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,. r TO WK TALK.



SUMMARY OF PASSING EVENTS. "— THE war in Germany is still raging, and the hope that France could successfully mediate be- tween Austria and Prussia on the one hand, and Austria and Italy on the other, appears to be out of the question. Victor Emmanuel refuses to accept Venetia except by conquest, and rapidly the Austrian soldiers are departing from Venice, leaving the Italian army an opportunity of ad- vancing. Another battle has been fought be- tween the Prussians and the Austrians, and again the former have been victorious, and their success has enabled the Prussians to advance upon Frank- fort. On receiving intelligence of this the Federal troops evacuated the city, and the Diet removed to Augsburg, Indeed, in all instances the Federal States of Germany, which had promised to support Austria, have cowardly withdrawn from her support when it was needed. Austria has to fight alone; her forces are large and they are also brave, but they lack that needle-rifle, which appears to carry all before it-therefore Prussia conquers and is likely to conquer. The other Powers of Europe are beginning to take alarm; they would not permit Prussia to be the ruling Power of Germany. The Moscow Gazette has an article showing that, Russia is far from being an unconcerned spectator of changes that may arise out of the war, and hints that she will not quietly- submit to any dominant Power which may be dangerous to the European equilibrium; she has not yet abandoned her neutrality, but is arming so as to be ready to meet Prussia., should her despotic desire induce her to take. possession of territories which would interfere with1 the balance of power in Europe. England has hitherto been entirely neutral, but it is not unlikely that she may join in a congress with France and Russia to enforce peace, should Prussia persist in unfair demands. IT appears that Spain is not by any means satis- fied yet with Chili and Peru, and she is preparing a larger fleet to go and punish the inhabitants of these provinces for boldly supporting their rights. She will find, probably, that liberty is not so easily trampled down. A dreadful account reaches us from Madrid; in that city there was an insurrec- tion, and the crown of Spain was in danger. Twenty-one sergeants, it is said, who took part in this insurrection, were brought out, strongly guarded, and made to listen for two hours to a discourse on the enormity of their crime, and at last they were ranged in line to be shot. The discharge took place; nearly all the men fell. The firing still went on until two hundred rounds had been shot. The special correspondent of a Lon- don paper says "I saw one man raise himself three times and fall again on his knees, with his arms ex- tended in a direction from which a piercing voice was heard to shriek I Federico-Federico The soldiers theri approached the corpses, turned some of them over with their feet, and, still perceiving signs of life in some of them, discharged a last shot point-blank. All was then over; the bodies were thrown upon tumbrils, and the regiments filed off, some to an air from Norma, and some to one from Semiramide." Thirty more, said this cor- respondent, were to be shot in a few days. The Spaniards are Christians, of course, but .their con- duct does not appear very Christian-like. We do not say the traitor should not be put to death, but in a civilised country he surely should be killed with some attention to decency, even if humanity is to have no place in the arrangements. A GREAT noise was made some time ago con- cerning the Moldo-Wallachians, because they had elected a king to rule over them who was a Russian prince without consulting the Turkish authori- ties, and this was contrary to treaty. It was thought that the Sublime Porte would punish the bold inhabitants of these provinces for their daring, and eoon we heard of troops advancing in that direction; but the latest news informs us that Prince Charles of Hohenzollern is to be acknowledged by the Porte. This was a bitter pill, doubtless, for the Sultan to swallow; but it appears that his Majesty is poor, and the new hospodar is to be saddled with a double tribute. Even Imperial pride and political prejudice are subjected to commercial tests in our day; and those who will not fight for their convictions will make a sacrifice of them for an adequate pecuniary compensation. WE have nothing much to record in politics. All the members of the new Administration in the Commons have been re-elected except Mr. Patten" the Lord Advocate for Scotland, who has been thrown out for Bridgewater. An attempt was made on Monday evening to draw out Mr. Disraeli, and induce him to lay before the House the line of policy he meant to adopt; but, beyond assuring members of the willingness of Government to legislate for the welfareof Ireland, their endeavour to find employment for the people, and stop the current of emigration, nothing else was elicited. One mode of giving employment to the Irish would, said the Chancellor of the Exchequer, be by making railways throughout the country, for which he should have to ask Parliament for a loan. GENERAL PEEL, the new Minister for War, has exercised a very decided opinion on the superiority of breech-loaders over muzzle-loaders, and sass that the worst of the former is much more efficient than the best of the latter description, and his first act in taking office was to order the number of breech-loaders about being supplied to the army to be increased from 40,000, as ordered by the Marquis of Hartington, to 200,000, which, he hoped, would be in the hands of our soldiers before thecloseof the present year. The breech-loader will, therefore, in a short time take the place of old Brown Bess and her many successors. Eng- land, of course, cannot be an indifferent spectator to what is going on elsewhere; and though we may not be called upon to interfere in the warfare around us, we shall, if we are wise, profit by the experience more dearly bought by other, countries. IT is sad we should, halve occasion to notice so many accidents and casualties which arise out of carelessness, or want of ordinary forethought; and we have to refer to a case in which there was evidently much gross and culpable neglect on the part of one or other of the parties concerned—we mean the collision which took place in the Channel between one of her Majesty's screw sloops, the Amazon, and the Osprey, an iron screw steamship belonging to the Cork Steam Shipping Company. The two ships ran into each other about one o'closk in the morn. ing; both were steaming at full speed; the night was clear; each, it is said, showed the regulation lights, and each saw the other for a quarter of an hour before they struck, and yet each went on full tilt against the other, and struck in the wide Channel. The merchantman was so cut and crushed below the water-line that her engine- room was at once flooded, and her passengers and crew had barely time to get into a boat, or to clamber on board the Amazon. In five minutes from the time of the collision she went down, and, catching her boat as she sank, capsized it, and several of those who had sought shelter in it were drowned. It happened to be a clea-r, calm night, otherwise many more lives would have been lost. An inquiry into the aifa-ir is being instituted in Parliament, both as to the nature of the accident and the efficiency of battering rams for the naval service, seeing the sudden effect the blow of the sloop had upon the merchantman. A TALE of murder and felonious suicide reaches us from Brighton. Dr. Warder's third wife died under very suspicious circumstances; an inquiry into the cause of her death had commenced, and was adjourned for further scientific evidence as to the contents of the stomach, but before the re- assembling of the jury Dr. Warder was found dead, his death having been caused by a large quantity of prussic acid. A jury which inquired into the cause of his death, after hearing evidence, brought in a verdict of felo de se, and the wretched man was interred at midnight, according to cus- tom, without the rites of Church burial. A VERY salutary example has been made of a lady" who, a short time since, feloniously charged a gentleman, who was travelling in the same carriage with her on the London and North Western Railway, with repeated criminal attempts upon her. The jury found her guilty of perjury, and the Recorder disregarding a recommendation to mercy, sentenced the prisoner to five years' penal servitude. There are no doubt occasionally some ill-conditioned ruffians whose conduct to unprotected femalea merits the severest punish- ment but while we would not spare the lash to such a class of offenders, we are not the less grati- Red to see the law boldly administered in the interest of the unprotected male. OUR readers will learn with satisfaction that up to the present time all has gone on well with the Atlantic telegraph expedition. The splice of the cable has been successfully made, and the paying out has continued satisfactorily for some days, and we hope to hear every day of the progress of the great work, until its final and successful accomplishment.



