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OUR "CITY" ARTiOLE.i Iif'",...f.==.I

JDnhùn anD €mrdro l^axMs,…


JDnhùn anD €mrdro l^axMs, Money Market. CITY, Acre. 30.—In the stock markets to-day attfcc.tioa ifr chiefly directed, to the settlement of the fortnightly accomit, and little other business is going forward. The tendency, nevertheless, continues favourable. Iu the discount market to-day there is a large amount of money seeking employ- ment, while the supply of bills is limited. Transactioae continue to he effected at 3-J to t per cent. The rekte OR the Stock Exchange for loans from day to day C" v » lish Government securities is 2" to 3 per cent, ana for advances on foreign stocks to the next settlement:, » Consols are now quoted E9 to t, both for money and account (Sept. 7). The official business report is —Three per Cent. Consols, for money, 8 for account, 89J; Three per Cents. Reduced, 89" New Three per Cents., 89f, t, India Five per stoot, 105, Fiv-eand-a Half per Cent. u rupee paper, 109J; and Exchequer Bills, 3s dÙ1.- There is little business in British railway securi. les lo-a&yt apart from that connected with the fortnightly settleciev.-r." yet the tone of the market remains firm. London %n4 North Western stock is now quoted 1.27 to t; Great Western, 6S-J to 67; Midland, 1321 to Lancashire aiwi Yorkshire, 119 to J, ex div.; South Eastern, 80J to Sl-f: Metropolitan, 1331 to J, ex div.: Great Northern, 133 t, 134; clltto A, 153 to 151; London and South. "Western, 9S; to 991; Great Eastern, 46i to 471; and Caledonian, 134. fit 135. The Corn Trade. MAEX-LANE, Aca. 30.—The supply of EngJi><h whe.) on sale at Mark-lane, to-day, was moderate. G^nr 1 < speaking sales, progressed slowly, but without leaJir 5 any change in prices, as compared with TJondav. Vvsro foreign wheat the market was moderately suppbed, C.lle prices ruled firm. Floating cargoes of grain were III salt request, at full currencies. The supply of Barley wis^tu^c full quotations. Malt ruled firm at quite late rates. O", were in good supply, and steady request at Monday's PTi.C.t:5, Beans and peas changed hands at the full prices of Mow •T' The flour trade was steady on former terms. LIVERPOOL, AUGUST 29.—The market fairly attended. Wheat in moderate consumptive demand at Friday's p«es& Flour held firmly for quota.tions of last Fri-dav. Indiar. corn, 6d per quarter lower a.nd a good business done !.LLb.! decline. Mixed American, 30s to 30s Sd Galatz, 33s, Bean.; firm. Oats and oatmeal in fair request at fern pnccSr "Weather fine and warm. COTTON, LTVE:1POOI" AurmsT 30.-The market stror.? prices stili in favour of holders. Sales probably 15,000 ot £ 0,000 bales. TALLOW, AUG. 30.—The market is steady. Town tallow is quoted 45s; Petersburg X.C. on the spot,. 44s 9<i; new, December, 45s 6d; January to March, 45s 9d to -tvJs March, 46s 6d. HOPS, BOUOUSH, AUG. 30.—Messrs. Pattenden and Smiik repor a, good steady demand for the limited supply of the new hops that have arrived at market, at prices Varyina from 195s to 126s for Sussex; 110s to 135s for Weald <: Kente, and for Mid and East Kents, 130s to 190s per owe HAY, SMITHFIELD, AUG. 29.—Mr. Charles James Bastoc reports prices as follows :—Prime old clover, from 120s je 140.-5; inferior ditto, 100s to 110s; prime meadow hay, 11 Or to 12is iuferior ditta, 953 to 106s straw, 3Ss to 42s. EGGS, AUG, 28.—More Eggs arriving than required, and prices lowering: English, Scotch, and Irish selling at 5s. 96 to 6s 9d per 120; French, 4s Sd to 6s 6d; Spanish^s 6u to 4s 10d. and Ostend, 6s to 6s 6d. POJL 1RY, AUG. 28. A free sale for Poultry, and firm, although a fair supply: Geese, realises 4s 9d to' 7t each; Fowls, 2s 9d to 3s; Chickens, 103 8s to 2e Ducklings, 2, 4d to 3s; tame Babbits, Is 4d to Is 7d, pigeons, 5d to 9d; live Fowls and Ducks, 228 to 24' vet dos. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES COYEST O-ABIVEI".