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NOT A BEETLE olives once I /nr by*) ;it comes into m ericantacti "%vith mor'"ATING'S lyBM Blood Pura." !s the Life." J Mllllllll Hi llimTTTinTlifrffl^—I Clarke's IS f Blood j I 0 I Mixture j If you suffer from any such such a medicine. It is com I disease as mentioned below. posed of ingredients which ■ don't waste time and money quickly attack, overcome. H on lotions or ointments and expel from the blood H which cannot get below the aU impurities from whatever ffi »surface of the-skin. What cause .arising, and by B you want is a medicine that rendering it clean and pure. H will thoroughly free the .it never fails to effect a ■ blood of the impure matter complete and lasting cure. ■ which is the true cause of Thousands of testimonials. all your suffering. Clarke's Over 5° years success Blood Mixture isjust 16..go Pleasant to take. CURES CCZCMA, GLANDULAR BLOOD POISUIN. SCROFULA, SWELLINGS, PILES, BAD Has. BOILS, RHEUMATISM, ABSCESSES. PIMPLES, GOUT. ULCERS. SORES, &Q-. »c. 01 alt Chemist* I Store*, 2/9 per bottle, w Mjt REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Ql II BEECHAM'S I Pills § among their many merits, possess | | excellent tonic properties. When g I owing to overwork, sedentary § S occupation, irregularity in taking § | meals or other causes, a disturb- § § ance of the digestive system occurs, I I they are the most satisfactory | | medicine to take. It is, now well- § | known that Beecham's Pills have | | been the means of bringing health | | to many thousands of people in | | every rank of life and in nearly | every country in the world. | Beecham's Pills possess remark- | able restorative powers; they are | S occupation, irregularity in taking § | meals or other causes, a disturb- § § ance of the digestive system occurs, I I they are the most satisfactory | | medicine to take. It is, now well- § | known that Beecham's Pills have | | been the means of bringing health | | to many thousands of people in | | every rank of life and in nearly | every country in the world. | Beecham's Pills possess remark- | able restorative powers; they are | a in fact the most likely remedy to § | 5et you up in health. A9 a | 3 stomachic they are unequalled; | I and for stimulating the liver to | healthy activity they can be relied w on with confidence. All who are g desirous of maintaining their health § on a high level should take § Beecham's Piils. They are a splen- did help in the home and a boon to to the traveller. Their use will not only immediately benefit you but WILL KEEP on a high level should take § Beecham's Pills. They are a splen- did help in the home and a boon to to the traveller. Their use will not only immediately benefit you but WILL KEEP | YOU WELL. | Sold everywhere in boxes 9 price 1/lJ (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pills). p FI!F qp Fly .„ ———————-—————— UNION 3°uth & East Africa Ulllwll" R«YAL MAIL ROUTE, CASTLE From London and Southampton, WEEKLY for SOUTH AFRICA, T TNF ™ ^adetr* *ud Canaries. MONTHLY for EAST AFRICA, via the Suez Canal. For further information apply to Ihe Companylm Head Offices, S. Kenchnrch Street, London; or in Carmarthen to Chas. Finch, 18, Nott's Square, CLARKE'S B41 PILLS fta be relied upon to cure. in either Ie, ail acquired at constitutional Discharge* from the Urinary Orgws. Gravel ant. Paioa in the back. Tree foam Memury._ Established up- wards of 30 years. la boxes 41 6d each. of aU Chemists ad Patent Medicine Vendues throughout the World, or sent far sixty stampe by the oaken; The lincoln and Midland Vwmllw Drug Coopur. tinooio. "LONDOVUs." lutity The only hyglnnio Vermin 15 x- )y5 urmiutor. In tins ILI-, 31- sad as-, bola aU obauls* at I a ■ ,« J. «■ Tk*Lea4eaHy<ieaicCkeBicml I. 9 1^9 C«. Lti-L*ai*a^.e. SOLO ftV |^JLkL|^|9 T Davies, 7, Guild- mict vlf:t 11, tic hall Sq., Carmarthen






B^oone Carmarthenshire

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. I uee "TIZ" for Sore, Tired…






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