LLITH TWM 'BARELS \Vel ma'r Pees Terms wedi cal i seino gidA'r j^rraans o'r diwedd. Nol fel wy wedi cal ar •jdiaU tiodd dial rliiw bwer o tfus yn inman pan udoith y newy. Diw hinni fowr o sindod chwaith. NvY wedi gni-cid d(ligon o weittie, sna i'a cre(ii hUhl yr agreement heddweh yn ddim gwell na "Rkrap o bappir" sdwad y Jennans am y pap- Pire telere heddwch dorro nhw inglin a'r rhifel DJa. Y mistek nawd gida'r rhifel ma wedd i'r Politishans dabbo'i bisse i'r bisnes yn rhi gloi. 'pl)i'n gweld, we Ffoch wedi cal yr afel dreeha arni nhw, ag wedd e on the hei rod to Iterrliii; wid we dim iws gneid y gweitha a "spiritiwal hom" Askwith-haehan y "weit and see." 0 na, We gomrod o hast ar y blwming politishans i mim,ii i'r bisnes. Showdwirs yn ddigon neid y durti wurk, ond nhw wedin i ddwad ar Y seen pan we anrhidedd a swankan a dim Perigi crwyn. Y big mistek nath Ffoch we hin. Pan wedd e a'i Armi yn barod i starto'r martsli "or Jierriin, a pau welodd e'r Pohtikal Armi yn dwad i hanlo, mi ddilse fe droi peeg y kennins at > westers a gweid wrtlii nhw:Elbo rwm y Jawled'' (Nawr peidwch chi gweid ho n'n iwso Seire cas wath prigethwr wedodd na ginta, a Prigetiiwr lom-er mwy o seis na'r ,Jacks bach c:itiks ma "i'n paredo oboti fel ta'r allweddi"r bid tragwiddol yii i black bags nhw). gwel(I 311 y pappire iii stim pees of cord a sixttwt drop i fod i Black Wil of Pots- dall). Ond wedes i wrthoch chi shwt bisse hi. i du, wy'n nabod y burds yn rhi dda 0 lavvtr. L'ii gifretli i'r pNN-r (lat), ag tin trail ilr toll, Dina fel mai wedi bod ariod. Ta hen ull,iiii yn digwidd ciski wrth i bost mal e'n Cal i seithi bang, ond am arch-Iofridd bwt- aheredd fel hin, stim ots. Lwk heer, ta Wil y • 4wtsliivr o lierrlin yn dwad i'r wlad ma, mi geise foial gwd teini gida milodd, wath mi liodd yn *°ddiuii i leino pockedi lot o westers a skemers Profiteers lladronllid. el mai'n debig fod rhiw big PEES SELIISRESHONS |j 1.*0(|. Kargol fowr, pwy si'n mind i neid lot o It f'altwcli inglin a'r Pees? Fidd hi ddim yn ( hitich yn neis i weld rhai na liodd mas yn wmla I Jo gweiddi a niolianni! Mi fidd yn wath bith 1 t J Profiteers yn dawnsho. Allwn ni ddim t "iclimigi gweld perthnasse boys si'n gorwe mas f Yn Ffraink a manne erill yn cadw rialtwch. 1 dOllt think. Hhwt ma'r piblik mitings ma yn Passo vot of simpathi—"in seilens" outefe. le, 0las o barcli i'r sawl si wedi marw. Xawr te, le ^a'r parch i'r milodd a'r lilodd si dan "jr iwen ^('U Sanghetidg"? le, meddwi gneid btmfFeiers luwr! Hm. yiw weit a bit, mi gewch chi bon- (I,iwt*rito(l. le, einiii bonffeiers pan iDa neier i ciwymn'r skadenin a'r tekil. Drichwch hands oil. parchwch y boys si wedi colli 1 ovvide drostoch chi, drichwch ar ol i perthnasse t I aI. Beth iw plan y Lliwodretii nawr pan ma hedd- weh (hid brid lliw si'n gwbod!) wedi dwad. 0 'i(liwso lwazis y showdiwr ag inkreeso yr armi y 0 ftlishals slit,gir-yr ekspert inspekters ma. Ech Y Ii. "eth iw diben y comittis ma si'n cwrdd er III.Ytl, midde nhw, manejo'r ASSEILUMS. l wir w, bechgin pert iw rhain hefid. Ma nhw'n •gonsidro wejis y boys ma si'n gofali am yr "en bwr things si wed: colli ar i sensis. Ond IIr fenkos i, ma iiiwy n gommon sens yn lot o lJltw na si yn y committis nif si'n sipposo gofali *n> deni nhw. Nawr ma cornitti yn cwrdd yn *arftirddin i idrich ar ol y Seilum. Ma rhain yn Credi clo i bod hi'n riw onnur fowr i fod yn i tt,np)oi nhw. llyn helpo. Nawr pwy sens fod lebrers yn cal gimint a rhain. Meddil- hVch am i gwnitii nhw. Ma digon haw barni, ^nd mi leikswn i weld rhai o fembers y komitti cal wsnotli o dreial. 1 ddachre, ma gofin i ^lain i Kal gwell bwyd na gweithwr cill'redin. y u clwed foil gweithwirs y Korporeslion yn "alitor mas ar streik. Y Town Kownsil wedi cluni: .t:;) a week i lot o'r gweithwirs. Itetli av.r te am warders Seilum Karfurddin. Lwk 8H.i i'n jrWbod pwy mor bell ma dv ? ,s di yn y bisnes ma. ond wy'n rhoi warning t r toinitti fod ma blwming row i fod os nag Ifer plei i fod. \Yy mor ginted j neb i roi J M'pen i weithwirs si'n mofin gomrod ag yn 2l!^a< J'n dragwiddol, ond dima'r bachan si'n yon dragwiddol, ond dima'r bachan si'n ) wmla dros i bwr dali gal i reits. Ws' 'it tJ CIII ar ddiall fod mitinst i fod "gida'r Cornitti i heh fod yn hir. Xawr boys gadweh i'ch nonsens |; Satre tro ma. C'ofiwch chi ma nid riwral ereea tre Karfurddin ne treiweh chi liw ma ar riw *2 a week. Mi wn i shwt. ma rhai o chi'11 biw, chin wired a'r efengil na widdoch chi ddim ''d am deni, mi geith y reeders wbod hefid. chin wired a'r efengil na widdoch chi ddim ''d am deni, mi geith y reeders wbod hefid. -V'lv/r peidwch chi a'n hala i i glappian. ne dyn *1 n gwboil beth weila i ar ol dachre. t'oliwch "it stim otomatik brek i'r pensil ma. Mai II trafeili cid a parith y plwm. .\fa gaer bach gen i weid wrth loos-boxers CWMDWYFRAN". ^ai'n debig fod consarts wedi cal i cinnal i boh s'iowdiwr ath o'r bilding-aktiv servis a liom aervis. Beth iw'r rheswm te fod un bachan wedi- 1,81 i adel owt in the kowld? 0 ie, tro bo (i n "harad am y lie ma, mi leikswn i gal gwbod heth iw'r dispiwt si inglin a'r tippin propperti lla gogifer a'r bilding. Not fel wy wedi cal ar ddiall, smo'r ddoi berchen yn cid-weld. a wr te. wy am i rhain hata gwbod i 11 beth iw i kjeirns nhw i'r tamed gardd si miwn. dispiwt. llwy bia'r tamed? Un bachan yn gweid ma fe ÙalQdd am dano. Nawr te, neith y bachan na 441a gwbod ar bwy grownds mai e'n kleimo ma Pia fe. Prigethwr Baptis heh fod imhell o Landuvri grwmlan yn ofnadw os tippin not actios fod Sotnrod o'i eilode yn darllen Uith Twm yn lie ■ ^arllen "Herren Cimri." Lwk heer met, wyt ti Earned gwell o skrechen. Ma'r eilode yn adarn •r,,i wTid-awek i gimrid i fl'eedo a graban pan bo Jaflr o fewn cirddad iddi nhw. Ie, darllen y "Vrren, dim ond gatarnade rhiw .Teremeias am rwell i heilode wrth i trwyn wedi pa-sso maclian Clatsho'r gwint wyt ti'n neid wir w. Lt", bach reit blesant iw LLANSTEFFAX. geweli clii'n viws i am y Ile rwsnoth nesa. ¡ Ond wy am weid tippin o'n e\i>iriens i inglin ag t, in peth. Mi es i a'r prentis bach lawr am wok i y lie ma nhw'n ¡calw'r "st-ix" arno. Meddwi 1 Cal sit down miwn heddweh fan ny, ond o'r argol fowr, we rhiw gan, 0 ardal Penygroes ne rWle fforna no, a dina balibalw. Rhiw joker <Qid box-hatter) yn spowtan i chalon lii. I n o foy-S y "cum to Jisus" wedd e. Wet dima marn am dano—mi neithe'r tro yn iawn i werthi 'lestri, ond no gWII fel skei-peilot. Wy'n lianner Credi ma breed y Pentikostal Dangers we'r krowd. rodoctd y prentis bach a linne'n trad yn tir 1I'hap iawn wath inglin a rhain "ferther the distans better the lTrends." See the point. f* V H