—« Vegetables continue abundant and good. Large importa- tions of French pears, peaches, nectarines, &c., con- tinue to arrive. English pears comprise J»rgone<'e, Bon Chretien, and Beurrd d'Amanlio. For pine-apples :1Di grapes there is still a heavy sale. Apples and plump ive abundant. Kent filberts are coming in in good coadiisV.ii. Good kidney potatoes fetch from Is to 2s per eio"eE pounds. Flowers chiefly consist of orchids, fcettos, oelait gpmuaas, carnations and picotees, mignonette, and roses Grapes, per lb., Is Sd to 3s; Peaches, par doz., 4s to 5c-* Nectarines, 23 to 6s: Apricots (French), do., 1» 6'i+a 3s; Figs, do., Is to 2s 6d; Pineapples per Jo -apples, per sieve. Is Od to 2s Oranges, per 100 'i J.a hrl'V Lemons, per 100 8s to 14s Nuts, cob, per 1001b' ? r Brazil, per bushel, 18s; Almonds, do.18s to 20^ per doz., Is 6d to 2s 6d; French Beans, per haif' lfxc .ss; Peas, per sieve, 2s to 4s; Potatoes 7^1-" „ &Pd\tto2'llfto°l^S; R0°k3' ^to?6ltoC-n 7 A-ll i > now> round, 8s fca 12r T.w c*t. ditto Kidneys, 8s to 12s per C^rroS per Dtmch. 6d to 3d: Turnips, per buncb, 4<1 U Cucumbers, each, M to 6d; Beet, per doz., Is 6d to 2s- Sha.llots, per lb., 8d; Garlic, per lb., Sa- Lettuces' per dozen, Is Od; Endive, per score, 1» to 2s Id Artichokes, per doz., Is 6d to 3s; Horseradish, oer bnnrUe; Isto^s; Mushrooms, per pott., la tols6d.: &»seW. bunches, 2s to 48. Herbs, per hunch,, C, Cattle Market. METROPOLITAN", Aue. 28.—The number of Seas,; consideraoly smaher than on Monday last, yet trade is du £ Choice qualities fuliv realise Thursday's quotations, but ferior difficult to ssil. We have a large supply of Shf. t. but choice qualities not very plentiful. There is a sir- reduction in price with a slow trade. Calf trade is du'^ lower rates. From Germany and Holland there are i::55( beasts, 15,180 Sheep, 207 Calves, and 345 Pigs. 8cjtJaD.ll.1; beasts, Ireland, 320, and 1,680 from the Northern Uid land CountIes, Per stone 01 SIbs. 5. d. S. d. Best Scots, Hfd3. 5 4 5 6 Best Short-horap 4 10 5 2 2nd. qual. beasts 2 8 3 8 Calves 3 4 5 2 Pigs 3 0 4 8 (3 4 6 6 1 Perstono of 31ba a d, D. Best liOng-woo]g 5 p ? I Do. do. ghorn o ft r, fi -Ewes & 2d, quai. 44- Do. do. shorn. 0 o ), Lambs « v g r r Beasts at market, 4,7S0; Sheep and Lambs 07 279; Pigs, 5S0. The Produce Market MINCING-LANE, AUG. 28. — Suffir- transactions, and at some advance ™. ere day, common to fine brown ManHH v. rates- -°' 31s; yellow, 31s 6d to 34s- 6-d w 29s to 36s 6d; Madras er'o(w^ + £ ,41s; Barbaaoes, 29s; Jaggery, 25s 6d to 27* £ 42s native, 26s fcc 35s; Manilla, claved I PenarlS' and Natal, 27s to 28s; Havannah, brown""™0 1JOs; ditto undayed, 26s <?d to Floretts, 37s fi.Hr, ■->?) ?3 33s>" yellow," 32s 6d to 37s 29s 6d to 32c 6d • 40s to 423! Porto Rico, brown, 32s to 37s •W yel!ow> 33s to 39s; Brazil, white and crev active fnrrofi a yellow> 27s 6d to 31s 6dper ewt. Trade arp 4.1« R1 + ?-, > ailfi the terms obtained for brown r,<r Pieces a °«tH9d; £ rocery, -2s to 45s; tittlers, 42s to 4e! p 3 ,f6d to 37s; and bastards, 28s to 30s 6d Vr» exn^ currency ranges strong, there being numerous expoic orders.—Cocoa still in great demand: red Trim^n/; bruigs 68s to 116s; and grey, 63s to 67S.-PUrchaS^ £ wma Tea are larger than for some time past, and aor-e advance in the value; duty was paid at this port durinsr ft, past week on 1,148,700 pounds.—Bice remains in gzear iu and.—1The value of new Valencia Baisins is 42s Currants, 28s to 35s.—Several transactions in Spices the currency ranges for Black Pepper at Sid to' white, 5d to Is; Pimento, 2"d to 2fd; Ceylon CiTiramcr., Is 4d to 3s; Cochin Ginger, 60s to 120s; Bensral f' 28s; and Nutmegs, lid to 3s; fine ditto, 3s 2d 'n 3 Supply of Provisons now in excess of demand • r~ Irish Butter according to quality are 102s tn in<\«-es-or Freizland, 110s to 1123; Kiel, 100s to 112s • BoVh ftp fine Dorset, 120s to 122s; Devon, 112 to llrtfvv JS to 108s; Irish Bacon, 70s to 80s Hambro' 7v>= r"?ea' 83f American, 60s to 64s.—Trade for Saltpetre a?$ fine Calcutta obtainable at 23s to 23s 6d r' stu* at 28s 6d to 29s. ncl renned

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