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A V.. WEDNESDAY, OCT, 28. '■ aw/V *T°ni ,^(1s<on» New Yoik, and Halifax, from tl^F nioll | i]lg'j and brought Papers lifax to P|ace to t*ie *nst* an<^ fi'om Ha- gencer tV !• ^ere 's t^e National Intelli- I Warren's OW!n £ > ar^c^e» relative to Sir J. i With Amer^rMVnr ^owe,s to negotiate a peace of the aiT'Ca'i To this We have subjoined an account from Washi^gtat ^a^ax a ^d& truce direct UjL *'Briti^XT^110^1, ^TELI'IGE-NCER, SEPT. 24. 'j the 9th • EGociati°N.—A letter from Halifax i ^'Oiiicnj-irii lnst' sa7s:—Sir John B. Warren is ] Wanda exPected here, with five sail of the V heisinvest^111 ■ 1 fr%ates it is understood that & peace w 'J} P°wers to negotiate and conclude j Cotne unnn <■ ^°Ur ^overnm-nt ■, or, if you will not war e'ms him, to unkennel the dogs jtkV' ry s> yOU." f I ^^t'aeter cJ\T B Warren coming out in the j peace Y^°penhagen Jackson, to negotiate a j.f ^vJe n demand the surrender of our tight ^pressed °^( t'u'r with the abandonment of our "t'ean as anc* *-he right of navigating the | so, ihe e'ms °n which peace is to be procured? r,fonicSina^V. n>a-' easily foreseen; but if he I oe easily reniov^l'^ am*' ^ie imPediments can LIF v f^ursdav af»' ,°CT" ^—We are informed that on IstJia Washing Uoon. a of 'truce arrived direct ^!le Governor r U di-patthes for his Excellency ) Enough (l!e who is absent on a tour I' *yanspired Is'ncl:- ^ie contents have not j Canada languishes, and General *J»e capture o-^F^ n°-a11 emPt °*' any consequence. •; he Brifj^h arp 01t.^AYR'E JS said to be confirmed. ^kin^ every lleC'UP t-ie roads in Canada, and Ihere is a °essary precaution against, invasion, Polled to the Arv/)0r' some disaster having hap- Niagara. f aitial was hplri { ti'iday last a Court C]the tliaI of Can't Jfni hiS MaJesty's shiP Africa, > |) a crew of hi- vr ,lcres> the surviving Officers f°f surrendm.1 ^es*y's ^ate ship La Guerriere, rigate Constitnf- 0i S^'P ^ie United States j rmi.'al Sawver p' °n the l9th of Aug.—Vice- ('ation, the-c' lesident. After mature consi- iv, rhat the S„ ?Uac to the following opinion ],•l>l.er to prPqpe 'yd Guerriere was proper, v A ,illUlb crew anri6 i!^e ^ves ()'" ^er va^uable re- 1 SltUation L r at ^er being in that lament- I'ichwvJ^ ^ie accident of her masts '■ l*i.»ei!')aa frorri8 tiCCaci0ned more by their defective thef SuPe'ior in16 6 °f the enemy^ though so i saS ente> Ur»anim STS a'ld men' The Court do' fvl • Ptain Dm °U8ly and honourably acquit the rsSyh5 late andcrew of hi" { I 3 10riouv;ii, "uernere, and they are J rj-|1e ac(LUltted accordingly. and a hn-ti' having quitted r(). etevsbme.u i e ^eing expected, reached Riga 1 fhrier Was seftin l°n the 9th inst just as the v (,te es thLoff.. The Berlin paper of the !»n in thp Moscow and fixed his ]w,S skle ofM^ ofPefrowitz, three leagues I I'he 7UW,y lo \V!thr]QU'' raay bave been done ( •'•nfo,ia3t ^llet ldraAV'n« hi3 army from Moscow. 'C': <« Z*? **«< on th,; 27th ull. It ^Qut tk Kiemr 0n^Jai te inhabited the 'lie p.SaHH' :c and that the weather was i,i, u the end of Paris October. But j!adWt 1)1 iv if i, v and 20th stated, on the 'riy-,). •lrt' that it. ^ers' tllat the frosty weather ;l tliat TAUee de§'recs below the freez- -in that /)naParte was still at Moscow 'Sri ^aoooUnt of h' t tlUe' We can hardly think C0ujd have ]! havinS quitted Moscow after i "Uioi. A 4/0 miles' fv Jy i!le 9th. Moscow I a H|t l8o tersburgh, and Peters- s°,i,at ,he P P„ ut the aoor. ravel between 6 and 700 f f-0i,rfJ„'is Papers, „f ti'nts 'n the private letters in *>{ j- an*' it iS fn i e 'h and c20th, may be in- I i o 1 .te's beinc^ leaiar^ed that the statement rh(, ,> UsC(nv> is st^,at Petrowitz, three wersts nent a'iS PaPers of tu ln t^le official paper. tithe 21st and 22d are totally I.v jfe,s °[,erati°ns of t!ie army. offieerof the ?'lstl,ight ke ij,hat the arniv t i S Arm-V' dated thc 3d i«st- Sk-lis ai'dZ2io R] r> moved onto Araniuez, in 1 Im'O,!1!' tllat in al?'f^ wiucir city he was then inhaS > 16 towns they had marched M ^IIHU So'(her befiJ1 an^s,n°t having ever seen a "!>r ,S) ^l'~ua les *1' ^stified their approbation by 'hel; ,ir' ;he palU(.(1 "§f's' the officers were :V off '^tants vie ° •le late Kings of Spain, and ,• Vclnfrs and S0^:ersw?tieaCh °ther in sliP!}1yinS- l tiley have not necessaries—in all their I I[is p seen shadow of an enemy. A'v 'a ^i'aee th T\ ~—— ]^Cd with a leu,6 °f Kich;i!0r,d has been ho- iST8 0f Cf ,'°m ,he Pri,ll:e <=x- Off n Irelan< 1 10il. of the wllole of his er of the Vipe,. ^s S!:dd be has also received e to contin ">ship of Ireland, if he should -Irish Pape 'r bead of the Irish Govern- vfv M Four 1 L ^Urt>fries, vvl^ Prisoner of war on parole Hi !evvai'd for h;c f JUS! received the gift of liberty ^ter /ately br°ke out'inTi'5 i.n4extinSuishinS a fire ,/iv., the Editnv at <own> has written a t gratitn 1° ♦ 16 Journal, ex- and success" • ° habitant s for their Ii -eno ,huniane att +-nterferenceinhis behalf, and ('C f wl'He he r,! 011 and Politeness he expe- tonletterconchid r a Prisoner Dumfries. r-V^r JC. ^0s°m ofr,tS^ h'llows :—"When restored rf^nS relation^ l.Iends> to the caresses of mv i >k?°Unt the f 'I6 sha11 be the grateful task LSini"er3 favourU1S ,estowed on the friendless 5 »»t ltu a^eviate nS. v K'^ ^Ve contributed so our captiv"fU1 refcses> and render easy the wki^ these Htt/ Impressed with a grateful IV. xat)le report nf H 0ns' 1 cannot but carry a fa- 'iii'Ci, °w Prison 1611 con^'tion to the friends of >li»!lbehaPPv ifS8W.h,om leave behind j and I W ot returning- t,'°videnee afford me an opportu- | doners in Fr^c "8G s kindness to British i


FRIDAY, OCT. 30. ------


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Family Notices