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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. In the House of Lords, on Thursday, the report of ara<m<3» ments of the Capital Punishment Bill was brought up and ^orVc'ranworth moved the seeond reading of the Ad- ministration of Justice (Chancery) Amendment Bill, the object of which is hereafter to constitute the Master of the Rolls ex officio one of the Lords Justices of Appeal in C*TheLord Chancellor opposed the measure on the ground that its real object was to correct the point of precedence, by which at present the Master of the Rolls takes higher rank than the Lords Justices, to whom appeals come from ^Lord St. Leonard's also opposed it in principle and detail. Lord Romily said that in the first instance he had stated that be had no objection to the measure, but when he saw the bill he found that it was full of difficulties. aDdthatit; abolishe i the original jurisdict ion of the Master of the Rolls, and he thought it desirable to withdraw the bill. After some remarks from Lord Kmgsdown, not audible, The bill was rejected. The Statute Law Revision Bill was withdrawn. The Judicial Committee of Privy Council Bill was with- ^The House adjourned at half-past six. In the House of Lords, on Friday, in answer to the Earl said that the Government hod a bill in preparation to bring women and children in certain trades and manufactures under a like protection to that of the Factories Act, which would be brought m next session. Earl De Grey iuquired what course Ministers intended to adopt in reference to the arming of British troops with ^The*KarlS^Loifgford said that the late Government had taken pains to ascertain the value oi: breech-loaders attempting to supply the forces with them, and had decided on converting the Enfield rifle, and it was intended by the present Government to proceed^ with that design, out fnst«»rt of 40 000 rifles which had been ordered to dc e<m verted by March next, arrangements had been mfwie by ■which 150,000 would be ready by that time. Aitogeiiner 600 000 would be converted as soon as possible. The Duke of Cambridge said that the subject had been Well considered, and it had been resolved to convert the existing rifles, not because such a we»P°" wa.s t^e best, but because it was the readiest to be ohtaincj^ f though the Prussian needle-gun, v execution in the recent engagements, w^si not the best of breech-loaders, yet its existence rendered it necessary that our small army should at once be supplied with as good a WTh^DEarl of Dalho^ie suggested the appointment of a special committee to consider the whole subject The Crown Lands Bill and the Grana Juries Presentment Bill ijn^through committee. The National Gallery Enlargement Bill and the Carriage and Deposit of Dangerous Goods Bills were read a second The Law of Capital Punishment Amendment Bill was read a third time and passed. The House adjourned at half-past eight. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the Royal assent w given by commission to a number of bills. public and private. The second reading of the Dogs Bill, which is intended to regulate the possession of those animals, was passed, al- though the stringency of its provisions was objected to by the Lord Chancellor. The Transubatantiation, &c., Declaration Abolition Bill, and the Standard of Weights and Measures Bill were read a second time. The House adjourned at a few minutes after six. In the House of Commons, on the re-assembling ef the House, the following members of the new Government took the oaths and their seatsMr. Disraeli, Sir J. Pakington, Lord Cranborne, General Peel, Sir H. Cairns, Mr. Bovill, Mr. Cave, Mr. G. Hardy, Lord Burghley, Sir J. Hay, Mr. Du Cane, Lord Stanley, Lord Naas, Mr. JToel, and Mr. Wal- :pole. Mr. Vanderbyl also took his seat for Bridgewater. On going into committee of supply, Captain Vivian drew attention to the necessity of arming Our troops with breech-loading rifles. Sir C. Russell dwelt also on the latter subject; and also urged that it would be necessary to simplify the drill of the British army besides supplying it with efficient arms. A discuss-ion ensued, in the course of which Mr. J. B. Smith stated that he had called the attention of the Govern- ment of the day to the existence of the needle-gun in the Prussian army so long ago as 1851. Mr. Osborne was willing to leave this important question to the Secretary and Under-Secretary for War; but he "Wished to draw attention to the appointments of the new Government in reference to the administration of justice in Ireland. He asked if the reports of the legal appointments to Ireland were true; whether Mr. Blackburne at the age Of 85 had been created Lord Chancellor, msteadofMr. Brewster, while Mr. Hapier had beeD wade Lord Justice of Appeal; and all this at the instance of Mr. Whiteside. He also complained that no Irish Lord of the Treasury had been appointed. He wished to know what was the plan hinted at by Mr. Disraeli for stopping,the emigration from ^General Peel said, with regard to breech-loading rifles he had received letters from the military commissioner of this country with the Prussian army, urging the immediate adoption of that arm in our service. It was necessary to come to decision at once; and he found that the late Go- vernment had arranged for the conversion of the existing into the Snider rifle, and he had determined to carry on that conversion as rapidly as possible; and he hoped. to get 200,000 by the end of the present financial year"; and as fast as they were constructed they would be placed in the hands of the troops. Beyond the question of conversion no de- cision had been-come to as to what the future arm of our troops should be. The Marqujg of Harfcington explained that the order that he had given for 20,000 Enfield rifles to be converted was given in February last, and he was prepared, on receiving further reports on the subject;, for a large additional number. Sir B. peei <jrew attention to the recent proceedings in regard to a supplemental charter for the Queen's University in Ireland, alleging that action of the/most decisive