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LO, DON, M OND-AY, Nov. 7- 'I-HE Paris Papers of Saturday, including- the 11 evening papers, which have tiiedateotyester- —— day, have been received, they bring no news ol importance. Tin? great question of the heredi- tary peerage has not "et been introduced into the upper ch ruber,-which is -).t,yrer,ilv attr.b-itt*& to the conviction on the part of the min'sterst lat the law will notpass. L-IOL LA., D.- c commercial letters from Amster- dam speak of a no vel pretension about to be set up by the King of Holland He says to E n ;J a n d —" I n 1S14 you pretended that my states on the Continent were too confined, and out of proportion ivith my colonies in consequet-ce YOIl gave me Belgium in exchange for the Cape of Good. Hope, for Demerara, and uth/1' posses- sionswhich were adjudged to .you, and which have remained in your possession. You wish now, (conti- nues King- William,) that I should give np Bel- gium. Restore to me then my colonies. I have paid fur Belgium bet-ore you tube it from me, is it not just that you should give me back the price of it You have here, say the letters which oive this news, an explanation of the delay on the part of Holland, to ac- cept the famous protocol of the Conference of London, and which may also explain the hesitation of the Eng- lish squadron toenterth Scheldt. King Leopold is looking very ill, and is greatly harrased. The Oring-cists leave him no rest, and the papers are taunting him with assisting a restoration by accepting the 54 articles, iiis prospects are not very flattering-, and no donht he has repented more than once that he ever left Claremont. lie is too good and too brave for these people. INL-T.,t of a letter, dated Trichinopoly, 27, 1S3-1 We have war and rumours of war. A s'harp skirmishing battle took place at Tyder Nug- get-, in the northern part of Mysore, between Colonel Evans, & a opposed to a large body of insnr- gents, who had taken that strong position on the hills. Evans's force was repulsed with considerable loss to the 15th N. I.and the Colonel himself wounded, as well as Lieutenant Salter of the artillery. We have not yet received further particulars, but I think a gen- eral feeling of disrontent is generating through British tv ] nd in, and chiefs of ability and decision are only wait- ing for the natives to imitate Belgium, Poland, and other European states. All the Seringapatam local battalion, which was disbanded some time ago, have joined the insurgents, in Mysore, and many hundred sepoys, who had been discharged lately as undersized, have followed the example. The 39th N. I. discharged a hundred men, of from eight to twelve years' service, ¡., for no other reason than being too short. THE HEFOCUI Bill —We have authority to state that several improvements are meditated in the Reform Biil, owing to the opportunity which is afforded of re drawing it, and to the intelligence acquired by pro- longed discussions.—The census of 1831 will now be adopted in framing the schedules, instead of that of (,If,,(,t will he to carry one or two of those in schedule A. into schedule B. while Bridport, Clith- eroe, Cockermouth, and Great Grimsby, now in sche. dule B. will, by increase of population, be entitled to t wo Members. — Returning officers are to be elected in- stead of being nominated by the Sheriff. A change is also meditated in the obnoxious phn of dividing the I*Otl,*itlt,s.-Iii small places not containing 300 ten! pound houses, it is intended to supply the defiency from those of J6'S. or even £ 7, rather than seek voters in the adjoining districts.—The clausegiving the right! tvotin, to = £ 50. agricultural tenantry will be with- i drawn.—No objection to most of those changes will, we are persuaded, he made by the friends of the Hill, each of the points heing- from the first of questionable character. It is reasonable to adopt the actual popu- lation as the criterion, and better to lower the franclue bring in non-resident votes.—British Traveller.

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