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LITERATURE AWD THE AKTS. Asi admirable likeness of 14r. Mffl (after a pkoto- graph by Messrs. J. and C. WlIotkins) appears in the present number of Lctsseil s' MvustpQfofi family Pamper. AN autobiographical work, interelersed with golden rules for money-making, is said to be in preparation by Mr. P. T. TSamutn, who, since the burning of his museum in New York, has found time to devote to literature. IT is rumoured that Longfellow, the poet, ig engaged on a new story in verse, the incidents of which are drawn from the great contest which has just closed. MR. JOHN BRIGHT, in a note to J: E. Fulton and Co., of Boston, acknowledging the receipt of a volume of "Sermons on Mr. Lincoln's Death," says, "I feel mujh happier now than I did a year ago, for your great war was a burden on my spirit. I think all men should feel thankfal to God that it is ended, and that the main cause of it is ended with it. Henceforth you are a free people, and a great future is opening to you." THE Scientific Review is now generally acknow 'edged as the best journal of science and art extant. The Observer, in speaking of the September monthly <i Tr, on oy.far>io on thn TeleLrrayahic Cable by Captain J. H. Selwyn, R.N., valuable obser- vation's ate offered on soma causes tending to produce tho unsuccessful result of the recent attempt to esta. blish telegraphic communication between England and America. The writer also expresses regret at the post- ponement till next ysar of any attempt to pick up the cable. He sajs: 'This is madness. No harm could fee <ione by the trial. It could be done in three weeks from this date. And next year the cable will have rusted, and seriously lost strength.' An article on 'The Cattle Plague,' by Geo. Armitage, Esq., Prof. Vet. Mat. Med. in the Albert Veterinary College, sup. plies a good deal of most serviceable information on this important subject. The present number also con- tains articles on Lord Stanley's Fallacies regarding Patents,' by E.. Marden Latham, Esq., secretary to the Inventors' Institute; on Guns,' on Patents and Armstrong Railway Fastenings,' by W. Bridges Adams, Esq., C.G., and other able papers record- ing the advance of scientific and industrial progress. IT has been decided to erect a monument in Coventry to the memory ef the late Sir Joseph Paxton, who for ten years represented that city in Parliament. A FAc. simm, E of the statue of the late Prince Cow- sort inaugurated at Coburg the other day has been placed in the central transept of the Crystal Palace. THE insect exhibition of Paris is to be followed by one at Brussels, not less singniar, and perhaps as practical-an exhibition of oysters, snails, mussels, and all sorts of flabby things of this genus. THE monument erected in the orypt of St. Paul's to the late "Sir Duncan MacDougall, by Mr. G. F. Adams, sculptcr, was uncovered on Friaay, in the presence of a large circle of that gallant officer's friends and relatives. AfjSTTER from Mr. Samuel Baker, the discoverer of the Albert N'yanza, dated June 21st, says that he has been able to verify Speke and Grant's account of the discovery of the source of the Nile. He says, There is no longer any mystery connected with the Nile, nor any necessity for expeditions on that head, unless it is desired t8 explore the great lake that I have discovered (the Albert N'yanza). This can only be done by building a vessel for that purpose on the lake. I shall never undertake another expedition in Africa. For the last three years I have not had one day of enjoyment, nothing but anxieties, difficulties, fatigue, and fever." THE Exhibition of Manufactures in Paris has been a success. The general distribution displays that taste for which the French are proverbial. The first view on entering the nave from the Champs Elysees is strikingly beautiful. In the centre, cast-iron groups for fountains, of excellent execution, and all around the choicest articles of dress or furniture, pianos, organs, clocks, vases, lock and gun smiths' work, &e., besides kiosks, and summer-houses, and every imagin- able contrivance for luxury or comfort, may be seen arranged to the best advantage among the flower- beds interspersed here and there. But the chief attraction to connoisseurs is the Musee Retrospectif, on the first floor, to which an elegant double- branched staircase, expressly built for the purpose at the western end of the nave, gives access. Here the visitor will find the choicest specimens of old manufac. tures, borrowed from the richest private collections in the capital; Beauvais and Flemish tapestry from the Mobilier de la Couronne; splendid jewellery, plate, enamels, old earthenware of Bernard de Palissy and Luca Delta Robbia, from the collections of MM. De Rothschild, Delange, Signol, Baur, &e. old bronzes, cutlery, marbles, and carved furniture, from those of MM.fflNolivos, Reoappe, Lecarpentier, &c. There is nol^^m short, a single class of articles of veriu un- represented in this magnificent exhibition, not even excepting the famous flint implements of antediluvian date, and Greek and Tuscan vases. One room is specially devoted to Polish antiquities, lent by the Czartoryski family. It must be said, however, that, notwithstanding its excellence, this exhibition is inferior to the Kensington one in the matter of old plate and earthenware of the reign of Henry II. Separate entrance fees are paid to visit the photo- graphic exhibition, highly vremarkable in its way, situated in the south-eastern pavilion, and the exhi- bition of insects in the south-western pavilion, nearly opposite the panorama. Besides the Japanese silk- worm, which is here exhibited alive, feeding on the leaves of the ailanthus, the most interesting object, although the least striking to the superficial observer, is the exhibition of Mr. Townend Glover, entomologist to the Agricultural Department, Washington. It consists of three volumes of coloured plates, repre. senting the insect world of North America, so arranged as to show the particular plant which is attacked by each insect, with other important details, into which we are precluded from entering- This remarkable seriea .of plates, the resultjof mauy years of patient research, forma part of a vast work the learned entomologist is preparing for the press, under the patronage of his Government.



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-THE COURT. ----+---

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