Cly wedigrion Myrddinfab" Clywais yn siop y barber DOS Sadwrn bod ,alwa(i mawr am dai gwfithwyr yng Ngliaer- tvrfl(iin. (,wir, (tywe(i,,f. Ar y Haw arall, dy- We(lar fod digon o hen "ruins" yn y dref I adeiladu dwsin o dai newyddion. Cymmerwch lilli,-street fel eiigliriifft. hen rilitis yll Or heol yma yn wartbus dros ben. ac yn ddis- Brace i hen dref Myrddin. Sut mae Town Councillors Caerfyrddin yn goddef mor hir i'r ^eol dan sylw i fod yn black spot? P ie mae AIr, Martin.' t'lywais mai un o'n cyd-drefwyr mwyaf Parchus ac enwog, sef Mr. Dunn Williams, fydd In o'r beirniaid mewn cerddoriaeth yn yr Eis- Wdfod fawreddog a gynhelir yng Nghydweli lir ddydd Sadwrn, Awst 8fed. Bravo. Mr. Wil- lilims;' ym mlaen yr elot eio, Bydd elw yr isterldforl yn myned er cael olTerynau newydd i'r Kidwelly Town Band. Ilol) Ilwydd i'r rnllliiad. lietli am Town Band Caerfyrddin? le. 1)etli! Caerfyrddin fel arfer—100 years behind the time. Ctiwareu teg i'n Maer parcbils ac enWog (Mr. William Evans, J.P.), he is ready for action in this case. Hywaia o enau amryw o lowyr o Forganwg ag ()e(l(i vjig 'iglt;ierfyrd(lin ddydd Sadwrn diw- (Idaf mai ychydig o fenyn y maent yn gael ar tiara pan yn myned i'r pwll glo; nad ydvnt j Yn myned i dioddef hyn yn liir; y bydd pethau rhYfedd yn myned i ddigwydd. Dywedais yn ol ^'rth y colliers fy mod wedi gweled tynelli o *er>yn tu cefn i rai o dafarndai wedi eu cyfeirlo (address) i Forganwg. Gan nad yw'r collier yn ei 2ael, digon tebyg mai cwn a chattian sydd (address) i Forganwg. Gan nad yw'r collier yn ei gael, digon tebyg mai cwn a chathau sydd ei gael. Pa bryd y mae pethau i wella? 'a« yn hen bryd i'n bwydydd i dd'od i lawr. Ctywaig bod rhai merched, o 18 i 20 oed. mewn Fractri yng Xghaerfyrddin, yn gweithio ^fiau afresymol o faith, ie, cywilyddus. Son am Wytll awr y dyd(i yn wir! Mae y merched yma •v" Uweithio bron dwtil hyn. Xow. Mr. Inspector "f factories, on the sharp look out. f t'lywais ychydig ddyddiau yn ol fod y Bedydd- ?en ym mha un y bedyddiwyd Thomas Charles I Bala eto yn bod. Bedyddiwyd Thomas "a''les yn hen Eglwys Blwyfol Llandeilo-Aber- t cowin, pan yn 12 mlwydd oed, Hydref SCaln, 1755, ond pan godwyd Eglwys newydd mewn man mwy cyfleus, symudwyd y Bedyddfaen iddi, ac yno y mae yn bresennol. Mae y Bedyddfaen yn un Xormanaidd o brydfertliwch mawr, a thros 800 mlwydd oed! Clywais fod Inspectors dros bob peth yn ein gwlad ond inspectors "throat oil." Paham hyn? Clywais mai gweinidogion y Bedyddwyr yw'r gwaelaf o'r holl sectau yn eu tal am bregethu y Oair. Mae darllen eu newyddiadur (" Seren Cymru ") o barth cyflogau rhai o'u gweinidogion yn druenus dros ben. Digwyddais hotl yn Cyd- weli prydnawn Sadwrn diweddaf, a gwelais rai o ddiaconiaid yr enwatl yn casglu arian niisol y weinidogaeth, ac yn erfyn ar yr aelodau i gyf- rantI tipyn yn fwv y tro hWil, am fod eyl10g y gweinidog yn isel dros bell yn y dyddiau cost- fawr yma. Va genym ddweyd iddynt lwyddo liron ym mhob ty. Yr wyf yn adwaen gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn Nghydweli yn right dda, ae mae gair da iddo gan bawb o boh enwa(l. liefyo Esrlwyswvr. yn v dref. Clywais bod Heddweh wedi ei arwyddo o'r diw.ld. ar 01 saith mis o ddadleu. Collais y fi-aiiit o fod yn bresennol yn Yersailles, pryd- nawn Sadwrn, o herwydd yr hyn a fynegais yn fy Ntrlilywedigion yr wythnos ddiweddaf. Hyn yr wyf yn gobeithio—na adewir un o'r gethern u Germaniaid-i osod ei droed ym Mhrydain Fawr yn dragywydd. Beth oedd y "nemau Bands" end spies! Mae hyn wedi cae; ei hroli. Clywais bod y "poor farmers" wedi cael heddyw (dydd Mawrth, (iorphenaf laf) grot y peint am eu llaetli. Da oelld genyf glywed am liyn. Yr wyf wedi dadleu yn fy "Nghlywedigion" e; II hyn y dylent gael SWLLT y peint am eu llaetli. Mae gweithwyr ein gwlad yn rhoddi yn Ildirw2n:wh chwecheiniog, ie, a saith oeiniog y peint am "swanky." Sicr wyf horl mwy 0 lun- iaeth mewn peint o laeth nag sydd niewii baril o'r stwtr meddwol sydd yn dyrvsn ymenyddau ein gweithwyr. Poh llwvddiant i'r "poor far- mers." i gael, a liyny yn fuan. swllt y peint am eu llaetli! Brn Clywais fod mudiad ar droed mewn gwahariol fanau, yn awr fod Heddweh wedi ei arwyddo. i gyduabod yr ysgrifenyddion mygedol (lion, sec- retaries) a fa yn gv.eithio yn saled dros ben dros gael rhywheth i ddanfon i'n milwyr dewr pan yn Ffrainc, Aipht. Salonica. &c. Yn Xghaer- fyrddin. gweithiodd Mr. F. H. a Mr. William Jones a'i gor yn ddilfael. Casglasant gannoedd o hunnau. Dyna eto Mr. 1). 0. Jones. ysgolfeistr Ysgol yr Hen Gastell, Cydweli: bu wrtlii yn galed hyd oriau bach y lioreu. Mae y Kidwelly- ites yn barod i gydnabod Mr. Jones. Disgwyl y Maer i wneuthur move y maent. Yn awr, Caer- fyrddin a Chvdweli, make a start. They de- serve some recognition for their work to our soldiers!

