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THE HYDE-PARK DEMONSTRATION. A considerable amount of mild excitement existed in the metropolis on Monday, as the time drew near for the intended Reform demonstration. At midday a notice was issued from Scotland-yard, signed by the chief commissioner, Sir Richard Mayne, announcing that the gates of Hyde-park would be closed against the public at and after five o'clock. This notice was very extensively posted throughout the city and suburbs. Up to a late hoar in the afternoon the committee appointed to carry out the arrangements in reference to the intended demonstration in Hyde-park were engaged at the office of the Reform League, Adelphi- terrace, Strand, in finally settling the details to be observed by the several branches. The authorities ia Scotland-yard continued firm in adhering to the in- structions issued by Sir R. Mayne, and it was evident that every possible measure would be taken to prevent the meeting. Among the various notices posted on the walls the following rather extra-official bulletin attracted considerable attention. "Meeting in Hyde-park. "Whereas, from information I have received, it appears that certain persons have wilfully and mali- oiously dared to get possession of opinions, and incite others to think for themselves-at all times an opera- tion dangerous to the established order of things and to cast-iron policemen in particular; and, Whereas, such persons, instead of being content with the glorious privilege of being allowed to live within the limits of my jurisdiction, have dared to call upon others of the order to meet together, and ex- press their opinions in a public manner; and, Whereas, it is contrary to the regulations of Scot- land-yard, that anyone should possess an opinion of his own, such possession being unlawful and felonious, and sealing to my welfare (the public weal being of secondary importance). This is to give Notioe.— 1. That no person shall hereafter think for himself, speak for himself, or do anything for himself, or on account of any other person (except me), without a licence given under my my hand. 2. That no person shall go to the Hyde-park Meeting, or anywhere else within the limits of the Metrolspus, without a licence under my hand, and a notice thereof of 24 hours. 3. That no one shall be allowed to carry sand- wiches except the officers under my orders, who must parade in house-areas only. 4. That every male adult shall forthwith sign a declaration admitting that he derives from me alone the right to think, speak, eat, drink, live, or die within my jurisdiction, and all persons refusing obedience shall be used for practice upon in cutlass drill by the most inexperienced of my officers. Provided, nevertheless, that such persons, upon a petition from the House of Commons by the Speaker on his lances, and from the Lords spiritual and tem- poral in sackcloth, be allowed in lieu thereof—To be shot in Hyde-park.—Given at our Bastille, in Scot- land-yard, this 20th day of July. "RICHARD MAIN-FORCE, Metropolitan Pole-axe." The following is a copy of a bill extensively posted through the metropolis on Monday morning:- WANTED, 10,000 COSTERMONGERS, MOUNTED ON THEIR DONKEYS, To parade Rotten-row, to teat the question as to whether this or any other portion of Hyde-park belongs to a class or the entire people. Vive le Jerusalem. From about three o'clock in the afternoon till after midnight the fashionable localities around Hyde-park were disturbed by scenes happily not often witnessed in this country. The park was closed against the people, and its broad walks and greensward were taken possession of by the civil and military authori- ties. As will be seen from the following account, the good-humour and enthusiasm which prevailed during the earlier part of the evening changed to considerable violence, under which property was destroyed, and life and limb endangered. As there is an important question affecting public rights involved in the occur- rence, legal proceedings will immediately be taken respecting: it. Early on Monday afternoon a notice was extensively posted throughout London, signed by Sir Richard Mayne, stating that Hyde-park gates would be closed to tho public at five o'clock, and at that time the gates were closed, and strong forces of police were stationed inside. The carriages being driven about the walks, and the thousands of persons strolling on the grass, were allowed to leave if they chose, but new ad. missions were rigorously refused. The crowds that collected from this time outside the railings were beyond numbering. At Hyde-park corner, along Park-lan9, but particularly at the Marble Arch, where it was known entrance would be formally demanded, the people were wedged together in every direction, On the whole. it was a good-humoured crowd. Streams of well-dressed persons rendered Park-lane almost impassable, and a block would occur at each police-guarded-gate. It was generally pointed out that the windows of Mr- house at Grosvenor-gate were well pro- tected by stout wooden blinds Jen the outside. Before the Marble Arch, stretching away on either hand, and far up into Great (Jnmberland-Btr.ee stood one thick crowd of both sexes, whose safety was imperilled by the vehicles tnat to force their passage through. The at first posted inside the gates, but a sites, now a stone and then a stick, wer J>n' aEd the men were then marched outside. ne °t ordinary policemen, in a semi-oircle, s gates, protected in front by mounted oonstable3 The approach of the procession was "^nailed by the people beyond the Maxble-arcb, w § sight of them coming down one of the 61 f 80011 as the banners were seen & chear was raised from ten thousand throats, and a spacewasopenecl for the leaders to pass along to the g^0Pfo^»oaj whioh had on their route maintained the hnesu discipline— was headed by a 9 ™remosfc containing Mr. E. Beal?s'X°™. Dlokf<>n, Mr. Geo Brooke, and other prominent members of the Reform League. As Mr. BaaiiW aad 1ns friends neared the cordon of police be lore the gates tae cheers increased, and hats were, vIgorously waved. With un- mistakable entbllmaSID, but cecently and in order, Mr. Beales end two or three friends were assisted from their carriage, and escorted towards the gate. Addressing the nearest mounted officer, Mr. Beales reauested & qniet admittance to the park; the officer told him he cauUi not go in, and to Mr. Beales' ques- tion li WI-i-,7 ? he said, "I have authority to pre. vent you. Mr. Beaies asked who gave him the authority ? and the reply was, Oar Commissioner." Mr. Beales, remarking that the "parks were the property of t people," made a movement as if he would pass^tne 3)no of police, when a tall policeman, thrusting the eiid of his truncheon into Mr. Bale's chest, puahsd him with more rudeness than was neces- sary a foot or two back. There ware loud cries of "Shame" at this prompt interferouce, and things began to wear an alarming aspect, when Mr. Beales, still keeping bia ground, and apparently pressing his right to ba admitted, was, so far as could be seen, collared by a couple of policemen, but cer- tainly subjected to such treatment that his coat was torn across the shoulder. During the confusion that prevailed one or two gentlemen had got within the line of police, and the officers were evidently so disorganised that a slight effort on the part of the crowd would have broken their line completely. Colonel Dickson and Mr. Wolterton were both as- saulted by a policeman whose number is known, and the latter gentlemau demanded the name of a mounted superintendent who refused him admittance to the park, which the policeman declined to give. The leaders of the Keiorm party thus repulsect stepped back into their carriages amidst loud cheer- ing. As much of the procession as could be organised ia the dense mass, variously estimated at from a 100 to 200,000 persons, followed the carriages of the com- mittee towards Oxford-street, along which they pro- ceeded, gathering force' as they went. Some idea of the procession may be gathered from the fact that when the first portion was turning into Pall-mall a large number were still in Piccadilly. Hearty cheers for the Prince of Wales were given on passing Marl- borough-house but upon nearing the Carlton Club the fragmentary disapprobation that had been expressed on passing the Wellington and Conservative Clubs be. came a perfect roar of hooting and groaning, which was not diminished when it was perceived that a small de- tachment of police were posted at the entrance. There was a general halt and cheering at the Reform Club. Another haib took place near the Guard's Memorial, and three cheers were given for Gladstone." The meeting in Trafalgar-square was brief, and the speeches were confined to the proposing and seconding of two resolutions. The first, proposed by Mr. Wright of Birmingham, and seconded by Mr. Mark Price of Manchester, urged the prosecution of lawful and con- stitutional means for the extension of the franchise; the second, moved by Mr. Moir, of Glasgow, and seconded by Colonel Dickson, conveyed thanks to Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Bright, and others, for being faithful to the cause, while others had basely deserted it. These resolutions were carried with acclamation. While the main body of reformers were marching to Trafalgar-square, more exciting and less desirable pursuits engaged the attention of the crowds, who re- mained at Hyde-park. Eye-witnesses state that when the assemblage became aware that the policemen were determined not to admit them to the park consider- able indignation was experienced in consequence, and the feeling found vent in some quarters in personal encounters with some of the police, who seemed pre- pared to give and take hard knocks. A large portion of the crowd finding a forcible entry by the gate to be not altogether feasible moved westward, and in one bold dash smashed in the railings of the park in spite of the police who were there to prevent them, but who were either unable or unwilling to do so, and entered the park cheering vociferously, and waving hand- kerchiefs, shouted to those outside to follow them. The railings at Park-lane were destroyed in about the same time, and in a few minutes several thousands of persons had entered the park. Sir Richard Mayne and Captain Harris commanded the police inside the park. Enoounters between the police and the mob became rife, the former using their truncheons freely, and the latter stones and other missiles, and before long several prisoners and wounded persons were removed. The mob hooted the police fiercely. In fact, the efforts of the latter instead of quelling the disturbance, seemed to have a contrary effect, and serious consequences were apprehended, when a detachment of Foot Guards, under the com- mand of