England who desire to uphold the I great principles which are the essence of her Reformed character. WHAT IS ITS WORK P With an earnest desire for truth and in a spirit of Christian charity, it I endeavoui-s to arouse and inform public i opinion. By its literature, its lectures, | and in other ways it seeks to provide instruction for Churchmen and Church- women so that they may have the means of answering the question, What does the Church of England stand for ? AN APPEAL. I | The Council appeal to all Churchmen I j and Churchwomon who feel the need of 1 maintaining the purity and integrity of 1 their inheritance to associate themselves § with its work. The influence of the | I' League is steadily growing, until now 1 it has a membership which includes over 2,100 clergy. But the general member- ship must be very greatly increased if the League is to continue to exert a really effective influence in Church affairs and carry out the work in furtherance of spiritual religion which it has a membership which includes over 2,100 clergy. But the general member- ship must be very greatly increased if the League is to continue to exert a really effective influence in Church affairs and carry out the work in furtherance of spiritual religion which it was formed to accomplish. MEMBERSHIP. Governors, Yl Is.; Councillors, 7s. 6d.; Companions, 2s. 6d. Members, Is. per annum. Members subscribing 5s. and over receive The Church Gazette free. MAGAZINES. The Church Gazette, 2d. monthly; 3s. a year, post free. The Companion, 2d. quarterly; lOd. a year, post free. The Churchman, Is. monthly; 10s. a year, post free. For full particulars of the work of the Society and list of publications, apply to the Secretary, 82, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1. .mi HKwTtbTANT BRITISH-" 1 ISRAEL LEAGUE. mi IINIIL COIVEITNI I will (D.V.) be held on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, at 3 p.m. in the CENTRAL HALL, WESTMINSTER (Opposite Westminster Abbey Nearest Station, St. James's Park). Chairman Rev. J. LAOHLAN EVANS, M.A. (Rector of St. Dunstan-in-the-West, E.C.) Miss AUGUSTA COOK: The Devil's Preparations for the Second Corning, of Christ." Mr. J. A. KENSIT: "Is the Nation I Better or Worse for the Great War ?" The Meetings of the Protestant British-Israel League are always unique —deeply illuminating and widely in- structive—concerning these momentous times and the Second Advent of Christ as foretold in Divine Prophecy. HAVE YOU REMEMBERED ? to order a copy of this interesting book "St. c Is dock: British King and Martyr," being a story of the Welsh Borderland from the 6th Centurv to the 20th. by the Rev. F. G. LLE WELL IN. B.D. (Vicar of Clodock). We are now out to sell 1,000 Copies in 10 Weeks The 14 Chapters of this book are about entirely different aspects of Border life. Here is the charming, story of King Clodock, not unlike St. Oswald; a Welsh hermit story and a "Friar Tack" chapel; a battle for the Primacy of Wales; an attack on a Norman castle; the founding of the famous Llanthony Priory and of lovely Craswall Abbey; Sir John Oldcastle and the Lollards of the Black Mountain, etc., etc. Thero are 20 excellent photo- graphs and a fine map, also 4 valuable historical appendices. Price 7s. 6d. per copy and 4d. postage. Ready October 31. The whole of the Profits are for. Clodock Church Restoration Fund, which is nearly £160 short. If we sell out the Church can be reopened FREE from DEBT. Pleam order from the REV. F. G. LLEWELUN L nstown Vicaranre. Aberttave ny (Man ). SEND A GIFT TO-DAY to THE SHAFTESBURY SOCIETY, Tha great Religious and Social Agency with 75 years' Service fer Child Welfare. Through its 140 Branches and Affiliated Missions it exercises a far-reaching moral and spiritual influence among old and young. Through its Day Nurseries and Infant Welfare Centres it reaches out a saving hand to the little children of this great City. Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged by Sir John Kirk, J.P., Director, 32, John Street, Theobalds Road, London, W.C. 1. PI CDPV FRIENDLY ULLMUI SOCIETY. ,tM4r,- a". CfeBisk bow* V utuAneiti*#. W. Cburcb Jfamflp newspaper T"unmi: 7020 Oiwn-ABD. 17-21, TAVISTOCK-STREET, W.C.2. rninfiv. OCTOBER 17. lIft.