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gtrsttllaiiMtts JWtiliptt, HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. BEFORE-HAND WITH THEM !—Letters from Pesth state that notwithstanding the large number of visitors present during the ceremonies of the corona- tion, not one single case of theft had been brought before the magistrates. This fact is attributed to a strong precautionary act decided on by the authorities. The mayor, having been imformed that an organised band of pickpockets was about to make a descent on that city from Vienna, took his measures accordingly, and when he learned by telegraph that twenty-five had started on board one of the Danube steamers, as an advance guard, he had a force of police ready,_ and arrested the whole body on their arrival. This delicate attention on the part of his worship had such effect Upon the rest of the gang that they decided upon stjppping at home, and thus the fete passed over un- disturbed. IRON SMELTING AND MAGNETISM.—Among the many new applications of electro-magnetism to the arts and manufactures is that of making it in- strumental in the smelting of iron. A fixed electro- magnet is placed opposite an opening in the side of the furnace containing the metal to be smelted, and a cur- rent of magnetism is directed into the molten metal. The effect on the iron is said to be very remarkable, rendering it extremely tough and hard. The process is carried on with great success at one of the most im- portant ironworks in Sheffield. "THE NEW CABINET PORTRAIT."—Disraeli the Reformer. -Punch. THREATENED ASSASSINATION.—Mr. Oldham Whittaker, of Hurst Mills, near Ashton-under-Lyne, a gentleman whose practical benevolence has raised places of worship and established public schools and libraries in the district where his business is carried on, has received a note by post containing threats of assassination. The miscreant writes You are about to create great disturbance in this district Wih the baseful conclusion you have come to respecting the Strippers and grinders. So sure as you are a living man you will be put an end to, in some way yet to be thought °n- Don't expect to survive long after this warning. Assassinated you must be, as others have been whom you would expect had not been. OPENING A MUMMY.—The Emperor Napoleon, ^ccompanied by the Viceroy of Egypt, visited the ■Exhibition on Sunday at half-past eleven, and ex- amined several sections, stopping for some time in the grand temple of the isle of Philoe, where a mummy, several thousand years old, was opened before them. After bands of interminable length had been unrolled, the head was laid bare the features were well pre- served, but entirely black. A strong balsamic odour escaped and filled the place. Afterwards, his Majesty ehtered the Viceroy's pavilion and remained there a short time. The Emperor returned to the Tuileries in open carriage with the Empress, who had arrived, the Viceroy following with General Fleury in a low Phaeton. THE EIGHT SHRUBS IN THE EIGHT PLACE.— ••■he Rotten Rowdodendrons.—Punch. A ROYAL BENEFACTRESS !-The Empress of the French has began her annual tour of visits to the charitable institutions, hospitals, and lunatic asylums Paris. The other day she visited the prison of St. ■kazare. One among the poor women presented in the me of her companions a petition requesting that they might be allowed to have wider benches. Her Majesty promised that the petition should be granted, and she quitted the salle amidst tremendous cheering. s the Empress crossed the courtyard she turned to the governor of the prison and spoke about the 'f+T? "The poor women will only work the better j* they are comfortably seated and besides their health suffer." A young student answered, "Madame, disease even may ensue." "Whereupon a doctor present answered, I never remarked anything of the madame, and I have been in daily-attendance for jj?? last ten years here." That is scarcly a reason, doctor. Such facts may occur for sixty years without Deing remarked, and yet a single day may suffice to reveal them." SHOCKING TRAGEDY.—A Florence letter, in the Situation, gives some details of a tragical event Jvhich has taken place in Count Pallavicini's house- hold. This general, who belonged to a noble Genoese fHmily, enjoyed a high position in the esteem of the Italian nation and army. It was he who received garibaldi's sword at Aspromonte. About a year since he married a young and beautiful Calabrian lady, in that extreme Neapolitan province, where he commands, With full powers, for the repression of brigandage. J. he general seems to have had well-foundecl reasons *°r distrusting his wife, and some days since, on re- turning from parade unexpectedly, he saw what drove him into an excess of fury, and with his sword, at a Single blow, he killed the countess. The letter adds that the paramour escaped. FAST LIFE IN PARIS.