charac- r had been taken in relation thereto by the late Govern- ment without the knowledge of the House, notwithstand. ng Mr. Gladstone's assurance that such should not be the case. Sir G. Grey denied that the late Government had been guilty of any breach of faith to the House; for the most Jainute and detailed account of the intentions of the Go. vernment, contained in a letter to the Lord Lieutenant, was laid before the House in March last, and since then not a Word had been said against the coarse proposed to be pur- sued by the late Government. After some observations from Mr. Lowe, Mr. 0. Fortescue, Sir H. Cairns, and other hon. members, Mr. Gladstone said that, as he had been individually charged with breach of faith, he was bound to take part in the discussion. He proceeds 1 to deny that the chiinges which the late Government proposed to introduce into the university education of Ireland were fundamental, and whatever they were, Sir Robert Peel was a party to them as a member of the Government, which had fully and dis- tinctly stated their purpose and object in the matter; and every document with regard to them had been duly laid on the table of the House. He strenuously urged a decision of the House whether or not the Irish student was to be de- prived of a purely civil right—that of an meademical degree Shnply on religious grounds. The Chancellor of the Exchequer objected to an attempt *n an incidental way to obtain the opinion of the Govern- I0 'mPortant question of Irish education. The would give the subject its consideration during although if a proper notice had been keenpreparedto meet the discussion. As re0ar » ™!i iP?v!ey the Government towards Ireland, it was a part ot that policy to propose a loan to railways in that couatiy—a measure, however which thev inherited from their predecessors. The House then went into committee of sunnlv and took the votes for the collection, of the revenue and the Post- office packet service.. e os The other business was disposed of, fead the House ad- journed at a quarter past one o clock. In the House of Lords, en Tuesday, on the motion of the Marquis of Clanrioarde, and. with the asseu.t 9* the Earl of Derby, on condition that it was not pressed this session a Bill for Improving the Tenure of Land in Ireland was rl<d a second time. „ The National G allery Enlargement Bill was read a second time, after a short discussion. The motion of the Marquis of Clanricarde to go into COIn. mittee on the Dogs Bill was opposed, and lost, on a division, by 37 to 14, and the bill lapsed. Their lordships then adjourned. In the House of Commons, at a morning sitting, the Thames Navigation Bill was taken in committee, and 62 clauses disposed of. <' n At the evening sitting, in answer to Mr. urenien, Lord Stanley said that a statement in a Berlin journal, to the effect that England would not allow part of Hanover to be handed over to Prussia, on account of certain eventual hereditary claims of England, was absolutely untrue. Mr. Graves moved for a commission to inquire into the present condition of the seamen of the mercantile marine, with the view of ascertaining whether within the last twenty years the supply of British seamen has or has not fallen off, either in numbers or efficiency; if the supply had fallen off, what causes have led to the decline, and whether any remedy can be suggested. Mr. Liddell seconded the motion. Mr. Henley attributed in a great measure the deteriora- tion of our seamen, which was undoubted, to the substitu- tion of short for long apprenticeships. He also pointed out the life of hardship, toil, and danger, which a sailor had to undergo, and the comparatively small wages which he received, as a cause of the falling off in the number of our seamen. Sir S. Northcote pledged the Government to inquire into the subject, and hoped that the motion would not be pressed. The motion was withdrawn. Mr. Berkeley moved that, having regard to the failure of all legislation against corrupt practices at Parliamentary elections, it is expedient to make experiment of the system of taking votes at sach elections anonymously, according to the laws now in force i» other parts of her Majesty's do- minions. He first presented a petition from the in- habitants of Bridgenorth, Btating that after the test general election numerous notices to quit had been served on tenants on the Whitmore property, and praying for freedom of election, like that enjoyed in Australia, by means of the ballot. He then went on to quote the opinions of eminent authorities as to the value of the electoral func- tion including Lord Russell, Burke, Chief Justice Holt, and asked a trial of that remedy which was adopted by England 's greatest; Parliament—in which Hampden, Eliot, and Coke sat and which had been advocated by Grote. Macaulay, and numerous others of equal weight and authority. He de- nounced the Corrupt Practices Act, designating it as the Corrupt Practices Encouragement A ct; and as the result numerous others of equal weight and authority. He de- nounced the Corrupt Practices Act, designating it as the Corrupt Practices Encouragement A ct; and as the result the electoral system was in a helpless and hopeless condi- tion, unless the remedy he proposed was tried. Mr. Mowbray opposed the motion. Lord H. Percy indignantly repudiated the statement that his brother, Earl Percy, had ceased to deal with tradesmen who had refused to vote for Mr. Bovill. After observations from Mr. Onslow, Mr. Bovill, Captain Vivian, and Mr. Locke, On a division, the motion was negatived by 197 to 110. Mr. Mill moved for a return of the number of freeholders and householders in England and Wales who, fulfilling the conditions of property or rental prescribed by law as the qualification for the electoral franchise, are excluded from the franchise by reason of their sex. He also stated that he should retain this subjeet as a part of his political pro- gramme. Mr. Walpole assented to the motion, and it was agreed to. The other business was gone through, and the House adjourned at half-past twelve o'clock.



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