PEXCADEK. Y11 Llandfilo dydd Sadwrn. yr 21ain, unwyd mewn glan briodas.Mr. David P. Lewis. mab Mr. a Mrs. Lewis, DantiorddRoi. Pencader, a Miss Mary Maria Davies. merch liynaf Mr. a Mrs. Davies. Brynhiigail, ger Felingwm. lthoddwyd y briodasferch ymaith gan ei thad. ac yr oedd hefyd yn bresenol Mr. E. Lewis, tad y priodfab. Paratnwyd ciniaw arddercliog i'r liriodas yn l>landeilo gan berthynas i'r priodfab ac wedi dychwel mwynliaodd y ddau ddyn ieuanc ynghyd a'u cyfeillion a perthynasau wiedel arddercliog yn Brynbugail, cartref y briodasferch.! Treul- iwyd y mis rnel yn I.IHnstephan. Ar ddydd o haf yn dychwel, Canfyddwyd mail a erch. () wydd hen hymen hawddgar N'li rhwym yng nghwlwm serch, Hir oes i'r ddau-ddyn ieuanc, A hywytl wrth eu bodd, Dan wenai hyfryd eysiir, Y werthfawrocaf rodd. Di-gwmwl f'o eu hywyd, Dieithr i bob loes; Alan goreu'r hylf fo'r aelw-d I'r ddau-ddyn drwy eu hoes.

CWMUrAU. id oes ond ychydig o weinidogion yn Xghymru fedrant ddangos fwy o wasanaetli gweinidog- ^etliol na'r Parch. D. Kichards, gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn Ngliwmduad, ger Caerfyrddin. Y mae Mr. Bichards wedi treulio 60 mlynedd fel pregetbwr, 54 fel gweinidog, 38 o ba rai yn XghWnidiiMil, Me y rhae wedi Rwnfyd gwaitli iLr- dderchog, ac y mae heddyw yn Uawn zel a gweith- garweh yn ngwinllan ei Feistr. Dymunir iddo flwyddi lawer eto i barhau yu ei hotr waith.

CAPEL DEWI. Cynhaliodd Ysgolion Sabbothol Capel Dewi, Llanartliney, Llanddarog, a Llangendeirne eu gwyl llynyddol yn y lie uchod dydd Llungwyn, y yfed cylisol. Y mae y gymanfa hon yn hen sefyd- liad bell ich, a da genym weled ei bod yn dal yn ei dylanwad. Cafwyd cyfarfodyud gwresog ueillduol eleni, haul natur fel pe yn tywynnu ar ei oreu heh yr un gorchudd ar ei wyneb, ac arwyddion amlwg fod Haul mawr y Cytiawnder" yn goleuo ac yn tywys y deiliaid ar hyd meusydd breision yr ysgrytiiyrau. Y Maes Llafur y flwyddyn hon oedd y pedair pennod gyntaf yn Actau yr Apostolion, pennod i bob ysgnl. yn ol y drefn uchod, ar pedair pennod gyntaf yn "Khodd Mam" i'r plant. Holwyd Ysgol Capel Dewi gan y Parch. Mr. Howells, Llanymddyfri, a'r tair ysgol arall gan y Parch. S. Jones, Llanddarog. Cafwyd gofyniadau hynod bwrpasol, a rhoddwyd atebion parod, a hawdd oedd canfod fod yna lawer o ragbarotoi wedi bod ar gyfer y Gymanfa. Yr oedd y canu hefyd o radd uehel, ac yn effeithiol iawn, a theimlwyd na chafwyd gwell cyfarfodydil er's llawer blwyddyn. Darllenwyd cyfrifon a llafur yr ysgolion am y flwyddyn gan ysgrifenydd y dosbarth (Mr. ]). Williams, Cyn- deyrn House), a llawenhaem wrth weled fod yr ysgolion yn (Ial eu tir mewn nifer, ac yn parhau gyda'r un diwydrwydd mewn trysori geiriau'r hywJd ar y cof. Yr oedd cyflawnder o ddarpar- iaeth wedi cael ei arlwyo yn Ysgoldy y Cynghor gan y boneddigesall canlynol, a dioichwn iddynt am eu haelioni :-Misses Davies, Capel Dewi- ganol; Miss Edwards, Capel-uchaf; Miss Thomas, Penyglog; Mrs. Morris a Miss Morris, Capel-isaf; Mrs. Davies a Miss Davies, Wernddu; Miss Evans, Waunifor; Mrs. Jones, Felin-Syc;h; Mrs. Bowen, Capel Dewi Hall; Mrs. Williams,'Pant- teg; Mrs. Thomas, Ffosyflin-fach, a Mrs. Curson, Capel-Bach. Cadeiriwyd yn ddelieuig yn ystod y cyfarfodydd gan Mr. Davies, Wernddu, a chaf- wyd gwledd yn yr ystyr uwchaf, a theimlad pawb yn bresennol oedd mai da oedd bod yno.

BliECHFA. Two more reception concerts have recently been held at the Parish llall. The first was to welcome C'orpl. David Thomas, Bridge Honse, on leave from France, and Kergt. Clias. Lenvs', Xantyfuwch, who had been demobilised from the Army. They both had a very hearty reception. They also received the usual gifts of money and keepsakes.—A few days later Captain Cyril Joynson arrived on leave from the Holy Land after a very long absence and the hard task fit driving the Turks out of an interesting country which they had occupied too long. On Monday evening, 16tll nit., Captain Joynson was wel- comed with a rousing concert. The Kector (Rev. Thos. Jones) presided as usual, and Mr. Alfred Thomas conducted the proceedings. It was evident from the crowded assembly that ( apt. and Mrs. Joynson are deser\edly popular at Brechfa. being always;ready to assist every deserving cause. Praise is due to all those who took an active part in the performance at a very short notice, aud especially to Mr. H. Davies. Rhiwau. who made a great effort to be present. Captain Joynson was presented with a handsome silver-mounted walking-stick, for which he thanked one and all.

COURT HEXRY. A memorial service took place in St. Mary's Church last Sunday evening to commemorate local heroes. Die.service was simple and im- pressive, and was conducted by Uev. J. M. Wil- liams, curate, and Rev. J. Alexander Williams, vicar of Llangathen, the latter preaching a sermon appropriate to the occasion. Colonel Lloyd, Pare Henri, and Col. Davies-Evans. Pen- Ian, read the lessons. At the close of the service two buglers sounded the "Last Post" with tonching effect, and the collection wa- given to the fund for erecting a stained "la"- memorial in the church.

On Thursday evening in last week a continua- tion of the annual Sunday School Festhal was held at the English Wesleyan Chapel, Pontar- dulais. An excellent and eloquent address was given by the Rev. Eo Thomas, Anuuanford, and this was followed by a musical programme. Delightful weather favoured the anniversary meetings held at Babell Welsh Baptist Chapel, Pontardulais, which were well attended. E :0. quent sermons were delivered by the Rev. K. Parry, Aberdulais. The singing, under the c n- dnctorship of Mr. John Lake, was very wcrthy.

