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OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. --+-- Non-Explosive Gunpowder. Mr. Gale, who believes that he has discovered the secret of making gunpowder innocuous, has patented and revealed his plan. He mixes glass, ground very fine, with the powder in the proportion of four to one, and the powder will then bear to be stirred with a red- hot poker without exploding.' There is, we believe, no question whatever of the facts, the only doubt being as to their value. Clearly the mixture will want five times the room of the simple powder, and even if that can be provided two or three questions have to be answered. How long does the powder take to sift, and what must it be sifted through, powder being usually wanted in a hurry ? Will the glass shake down from the rolling of the ship, and will not the glaze of the powder be gradually injured, thus ma- terially injuring its force ? It is stated that the in- vention was tried in 1835 by M. Piobert, a Frenchman, who employed fine sand, but was not found practically valua,ble.-Spectatoi,. Murrain in Cattle. According to the state ment a which Professor Gam- gee made last night before a meeting of cowkeepers, some of whom corroborated his facts, the plague is raging most severely in Marylebone, St. Pancras, Islington, and Paddington, and even in such healthy places as Sydenham and Cheam. There were twelve fresh outbreaks between Saturday and Monday, and it is alleged that the Metropolitan Cattle Market nas not been without diseased cattle on any market day during the last month. When once attacked by the disorder there seems to be no hope for any animal—its death is almost certain, and Professor Gangee suggests preven- tion, not cure, as the object to be aimed at. "All beasts that are evidently affected should be killed, or, at least, promptly and effectually separated from all healthy animals." Good would also be done if cattle- dealers would insist upon the ships in which cattle are imported and the railway-trucks in which they are conveyed throughout the country were properly cleansed and purified with disinfectants. The cowkeepers really seem to have got such a fright that they will take active measures to check the malady; but it is only natural that as tradesmen they should be reluctant to sacrifice valuable stock while there is any hope of their recovery. Besides, many of the dairymen are poor and cannot afford to kill the animals which yield them a livelihood. Hence the necessity for stringent Government supervision, and also for oo-operation among the cowkeepers, so that the loss caused by the sacrifice of diseased ani- mals—which in the end will be a gain to all—may not fall exclusively on the owners. The small-pox which is afflicting the flooks on the Sussex downs is not quite so serious as the cattle plague, but calls for very similar measures. In 1862 there was a similar outbreak in Wilts, and Professor Gamgee was sent down as Government Commissioner. By his advice, the separation of healthy from sick sheep was carefully carried out; and the diseased animals were buried below the ground. The epidemic was thus arrested; and there can be no doubt that if the farmers of Sussex would follow the same course they would find it the cheapest in the long run, in spite of the immediate sacrifices which it might entail.—Pall Mall Gazette. Anarchical Conditions of Greece. The Hellenic Chamber of Deputies has sanctioned the election of all the candidates elected by the help of public fraud, armed violence, and the scenes of dis- order and murder which have stained so many localities with blood. The Athens papers are indignant at this sanction given to illegal aots and odious manoeuvres. They reckon that out of 180 deputies of which the Chamber is composed, there are more than 80 whose election is due to these criminal means; but it is evident all were agreed to admit each other mutually. It would have looked badly for them to have incriminated each other. The result has been a general admission, and the formation of an assembly the issue, in great part, of the most flagrant violations of the law and public order. The Minister of Finance is preparing several bills for the purpose of ameliorating the finanoial situation of the State. Amongst the economies proposed is that the officials should receive their salaries two-thirds in money, and one-third in treasury bills of long date. Instead of thus increasing the distress of the employes, would it not be better to reduce the number of them, and to remove the legion of useless functionaries who eat up the meagre budget of Greece ? The bank of the kingdom is alone in a state of pros- perity. It has just declared a dividend of 13 per cent. on the nominal value of the shares, or 11 per cent. on their actual value. The trade of the brigands is also prosperous. The Hellenic papers speak of several citizens having been sent back by highway robbers, after having been heavily ransomed, as quite an ordinary affair. If in- formation is given against certain bandits, and a de- tachment of troops is sent after them, this is what happens :—" The band of Criokela and Cardiasmenos composed of seven brigands, had been informed against by a peasant, who stated that they would pass through a certain place where they could all be stopped. Fifty guards were sent to the said place, but instead of waiting for the brigands, they warned them from a distance by firing, and the band, of course, escaPed.Le Pays. The New Birth of the E, epublic. The London Times, which is not always a truthful authority upon the affairs of this country, has, for once at least, in its issue of the 5th inst., expressed