—A recent trial in Paris affords a curious insight into "fast" life in that capital (says the Pall Mall Gazette.) One of its most fashionable c'ubs, the Moutards," determined to give a fete to the demi inonde on the island in the -Bois de Boulogne. The following invitation was ac- cordingly circulated MADAIE, -V ous Stes priee d' assister au bal qui sera florine au Chalet des Isles le Mardi, 29 Mai, a. 11 heures. e a part de M. Rennassont. En Grisette. On arriving at the island the fair guests were re- ceived by the most prominent members of the club, supported by thirty-five musicians, ten policemen, six horn blowers, six boatmen and a couple of firemen. -b'Very time a lady landed a rocket was sent up, and the horns played. But, after supper, the fete became all orgie, into the details of which we decline to enter. When M. Boileau, the fournisseur, who had contracted tor the supplies, came to send in his account, in which charges for damages done formed no inconsiderable item, the "Moutards" declined to pay more than three-fifths of the bill. So M. Boileau brought an action for the other two fifths, 751., and gained it. As the M Moutards" are accounted the "swells" of Paris, they had much better have paid the claim and avoided the exposure. NARROW ACCOMMODATION.—Is it hospitable when you ask a stout friend to come and see you, to tell him that you will give him a spare bed?- Punch. A DISCRIMINATING CAT !—One day last week a lllannamed Amey was charged at the Marlborough- street police-court, in London, with assaulting his wife. -the only point of interest in the case was the way in which the woman was saved from further ill-treatment. tier husband knocked her down, jumped on her, and then throwing himself on her, seized her by the throat, and attempted to strangle her. but while she lay on the ground screaming, a favourite cat named Topsy," suddenly sprang on her hust and aid fastened her claws In his eyes and her teeth in 11 face. Her husband could not tear the cat away, an he was obliged to im. plore her to take it from him to save his life. Her husband got a month's hard labour. The report did hot say whether Topsy was to have a treat at the expense of the poor box. A LOYAL SUBJECT !-An elderly woman was brought by the police, on Saturday last, before the Magistrate at Marlborough-street, London, charged With sitting on the steps of the Army and Navy Club at two o'clock in the morning, singing at the top of her voice God Save the Queen," and when requested to desist, singing Rule Britannia." Her defence Was that it was coronation day, and that she "felt loyal." CASH ADVANCES."—Courting a Rich Widow. -Punch. AN ACTION THROUGH A COLD!—In the Court °jj Queen's Bench, on Thursday in last week, the case °f Chatterton v. Reeves was heard. This was an action brought by the lessee of Drury-lane Theatre against Mr. Sims Reeves for the breach of a contract to act and sing in the opera of Rob Roy at the rate of 40 guineas a night. The defence was that Mr. Reeves had a cold and was unable to appear, though, Mr. Harrison having been put into his character of Osbaldiston, when he recovered he offered to sing in another opera. The correspondence having been read, i consultation took place between counsel, on his lord- hip's suggestion, and the result was a verdict for the laintiff, subject to a reference. NOT QUITE A TEETOTALLER !-The statistics (dram-drinking among sailors in Eastern London hild, if collected, form a startling proof of the de- lved condition of many of our merchant seamen. It record of seventy-nine cases of delirium, tremens 5cpiled by Mr. Harry Leach, one is adduced of a 1"; man admitted into the Dreadnought for a seventh attack of this disease, whose daily allowance, for the week previous to admission, had been ten or twelve glasses of rum, from one and a half to two gallons of beer, and (as he said) a few glasses of brandy by way of a change. He confessed to the expenditure of 201. in three days, and applied for entry penniless and almost in rags. Two cases are mentioned in each of which the quantity imbibed averaged from thirty to forty glasses of rum or brandy daily, and a fourth, mad in hospital with erysipelas, took for a fortnight before admission a daily quota of three bottles of gin, three gallons of beer, and several glasses of brandy. The ordinary tavern glass holds 2oz. IDLENESS IN NEW ORLEANS.