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HINTS UPOIf GASDEjJSTIBTG. Broccoli planted now need not be more than 15 inches apart. They will be rather crowded when spring comes, but they will pass through the winter much more safely than if planted further apart. If the ground is not already overstocked with cabbages, sow a few pieces of rosette colewort, Enfield market, red Dutch, and Champion. Cauliflowers to be sown on raised beds of fine rich earth; when they have their first rough leaves, to be taken up and potted in thumb- pots, in good fuchsia compost, and the pots plunged in a bed of coal-ashes. As soon as the pots are full of roots, to be shifted to 60'a, and in these to be wintered in frames, the pots plunged to the rim to prevent frost touching their roots. This may seem a dandified way of treating cauliflowers; we oan only say that experi- ence has taught us that it pays better in the end than any other method for a crop to plant out early in the spring. Celery is growing freely, in consequence of the abundant rains. Where the plants are forming stools instead of distinct hearts, it is advisable to re- move with a knife the outside suckers, so as to reduce the growth, if possible, to ona set of stems. This stooling is the result of free growth after the plant has received a check; it is so far objeotionaole that stooled roots are only fit for the cook. They are unfit for the table. A last sowing of endive may be made, to stand the winter. All the sorts are good, but green curled, imperial B&tavian, and moss curled are the best. Lettuce may be sown, and plantations may be made from seed-beds sown last month. Onicna ought now to be ripeniug off, and if the weather continues dry, no doubt they will ripen well. Where they appear gross, and not inclined to ripen, sweep them over with a long atick or rake handle, so aa to lay down the tops. Generally speaking, they fall over of themselves, and the bulbs ripen without assistance. Sow for winter and spring supplies. The most hardy kinds are brown globe, Daptford, white Lisbon, globe Tripoli, and Strasburg. Potatoes to be taken up as soon as ripe. Let them be well dried in the sun, and stored away at once. Never pit them damp, but, on the other hand, never keep them lying about on the ground exposed to daylight beyond a reasonable time. Spinach for winter may still be sown, and the best sorts are prickly and Flanders. In some places, spinach sown in the middle of September goes through the winter well; but on cold soils, and eastern and northern districts, the winter spinach should be sown before the 20th of August. Winter greens lately planted are now doing well. Breadths that were planted early and close now require every other plant to be removed, and there will be room for this now that summer crops are being cleared off. For every kind of green to be used between this time and Christ- mas manure liberally, but for those to stand till spring do not manure at all. Cucumbers for winter fruiting must be reared at once, and cuttings are preferable to seed, as the plants have a shorter habit, and are more fruitful. Take very small cuttings from the ends of newly-made shoots, pet them singly in small 60's, and shut up over a gentle bottom-heat. As we are not now using dung-heat., we shall put a small frame over a heap of grasa mowings, mixed with dry litter, which will afford enough heat to start them, and keep them going till naw beds are made up. It is usual to repot and revisa the whole stock of auriculas before winter, though many ftQWer3 prefer to repot in spring. We need not do j more than advise the use ot a sound and sweet com- pomt-garyjage and goose-grease no one will now use. 1 » Sanay loam, containing a goodly proportion of^deeajed I grass fibre, with a third part added of rotteIl cow. manure, will grow them t:> perfection. Turn them oat carefully detach the offsets without making b%d wounds on the old root stocks cut away any decayed •Darts of the roots; and in potting keep the codar well up, and press the soil in round tne roots quite firmly. It is of the utmost importance to place them waere worms are not likely to got into the pots. Carnations and picotees not yet layered must be attended to, or it is impossible for them to be well rooted before winter. A Httle bit of quackery lingers in this department; which we must hope to get rid of. We allude to the barbar- ous practice of removing leaves beyond such few as must be taken off to allow of fixing the layer. It is impossible to cut the tongue and lay down the shoot nicely without removing a few leaves, but let a few suffice, and do not indulge in removing any not imme- diately in the way, or in cutting tha enda of such aa are allowed to remain. Hollyhocks to be propagated from cuttings as soon as they can be got from the stool. Cuttings from the stems are of no use to amateurs, and should never be used by anybody except to increase kinds in great demand. Bedders can only be kept in good trim by constant attention. Remove seed-trusses, yellow leaves, and rank growths. Put in cuttings of whatever is required, and pot off those already rooted. Shut them up for a week, and then expose them to all weathers till the time to house them. A few cuttings of Perilla and Coleua Ver- schaffelti put in now, and carefully treated, will niaie nice plants to group with chrysanthemums in the con- servatory by-and-by. These two easily managed foliage plants should be grown in every stove during winter. Evergreen shrubs may now be moved with the best chance of success, whether they be large or small.-Gardener's Magazine.


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