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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. In the Honse of Commons, on Monday, Lord Stanley, in reply to a question from Mir. Hovaman, stated that he had reason to believe that; the propositions for a conference in London on the subject of Luxemburg would be accepted both by Prance and Prussia, and that the question was in a fair way of being speedily and amicably arranges. He contradicted the rumour that her Majesty's Government had expressed an opinion on the subject, but they had ex- pressed a strong opinion that the matter should be settled peaceably, and had stated that if war were resorted to, the position of England would be one of strict impartiality. Mr. Laing gave notice of his intention in committee on the Representation of the People Bill to move that, no borough containing less tban 10,000 population at the last census shall return more than one member, but that inatead- there should be given a third member to boroughs other than metropolitan which have a population of over 150,000; also that, a second member be given to boroughs whose population exceeds50.000.. The adioumed aebate on the second reading of the Tenants' Improvement (Ireland) Bill was resinned by Mr. Gregory, who said there were three cardinal detects in the bilJ-firbt, that it is not applicable to a large propor- tion of the agricultural classes in Ireland; second, that it completely ignores and passes by the great cause or discon- tent in Ireland—namely, instability ot tenure; .and, third, that it needlesaiy interferes with the rights Oi property. He moved, as an amendment, "That without prejudging the second reading of this bill, this House is of opinion that no enactment for the settlement ot the landlord and tenant question in Ireland can be deemed satisfactory which does not provide for the encouragement of leases in that, C°Mr^r'i3ryan seconded the amendment. He warned the House that this measure would liot settle the question. Land let on lease in Ireland fetched more rent than other land. Why, then, was not more land let on lease ? Because the tenants would then be independent of the landlord, and could no longer be driven to tho poll by the agent. MI". Saadford looked with suspicion on such a bill from the present Government, who had opposed other bills of a similar character. It was a reactionary bill, opposed to every principle of political economy. Captain White believed there would be agitation on this question so long as half measures were offered to the people. In some isolated cases the bill might be useful, but in the aggregate the tenants would not be willing to avail them- selves of it. Mr. M'Kenna supported the bill. Mr. Bagwell and Mr. Synan opposed the bill. The O'Donoghue said the bill was founded on the assump- tion that the tenants in Ireland have not, and onght not to have, ¡¡hY interest in the land. The foundation ot all the evils of Ireland was the tenancy at will system. To ensure the prosperity of Ireland they must give security 01 tenure. He should vote for the amendment. Mr. Pici did not tbinli the bill would meet the anficulty; but in itself it-was a good measure..He suggested that this and the Land Improvement and Leasing Bill should be referred to a select committee. Sir F. Heygate looked upon the bill as involving prin- ciples destructive of property. The relations of landlord and tenant ought to be left to the parties making the con- tract. At the same time be would give the landlord no special privilege, but he should have the same remedy as other creditors. He hoped the bill would be withdrawn. The discussion was continued by Mr. Monsell, Lord C. Hamilton, the Q'Conor Don, Read, and Mr. Kennedy. The Attorney-General for Ireland defended the bill. It was not offered as a panacea, but as a moderate and practical measure. It was opposed because it would take away the cry which had been made so much of in Ireland by agitators of compensation to tenants. The bill was to enable Governmeet to advance money on easy terms to tenants, repayable by instalments extending over 35 years, the tenant, if he were evicted, retaining a charge on the land for his improvements. At the same time the rights of the landlord were preserved. The amendment, he submitted, was not srermane to the bill. Mr.- Sullivan remarked that if the bill were not intended to settle the question, the Government were dealing with the question in an illusory manner. Mr. Graves moved the adjournment of the debate. Mr. G. Fortescue opposed the adjournment. Lord Naas was willing to go to a division. He did not think the amendment was intended to defeat the bill, and he thought, the question of compensation and leasing ought to be dealt with separately; but if the House should think otherwise, he should not on that account drep the bill. After some discussion the motion for adjournment: was withclrawu, and Mr. Sandford moved a further amendment, that 110 pro- perty should be charged with the repayment-of loans ad- vaneed for the purpose of making improvements except such improvements be made with the consent of the landlord. The House divided on Mr. Gregory's amendment, which was negatived by 108 to 101 Oil Mr. Sandford's amendment being put, Lord Haas opposed it. Mr.1 C. 5V>rtescue also opposed tfce amendment. He com- plained of the way in which the Government had manipu- lated the division. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said the right hon. gen- tlemanhad given the Govamment credit for dexterity it did not posess. The discussion had turned, not on the bill, but on Mr. Gregory's amendment, and therefore he thought the debate ought to be adjourned. Mr. ritzwiliiam Dick moved the adjournment of the debate. Mr. O'Eeilly and other members opposed the adjourn- ment, but on a division the adjournment was carried by 115 to 97. The Vice-President of the Board of Trade Bill passed through committee. The Customs and Inland Revenue Bill, the Local Govern- jnent Supplemental Bill, and the Land Drainage Supplemen- tal Bill wero respectively read a seeond time. The House adjourned. In the House of Commons, on Tuesday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in reply to questions as to when the Irish Reform Bill and the Scotch Reform Bill will be introduced, •said the Scotch Reform Bill was more pressing than the Irish, because there was an Irish Reform Bill of a comparatively recent date. He hoped to introduce a Scotch Reform Bill soon, but it was necessary first to make.some progress with recent date. He hoped to introduce a Scotch Reform Bill soon, but it was necessary first to make some progress with the English bill. With regard to another question on the paper, whether, there being no compounding of rates in Scotland, he proposed to give the franchise to every rate- paying householder in Scotch burghs, he said it would be more convenient that he should explain the provisions or the bill when he made the general statement with regard to it than in answer to interrogatories. 'Mr. Trevelyan called attention to the system of purchasing commissions in the army. The army could never be, in the real sense of the word, a profession as long as the purchase system existed, for the very meaning of the word" profes- sion was that a man should live by it. He moved that the system of purchasing commissions in the army tends greatly to diminish the efficiency of our military force. Colonel Sykes seconded, and Captain Stanley supported, the motion, and it was opposed by Colonel North and Major Jervis. Sir J. Pakington said he did not defend the purchase system in theory, but it had been in existence a long time; its abolition would be attended by financial difficulty, and it was argued that poor officers by this means got more rapid promotion than they would otherwise obtain. He hoped that under all circumstances the hon. gentleman would not press his motion to a rlivision. The Marquis of Hartington said the system of purchase was very objectionable, and he believed there was no friend of the army who did not wish to see it abolished, if a system could he substituted which had not greater disadvantages, but he joined wirh Sir J. Pakington in pressing his hon. friend to be satisfied with the discussion, and not press the motion to a division. Mr. Trevelyan having shortly replied,. the House divided, and the motion was negatived by 116 to 75. Mr. K. Mills obtained leave to bring in a bill to repeal the several Acts granting and regulating the appropriation of £20!33ü irom the ConsolidatedPund for the ecclesiastical establishment in the West Indies. Lord R. Montagu also obtained leave to bring in a bill to consolidate and amend the laws of vaccination. One or two bills were advanced a. stage; and in committee of supply £ 302,000 was granted. towards the site for the new courts of justice, and The House adjourned.


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