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NOT A BIETLEV (Pllives once I ffcr'Y/^L comes into' W percantact B!wmR W A B Z MtZ-* S & mom 14"Kasp the For the Blood Blood Pure." Is the lHe." || I ci Btood I Mixture | If you suffer from any such suchamedicine. II is cam fl disease asraentioned below, pos^d of ingredients which I don't waste time and money quickly attack. overcome, I on lotions or ointments and expel from the blood which cannot get below the all impurities from whatever surface of the- skin What cause prising, and by you want is a medicine that rendering it clean and pure, will thoroughly free he it never fails to effect d blood of the impure matter complete and lasting cure. which Is the true cause of Thousands of testimonials. all your suffering. Clarke's Over 50 years success Blood Mixture is Just; pleasant to take. ■ 1 CURES CCZKMA^ GLANDULAR BLOOD POIStttf, SCROFULA, SWELLINGS. PILES, BAD LEGS, BOILS, RHEUMATISM, B ABSCESSES, PIMPLES, BOUT. g ULCERS, SORES, &0., ■ 2 Of all Chsmlsti & Storai, 2/9 per hottle. w| W REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ^REFUSES^TimES^jy .0 mjSa THE BLACK ENAMEL WITH THB J SOFT RICH LUSTRE t I For Grates, Bicycles, Sewing 1 # gj Machines, Railings and all !l *9 Iron Work. More useful ill LI than any other. 2 £ d., 4d., and 6d. per tin; 1/10 £ Per (J quart. 3/6 per ^-Gallon of all V Ironmongers, Stores, etc. [1 ",0 B JAMES RUDMAN, f A & Manufacturer of Cambrian* 4 Paints, BRISTOL "r-~—1 BEECHAM'S I I I PILLS excellent tonic properties. When owing to overwork, sedentary | occupation, irregularity in taking | meals or other causes, a disturb- g ance oftbe digestive system occurs, g they are the most satisfactory I among their many merits, possess excellent tonic properties. When owing to overwork, sedentary | occupation, irregularity in taking | meals or other causes, a disturb- anceofthedigestive system occurs, they are the most satisfactory medicine to take. It is, now well- known that Beecham's Pills have been the means of bringing health to many thousands of people in every rank of life and in nearly every country in the world. Beecham's Pills possess remark- able restorative powers; they are in fact the most likely remedy to set you up in health. As a stomachic they are unequalled; and for stimulating the liver to healthy activity they can be relied on with confidence. All who are desirous of maintaining their health on a high level should take to many thousands of people in g every rank of life and in nearly every country in the world. Beecham's Pills possess remark- able restorative powers; they are in fact the most likely remedy to set you up in health. As a stomachic they are unequalled; and for stimulating the liver to healthy activity they can be relied on with confidence. All who are desirous of maintaining their health on a high level should take Beecham's Pills. They are a splen- [ did help in the home and a boon to to the traveller. Their use will not t only immediately benefit you but [WILL KEEP YOU WELL 2 Sold everywhere in boxes I price 1/lJ (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pills). YTNION & E&st Africa UllIVJll" ROYAL MAIL ROUTE. CASTLE From London and Southampton, 1WEEKLY for SOUTH AFRICA, 1 INF via Madeira and Ounarles, MONTHLY for EAST If RICI, via the Sues Canal. For farther information apply to the Company'! Head Offioeg, 8, Fenchurch Street, London; or in Carmarthen to Chat, Finob, 18, Notl'i Square, ak CLARKE'S 341 PILLS Ma be relied upon to cure. In either sex, all acquired or constitutional Dkteharge* from the Urinary Organs, Gravel anfa Fal, in the back. Free Irom Hercury. Established up- 1 wards of 50 yean. In boxes 48 6d each. of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent Cor sixty stamps by the makers, n. UncoTn and Midland Ceoatiee Drnf Compaay. Lincoln. MAESYCRUGIAU SUOCESS.—It is with much pie; -are that we have to record the further success of Miss Maggie James, Bailybedw, who has been successful at an examina- tion in Cookery for Invalids and the convalescent." The examination was both theoretical and practical, and was conducted by the Universal Cookery Association, London, S.W. who presented Miss James with a very handsome book on the subject. Miss James is a fully qualified nurse at the St. Mary's Islington Infirmary- London, and we desire her every possible success in the future. RoSSl the lightest cakes and BABY CARRIAGES. Over 500 Designs in Stock ready for delivery We shall be pleased to forward Catalogue on receipt of Post-card. I .Yi: Bassinettes as above in all colours from £1 19s 6d. to R5 17s. 6d. DELIVERY FREE TERMS ARRANGED. -ff, dm PUGH BROS. BABY CARRIAGE SPECIALISTS Works- IT* WITT T V Telephone Princess Street A- Aim ft 11 1 A 273

- Begone Carmarthenshire

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