—A corres- pondent writing from New Orleans on. the 22nd ult., says :— The crowd of idle whites that is seen here all day long is but one of a hundred others that the visitor may behold in every other part of the city. The negroes do work-willingly, industriously, and gleefully—while the whites do not, either because they cannot or will not. I cannot blame them much. It is very hot. The season is as far advanced as it is in England in August. The sun beats fiercely down, the stone pavements bake your feet and reflect the heat as does an oven. It is much pleasanter to sit in the shade beneath a magnolia tree, and inhale the delicate odour of its wonderful blossoms, than to go down upon the Levee and "tote" corn sacks for a shilling an hour. But sitting idle all day long in a city where the cheapest meal costs half-a-crown, and where the hotels charge a pound a day, is a luxury that can only, or ought only, to be enjoyed by gentlemen of inde- pendent fortunes; and I must confess that these crowds of al fresco gentlemen do not appear to me to belong to that class of society. BROADHEAD AS "MINE HOST" OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. -Since W. Broadhead made his remarkable disclosures before the commissioners, the Royal George public-house, which he keeps, has been daily and nightly thronged with visitors, many of them from a distance, anxious to catch a glimpse of so notorious a character. It is said that Broadhead himself occa- sionally acts as waiter, so that the curious have ample opportunity of being rewarded for their visit, and the quantity of liquor that is disposed of is something enormous. MORRO VELHO MARRIAGE BILL.-This rather puzzling entry among the orders of the day in the House of Lords relates to marriages which have been celebrated by a chaplain licensed by the Bishop of London, in a chapel erected by the St. John del Rey Mining Company at their establishment at Morro Velho, in Brazil-a chaplain maintained by that company. In this chapel marriages have been celebrated in which British subjects have been contracting parties, and doubts are entertained as to the validity of the mar- riages. The object of the bill is to declare valid all such marriages celebrated before a day to be named in the bill. The bill is one of a class that troubles Parlia- ment in almost every Session, and shows the vague and unsatisfactory state of the marriage law of this kingdom. SEA-SICKNESS CURED BY THE APPLICATION OF ICE.-Dr. Chapman has published in a pamphlet a large number of instances in which his remedy for sea- sickness—the application of an ice-bag to the spine- has been successful. He gives seventeen cases, in each of which the application was followed by the absence of sickness. According to the reports of the patients, it not only averts or prevents the sickness, but the cramps or spasms that frequently accompany it, at the same time restoring the circulation to its normal standard, and thus raising the patient from cold and pallid prostration to the ruddy warm glow character- istic of health and the activity of the circulatory function. In some case the effects are said to have been miraculous, three minutes being sufficient to re- move the retching, calm the spasms, and allow the patient to sink into sleep, which was followed by entire absence of sickness. The Medical Press and Circular, noticing these cases, strongly urges that the remedy should have a fair trial. WORKING MEN'S EXCURSIONS TO PARIS.— The following letter, signed by eighteen artisans on behalf of their fellow workmen who have already availed themselves the opportunity of visiting the French Exhibition, has been sent to the Paris Excursion Committee, addressed to Mr. H. A. Layard, M.P., the President:— Paris, June 25. Sir,—The undersigned British workmen, who left London on the 18th of June, 1867, and following days, desire to return to you our most grateful thanks for the very excellent arrangements which have been made for our comfort during our stay in Paris. We desire to request that you will have the goodness to convey our thanks to the committee of which you are the president, and to inform them that everything Connected with our residence in Paris (the logements) has been admirable. We cannot conclude this letter of thanks without informing you that we owe a debt of gratitude to our friend, your agent, Mr. Cowbrick, for his incessant attention and kindness to us. THE CZAR IN PARIS.-Extraordinary stories are current of the Czar's conduct in Paris. One class of these anecdotes is designed—we would not be far wrong in saying invented—to illustrate the simple nature of the life he led in the gay capital. For in- stance, the Czar was curious to know how his uncle of Prussia would be received. He took his son's arm, and walked down to the terminus, and stood among the crowd, listening to its remarks on the Emperor as he drove up to receive his Royal guest in all the pomp of state ceremonial, and waited till the cortege had driven off before he wended his way on foot towards the Elysee. More than that, the Czar was at the great Market des Halles at four in the morning to see the supplies come in for the consumption of the city, and hear the bargaining and chafferings of the excited crowd as to the price of fish, vegetables, &c., and al- most every night he walked along the Boulevards, en- joying the peculiar characteristic of Paris—namely, that it is awake at night. THE SULTAN'S RECEPTION.