CATTLE. Markets j Birmingham (Pigs: daily).—Supplies included 550 from Ireland, 177 from Wales, !)42 from the Eastern Counties, 101 from Xorthamptonshire and 57 from Gloucestershire. Live weight prices: —All classes 21s per score (14s 8d per stone of 14 lbs.). Dead weight prices:—All classes 28s per score (19s 7d per stone). -All classes 21s per score (14s 8d per stone of 14 lbs.). Dead weight prices:-All classes 288 per score (19s 7d per stone). Leicester, June 25.-Fat cattle were of good (juillity, the supply including tio bullocks, while 14 Herefords were super-graded. Useful entry of sheep and lambs, which sold at the fixed rate: pelts made 5s to 7s, and lamb skins 5s to 7s 6d each. The best calves realised Is per lb. London. Metropolitan Cattle Market, June 23. —Fair supply of fat cattle at to-day's market, consisting of Xorfolk box-feds and a few grass- fed beasts in good condition; quality on the average was up to last week's standard, many animals again receiving the extra shilling per live ewt. Large entry of sheep and lambs, quality being very good. especially in the case of the Lincoln longwools, while the grass lambs were of very good quality; pelts made up to 5s 6d, and lamb skins to 7s (id each. Xorthampton, June 25.—Large supply of fat cattle, mostly well-finished beasts. Sheep were also penned in good numbers, and quality was excellent, but lambs were a smaller entry. Salford, June 24.—At to-day's market there were 178 forward from Birkenhead, chiefly cows and bulls of poor quality; the supply also in- cluded 37 north country beasts and over 300 Welsh of fairly good quality. Sheep and lambs numbered about 2.300, but a large proportion of these were of very poor quality; there were, however, a few Shropshire Crosses of fair quality. At the Manchester pig market the supply was entirely Irish of good quality. Wolverhampton, June 25.—Fat cattle were a smaller entry, but sheep and pigs were in larger supply than last week; all were disposed of at controlled prices. Xorthampton, June 21.Small supply of store cattle but scarcely half the beasts got sold, trade being quiet. Dairy cows in good supply and the best animals were in moderate request, prices ranging up to iGO per head. Large show of calves, and prices were about 20s per head lower on the week. PROYISIOXS. Carmarthen, Saturday.—The supply of butter is still exceedingly small; the prospect for winter supply looks bad; prices paid 2s Gd per It). for both cask and fresh pats. Eggs firm, with a slight advance, 32s 6d to 35s per 120. Poultry again scarce and sold at full control prices. Cheese lOd to Is per lb. WOOL. Leicester, June 24.—At to-day's sale 47,850 fleeces were offered, and on the whole condition was fair; the demand for fine Shropshire wool was exceedingly keen, one lot of 38 hoggs and 72 ewes realising the top quotation of 3s lljd per lb., a small lot of 14 Southdown fleeces 3s lOid, 51 Oxford and Shropshire hoggs and 34 Oxford and Shropshire ewes 3s lOd and several lots 38 8d to 3s lid, with an average of 3s 7d per Ih. for fine wools. Fine cross-breds were also in good request at an average price of 3s 4d per lb., while Longwools made up to 2s oid per lb. Masham and Masham crosses, however were in very slow demand at Is 4d to Is 9d per lb.

Carmarthen War Pensions Committee SHOULD MORALS BE CONSIDERED? Carmarthen War Pensions Committee oil Monday night considered an application nom an ex-soldier for a grant of L60 from ie King's Fund to enable him to '>l>eii business. Mr. Hodge Lewis, reporting on the ease, "lid the man was m receipt ot lls. per week pension and 1;1 7s. 6d. from his present em- ployment. A question arose as to the moriti domestic relations of the man, and Mr. L. V. 'Collier <a:d ii« did not think the committee should consider the moral side of these cases at all. ,1 Lew'is said the committee should not recommend grants to any Tom, Dick or Harry irrespective of the moral side of the case. Mr Collier-This man has done his bit and has suffered, and therefore is entitled, morals or no morals, to some consideration from liS, and should have a grant if he is capable of carrying on the business. Mr. Hodge Lewis proposed that the com- mittee recommend a grant of £60, and Mr. W. H. Evans seconded. Mr. T. Davies said he agreed with Mr. Collier that the committee should not con- sider any morals at all. When a man joined the army the standard was not whether he went to church or chapel, or how he lived, but his physical fitness to isorve. The army dealt with him only on the physical side, and it was OH the physi- cal side that that committee should deal with him. They should not go into a moral character. It was decided to defer the ca.^e till the man was examined by the Special Medical Board. Mr. David Williams (Penllwyn Park) re- ported on the case of a man who wanted a grant of L15 to start in business with a partner as rabbit catchors. It was stated that the man was drawing treatment allowance, and the ease was ad- journed in order that he might be exa- mined by the Medical Refereo to see if he was fit to work. In answer to the committee's inquiries, a letter was read from Mr. J. W. Nicholas, olerk to the Countv War Pensions Com- mittee. explaining that Mr. John Richards was appointed a member of tbe borough committee in place of Mr. Henry Howell, who had resigned. With regard to Mr. Rees Davies and Mr. Griffith Owen, the letter stated that if a membor absented himself from all meetings for six months, exo?pt through ill-health or some other reasonable cause, he should cease to hold office. The Clerk (Mr. H. Brunei White) said Mr. Reea Davies had attended within the last six months, but Mr. Griffith Owen had r.ot. Mr. P. J. Williams proposed that Mr. Griffith Owen be notified that he ceaffed to bo a member of the committee unless he could give a satsfuctory explanation.—This wa agreed t.J.

0_ LLAWV KXOG. On Wednesday night. June 2.">th, a "darlitb" was delivered at this place by Rey, Ken Davies, Panteg, on the subject "Karddoniaeth Watcyn Wyn," and a full house listened attentively to a very interesting and instructive address. The chair was taken by the pastor. Kev. n. M. Jones. The proceeds, which amounted to a goodly sum. was devoted to that noble and philanthropical institution, St. Dunstan's Hostel for Blind Soldiers." The first meeting of the Labourers' T'nion was held at the Schoolroom on Saturday evening, June 28th, when a good number were enrolled as members. It is to be hoped that both masters anti servants will co-operate in the best of spirit* to carry out this Act of Minimum Wage in a smooth manner for the benefit of them- selves and for the country's sake. We wiaft* to congratulate Mr. E. S. Jones, School House, on his recent success at the June examinations held at Lampeter College, lie hay. ing passed his Moderations with Honours in Theology.

LLANNON. On Saturday evening an interesting lec- ture was given at Bethania. Llannon. on "Barddoniaeth Watcyn Wyn" by the Rev. Ben. Davips, Panteg. Tho Rev. T. At. Prio.\ Bethania, presided. After the lec- ture. the Revs. D. J. Lewig, B.A., Bethes- da: B. James, Bethel, and W. D. Davies, Ebem zer, spoke in eulogistic terms of the lecture. Oil Sunday, anniversary services were held :|t Betiiania the Revs. Ben Davies and J. J:, Thomas. Llangattook, preaching. The anniversary services in connection with Pentwyn were held on Sunday. The Rev. J. Roibcrts, M.A., Cardiff, officiated. Special services were also held at St. Anne's Church. Cross Hands, when the Rev. W. H. Morgan, IB.A., Pontyteates, preached. Strong congregations were wit nessed at all the places.

