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¿l ... ".. F. Iftetropclilair…



PASSING EVENTS, RUMOURS, &c. A deputation from the Cotton Supply Association waited upon the Sultan at liuckingham Palace, on ilonday to urge upon him the imp02 tance of extending the cultivation of cotton in the Ottoman empire, at the same time congratula- ting him upon what had already been done in that direction. It was stated in an address that was presented to his Majesty on the occasion, that while the quantity of cotton imported from the Turkish dominions in 1-862 was only 41,212 cwt. in 1865 it had reached upwards of 223,000 cwt., without tak'in" into account that which had been exported to other coun° tries. The resident magistrate in Belfast, Mr. O'Donnell, has complimented the people of that town upon the peaceable manner in which the twelfth of July passed over. ILe heaviest sentence ue had inflicted on any person arrested on that occasion was two months' imprisonment for an assault, and altogether the cases that had come before him, many of them of a trifling nature, only amounted in number to thirty-eight. It was highly creditable to the inhabitants," he said, that on a day fraught with so much excitement, and when large bodies of the population had assembled together, that such was the fact." In 1865 hesat, along with another magistrate, from eleven in the morning until half- past seven in the evening, disposing of cases arising out of the anniversary. In 1866 the same thing occurred; but this year he had left the bench as early as two o'clock in the day. The Augsburg Gazette had the other day an amusing squib. It printed what purported to be a circular despatch from Prince Gortschakoff, declaring that the condition of Ireland was a European question. The circular was a direct imitation of some of those which the British Government sent out some years ago as to Poland. Everyone who read the circular in the Augsburg Gazette must have seen that it was a squib: but, nevertheless, the .Journal of St. Peters- bin q, gravely declares that the despatch is a pure inven- tion. The Norwegians jealously keep to themselves, and apart from the Swedish Government the control of their army and fleet, and fit out vessels after their own heart. They have just completed a monitor called The Scorpion, which is now 011 its way to Stockholm. Jt carries in a turret two Arm- strong guns, which throw 3501b. shot with a charge of 441b. of powder. The guns weigh 74,0001b. Notwithstanding this, the machinery for working them is so excellent that they can be manoeuvred by one man alone. The sides of the iron tur- ret are eleven inches thick, and are lined inside with horse- hair mattresses. The monitor is worked by engines of 1iiO- horse power, and is manned by eighty men, twenty of whom attend to the engines and twenty man the guns. The cost of the monitor and her equipment has been 50,0006. In the House of Commons, the other evening, infr. Roebuck gave his version of the squabble between himself and Mr. Connolly, which had led to the exclusion of the latter from the board-room of the Royal Commission on Trade Unions. After declaring at a public meeting his abhorrence of the dark deeds which have been done at Sheffield, Connolly went on to ask, But what can you expect from a town which re- turns Alr. Roebuck?" Air. Roebuck reported this observa- tion to his brother Commissioners, told them he would never consent to sit in the same room with a man who had asked such a question, and left them to decide between two things -whether they would exclude Connolly, or whether he him- self should withdraw. "They excluded 1fr. Connolly," said the hon. learned gentleman, "and I remained." The House received Mr. Roebuck's statement with shouts of laughter. Among the witnesses examined at the adjourned inquest upon the Warrington railway collision on Friday was Colonel Yolland, the Government inspector, who, says the Manches- ter Gu&raian, stated that when an accident occurred at the same place five years ago, Captain Tyler enquired into the circumstances, and presented to the London and North- Western Company a report which specified many recommen- dations as to the safer wonking of the traffic at the junction, Had they been adopted the recent collision could not have occurred; yet not only had they been neglected, but alterations had been made which made the junction worse than before. The. Turin Gazette recently published an article, encour- aging the attempts against Rome in the name of the national sentiment. General Garibaldi has just addressed to that journal a letter, in which he shows more and more his resolution of assisting in the enfranchisement of the Eternal City. 11 Without Rome," he says, there is no repose, no prosperity, no Italy possible. The Roman insurrection will certainly take place: where a rising of the people com- mences is known, but where it will finish is a thing impossible to predict."



-. -__-_--SERIOUS JOKING.…