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f WANTED, I A FEMALE capable of teaching Four or Five j ii Children Jo read also plain needle-work. She will | fce hoarded in tin- Family, and if of middle age, the more agreeable.—A satisfactory reference will be expected. Letters, post-paid,directed to Mr. Moss, Qftraarthen, Will be duly attended to. LODGINGS. LODGINGS. WANTED, in. an airy situation, bv a small prenteel Family, three or four best Bed-rooms, and '•. a good Parlour or Drawing-room they will be engaged for f three months certain, and, probably, for the winter-months. t (fcsT Enquire of the Printer of this Paper, letters post- I p a* ti. ."E&URSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Jl Chancery,made in a caufee of OLDHAM against GOUL- STONE, the Creditors of JOHN OLDHAM, heretofore Colonel on the Madrass Establi hment, in the East Indies, and late of Carmarthen, Esq. (who died in the year 1805), are on or before the 6th day of November next, to come in and prove [ their Debts, before JOHN SIFRTIVGETT HARVEY, Esq. one I Masters of the said Court; at his Chambers, in South- ampton Buildings, Chancefy-lane, London or in default f thereof they will peremptory be excluded the benefitotthe Saul Uecree. KILRHEDIN PARISH. TO BE SOLD, In One Lot, or, if more agreeable, will be divided into Two or Three Lots, and disposed of by Auction, ABOUT SEVENTEEN ACRES OF UNDER- WOOD, on Penbrin Cradock Farm, together with 35 t years growth of OAK.—May be viewed on application to the Tenant at the Farm. ( D. MA INWARI NG, I& MARBLE MASON AND STATUARY, CARMARTHEN, JD&ETURNS his sincere thanks to his Friends ana -■JL' the Public for the favours already conferred upon him, and begs leave to inform them, that he continues to i "W ork Black and other Marble Chimney Pieces, Monuments, Tombstones, &c. &c. in a neat and expeditious manner, fqual if not superior to those manufactured in London and Bristol. (fcir Monuments and Tombstones neatly lettered. Bristol. d (fcir Monuments and Tombstones neatly lettered. » N. U. All orders that he may be favoured with, will be punctually attended to. • — — ir J TO B4 LET, AND E.VTEBED UPDN IMMEDIATELY, T At the Old Ivy Bush, Carmarthen, oil Tuesday, Oct. 30,1810» I TOE FOFIXOWMO | -IELDS or Parcels OF LANDS, HAMANS, PARK-f-SEIRI, and PARK-Y- CNWC; situate in (lie Parish of St. Peter's; also ISLAND-FAWR, situate ii the several Parishes of Aberg- willy and Langunnor.—Eledible Tenants will meet with en- eouragement. -1 COUNTY OF THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. eouragement. -1 COUNTY OF THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. TO BE LET, And entered upon immediately, for a Term of Years. A NEAT COTTAGE and GARDEN, with or without Two or Three Small Fields, distant from the of Carmarthen, about one mile and a half, on the side of the main turnpike road leading from thatplace to Haver- fordwest and Milford. The Cottage consists on the ground floor of two sitting- rooms, kitchen, brewhouse, cellar, coal-house, pantry; on t the staircase a small store-room, on the second floor two f good bed chambers; and on the attic story two bed rooms, with a place to put a servant's bed on the landing place; at- tached thereto is a three stalled stable, and coach-house, with a loft over both, all in good repair. The House stands on a gravelly soil, enclosed in a large walled court. ftlr For further particulars apply to Edward Williams, Solicitor, Carmarthen; if by letter, post-paid. [ LANDED AND GerBER PROPERTY I SOUTH-WALES. Messrs. BROWNE and CO. LAND SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS, BNo 41, Soufhampton-row, Russd-sqW, London; EG leave to offer their services to the Nobility and Gentry of SOUTH-WALES, who mav have Pronertv BNo 41, Soufhampton-row, Russd-sqW, London; EG leave to offer their services to the Nobility and Gentry of SOUTH-WALES, who mav have Pronertv PuhlV dAesc"Pti0H ™thin the PRINCIPALLY to dispose of by f S lf A"ct,on °l Pmate Contract; and to intimate that inLti 1 ° ?xtens,ve Establishment in London, onether with an unlimited connection and correspondence Jv Jr««Shout the British Empire, enable them, in moPst c!ses, d ployers ef m ves eminently serviceable to their Em- JP" Money to any ampunt advanced on Landed Property, or by way of Annuity. •" Letters to be post-paid. JP" Money to any ampunt advanced on Landed Property, or by way of Annuity. •" Letters to be post-paid. ik '~—■ ■■ UNIQUELY BEAUTIFUL 8$ROMANTIC FREEHOLD ESTATE, SOUTH WALES. FREEHOLD ESTATE, SOUTH WALES. 