an opinion about which there can be no dispute. It regards the position of the United States at the pre- sent time as much that of a new nation as it was after the Revolution of '76. Itsays.that:- The subjection of the South is a3 much a fait ac•' eompli as the Declaration of Independence itself, and a new chapter has thereby been opened in the history of the United States. Henceforward other battles, sieges, and capitulations will take the place of Bun- ker's Hill, Saratoga, and Yorktown. Cornwall and Burgoyne will be dwarfed by Jackson and Lee, and it will not surprise us if Lincoln occupies a pedestal of equal height with that of-Washington. If the im- portance of occurrences be determined by their scale, the war of independence hardly admits of comparison with that which has just terminated. The forces col- lected on either side, the distances traversed, the lists of killed and wounded, and the ruin wrought in the former are as nothing by the side of the records of the late civil war. The tales of outrage and havoc in- flicted by the British troops which have horrified three generations of Americans are already being superseded by more recent and vivid memories, and the heroic age of America will soon be transferred from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century." This is historically true. The recent triumph over rebellion has been productive of effects which in any other country could not be reached by a war of thirty years, and even then would be but imperfect in its results, leaving to future generations only a basis upon which to construct new revolutions. This has been the history of all the great wars of Europe. The conflicts of the Old World, sanguinary and long-lived as many of them were, have been but tardy steps up the ladder of progression towards a definite result. Our late war has attained the result which we sought in one gigantic step. It has produced a new development of the constitutional powers of the Government. It has tested successfully the vigour of national life that is in us. It has settled for ever the two leading issues from which danger to the perpetuity of democratic Government might be expected-the visionary idea of paramont State rights as opposed to the Federal compact, and the existence of slavery as a necessity to the prosperity, political and actual, of the Union. The revolution of '76 established the capacity of this people to obtain a national existence; but the war concluded in 1865 has proved substantially their power to perpetuate it. All the resources of the nation were called out in the late struggle, and they never can be repressed, no matter what may come in the future. They cannot be ignored. They will stand for ever as evidences of our strength, giving confidence to ourselves and admonition ta the rest of the world. Like the seed of corn planted in the ground, the late bloody contest has borne fruits most prolifically-but fruits whieh never can be compressed into the same space that the single grain of corn once occupied. The national power exhibited in this war will obtain a new direction, tending bo the development of re- sources never dreamed of, or at least never tried, before. The Times is right, therefore, in stating that we have become a new nation. It is manifest that we cannot live within the narrow limits of our past. The republic is rjsvivified. Its history in the coming future will eclipse all that it has realised in the last three-quarters of a century; and it is well, perhaps, that the eyes of Europe have been opened to this fact. —New York Herald. THE BABY MURDERER. The condemned prisoner, Charlotte Winsor, was informed last week, in the presence of the governor of the county gaol at Exeter (Mr. Rose) and the ohap- lain (Mr. Hellins) that her execution was fixed for Friday morning, the 11th instant, at eight o'clock. She received the news," a correspondent writes, in a very unconcerned manner, and merely thanked the officers for the tidings. She was, of course, placed in the cell used for condemned prisoners, and was attended by female warders day and night. She eat heartily, slept well, and talked to the warders about her execu- tion in a very indifferent manner. She had an inter- view with her husband and daughter soon after receiving the sentence of death, and she then seemed the most calm of the three. None of her relations have visited her at the gaol; although her two sisters intimated a desire to see her. When told of this, Winsor expressed no anxiety in the matter. Ift she said, it was their wish, and they choose to come, she was willing to see them. She speaks ia very bitter terms of Mary Ann Harris, the mother of the murdered infant, and insists that Harris killed the child by giving it poison in her (Winsor's) house and with her privity. Harris, who is confined in the same gaol, is under the impression that she shall be sentenced to some term of imprisonment or penal servitude, for her share in smotheringher child; andshe evinces great anxiety as to any confession which Winsor may make. The chaplain has been constant in his ministrations to Winsor, but, up to very recently, could mase little impression on her. He now, however, has better hopes, and imagines that it is not impossible that she may make a full con- fession of her guilt before meeting her doom. There is a very strong feeling m the county against both prisoners, and the wish is universal that the unnatural mother, who so readily consented to have her own off- spring murdered, and coolly sat in the adjoining room while the wretch Winsor, the professional baby-killer, was smothering it, may not escape."

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