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JIIUHARD PHILIPPS respectfully announces ha •' ^lleat*s> an(l the Public in general, that lng succeeded Mr. John Daniel in the manage- for^ ^APER> future, be printtd > and published by him, in Lower Market-street, during the period of his EDITOR- F» he has been so fortunate as to obtain for the A1!.},{AR1'HEN JOURNAL a degree of popularity, which has exceeded his most sanguine expectations, he U^eS a the Patronage with which as been honored as an AUXILIARY, will be CUEMUEC^ TO ^'NI AS a PRINCIPAL 5 and that the the c^S^atl0e ^l's possessing the largest stake in future eri'' considered as a pledge for his e exertions. has ^owever> that the success which ilatterin^ atteu(led this Paper has been truly ARIOO-ANF IL0^ES> L*LE EDITOR is neither so expect ex T t0 nor so unreasonable as to frauds C lS1CUe ^tronage,—even from his warmest chutes the ^artlc'J'atlCjn public favour con- °t>ject -n fUnmi^ °* wishes,■land to attain that frota 6 t^>e c^lef study of his life. Devoted, r^rrt!v,wh' literary and scientific j of such'h'vv ^'tor trusls> ^at the general result this Pa a *tS VVi^ Prove SQ far advantageous to *lasis 0/W aS to ent^e it to lank with the first THeN JOUEEKLY PriNTS; and that the CARMAR- I'Oint of l/NAL' 38 a emulating riiediutn, will,in tensive^01 matlon' aSSrega.te interest, and ex- acquisiti U neSS' c9ns>uered as an important THE"110 ^)RII!?CIPA^ITY OF WALES. k perfluoUs eul,SllteiJetl sera it v^^fkbe su- ^ducted 6SCant ul)0n the utility of *0 poinj- | ew&lJaPer 3 and it would be equally § £ t local aa'va iiahabitants of South Wales, the and reSpe ta&es possessed by the ancient, opulent, ^•ends ^alj^e town °f Carmarthen. To those of a °wever, who conceive that the perusal of a dally paper pecludes that satisfaction which a Editor be "'0,UUla^ would otherwise impart, the [ the peculiaS ,eUVe to °'Jserve^ that this Paper has fceral news' ;^vantaSe ot superadding to the ge- c°nsiderable C°nfaine^ **te London journals, a anr* trans., ^)olt")n °* the interesting occurrences f ^'Illation on th C Pai)ev au adequate vehicle of in- [ Commerce anrliYUP°,,Ulnt s-ubjects of Agriculture, ^dition'tofo °Ulest'c^conomy > and to furnish, (local 0ccurr tOXe^nan(i^oruesticintelligence, such Will be the^r3 &le interesting to his Readers, i 'Ccotnmodate S Constant study. In order to r 4u'ts, the pa^eiSons°f different tastes and pur- ( Nicies of a s^ld^ n°t he wholly devoted to contain, occ -Cle^ ^0Ca^ ov temporary nature, but 'Ejects con"810^117' essays and disquisitions on best int ne°tec* w'th, and calculated to further ,As'at fmankind- e best interests fmankind- iively interest ^rGSent event'ul period, the most Public mind n3Ust nt>cessarily be excited in the the da ^em')erate discussion of the politics ai'ttiarthen J prominent feature of the fcllc« Of his an<^ the Editor hopes, that in their •3 CrS 33 ma^ occasi°nally ditFer from his scntin)entleWs 016115 or of measures, will treat 18 the distin ari^.°Pini°ns with that candor, which liberal ^U.'S^lnS characteristic of enlightened ?Cl'upulous r^X1^s* lu consequence of the most Matters which ?rence a system of neutrality in ^Hgratulate v- ° not concein him, he has now to i»g patr ?1Se °n the auspicious circumstance as th ?n^ze^ Parties 5 which lie con- •. As no descr' ^uaranfee of success. HjKtCl|lated t fading appears to be better ■P^Jon, an(j 1^Ia^en tbe cul'iosity,—arrest the at- minds ofm a laStin^' imPreijSi°n on the duc- ^^spapers .^°Utb tilan that w hich is furnished by good or ev'i1S ev^ent that a considerable portion 'J8 eqUa|iy obVl •rna^ ^ovv r"l om such sources j and it Hfcet is vj(. ,V'10U8' that a proper choice in that, re- W^ioyg, y essential towards establishing the P ^ons.. \j 0Tja and P(Jhtical principles of young b<" ly and cn convict'°u> the Editor can ^'Usal of t, ns^'tnti0usly recommend the habitual *° relie^ airnarthen Journal. Nothing hos- t3tcite a bl^sk^1, °r inorality;—nothing that can 1 ^Sered to poii °n .^le c^ee^ °f modesty, shall be f e subservieil. Ute Co^umns j nor shall the Paper (j ^^trnent, !° bad passions of envy and re- -lJr tQe honQ^lV'n^ currency to sentiments which, 1.^1 eased. The ^uman uature, ought to be re- is ^UaiMeclaj presumes to hope, that i wUle At 1 *'lfeconsideration and patronage ■A]. J^t advanced PRINCIPALITY, will be some- circumstance of his bein^ a


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