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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE EUROPEAN WAR. BERLIN, JULY 16. M. Benedetti, the French Ambassador, and the Count de Barral, Italian Minister at Berlin, have accompanied the King to the Prussian head-quarters at Briinn. Negotiations are in progress for a truce of three days, and not for an armistice. rm, ffi • 1 <w BERLIN, JULY 16. Tho official otaatsmizeiger of to-day says• "The assertions of various newspapers that Prussia has demanded the cession of Bohemia and Moravia as a condition of peace are entirely unfounded, A glance at the map shows that the possession of these countries by Prussia would not be a source of strength but of weakness. National interests also would render such an acquisition undesirable. The aim of the policy of Prussia is directed towards the establishment of a new Confederation and the convocation of a German Par- liament. Connection with countries only in part appertaining to German nationality would place obstacles in the way of the assembly of the Parlia- ment." FLORENCE, JULY 10. It is believed that the Government will send special commissioners into each of the Venetian provinces. ^COLOGNE; JULY 15. A oonflict took place yesterday between the Prus- sians and Federals near Aschaffenberg, in which the former were completely victorious. Aschaffenberg iB in flames, and the Austrian, Bavarian, and Darmstadt forces are retreating. The Prussians are tharcbing upon Frankfort, and the first csnvoyof wounded arrived there at 6 p.m. yesterday. 1. FRANKFORT, JULY 14. It is expected that in the event of the seat of the Federal Diet being removed to Augsburg, the foreign representatives to the Germanic Confederation will also proceed to that city. FRANKFORT- ON-THE-MAIN, JULY 14, EVENING. The Federal troops have evacuated this city, and the seat of the Diet has been removed to Augsburg. That body in notifying to the Frankfort Senate its in- tention of removing to Augsburg, states that this step was necessitated by the ill-success of the Federal forces. It also expressed its acknowledgments of the fidelity of Frankfort to the Confederation, and hoped that the proposed German Parliament would assemble in this city. BRUNN, JULY 13. Eleven Prussian regiments entered this town yes- terday and to-day without opposition. The inhabi- tants maintained a tranquil attitude, and furnished supplies to the troops as far as they were able. The King of Prussia has just arrived here, and the head- quarters have been established at the residence of the governor. His Majesty was received by the Bishop of Brunn, Count Schaffgalsch, the burgomaster, and the authorities, who urged the king to spare the city, and treat the inhabitants with lenity. His Majesty replied in nearly the following terrsa" I am not here of my free choice or free will, but because the Emperor of Austria has forced me into war. I do not therefore make war against the peaceful subjects, but against the army of the Emperor. Up to the present I have been victorious, and the valour of my army in. spires me with confidence in our further success. I have been obliged to lead hither an unusually large army. It is very possible that in isolated cases the inhabitants may have cause for complaint, but this will be avoided by their readily supplying my brave troops with the necessaries of life." His Majesty has given a reception to Prince Frederick Charles, and all the Prussian generals in Brunn. 45,000 Prussian troops have been quartered upon the j inhabitants, who have received them in a friendly manner. The Austrian. authorities have left, taking with them the funds belonging to Government. The commander of the town, Major-General Lengsfeld, has appointed Dr. Stieber director of police, and the la.tter"halil re-established the civil administration which had been temporarily interrupted. Ialau is stated to be already in the possession of the Prussians, who have commenced marching upon Zndyra. TV n. FLORENCE, JULY 12. Dispatches received here from the seat of war in Venetia state that the Austrians appear disposed to give battle to the Italians upon their attempting to cross the Adige. The Prussian Government has complimented Italy upon the operations of General Cialdini, as forming part of the plan of co-operatien of the armies of the twopowors. TOULON, JULY 11, EVENING. The French ironclad frigate Provence, and the cor- vette Eolarieur, have left suddenly for Venice. The remainder of the squadron is still taking in pro- visions. BERLIN, JULY 10. The total number of guns captured by the Prussians at the battle of Sadowa and up to the present time is 180. They have also recently captured 400 wagon leads'of munitions of war. u The official 8taatsanzeiger of to-day says:—"We are authorised to declare that during the recent fight- ing in Bohemia not a single Prussian gun has been captured by the enemy. If, therefore, a piece of Prus- sian artillery has reoently been drawn through the streets of Vienna, it can only be the field piece pre- sented to the Emperor by the King of Prussia at the time of their alliance." PARIS, JULY 10. The Patrie of this