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THE LUXEMBURG QUESTION. PARIS, April 30. It is stated that the King of Holland took the initiative in proposing the conference which is to meet in London. The Etendard of this evening says that, although the negotiations on the Luxemburg question are being carried on without cessation-at Berlin, no point con- nected with the solution of the question, and on which depends the settlement of the time when the London conference shall meet, has, as yet, been touched upon. The same journal states that Italy has made several representations to the Court of Berlin to induce it to satisfy the legitimate views of France. The France of this evening states that the Italian Government has constantly counselled Prussia, in the Luxemburg question, to make concessions of every kind which may be of a nature to facilitate an honourable settlement for all parties. THE PROPOSED CONFERENCE. PARIS, May 4. I England is said to have proposed that Belgium and Italy should be represented at the Conference. Austria and Prussia have accepted this proposal, and it is con- sidered probable that it will be agreed to by the other Powers. There is also a question of admitting Holland to the Conference. The Patrie of this evening formally denies the statement of the Post, a Berlin journal, that! the note recently published by the Monitewr was in- serted in consequence of a representation made by Count Bismarck to the French Government with respect to the French armaments. The Patrie says Prussia has never made any representations on the subject of the alleged armaments of France. BERLIN, May 5. Herr von Savigny left yesterday for London, to represent Prussia, with Count Bernstorff. at the ap- proaching Conference. r.l ■: AMERICA. (BY ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH.) NEW YORK. MAY 4. A formidable strike has taken place among the working men of Chicago in favour of eight hours' labour. NEW YORK, April 20. The Mississippi petition for an injunction to stay the execution of the Reconstruction Act, being so amended as to pray for an injunction against Secretary Stanton and Generals Grant and Ord, was presented to the Supreme Court on Thursday last, and allowed to be filed notwithstanding a motion from the Attorney- General that the bill should be dismissed on the ground that the case was beyond the jurisdiction of the court. The case will be heard on the 26tli inst. General Schofield has announced that former con- scripts of the rebel army are not necessarily to be dis- franchised. A Republican State Convention met at Richmond on Thursday. Several white and negro Radicals spoke on the occasion, and resolutions were passed thanking Con- gress and endorsing the action of that body in adopting the platform of the Republican party. The resolutions also advocated political equality and general education irrespective of colour. Radical meetings have been held by the whites and negroes in Winston, Mobile, and North Carolina, at which resolutions were adopted in favour of affiliating with the Radical party in the North, purging Congress, and confiscating the property of the rebels. Numerous Conservative meetings of whites and negroes have been held at Petersburg (Savannah) and other places, at which Conservative principles were avowed, but at the same time submission to the Recon- struction Act was advocated. The collector of Customs at New Orleans has seized the French steam ship Darien, in consequence of an alleged attempt by the officers of the vessel to defraud the Customs. The investigation into the alleged extensive enlist- ments in Cuba for the army of the Emperor Maximilian proves that very few men had enlisted, and those with- out the knowledge of the authorities of the Island. Advices from Belize (Honduras) to the 2nd April state that the Indian war was at an end, and that martial law had been suspended. NEW YORK, APRIL 23. I A resolution to offer the mediation of the United States between the belligerents in Mexico, and also between France and Prussia, has been introduced in the Senate and laid on the table. General Sickles has an- nounced that a provost court will be established at Aiken, in South Carolina, in consequence of the inability of the freedom of that section to obtain justice in the civil courts. Several newspapers owned by negroes in the South caution the freedmen against Northern political adven- turers. Senator Wilson addressed a large and orderly meeting of blacks and whites at Richmond on Monday last. He denounced President Johnson and defended I., the course pursued by Congress, and strongly urged the freedmen to sustain the radical cause. The Herald states that Mr. Davis recently refused to apply for .1 pardon on the ground that the application would be a confession of guilt. The Attorney-General has on the file numerous petitions from the North and South for I the pardon and release of Mr. Davis. President John- son will visit Raleigh in the middle of May. to lay the corner stone of his father's monument. corner stone of his father's monument. „ NEW YORK, April 25. | General Sheridan ljas deposed the assistant chief of I the police at New Orleans for discouraging the regis- tration of negro voters. General Sickles has ordered I the post commanders of his district to assume the | control of the police whenever necessary to preserve the peace. General Pope has abolished punishment in chain | gang m hi_s district. Governor Jenkins, of Georgia, j having advised the people to adopt a policy of non-action, I and to await developments, General Pope has addressed | him a letter, informing him that he must refrain from ob- structing reconstruction, or he would be removed. A large reconstruction meeting, irrespective of colour, was held j at Mobile on Tuesday last. A resolution was adopted thanking General Pope for the moderation he has dis- played, and recommending co-operation with him and harmony between the whites and blacks. The Attorney- General is preparing an opinion defining the disfranchis- I ing provisions of the Reconstruction Act. The counsel for Surratt has appealed for an immediate trial, declar- | ing his readiness and ability to establish the prisoner's | innocence. The district attorney has announced that the prosecution will not be ready until the 18th of I June. The New York Herald says the trial will pro- bably be abando'ned, as it will only more fully establish j the innocence of Surratt's mother, and as the evidence is j insufficient to convict the prisoner. Disastrous floods continue throughout the country. Saint Paul's has been | inundated. An Indian war has commenced in Nebraska, I and 10,000 warriors are in arms. General Hancock is I marching agaiust them. I MEXICO. NEW YORK, April 20. I Republican advices from Matamoros to the 13th inst. i reiterate the news of the capture of Puebla by the Re- publicans, and of the offer made by Maximilian to Icapitulate, and the terms of which had been refused by Juarez. j The defeat of Escobedo was denied. Yellow fever had appeared at Vera Cruz. NEW YORK, April 23. Advices received from Tampico to the 17th inst. state that Porfirio Diaz had executed six imperial generals and sixty other officers for the alleged exe- cution of republicans. ■■ NEW YORK, April 25. Advices received here from Mexico confirm the capture of Puebla by assault. The Imperials lost 1,000 men Porfirio Diaz, 2,000. After the surrender Diaz executed a large number of the Imperial officers. Marquez is reported to have been defeated by Diaz while attempting to reinforce the garrison of Puebla. According to Republican accounts, the Emperor Maximilian was still in Queretaro closely besieged, and escape was impossible. Only a small portion of the city was held by the Imperialists, who were destitute of food, and unable to bury their dead. Imperial accounts state Maximilian to be in the capital, and that Marquez was on his way to re-inforce Vera Cruz, and that Puebla will probably be re- captured. Canales has declared for Ortega at Tampico. Mr. Seward's messenger sent to intercede with Juarez for he Emperor Maximilian, who had arrived there.

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