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SUMMARY OF PASSING EVENTS, THERE is little from America worth recording. The news of the English financial crisis had reached the other side of the Atlantic before the sailing of the China. It caused a little sensation, and made the price for gold rise from 131 to 139. President Johnson is becoming more popular with the people, and is now being defended by Mr. Seward, Mr. Stanton, Mr. McCulloch, &c. All profess to admire his policy, asserting that his plan of reconstruc- tion is the only practical one yet suggested. AFFAIRS on the Continent of Europe are any- thing but flattering. It is said that Prussia and Italy are anxious for a Congress, to whom they would submit their claims; but Austria positively refuses to agree to the decision of such a gather- ing, except on her own terms, which, of course, means that she will by no means give up Yenetia, or withdraw her claims upon the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. We trust, however, war may yet be prevented, if England, France, and Russia hold together, and persuade, rather than infuriate, the peoples of Austria, Prussia, and Italy. It would be a fearful thing were the god, or rather demon, of vrar to have power once again on the Continent. THE young King of Bavaria appears to love solitude rather than regal splendour, but he has been taught that even Royalty has its duties, which must be performed. His Majesty has a violent passion for music and mystical ideas. A few days ago he was missing. His half-frantic Court could find him nowhere. At length he was found alone and on horseback on a wild mountain ridge, having ridden for two days without change of clothing or scarcely any food. He had gone to find out a celebrated composer of music in whom he had discovered a superior art. His Cabinet, however, told him that, unless he returned they would resign; so he went back with them, none the worse for his love of adventure. A CASE is no w pending in the Court of Probate which revives an old scandal. Mrs. Ryves is the petitioner, and she claims to be the legitimate descendant of the Dake of Cumberland, a younger brother of George the Third. The pedigree is thus stated:—Henry Frederick, Duke of Cum- berland, married on the 4th March, 1767, Olive, daughter of Dr. and Sarah Wilmot, and ha.d a daughter Olive, Princess of Cumberland, who married Jchn Thomas de Serres. From the latter marriage sprung Lavinia Jennetta Horton Serres" who married Thomas Ryves, the issue being a son, also named Thomas, who was born in 1833. This Mrs. Ryves and her son are the present petitioners. The case assumes the form of a petition under the Legitima.cy Declaration Act, by which statute powers aTe conferred upon the Court of declaring the legitimacy of a petitioner, or his or her father or mother. Thus, Mrs. Ryves, who has already proved her own legitimacy, and her father and mother's marriage, seeks to obtain a decree prov ing the marriage of her grandfather, Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, with Olive Wilmot, her grandmother. At present the case has advanced no further than the tendering of formal proot of certificates of births, marriages, baptisms, and such like matters. IT will be remembered that a few days ago a young lady charged a respectable surgeon-dentist with assaulting her in a railway carriage. The gentleman was brought before a magistrate and honourably acquitted. A summons for perjury has now been granted against the woman, and, for the protection of the public, we hope, if the harge be found correct, she will be severely punished. ANOTHES, railway accident has occurred, which shows the necessity of a communication between the passengers and the driver or guard in charge of a train, or, better still, perhaps, the patent couplings for carriages. A train on the Cambridge and Hitchin line was proceeding at the rate of about twenty-five miles an hour, when one of the carriages got off the rails, and after bumping along for some time fell down the embankment, the two next carriages being also turned over. Fortunately, none of the passengers were seriously injured, il-,iit had there been any means of conamu- nication with the driver when the .bumping wan first felt, the accident might mve been averted, or had they have used the patent Kirkman coup- lings only one carriage could possibly have left the rails but the fact is, railway officials are too parsimonious, and will not have sufficient regard for human life until they are made to do so by Act of Parliament. THE medical officers of London have issued an admirable circular in anticipation of the cholera again visiting the city. The sum and substance of it is to eat good food, drink no impure water, and breathe good air; and in order that these things may be secured as far as possible, it is suggested that special attention should be paid to the houses of the poorer classes, for which pur- pose additional inspectors will be engaged. One sentence in the circular cannot be too firmly im- pressed on the minds of all, beth in London and in the country: All refuse, dust, or dirt ought j to be looked upon as containing possible germs of disease, which may be lifted in vapour or blown I about by the wind, and so inhaled or swallowed." A very simple statement, but very important. BEWARE of the dog." This appears to be not only applicable to trespassers, but to persons walking along the public highway. A young man went for some refreshments to the bar of a public- house in the Kingsland-road, London, and was attacked by a bull terrier, to whom he had given no provocation. The dog fastened on his flesh, and tore out one of the leaders of his arm. The man who had charge of the dog disengaged the brute's fangs, and the sufferer was removed to a hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate the arm. The dog belonged to a tradesman, who was training him for fighting purposes. Such dogs should never be let loose without a muzzle, and any person permitting them to do so should be fined heavily. IN the way of amusements, among the novelties of the day are the readings of the Hon. Mrs. Yelverton. Her assemblies have been attended by numerous visitors in London, who probably sym- pathised as much with the lady in her misfortunes as they admired the sweet tone of her voice. Be this as it may, the readings have been a success, and now the lady is en route through the provinces, where, doubtless, a similar success will attend her. IN Parliament the Reform. Bill has at length got into committee. The anticipated division upon the amendment of Captain Hayter passed over without troubling the House to divide. The Adullamites appear to have fallen back in, their old tone, as many of them, amongst whom was the Earl Grosvenor, expressed their intention of sup- porting the Government,








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