LAMPETER. At a meeting of the Board of Guardians, held on Friday in last week, Mr. M. L. W. Lloyd Price presiding.—The Inspector said lie j paid a visit to the house a few days ago, and he was glad to state that he found everything satisfactory. He also saw each inmate per- sonally, and apart from any of the officials on that occasion and they all gave him to under- stand that they were quite comfortable and well-cared for, and had no complaints to make. The house. he said, was under-staffed and got in the house the same class of inmate as they had years ago. The present inmates were old, foible and some mentally defective, so that very little help they could give the officers.—In reply to Mr. J. S. Jones, the Inspector said it was not advisable that the Guardians should interview the inmates, without the officers being present, but if it was the wish of the Guardians to do so on certain occasions he had no doubt but that the master and matron would accede to their wish.—Dr. Fuller, who followed Mr. Williams, referred to the nursing arrangements at the house which he said were not satisfactory. He understood that the nurse who attended the house was the district nurse, and that she was not supposed to make daily visits there. He was not going to ask them to appoint a per- manent nurse, but he would ask them to make some arrangements whereby the nurse could attend there daily, and undertake and be per- sonally responsible for the nursing. At present the matron, who was not a trained nurse, was responsible for the nursing. The bathing arrangements were very unsatisfactory. They had no hot or cold water facilities in the house for bathing, and old women had to be taken to the wash-house to be bathed, a state of things which we very much condemned. He suggested that temporary arrangements might be made whereby hot water from the boiler in the vagrant ward could be brought into the baths in the house. They would not be allowed to make any additions or alterations to the house at present, and he thought that if some such arrangements could be flone it would answer the purpose very well under the circumstances.—The Rev. D. A. Thomas spoke of the efficient way the house was kept, and also Major Harford added that he would bring the matter of the nursing before the District Association, and he had no doubt but that arrangements would be come to with regard to allowing the nurse to devote more time to the nursing at the house.—On the motion of Major Harford the House Committee were given plenary powers to make the neces- sary provision for bathing on the lines sug- gested by Dr. Fuller. A meeting of Lampeter Rural District Coun- cil was held at the Institution the same day. when Mr. Evan Evans presided.—It was decided not to grant a war bonus to Mr. Joshua Evans, inspector of nuisance.—The road labourers ap- plied for an increase of wages, and were granted 3is. 6d. per week. Mr. David Lewis presided at a meeting of Llanybyther Kural District Council on Friday, when it was decided to raise the wages of the road labourers from 5s. 4d. to Gs. a day. The following are the results of the June examination at the St. David's CollegeB.D. Degree.—Part II., Hev. D. Saunders Rees, B.A., Rector of Rhosycae, Holywell; Part I., Rev. Evan Lewis Jones. Lie. Hiv., Curate of Bryn- mawr; Kev. Thomas Evans Timothy, B.A., Vicar of Llanasa. Holywell. Honours List.— B.A. Degree—Theology—Class II., D. A. Lewis. Moderations.—Theology—Class 1., D. D. Bartlett, T. A. Roberts; Class III., E. S. Jones. Respon- sions.—Theology—Class Ill., A. M. Pugh, Ili. F. E. Prosser. Mathematics—Class I., W. E. Lewis; Class III., J. T. B. Evans. Prizes.— Hebrew (Ol\ivant), H. A. Lewis; Theology, n. n. liartlett. Pass List.—B.A. Degree-Group A.— Class II., D. E. Gravell; Class III., D. L. Wil- liams. Group li.-Class 11., Itliel Thomas. War Group-Class II., H. R. Davies; Class III., W. P. Jones, L. G. Rees. Licence in Divinity—Class Ill., It. W. Travers. Moderations—Group A.— Class I., T. M. Hughes; Class Ill., Ivor Davies. War Group—Class I., H. K. Toomey. Respon- sions—Group A.—Class I., T. F. Lloyd, G. Parry. Class II., E. Idris Evans. D.H.Rowlands; Class III., David Davies, Daniel Harris. Mathe- matics Only.— Class I., A. F. Cox; Class III., If. H. Davies. A special meeting of the Town Council was hel,l ;it the Victoria Hall on Thursday evening in last week for the purpose of appointing an architect for the proposed buildings in the market place and mart. The Mayor (Alderman E. Evans) presided. Six applications had been received from the following:—Messrs. LI. Bankes-Price, Doldrement. Lampeter; E. LI. Lewis. Talfedw; Dickens-Lewis, Aberystwyth; Rees Jones, Velindre, Henllan; Percy J. Wil- liams, Swansea, and T. Dyssul Evans, Llan- dyssul. The Town Clerk read the applications and testimonials of the applicants, and it de- deeided to vote by ballot, and this was done four times, the lowest number being struck off each time. At the final voting, Mr. E. Ll. Lewis received 13 votes and Mr. Dyssil Evans one vote, the Mayor declaring the former elected. As the applicant had not been demobilised from the army. the Town Clerk was instructed to write to his commanding officer to ask for his immediate release. The conferring of degrees at St. David's Col- lege took place on Thursday, June 26tli. At 8 a.m., celebration of Holy Communion at the college chapel. The conferring of degrees by the Rev. Dr. Joyce, principal, assisted by Pro- fessors Scott. Walker, and Wade. took place at 12.30. Thp following were invested :-It. 1). degree: Part II., Rev. D. Saunders Davies, B.A.. rector of Rhosycae, Holywell; Part I., lttv. Evan Lewis Jones, L.D., curate of Brynmawr; Rev. Thomas Evans Timothy, B.A., vicar of Llanasa, Holywell. B.A. Degree: Dr. A. Lewis, Carmarthen 1). E. Gravell. Pontyberem; D. L. Williams. Llanedy; Ithel Thomas, Hopkinstown; War Group. H. R. Davies. Abergwili; W. P. Jones. Hurry; L. G. Rees, Pontyberem. iircnce in Divinity: R. W. Travers, Bay. Anglesey. In addition to list B.A. deurj >s w- e conferred on Lieut. W. T. James, M C.. Cil- fynydd; W. R. Davies. Llanfair, Lampjvr; Rev W. D. Evans, Penclawdd. L.D.: lie. W. Brazell. Pontlottyn. At 1 o'clock p.m., a luncheon was served in the College Hall for College Board and friends of graduates, w.ien the Rev. Dr. Joyce presided. The chairman pro- posed the toast of the graduates of the day, and the Rev. 1). S. Rees and Lieut. W. T. Jone. responded. Mr. Jones, Barry, proposed a vote of thanks to the College on behalf of the guests. The annual choral festival of the Aeron Deanery was held at Holy Trinity Church, Aber- ayron. on Thursday in last week, and was a complete success. The training of the choirs had been entrusted to Mr. Lloyd Simon, A.R.C.O., the talented organist and choirmaster of St. Peter's Church, Lampeter, whose advent to this district has been a great acquisition, and lie was greatly admired for his skill in wielding the baton, and securing the best pos- sible rendering of the music. We regret to record the death of Miss Maggie Thomas, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Thomas, relieving officer, and Mrs. Thomas, 22, College-street, which occurred on Thursday, In her :i(ith year. Miss Thomas had suffered con- siderably for some years, and bote her suffering with C hristiau fortitude. The deepest sym- pathy is felt with her widowed mother and all the members of the family in their bereave- ment. The funeral, which was private, took place on Monday at St. Peter's Churchyard. It is very interesting to visit the various allotments these days, especially the Nursery allotment, which is a marvel of neatness and culture. The pleasure evinced by the various tillers of the plots, and their nridp -inil rnrp are evidences of a refreshing competition. If some scheme could be adopted to secure a plentiful supply of water, in the Nursery it would be a great improvement, as it is a draw- back that the water has to be carried from the river some distance from the plots. On Wednesday, June 25th, the congregation at Shiloh was entertained at the vestry room by Mr. Matthews, of Ffosyffin, near Lampeter. The tea was followed by an exhibition of lantern slides kindly given by Capt. E. Evans, M.C. iliti,trate(i various scenes and episodes in the Great War on the French front, such as trenches, dug-outs, shelled cathedrals, ruined villages and homesteads. Ac. The pictures were explained in an interesting manner by Capt. Evans himself, and the lantern was excellenth manipulated by Mr. D. J. Davies. photographer, Lampeter, one of the captain's orderlies in France. Votes of thanks were proposed by the chairman (the Rev. W. Llewelyn Davies) and seconded by the Kev. Oswald Williams, B.A., after which the National Anthem was sung. At tlie monthly market on Monday, small Pit's realised from .t'4 to £ 4 5s.; old fo'wl8, 8s. per couple; young ditto, Is. 6d. per lb. The monthly medal golf competition was played on Wednesday in last week. Twenty- four competitions. IZesults:-Leslie DRvies, gross, 10 handicap, 72 nett; John Thomas, ( I 89—16—73; R. H. Williams, 106—25—81; T. R. Phillips, 100-1,1-R2; Nun Davies, 99—16—83; H. Lloyd Williams, 95-10-85. Also half-dozen golf balls given to winner by Mr. Nun Davies. As will tie seen from our advertising columns, the Agricultural Society has decided to re-estab- lish its show, and it is to be hoped that the committee and the public will spare no efforts to make it a success in every way. The best way, to keep up its splendid reputation in the past is to try and arrange some new attractions in addition to the usual sections. So much interest is now taken in agriculture that a step in this direction would be appreciated. A few demonstrations in the art of butter-making, cheese-making, basket-making. &c.. would prove most attractive. For the first time, prizes are offered this year for Hereford cattle. The monthly sessions were held on Friday, June 27th. before Colonel Lewis (in the chair), Messrs. Walter Davies, J. W. Davies, Hugh Walker, Joseph Evans, and Charles Evans.- John Kees. Vaeliog Stores. Llangybi, was charged by Edward Williams, Chief Constable, with having between the 1st and 27th May sold bacon at a price exceeding the maximum prices. There were also five other charges of non-com- pliance with the orders of the Food Controller. Mr. W. P. Owen. Aberystwyth, prosecuted, and .Nir. C. I)entiiin Evans, kberayron. defended.- George Edward Rody, Divisional Inspector under the Ministry of Food, gave evidence that the defendant was a member of the local Food Control Committee. As a result of inquiries he had made he visited defendant's premises. He found that on April 25tit the defendant ball sold £2; 2s. worth of bacon at a price in ex- cess of the maximum price to Messrs. Chappel and Thomas. Pontypridd. Coming to the charge of dealing in dead meat without being regis- tered, the Inspector said he saw Mr. and Mrs. Rees coming out of an outhouse. Defendant said he was not registered. He said he was registered for the slaughter-house and bacon- curing. and also for dealing in bacon wholesale. In the outhouse he saw a cask rolled upon 11 bench. There was also a square box with a white cover on. and on removing the cover he saw a number of joints of veal. The joints were cut up and labellerl and on the label the weight and the prices of each joint. In answer to the Bench witness stated that the prices charged were proper, and in some cases were less than the maximum price. The next charge was of dealing in cattle without a licence. The Inspector said that defendant stated that he had no record of the calf bought except his cheque book which he produced. It read: Davies. calf, £ 3 18s. 9d." He asked defendant whether he was a licensed cattle dealer, and he said he was not. He walked round the pre- mises lint found every indication of a very considerable amount of slaughtering going on. There were three further charges of not keeping records, slaughtering a calf in a place other than a Government slaughter-house, and making false returns.—Defendant, giving evidence, said he did not know that Welsh bacon was con- trolled. He had sold it at 2s. Id. a lb. He applied to Mr. Duckham in April, 1918, for a certificate to deal in dead meat, and had a wire from a person in Fishguard to meet him at Lampeter, but had never heard anything since. He also saw Mr. Wilkinson, but did not get any satisfaction. He bad never heard about a licence to deal in cattle. He did not keep any records as he always paid down for everything, and the persons always sent the money hack to him. He believed that he had made returns of all animals slaughtered, but he might have missed a week.-IIl cross-examination, defendant admitted sending to 1'hondda and Pontypridd bacon and other commodities amounting to thousands of pounds.—Defendant was fined £ 3 in each case, amounting to £ 18 in all. There were 13 fat cattle and 160 fat sheep at the mart on Tuesday, which were sold at con- trolled prices. Fat calves sold at prices varying from t3 to JE12; cows and calves, tlS to 1:35; store cattle, £ 10 10s. to £ 20.

