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I OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. -+-- Dr. Pritchard's Case. ^_Mrs. Taylor comes to the house in good health. She dies in a few days from the effect of the very poisons which the prisoner had been purchasing, and which were more slowly but more cruelly killing her daughter. And Dr. Pritchard falsely informs the registrar that she died of "paralysis and apoplexy "-stating the duration of the first disease at twelve hours, while it was proved that the old lady had been moving about the house, to all appearance in her usual health, if not spirits up, till within three hours of her death. These are only a few of the leading facts which, taken in conjunction with the prisoner's denials, and all the probabilities of the case, tell so fatally against the convicted murderer. Examination of the evidence in detail only serves to strengthen the conviction which these outlines of the case are fitted to convey, that the acsused has most righteously become the convicted. And it is instructive and encouraging to find that the murderer has in this case, even to a greater extent than in many other cases, unwittingly and unwillingly helped to deliver himself up to his doom. The clumsi- ness of his explanations and falsehoods aroused the suspicion of the medical men who attended his wife. The choice of a mineral poison, and the clumsy method of its administration, made one of his victimes while alive, and even more both when dead, mutely testify against him. And the circle of proof that he was the murderer was rendered complete—te the utmost ex- tent that in cases of poison it is possible to make it- by the discovery in his depositories of the remains of the poisons with which he had worked, which it might have been the work of but a few minutes to destroy.— The Scotsman. I. It was shown in evidence that Mrs. Taylor had made a will leaving a sum of £ 2,000 to Mrs. Pritchard, and in the event of her death to Dr. Pritchard, who was to have the interest until his children should attain the age o £ twenty-one, when the principal would become his own. Hence it was obvious that the doctor had more or less interest in the death of the two ladies, irrespective of any further purpose which might be served by the removal of his wife. It was argued for the defence that he had no need to desire the death of Mrs. Taylor, as she was disposed to assist him to the best of her power while alive. But it also appeared that Mrs. Taylor was not perfect master of the money in which she was interested. The funds were in the hands of trustees, who had given a somewhat unwili- ing consent to the loan of < £ 500 which the doctor had obtained in June, 1864. Nor is it easy to say how far the prisoner may have been influenced by the fact that his wife evidently knew a little too much of his pecca- dilloes. While he wept at her bedside she declared him to be a hypocrite," and her expressions to Mary M'Leod were still stronger. Undoubtedly there is much of mystery and complexity in this extraordinary case. No one link of the chain may be very strong; but there are many links, and their combined strength is irresistible. There is the purchase of enormous quantities of poison by Dr. Pritchard, and the dis- covery of such poison in the bodies of the two ladies. There is the fact that the food and medicine supplied to them gave signs of the presence of poison, and, in some instances, actually yielded poison to the analyst. No individuals but Mary M'Leod and Dr. Pritchard had the opportunity of regularly and frequently in. troducing these ingredients, and of the two it is in- cacnlably more probable that the doctor performed the deed than the girl. After a trial of nearly five days' duration the verdict of guilty is recorded against him, and he,is left for death, nor can we expect that public opinion will do otherwise than ratify the verdict.— Dawr News. The Recognition of Italy by Spain. The ex-King of Naples is in consternation. The approaching recognition of Italy by Spain troubles the repose of the heir'to the Bourbons of Naples. He is beginning, we are told, to see that his hopes are no longer anything but unstamped coin which will soon cease to circulate even amongst his friends. The recognition of Italy by Spain is not only an act accepted by the nation, but one which the majority of the country wished for. Although refusing to give the explanations asked by M. Nocedal as to the negotiations entered into, the Minister for Foreign Affairs uttered some words which deserve to have attention drawn to them. He declared that Spain had not allowed herself to be drawn by any foreign influences, and, refuting certain objections which we for oar part think ridi- culous, but which certain politicians attach some weight to, he stated that the recognition of Italy is by no means contrary to the Constitution, which for- bids the alienation 0f any part of the Spanish terri- tory, because in the terms of the pragmatic of Charles Ill., the crown of Naples could not in any case be united to that of Spain. He maintained also that the question of the recog- nition of the kingdom of Italy is in no way a religious question, as M. Nocedal tried to represent it, to dis- turb the conscience of the Catholics. The Pope himself. said the Minister, will one day be led to recognise Victor Emmanuel and accomplished facts and would M. Nocedal and his friends pretend then that Pius IX. would cease then to be a Catholic ? -L'Opinion Natiorude. The natural reserve which the Government has and with respect to the affairs of Italy cannot prevent us from, saying what will be the principles which will guide the renewal of relations between the Courts of Florence and Madrid. If perpetuating a state of things which isolated us from Europe, which increased the enemies of the dynasty and the throne, which fomented agitation at home and deprived us of all influence in the Cabinets of the great Powers, was a peril, it would be complete abdication on the part of Spain, if she did not draw all the advantages possible from the digloinatie act which is about to be per- formed. Alter Austria there is no nation in Europe which has so many interests in Italy, binding her to a Con- servative and Catholic policy, as we have. We have no territory in the Peninsula, but etili it is unposslble to forget treaties which impose rights and duties on our country, and, above all, that we are the first of Catholic nations for unity of creed and our lawful participation in all that interests and affects the Papacy. No one can suppose that our presence at the Court of Italy and the restoration of diplomatic relations between that kingdom Spain signifies that we approve of the annexation of Tuscany, Naples, and Sicily, or that we have given up those reserves which will be brought forward on the day, which will arrive, when the Italian question will be definitely settled in the Councils of Europe. With regard to the Papal States, our duty is still a high one, and may be now more fertile in results. Spain, when recognising the Italian kingdom, does so on the supposition that Rome and the patrimony of the Holy Father will be guaranteed by Catholic Europe and respected by Italy, and preserving her complete liberty of action, to use her influence that the Holy See may receive indemnification and com- pensation for the loss of the possessions which, in fact, do not now constitute a part of the States of the Church. If our recognition was the sanction of lamentable acts, or might serve those whose pro- gramme is the annihilation of the temporal power and the independence of the Papacy, Spain would be the last of the Catholic powers in the universe. 031 e' A revelation in the foreign press gives ns reason to believe that the Government of the Queen under- stands the obligation of honour and duty imposed on it by its traditions and the religious sentiments of the Spanish people. We read last night in authorised publications that Franoe and Spain are about to join in making an attempt to bring about a reconciliation between Russia and Italy. It has always been our ideal, and hence it was that we opposed a policy of isolation which destroyed our influence to the loss of the Holy See. What could we do in Italy persisting in our attitude ? What Catholic interest did we serve there F What weight could our disinterested counsels have in Florence? None whetever.-La Epoca, a Ministerial Madrid Paper.


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