1 TO BE SOLD Br PRIVATE CONTRACT, i -A F^EHOLD ESTATE, (nearly equal to Tythe 1• > v ^a"Si,tuate on Banks of the tivy, k a.nd within 300 yards of a large Vilkijre. The Estate eon conSv°f *a substa"tial stone"bu,i!t VILLA, replete with all convemence, with domestic and agricultural offices, of every Possible description, together with 240 Acres of Wood and •ass Land. I he Estate abounds in Game; and the Fishing; f « most excellent. s in Some valuable thriving and mature Timber will be deluded in the Purchase. Plans and particulars, may be seen at the Office of tessrs. Brown and Co. Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 41, & Wtthainpfon-nnv, Russell-square, London at the Printer's the Carmarthen Journal; Bell Inn, Gloucester; Mack- "0t"th Arms, Swansea; and at the Hotel, Bangor. "orth Arms, Swansea; and at the Hotel, Bangor. .1' TO COUNTRY SIIOPKEEP^&S$OTIIRES. WHEREAS a set of S\|I^LKRS are now travelling the/Cow WRY to s<^cit ORDERS in the «ames of DAA and M Blacking Makers, 97, High ',i j °'bor.s, London.—^bnUieepers and others are, therefore, cautioned from tlie.Jj^jg that is attempted to be prac- tised on them, ;l^My paying attention to the No. 't w ill easily detect the counterfeit, many of them having no I nUlltba at lilt; and prosecutions, after this notice, will be ( ^nwencedagainst any persons offering the counterfeit for sale. N. B. No HAM PINTS made, London, 4tliuf August, 1810. s LINEN-DWFRY, HABERDASHERY, AND SIERY. {:¡U1£./ ROBERr MENZIES, FROM DUM| RIES, SCOTLAND, OST respectful informs the Inhabitants of i-vJL Carmarthen, and"\ the Public in general, that he has now on sale, at his Shop, in King-street, late in the occupation of Mr. Ilarlis, Printer, afid opposite Mr. White's Library, a very extensive stock of Scotch Car- peting Foreign and British Damask Table Cloths, from six quarters to six yards n,and from 4s. 6d. to 10 gui- neas Table Napkins and Tea Towels to match rough and dressed Foreign and British Sheeting, 5, 6, to 10 quarters, or 2 yards wide, i breadth never before offered Diapers, Clomings ;Hucl iback and Russia Toweli ng" Scotch Holland English ai j Irish Linens; Gulix and Flan- ders Holland French anc Scotch Cambrics; which, with his general assortmentof Sc teh Goods, gives an opportunity to every individual to pure tase wholesale and retail to an advantage. It is particularly request 1 that respectable Families will notice his rich and elegant Collection of BED and TABLE LI- NEN, which, notwithstandin, the very great advance on those Goods, will be sold on ter" equal to those purchased many years ago in London, or arn part of the Kingdom. Families at a distance will be served!on the same honourable terms- as if present, by sending ol)er dimensions, as the lowest prices will at all times b sked, from which no abatement will be made. R. M. from his long e r.i;eiiee and regular mode of doing business, having luthertffRfcn'able to give satisfaction, hopes now to merit the same fr hose who may be pleased to fa- vor him with their coill. October 5, 1810. .!¡; i' I L TON's NEW QDAltlo EDITION W THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. r J Completed in 120 Number^ and illustrated with upwards of 130 Engravings, descriptive of the most prominent Cir- cumstances in the varies; Reigns, and Portraits of all the Sovereigns .who havesW^yed the Sceptre of Britain, from William the Conqueror.t- A large Whole Sheet CMART of the opposite Coasts of EXGLAJD and FRANCE, AND WHOLTT SHEET MAPS OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND, This Day is published, (Price only ^EIGHT-PENCE,) Containing Sixteen Pages pf Letter Press, elegantly printed on superfine Demy Paper; embellished with a superb Frontispiece, from a Drawing by Thurston, engraved in the first style by C. Warrfen.) !'