evening expects that the armi- stice will be accepted to-day, and adds that the term of its duration will probably be one month. Prince von Reuss has been received by the Emperor. Prince Napoleon had a long interview with his Majesty this morning. The France of this evening states that Prince Napoleon is about to leave for Verona, where his highness will receive from the Austrian authori- ties the preliminary document ceding Venetia to France. FLORENCE, JULY 10, EVENING. The Fl@rence journals of this evening announce that the Prussian Government has officially declared to the Italian cabinet that Italy cannot accept an armistice which, being based upon the cession of Venetia, would be tantamount to a separately concluded peace, and would disengage, to the detriment of Prussia and to the advantage of Austria, the 150,000 men stationed in Venetia. T FIGHTING BEFORE OLMUTZ. PRUSSIAN HEAD-QUARTERS,!BRUNN, JULY 16. A successfnl engagement took place, yesterday be- fore Olmutz between the Prussians, under the Crown Prince, and the Austrians and Saxons. The Prussians captured six guns. Other engagements are expected to take place to-morrow bet,een, tho first Prussia,, army corps and the Austrian forces now withdrawing from Olmutz. i. General Benedek, who has been relieved from his functions as commander-in-ohiet of the Northern army, remains commander of an army corps. An attache of M. Benedetti, the .t rench ambassador at Berlin, left here on the 14th for Vienna. The railway between Prague and.Brann is being employed for military transport. ° THE DEFENCE OF VIENNA VIENNA JULY 11. At the sitting of the^unioipal Council held yester- day, the Burgomaster, Dr. Zelmka, made the following statement "H.M. the Emperor haa to-day addressed a mani- festo to his peoples. As many have supposed from the tenor of t at document, that Vienna was to form a point of defence, I considered it my duty to request his Majesty to grant me, with the two Vice-Burgo- masters, an audience. Hia Majesty deigned to receive the prayer we addressed to him, that Vienna might not be exposed to the dangers of war. We further ex- pressed the urgent desire that, in view of a hostile occupation, measures might be taken with regard to the political situation, so aa to reassure and satisfy the public mind. nE6 His Majesty deigned to reply: 'The city of Vienna Uri'rp form the object of defence. It is my firm will that Vienna should be treated as an open town, In fortifying the Ute-du-'pont of the Danube, nothing has been intended but a measure of precaution to prevent the passage of the river. It has been thought advis- able to take this step, even supposing it should prove insufficient, in order to obviate the reproach that Austria, to whom the fortune of arms has been ad- verse, has suddenly abandoned all hope, and permitted the enemy to pass the Danube" (cheers). His Majesty further deigned to add that the autho- rities, the poliee, and the lieatenansya were to oon- tmue their functions, and that he himself would perse- ™iT,0 en<k I[la Majesty also ordered that the words I have the honour to communicate should be brought by proclamation to the knowledge of the city of Vienna." Dr. Mazerhofer, vice-president, then said- I am authorised to state that his Majesty has graciously deigned, with reference to the political question, to lay especial stress upon the fact that, in accordance with his promise, home questions shall be settled in conformity with the wishes of the people as cheers)8 foreiSn questions are arranged" (prolonged PROGRESS OF THE ARMISTICE NEGOTIA. TIONS. MU T 7 7 PARIS, JULY «L. The Journal~des DShats of to-day says: We have reason to believe that Prussia persists in excluding Austria from the Germanic Confederation, and main- tains her project of Federal reform. She also demands the incorporation of Electoral Hesse, Saxony, Han- over, and the Elbe Duchies with Prussia." The Moniteur de Soir says The belligerent 2we j8 acoepted in principle the mediation onered by the Empeoror Napoleon. The French Government is making every effort in favour of the conclusion of an Armistice, which by preventing further bloodshed would allow of negotiations being opened for the ieeforation I ™ FLORENCE, JULY 11, EVENING. Ihe court of Berlin has deolared to the Italian cabinet that an armistice on .'the basis of the cession of Venetia is inadmissible. The Italian Government in its reply is said to have-announced its resolution to continue offensive eporationa against the Austrian empire without relaxation, in conformity with the engagements mutually entered into by Prussia and Italy, ULtil both these Powers shall have obtained from Austria satisfactory terms for the conclusion of peace. RUMOURED ARMED MEDIATION OF NAPO- LEON. MI R VIENNA, JULY 10 (EVENING). Zeitunf)myi (evening edition of the official Wiener Zeiiuug) The Emperor of the French has taken fresh steps arm?st £ S8eU° oharaoter to effeot tlie conclusion of an n t rv!ne*V on way Venice, and General Lebosuf, the French Commissioner, has been ordered to occupy Venetia. General Froiesart has been sent to the Prussian head-quarters to announce the armed mediation of the