LLANYBYTHER. Messrs. Evans Bros, conducted a very exten- sive sale of horses last Thursday week, there being altogether about 210 horses. Pro.Ti'.ient buyers were present from all parts of the country, and trade was fairly satisfactory rrn- sidering that there is a general drop n the horse trade. Draught horses made up to £ 128, while in the collier class the prices ranged from r:¡:¡ to £ 75. Cobs from to 1:60. and 2-year- old colts' reached £ 58. Yearlings fetched up to £ 38. All the Food Production Department horses were disposed of at good prices. Prizes were given for the animals. realising the highest prices in the sale, as follows:—Class 1.—Draught mare or gelding: ht. Mr. Rees Davies. Pant- mochbach. Llandyssul; 2nd, Mr. E. Herbert, Blaenbedw; f(I, Messs. T. Davies and Co., Llechwedd. Class 2.-Collier mare or gelding: 1st, Mr. E. T. Jones. Blaenlienfod. Lianybyther; 2nd, Mr. E. Thomas. C'nwc, Llanybyther; 3rd, Mr. D. Davies. Beilicoch, Lampeter. Class 3.— Cobs or harness horses: 1st, Messrs. Jones Bros., Llanbadarn Farm. Pennant; 2nd, Miss Davies, Llanbadarn Farm. Pennant; 2nd, Miss Davies, Bargoed, Llandyssul; 3rd. Mr. J. E. Lloyd, Dolgwm, LlanjPbyther. Class 4.—Two-year-olds: 1st, Mr. J..Tones. Llwyneroes. f,lanflhangel-ar- artli; 2nd. Mr. D. J. Williams, Glantrenfach, .Lianybyttier. Class :Yearliiigr,: 1st, Mr. John Davies, Fronwen, Llanwenog; 2nd, Mr. J. Davies, Tycoeli, Ciliau Aeron. Immediately after the horse sale a large number of valuable Govern- ment machinery and implements were sold at the local Food Production depot at good prices. Messrs. Evans Bros.. Llanybyther, offered at the Mart Buildings. Llanybyther, the freehold public-house known as the Red Lion Inn, Glan- duar. Llanybyther, together with a small plot of ground now held with Glanduar Shop. and containing altoaether about 39 perches. The lot was sold for iC710 to Mr. Evan Davies. Rhydyhjint Farm, Llanybyther, who also pur- chased the freehold dwelling-house and garden called "n warn ant," Glanduar. about 6 perches, in the .occupation of Mrs. Eliz. Davies. for .f37 10s. The freehold dwelling-house with gardens. Xn. 7. Glanduar Cottages, about 11 perches, in the occupation of Mr. Morris Davies (as to the front part and Miss Anne Jones (as to the back part)-Solit to Mr. John Williams. Ivy Bush. Llanybyther. for The freehold dwelling- house with gardens. No. 2, Glanduar Cottages, about 15 perches, in the occupation of Mrs. Sarah Evans (as to the front part) and Mr. Wm. Wil. liams (as to the back part)-Sold for £ 130 to Mrs. Sarah Evan, the tenant. The solicitor was Mr. \Y. J. Wallis-Jones, solicitor, Carmar- then.

ABERNANT. A successful eisteddfod was held at Capel Cendy on Whit-Monday. President, Rev. E. IS. Lloyd; conductor, Mr. W. H. Jones (Gwilym llowy), Llanpumpsaint; adjudieators-music, Mr. David Williams, Cwmdwyfran; miscella- neous. "Gwilym Bowy"; accompanist. Miss Myfi Evans, Nantygog, Llangunnock; treasurer, Mr. Ben Jones, Felin-newydd; secretary, Mr. David Harries, Goedwig. Awards:-Solo for girls under 10: 1, Maggie Lewis. Plasnewydd; 2, Florrie Jones. Blaennant. Solo for boys under 10: W. T. Jones, Ginning Vale, Trelech. Solo for girls under 14: 1. Maggie Lewis; 2, R. Hughes, Llysonen Cottages, Mydrim. Solo for boys under 14: 1. W. T. Jones; 2, W. G. Davies, Yr Allt, Bwlchnewydd. Penillion sing- ing, under 14: W. T. Jones; 2, Maggie Lewis. Ear test, under 14: 1, Elizabeth Thomas, Ty- 7 newydd; 2, Sarah Jones, Bodlondeb, Conwil. Welsh dictation: 1. E. Thomas; 2, R. Hughes. Questions: May Hughes, Ffynonwen, Abernant. Recitation, under 10: 1. Ben Evans, Llwyn- croe, Llanpumpsaint; 2, Maggie Lewis; 3, Winnie James, Danydderwen, Merthyr. Recita- tion, under 14: 1, Gladys Davies, Porthyrhyd, Bwlchnewydd; 2, divided between Ben Evans and May Hughes. Recitation for adults: Divi- ded between Gladys Davies a B. Thomas, Bettws. lironwydd Arms. Solo, open to those who had not previously won a prize: Sarah A. Davies, Shidenin. Solo for contralto or bari- tone: Agnep Williams, Berthlwyd, Merthyr. Solo for soprano or tenor: Emily Davies, Talog Shop. Children's choir: Capel Cendy (led by Enoch Davies, Trevaughan). Party of eight: Divided between Bwlch party (Lizzie Evans, Minyrafon) and Abernant party (Samuel Evans, Esgerfa). Sentence on the Kaiser: D. Harries. Poetry: "Ogydytfryn." "Gwilym Bowy" sang penillion, and Mr. Williams gave a solo, and both were loudly cheered and encored. The singing of Hen Wlad fy hadau" termina- ted a most enjoyable evening.