- vVith regard to the arrangements for the reception of the Sultan. The Times makes the following statement vVe are glad to learn that the Government have determined that the Sultan shall be entertained at an official fete, and have delegated the discharge of this duty to the Secretary of State for India and the Indian Council. Regard being had to our relations with the East, to the telegraphs which traverse Turkey, to the Indian pilgrimages to Mecca, and, though last, not least, to our twenty millions of Mahometan fellow-subjects in India,, who look up to the Sultan as the head of their faith, no department of the State can more fittingly and more gracefully fulfil this duty than the Indian Council, and we have no doubt that every effort will be made to render the entertainment most magnificent. The Secretary of State for India and the Council possesses one great element of success in the new India Office, now ready for occupation, and in which, if we are rightly informed, the fete will be held. GIPSY ENCAMPMENT AT EDINBURGH.—A tribe of gipsies are now encamped at Edinburgh, whera they are doing a good trade in the bazaar goods and fleecing the ninnies of their cash at the rate of three- pence per head for admission. They seem tc realise the old adage, "A parcel of idle gipsies." The men walk ahout smoking with their hands in their pockets, and the whole live up to a scale of feeding which in- dicates considerable wealth. They are licensed hawkers, and brought with them a great number of horses, like other swells of the gipsy or wandering upper ten. THE QUEEN OF SPAIN'S SHOE.—There is a well-authenticated story of a poor woman, not pre- cisely a beggar, but who bad a petition to present, the prayer of which was of course a limosna, who pounced upon the Qusen just as she was coming out of the garden of the Retiro. Her prayer was very soon heard but unhappily when her Majesty felt in her pocket she found that she had no money. Kings, Queens, millionaires, and theatrical managers never have ready money about them enough to pay for a cab or a turnpike. Come to the palace to-morrow," said the Queen to the petitioner. Alas replied the poor woman, "the servants will not let me pass." Where- upon it is upon record that Donna Isabella de Bourbon, stoopmg down, took off one of her shoes, and gave it to the suppliant as a token and a sign that she might be allowed next day to pass the palace gates and have her claim allowed. MESSAGE FROM THE SEA.—The other day a bottle was picked up in the Sound of Sleat, containing rx ?! apparently torn from a pocket diary. After the printed date- March Thursday, 21, the following words were written in pencil Sprung a leak In the Minch—ship Diana, of Hull, laden with paraffin, no hope, ship going down. Master, John Tod. A correspondent informs the Inverness Courier that during the month of April several casks of paraffin drifted ashore about the Sound. EXCITING SCENE AT THE ZOOLOGICAL GAR- DENS.—On Friday a scene of a most exciting nature occurred at the Zoological Gardens, Regent's-park, in London. It appears that a countryman, while looking at the bears, accidentally dropped his hat into the pit, and, to recover it, had the foolhardiness to descend 't 'i "d"t the pit. As soon as he got to the bottom he was seized by one of the bears, and immediately two others came from their cave and also seized him, and began dragging him towards it. Some sticks were thrown to him by the excited lookers on, but fortunately one of the keepers went to the man's assistance, and suc- ceeded in setting him free. When asked by the keeper how he came to do such a thing, he quietly replied that he did not know their nature! A CHURCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.—During evening service at the Church of Dance (Vienna) a few days back, the congregation, which was most numer- ous, were startled by a sudden explosion and the filling of the church with smoke and dust. The fabric had just been struck by the electric fluid. The cure in the midst of the semi-obscurity, called out to his flock to remain quiet, as no one was hurt. Unfortu- nately he was mistaken, as some twenty-five or thirty persons were found to have been more or less injured. One of them, M. Kajot, fell insensible, his waistcoat still burning; his trousers had disappeared, except the waistband, his shoes were torn off, and his feet were bleeding. It was long before he recovered conscious- ness, but hopes are entertained of saving his life. The pyx was overthrown and found to be bruised and battered, the chandeliers were destroyed, and a large portion of the rood screen was dispersed in minute fragments all over the building. On the exterior, the weather-cock had disappeared; numbers of slates were found dispersed about the fields; and the clock tower was so cracked that it will have to be rebuilt. The church seems not to have been provided with a lightning conductor.