Emperor of the French. "It is the pronounced will of the Emperor of the French that Austria should not be weakened in her position as a great Power. The Army of the South is evacuating Venetia, and has commenced the march northwards." „ PARIS, JULY 11. The Moniteur of this morning contains no commu- nication relative to the armistice. ADVANCE OF GENERAL CIALDINI, n FERRARA, JULY 11. General Cialdini is marching upon Rovigo with an army of more than. 100,000 men and 200 guns. The Austrians have evaouated the whole territory between the Mincio and the Adige. The greater part of the Austrian forces are stationed at Padua. Loss im- portant concentrations of troops have been made at uardolmi, Caprine, and Monte Baldo. There are very few at Peschiera and Verena. The destruction of the forts at Rovigo appears to confirm the persistent rumours of the departure, partly aooompliahed and partly projected, of the Austrian troopa for the interior of Austria. THE PRUSSIAN DEMANDS. T PARIS, JULY 11. The Journal des Debats of to-day says:— "We have reason to believe that Prussia persists in excluding Austria from the Germanic Confederation, and maintains her project of Federal reform. She also demands the incorporation of Electoral Hesse, Saxony, Hanover, and the Elbe Duchies with Prussia." APPOINTMENT OF ARCHDUKE ALBRECHT AS AUSTRIAN COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. VIENNA, JULY 12. The Archduke Albrecht has been appointed Com- mander- in- Chief, and Lieutenant Field Marshal Baron John, Chief of the General Staff of the whole Austrian armies now in the field. FRANCE. mt TOULON, JULY 10. The iron-clad squadron haa re-entered this port. Orders have been ^received to arm two more vessels, and to fit out the transport Tarn. mu Pairl* „.p ii.. PARIS, JULY 12. lne Jratne or this evening announces that the r rench squadron will leave Toulon tb-morrow for the Adriatic. Ihe same journal states that the Prussian proposals relative to the conclusion of an armistice are not yet definitively drawn up, but that sufficient is known of their general tenor to show that they are mo?e, moderate than certain journals have asserted, and that there is a good chance of their being accepted, The Pays declares the intelligence published yesterday by the France relative to the conditions drawn up by Prussia as a basis for peaoe to be a pure invention. ,.l. AMERICA,. M1 NEW YORK, JULY 5. A bill has b8en introduced in the House of Repre- sentatives, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, authorising the establishment of territorial governments in British American provinces, and the assumption of their debts, with payment of 10 million dollars to the Hudson's Bay Company whenever the governments of Great Britain and of those provinces shall apply for the admission of the said provinces into the union. The resolution offered in the House on the 4th of June in favour of according belligerent rights to the Fenians was called up and rejeoted. The North Carolina Legislature has resoinded the Act excluding negro testimony in the courts in cases wherein negtoes are interested. Great lawlessness prevails in the neighbourhood of Meriden, Granada, Mississippi. Bands of desperadoes perpe are^ perpetrating great outrages upon the freedmenf and have murdered several officers. A dreadful fire has ocourred at Portland, burning nearly halt city, and rendering 2,000 families home- 10,000>000e dofa:destroyed property to the value of i 1 C< NEW YORK, JULY 3. -the .Eanff Bill, upon which Congress has been busy for several weeks, is nearly ready to be put to vote; and its passage, though not-by a two-thirds vote, is generally expected. The bill as being framed imposes, for the oelletIt of the New England and Pennsylvania manufacturing interests principally, a prohibitory duty upon most articles of foreign manufacture com- peting with American industry. The amendments and alterations of the bill have been SO numerous that it would be impossible to give a correct synopsis of it The Western press complains strongly of the proposed tariff, as ar gross iBjusticei to the agricultural popula- tion of the country. It is expected that, when passed, the bill will be vetoed by President Johnson, and the veto sustained by Congress. Ia view of this proba- bility certain modifications have be^n suggested already by the high tariff advocates. Senator James H. Lane, of Kansas, committed suicide onSanday last by shooting himself through the head. Nervous derangement caused by recent illness and the fears of a threatened attack of paralysis are assigned as the cause of the act, though a correspondent of the Tribune alleges that Mr. Lane killed himself in consequence of remorse for having supported, the President in violation of: the wishes of his constituents, who manifested their displeasure by slighting him on his return to Kansas. Mr. Lane was conspicuous during the early Elays of Kansas, when he was familiarly known as Jim Lane. He participated in most of the scenes of violence during the border warfare. He was a Radical of the ultra type until lately, when he on several occasions sustained the President's policy.