LLANGELER. On Saturday the funeral took place of the late Mrs. Catherine Evans. wife of Mr. Johu Evans, Blaenshedifach, the interment being at St. Barnabas. The Rev. D. F. Williams and 1>. lionner Jenkins officiated at the house. The Rector of Penboyr and the Rev. D. F. Williams officiated at St. Barnabas. The chief mourners I were Mr. John Evans (widower), Miss Anne Evans, Miss Lizzie Evans. anr Mr. Johnny Evans (children). Deceased had been ailing for some time, and was 53 years of age.

RHEUMATISM KIDNEY TROUBLE Rheumatism is due to uric acid etystalp in the joint and muscles, the result of ex cessive uric acid in the system that thf kidneys failed to remove as nature in tended, which is also the cause of backa-cha lumbago, sciatica, gout, urinary trouble stone, gravel, dropsy. Estora Tablets, « thoroughly harmless specific based 01 modern medicinal scienoe are the success ful treatment, and have cured numhnrleaj obstinate cases aftpr the failure of al: other tried remedies, which accounts foi their superseding out-of-date medicines sole at a price beyond all but the wealthy. Women frequently suffer from ills, achec and pains, under the impression that they are victims of ailments common to then jex. but more often than not it is due t* I the kidneys, and in mich cases Estora Tab lets will set them right. Kstora Taolete-all honeut. remedy at at Honest, price—1/3 per box or 40 tablets oj 6 boxes for 6/9. All Chemists, or postagf free from Estora Co 132, Charing Crow I Road, London. W.C. I Carmarthen Agent: A. 1- Jones. M.P.8 16. Lammas Street. CP A576-23 :1 MATExl TRADE MARK. g A Plastic Compound Si FOR I Making New Roofs | AND I Repairing Old Ones It will repair Asphalt, Lead, Gal- vanized Iron or Felt Roofs, and | replaces Felt Damp Course. Matex substitutes Sheet Lead. It is half the price in cost and fixing. Will keep Damp out of the weather side of a House. Asphalt cost 4/6 sq. yd. Matex „ 1/9 „ And can be laid by inexperienced labour. Sold by the pound or by the ton r Inspect our Matex Roof. S Wholesale and Retail Agents | Mills, English fy Co. Ltd., I Swansea. Telephone Telegrams Centrall, 139G. "Mechanics.' (1264—14:11 YOU BUY THIS MACHINE ON MERIT. THE WL 'LISTER' CREAM SEPARATOR. tB MfSt< For Perfection of Design, Materials and rfi| W o rkmanship, figj this Separator lliw made through- JIM out in our works byBritish Workmen, can- not be sur- passed. Made in 4 Sizes. Capacities. 20 to 80 Callons MODERATE PRICES. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Write for Catalogue to Sole Maker R. A. LI-TER & Co., Ltd. (DEPT. S. 17), DURSLEY, Glos. Telegrams: Telephone: "Machinery, Dursley." No. 7 Dursley. Local Assent:—Mr. J. T. JONES, 11 and 29, Bridge Street, Carmarthen. THE Use Only THE PAGE-WOOD Patent Cartridges and Kill Further. Price,,?, 1st Quality 21/6 100 „ 2nd 191- Shield,, 171- „ Black Powder Cartridges 151- Carriage paid. Cash with order From T. PAGE-WOOD, Ltd., Gun & Cartridge Manufacturers BRISTOL. LARGEST STOCK OF GUNS IN THE WEST. GUN REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. (12C6 THE WELSH Insurance Corporation, Ltd. SWANSEA BRANCH. Prudential Buildings, Cattle 8trMt Carmarthen Direetum. Lieutenant-Colonel Dnn DATIM-RVAK* Lieutenant-Colonel W. N. JOMM. Application* for Agencies invited. (Ij646—K :J fGOOD HEALTH-^—^ is assured by a f | morning glass of I i J | HARLEY'S 3 SALTS ,§)*€* I 9}d from all Ohemleta f CP, I or ijoj from LLANDYSSUL. The ordinary Petty Sessions were held on Thursday, the 26th iiit., the presiding magis- trates heing Capt. Lewis, Plasjreler, and Mr. 1). Williams, Ashcmft. Llanybyther.—H. G. Hav- yard. school attendance otticer. summoned Evan Thomas. Forest Mills. Brechfa. for negleetinu to send his children. Mary Hannah and 8amh Tltomas.-regitl.,triv to school. A fine of 10s. 6 1. was imposed in each case.—David Jones, Pet- prisk. Llanllwni. was similarly charged for not | sending his* two children. Eleanor and Margaret A. Jane, regularly to school. A fine of 12s. in each eaBe was imposed. J She Black Enamel witll the Soft Rich Lustre I lJt for Rating* BMT pr R.4UØre & I 1UJ A ø fcrylts H| ¡ør )(øførw JAMES \L S BRISTOL. RUDMAN, EnS- I OIL A COLOVBHCH. Experience I I Justifies | J the claim that there is nothing J + better for the relief and cure of ♦ those ailments which more i X particularly affect woman than ♦ Beecham's Pills. Headaches, J + lassitude, nervousness are more # ♦ frequently due to constipation, T i indigestion and a poor state £ ♦ of the blood than to any other$ + cause. When you suffer in this £ ♦ way try the popular and conven- T X ient remedy—Beecham's Pills X ♦ which have proved themselves so j invariably successful that the 1 Confidence | A of women has been secured for ♦ them everywhere. Their use will ▼ 2 strengthen your digestion and X ♦ greatly improve your general j health. You will be surprised how ♦ quickly you can be relieved of ♦ X distressing symptoms and your T ♦ whole system be toned up. With j the blood purified your eyes will £ ♦ again sparkle, your complexion be ♦ i spotless, your lips rosy, your T ♦ spirits cheerful and you will ♦ i understand why people have such ♦ faith T I in i I Beecham's j Pills. + la boxeSf labelled Is-3d and 3«'0d. 4 > FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS THOUSANDS of LAÐIES HAVE DERIVED GREAT BENEFIT from DFt. DAVIS'S ,FAMOUS FEMALE PILLS Have bean universally admitted to be A BOON TO WOMANKIND. They are the be3t known Remedy for Ansemla, Giddiness. Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Loss of Appetite, Hysteria, Palpitation of the Heart, Debility, Depression, Weakness, and all Female Ailments. Boxes, lid., Is. 3d., 3s., 5s., and 12s. May be had from Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors ererywhere, or from Proprietor (under cover). Dr. DAVIS'S little book for MARRIED WOMEN, most invaluable, sent free on re- ceipt of stamped addressed envelope. Only address:— S09, PORTOBELLO RD., NOTTIflC Hill, W 10. Sample sent Free on receipt of Stamp for Postage. (1317 Relief ■r & £ £ !& Instantly assured to all < who suffer from Asthma, < Bronchitis, Hay Fever, A K ILJip] DR. SPENCER'S 9 K ASTHMA CURE. A Will immediately alleviate that terrible snffocating feeling shortness of < breath—and lung congestion. Soothes and Comforts. « Refuse substitutes and insist on getting DR. SPENCER'S ASTHMA CUKfi. <9 Of all chemists in Wales. Price, J/9 per bottle. A If unable to obtain write ■T GEDDES MANUPACTUKIN'G CO., JM jP Shirley Chemical Works, Southampton. I Dr. Spencer's 1 I asthmaI I CURE "Namo" BLACK SAVES BLACK-LEADING' Applied once a month will do away with daily black-leading. | TRY IT on grates, ft stoves, fenders, fire- v*?*- irons, bedsteads,. perambulators &c. ^RONMONO £ RS^ CC^™URST & BROTOI-L MDON. CARDIFF. DUBLIN. • t "8ChInrs of DrT J>i8teø1per, AL <