Colonel Lane Fox, arrived. The moment the Guards appeared they were cheered enthusiastically fey the mob, and in a short time they took position near the gate by the directions of their comander, and never onca moved from it during the subsequent proceedings. A body of the Life Guards soon after arrived, and were cheered in a hearty manner. They, however, did not act in conjunction with the police in keeping the mob inside the park from going near the gate which was the scene of the disturbance, but galloped off to some other part of the park. When the police were left to themselves they were again pelted by and in turn attacked the mob, one or two of their number being unhorsed. After a series of charges against the mob the police were re- inforced by a second detachment of Foot Guards, who were drawn up in front of the gate, and who, with the first detachment, received orders to be in readiness to fire should it become necessary.. En- counters between the police and the mob then became less frequent, and finally quietude was being restored when another body of Life Guards augmented the soldiery, and combined to help in dispersing the people. The soldiers, still with bayonets fixed, on leaving the park shortly before twelve o'clock, were hooted by some thousands of miscellaneous spectators, and the Life Guards patrolling Park-lane were having a similar reception. That locality presented a most remarkable appearance. At short distances apart groups were collected around what had first seemed to be bonfires, but which were really flamea issuing from the gappipes, which had been broken off like straws when the railings were knocked down. By the light of these weird illuminations some hundreds of police- men, foot soldiers, and cavalry could be seen drawn up within the park. The Marble Arch entrance was guarded as closely as ever, for what purpose it was difficult to see, as civilians in large numbers had ob- tained entrance to the park. Later Particulars. TUESDAY MORNING, ONE O'CLOCK. Between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock the people quietly left the park, and in about half an hour later all the Guards and policemen had likewise marched off. Groups of a few hundreds of persons still remained in Oxfoi<d-street. Bayswater-road, and Park-lane, discuss- ing the evey te of the evening. The extent of damage in Hyde-pai k ia very serious. The line of palisading from the Mar ale-arch to a distance of more than 200 yards along the Bayswater-roaa nas oeen riven from the baae and laid level with the ground. In Park- lane the same destruction has been completed, with little interruption, from the corner of Oxford-street to near Grosvenor- gate. The whole extent of palisading thus torn up will not be less than half a mile. Con- siderable injury was done to the shtubs and flowers in the park, not, as it. appears, wilfully, but by trampling after nightfall. This is not altogether the fault of the people, because, for two or three hours during the pro- ceedings, the police forced men through the shrub- beries and over the broken rails, instead of directing them through the gates. There ia considerable difficulty in ascertaining either the exact number of prisoners, or the num- bir of persona injured, and the nature of the hurts received. About fifty men are said to have been arrested by the police, and after being taken in the first instance to the Marble Arch were^ aiterwards drafted, in small numbers, to the merest police-stations. Many of them were decenfc- ooKing working men. Captain Harris and Superin- tendent Ecoles, X division, are said to have been un- norsed. At one of the stations it was rumoured that a policeman had died from the injuries he received; another had his jaw broken, the missile breaking it being a ginger-beer bottle. Another constable was struck across one side of his neck with an iron bar. Great numbers were hit with stones, and had either slight face wounds or their hats were battered. Late at night the two hospitals, St. Mary's, Paddiagton, and St. George's, had fre- quent visits from women inquiring about relatives and friends. Most of them had to go away unsatisfied. At St. Mary's only two parsons were taken to be tended. One was a man who had received a scalp wound, and the other a woman who had been injured in a fall. More eases, and some of them of a more serious character, were taken to St. George's. The last case was a man, who in attempting to escape from the police, had clambered over some iron rail- ings, and in his too great hurry one of the spikes ran into his leg. Charges at the Police-courts. Long before the hour of commencing business on Tuesday morning a. large number of persons assembled outside Marlborongh-street Police-court, and as soon as the doors were opened the court was densely filled. A great number of persons were brought up in custody, and charged with throwing stones, breaking the railings, and other disorderly conduct. and with asaaalting the police. Many of the cases were summarily disposed of by Mr. Knox, the sitting magistrate, with a fine of forty shillings or one month s imprisonment, and some of the more serious cases with one, twlo, and three months, without the option of a fine. Some charges were also brought at other courts with a similar result. Throughout Tuesday considerable excitement pre- vai'o I in the park and neighbourhood, and in the I evening the disturbances were renewed.