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.————————— LONDON. .............


————————— LONDON. A THURSDAY, OCT. 29. IBICES have been received from Basque Roads, which afford the hope that aft- opportunity will conn present itself to the^e A pJr S(amen °f distinguishing themselves drckjr o ^n(-^ squadron, consisting of one three- *hree frigates, and "some smaller yPf'Un(q ^ar> are sa'd to be lying in the roads, as ,}°t at a^ Pro;ec^<)ri of a strong- battery, but n 110t at a greater distance tliai-i two gun-shots from the sam1S S(^ua^lon> which had come to anchor in three ?4> ^Tu' consisting of one three-decker, and adishosif3' enemy had more than once evinced it was thi0n v° ^a°e ^n^er^or force, but the wind, their int°U-t' not hitherto exactly favoured *° please^n." ^iey are probably very difficult Were onl ''V. resPecf; however, our brave fellows batteries^ ^at enemy would leave the Could wi'v> • m'?^t ^ave all the advantages they irfrrn their ^lt!ler ^rom the state of the wind, or Mr. j0i exist*ng superior ity of force. ^patches 8005 Messenger, is arrived with have not tr r0In. J^tllerica- The contents of them are by noansP"'eclj but we understand that they &r?-ett'ul tnea„ns a pacific nature. The dis- tjie Atnerica^p exPe^*t'on to Canada has made hn«t"]- .res^ent more determined upon ton- kin upon th 1 aGS' the hope of wiping off the the Ainerioa 6 merican Councils, no less than upon heels of sucj" To make peace upon the from Washi & ^race wowld be," says a letter Xx 3ePr«aeh and^ con^igning' Madison to the "v A letter frn I°U^e .even own partizans." Thc unnaJn 1 er'ca' dated September 26', says, in liberality of the British Go- granting licences for the protection t5).e ^eelaratfn^ I property, before and Since ft111/10** I am afraid^ —S kn°Wn in England' P°rtion of nJr l be reciprocal bete. The small 48 sought out ls Propeity in the vessels arrived, rner' i^nd tK° rWl av*dity, both by the privateers- °f tondernr^ .lls*0K1~h°use officers, for the purpose American i*3*00^ ^ro°f °f the property being ar5d if sat isf*3 t° Pr°duced at the time of entry, the owner e S0o^s are to be delivered to satisfactcT1 ^oad for the amount; if Properfy to ™ncl is reason to suspect the i'he honds p^- ^tish, it is to be seized at once. Penalties J t 'le goods will be liable to the »)ass i e ^°n-importatio<i Act, unless Con- done dW *° cance^ them. This is expected (^ulatjfjVi ant^ the Secretary of the Treasury 0/s,assu.re(i the importers, that it was the to om 'm!ri^trat'on to recommend to Con- lo 3llbi konds of Aniei i^m property; ft,rteituie >,tC whole of the British property to

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