PONTARDULAIS. Beautiful sunny weather favoured the monthly fair and fortnightly mart held at the Black Horse-square, Pontardulais, on Tuesday. The auctioneer was Mr. W. N. Jones, Ammanford, and the graders were Messrs. Ben Roberts, Llandremorfawr, and Thos. Mathifis. There was Llandremorfawr, and Thos. Mathias, but- cher. There was a good supply of small pigs. but not such a demand as in previous fairs-prices ranging from £ 3 5s. to £ 5 per head. Milking cows were scarce—12 in number—prices ranging from R23 to i31 per head. There were 20 store cattle, but the demand was slow. Thirteen cattle and 17 sheep and lambs were graded and allocated. A Swansea district mixed choir met on Sunday last to decide where and when the annual out- ing should take place. The day and date was very soon fixed, and now for the place. Some suggested the Mumbles, the Wells, etc., and then came Gower. A voice: Oh, no, please. There are no tunnels down that way! Under the auspices of the Hendy Cricket Club. Pontardulais, grand athletic sports were held at the Hendy Cricket Field (kindly lent by Mr. Evans. Ystomenlle) on Saturday. President, Mr. It. H. Sampson. J.P., Bryngwili; vice-pre- sident. Mr. H. Williams. Llwyngwern. The judges were:—Messrs. John White, 1). Harrop lIrilliths, Tom Jones, A. A. Stubbs, D. WatkillS, and D. D. Evans; handicapper, Mr. Alec Har- ries, Llanelly; starter, Mr. J. M. Hall; ring steward. Mr. David lliddlestone; judges of the timbering competition, Mr. Thomas Morgan, M.E., Mr. 1>. F. Davies, M.E., Mr. J. Beynon, M.E.: chairman of committee, Mr. J. J. Hill, headmaster; treasurer, Mr. T. W. Morgan, Libanus-road; hon. secretary, Mr. A. A. Miles,' 2, Sawel-terrace. The proceeds were in aid of the Cricket Club. Awards:—100 Yards Open Handicap: 1st, Emlyn Morgan, Llanelly; 2nd, J. Thompson, Pontardulais. 300 Yards Open Handi- cap: 1st, Joe Perego, Llanelly; 2nd, Emlyn Morgan, Llanelly. 300 Yards Obstacle Race: 1, Dd. Jones, Tumble; 2nd, Joe Perego, Llanelly. 100 Yards Sack Race: 1st, R. Howells, Bynea; 2nd, Tom Thomas, Ammanford. 100 Yards Boys' Race (under 16 years): 1st. Gwyn Lewis, Allt- wen. Pontardawe; 2nd, W. H. Carle, Gorseinon. High Jump: 1st, Rowlands, Carway, Kidwelly. Throwing the cricket ball: J. Thompson, Pont- ardulais; Sam Jones, Hendy. Timbering Com- petition: 1st, George Hughes, Gorseinon; 2nd, Tom Griltiths, Pontardulais; 3rd, Wm. Jones, Carway. Kidwelly. The Pontardulais Town Band were present and rendered selections, and their services were gratis. On Saturday evening, at Peniel Welsh Congre- gational Chapel, Pontlliw, Pontardulais, the g Dulais Dramatic Society gave an excellent per- formance of the Welsh drama, "Maesymeillion" (D. J. Davies), the successful drama at the Xeath National, when "Elpliin," the adjudicator, said that every Welshman and Welshwoman should see and hear this drama. The sacred edifice was crowded, and the chair was taken by Mr. D. Jones. Shepherd. The dramatis persona; were as follows:-(Thomas Jones) Mr. P. Jen- kins; (Catrin) Miss Minnie Morgan; (Gladys) Mrs. T. P. Thomas; (John) Mr. D. J. Thomas; (Tom Evans) Mr. Grill Morgan; (Shani Fach) Miss Bessie Miles; (Mrs. Evans) Miss Mia Mor- gan; (William) Mr. B. Davies; (P.C. Davies) Mr. John Samuel; (llev. Yorwerth Lloyd) Mr. John Miles; (Thomas Morgan) Mr. David Hughes. The proceeds were in aid of the Church Fund. The Dulais Dramatic Society, the members of which are drawn from Siloh Welsh Congrega- tional Chapel, Pontardulais, have already this year realised over 01:200 by their performance of the Welsh drama. "Niaesymeillion" (D. J. Davies) which sum they have handed over to the Church Fund. Some malicious person or persons have circu- lated a rumour that the Pontardulais Town Band charged eight guineas for services rendered at the Hendy Sports on Saturday last. This is altogether untrue. They gave their services gratis. On Wednesday evening in last week. at the Fountain Hotel, Pontardulais, Mr. W. N. Jones, Ammanford. offered for sale 36 freehold plots for building purposes, situated right opposite Goppa-row. Only one plot was disposed of. All the Pontardulais Schools were close(I on Thursday on the occasion of the tradesmen's annual outing. The day was beautifully line, and the "shoppers" journeyed by brakes to Parkmill. where a very enjoyable day was spent. All the elementary and intermediate schools in the Gowerton Group were closed on Friday to enable both parents and scholars to go to Swansea on the occasion of the Prince of Wales's visit. After a continuous service of 4 years with H.M. Forces in the East, Mr. Clifford Rees, only son of Mr. E. D. Rees. Brynafon, has returned home. Our congratulations are due to Mr. D. J. Williams, who has beeu appointed one of the managers on the Gowerton Group of Schools. On Wednesday evening in last week. at Haggar's Picturedrome, Pontardulais (kindly lent by Mr. W. Haggar for the occasion), under the auspices of the Pontardulais and District Operatic Society, a grand miscellaneous concert was given. The .oacious "iMin.' was full, and the chair was trk-n hv Air. John Willi-ims. J.P.. Swansea. The choir, under the baton of Mr. Joseph Thomas, L.T.S.C., gave creditable ren- derings of "Yr Haf" (Gwilym Gwent), "Even- tide" (Joseph Thomas) and "Prisoner's Chorus" (Blodwen) Dr. Parry. They were assisted by the following artistes :—Soprano, Madame Bessie Morris (the Welsh Prima Donna); tenor. Mr. Dan Jones, R.C.M. (of Beecham and Queen's Hall Concerts); baritone, Mr. Rhys J. Thomas (popular South Wales baritone); humorist, Mr. Alf. Thomas, Swansea; accompanist, Mr. Car- edig Williams (of the Elysium Hall, Swansea). The proceeds will be devoted to the liquidation of debt on the Mechanics' Institute. A successful presentation meeting was held at the Social Club and Institute, Pontardulais, on Tuesday evening. There was a good number present, presided over by Mr. 1). Allen, Glyn- llwchwr-road. A splendid musical and miscel- laneous programme was gone through, contri- buted to by some of the well-known local talent, while Sergt. J. Phillips ably carried out the duties of accompanist. During an interval Gunner E. Thomas 43368, R.G.A., V/IX. Heavy Trench Mortar Battery (now residing at Cam- brian-place), was presented with the regimental badge. He very neatly and suitably responded. He was previously employed at Graig Merthyr Colliery, and joined the Colours in August, 1914, and rendered valiant service in the Second Battle of Ypres. Messines, etc., was twice wounded and gassed ohce. He was demobilised on February 10th, 1919. The annual festival in connection with the Girls' Friendly Society was held at St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Pontardulais, on Thurs- day evening irt last week. Despite the very inclement weather there was a very good at- tendance. The service was conducted by the Rev. Hughes. B.A., Hendy. and Mrs. R. Ley- shon Davies, F.C.M., presided at the organ. A special collection was made towards the sick fund. After the service a meeting of associates was held at the vestry, when Mrs. Curtis Mor- gan. hon: branch secretary, read the report for the year, which was very favourable, showing that the society was very flourishing. The hon. secretary had sent Mips. to H.R.H. Princess Mary's G.F.S. War Emergency Fund on October 26th. 1918, which was acknowledged by Princess Mary herself. It was unanimously decided not to have an outing this year but to have a social tea later on in the autumn.