> Number L the succeeding Numbers to be published Weekly, of A New and Complete HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Including a faithful arid accurate Narration of all the Events in the Political, Civil, and Religious History of Bri- tain, from the Landing of J'tilitis Cresar to the Commencement of Hostilities with France, jn 1803. t By GEORGE COUIifTNEY LYTTLETON, Esq. Notwithstanding the continued increase of the price of Paper and Printing everj number of this Work contains sixteen Pages of Letter Press, with One elegant Engraving, and many of the Numbefs are embellished with Two En- gravings, which is more |n Quantity than is given in any other Publication sold at Ihe low Price of Eight-pence per Number, A FINE EDITION Is printed on Wove V ;llum Paper, Hot-pressed, with Proof Impressions of the Plates, coloured Maps, and elegant Vignette Title Pages to ea >h Volume. Price One Sh Ili-ig each Number, (Idf* This History may be Mclin 120 Numbers, by one orniore Weekly, or in Three Volu: nes, handsomely bound in Calf and Lettered. To render THIS WORKias complete as possible, the Au- thor is now publishing em elllshed with elegant Engravings, Maps, &c. I A CONTINUATION TO THE HIser RY OF ENGLAND, From the Commencemen of Hostilities with Bonaparte in 1803, to the Jose of Year, 1810. Price One S illing each Number. Thirty Numbers are alJeadv published and the Remain- der will be brought forw rd on the first Day of each Month till complete. f A Superior Edition i printed price 2s. each Number. Printed in a handsome uniform manner, to correspond with the above Work, \lhich will continue it through the progress oi the PRESENT WAR, and form a complete Journal of the Events oflModern Times. Printed and PufoUshfd for J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn-Hill, London J and sold by J. Daniel, rinter of this Paper, and by all other Booksellers and Ncwscarriers in Town and country. < For Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, Ring-worms, Black-worms, Carbuncles, lJ;c. ofc. the greatest blearer and beauiifier of the Face, is undoubtedly SOLOMON'S ABSTERGEMT LOTION, which removes all disorders of the skMVpints 4s. 6a. half-pints 2s. 9d. It isi the most elegant, fifajj^ajw, mild, safe, ana va- luable liquid or wash, for scorbutic and other eruptions on the face and skin. It gently restoies tln skUl to a degree of fairness and purity, beyond the poVers of description. La- dies may rely t.iat it renders/he skin fair, delicate, and re- moves every kind of staku tan, sunburn, and ;4l those freckles, w-uch Ions; JlneisVelnd fatigue generally produce in short, it is the onk~\osiwptic a lady can use at her toilette, with ease, comtort a«d^afety, or a gentleman have recourse to when shaving is bek\jie a dreadful operation by anerup- tive disease on the faoe. Sold by J. Danjgj/, Printer of this Paper, and to be had of all Booksellers and Nfcwsmen in Town and Country. Where may be had, SOLOMON's DETERGENT OINTMENT, 4s. 6d. a box, or the cure of old wounds, sore or scald heads, ulcers, chil- blains, sore legs, scorbutic or scrofulous humours, chopped hands, burns, or scalds, gangrene, or mortification, erysipe- las, or St, Anthony's fire, fistula, piles;, King's evil, &c« II. LINEN & WO LLEN-DRAPERr, HABERDASHERY AND HOSIERY -WAREHOUSE, M.DRKET,PL E, CARMARTHEN. T. PkRRY, A EGS leave respect fialy to inforra the Inhabitants of Carmarthen and itt vicinity, that he has opened the House lately occupied bylviessrs. Tidmas and Co. near the Market-place, with an entire new and elegant assortmentof Linen and Woollen Drapely, Haberdashery, Hosiery, &c. &c. which having been selJfrted with the greatest attention from some of the first manufactories in the kingdom, lie trusts he is enabled to subittt to puhlic'inspection on such terms as cannot fail to secuiB a liberal patronage and by an unremitting attention to bulliess, he hopes to ensure a con- tinuance of support from t ose who may honor him with their commands. t T. Parry particularly rec mmends to the notice of Fami- lies his Stock of Irish Lin ns, Sheetings, Counterpanes, Printed aud Dimity Furnitu cs, &c.&c. As the purchasing of these articles, of the best abric, and on the lowest terms, is always considered as a mf ter of importance, T. P. has given that branch of the tradi his closest attention; and flat- ters himself, from his experi ice in it, he has been able to procure such a Stock, that, or variety and cheapness, he may venture to challenge coi petition w ith the first houses in the trade. Among his select n are 7-8 and 4-4 Colerain and other Irish Linens, purchasecfifor cash at least 6d. per yard under their value. The very lest make of Lancashire Drog- heda and Irish Sheeting at leduced prices. A variety of Counterpanes remarkably chlap. Printed Furnitures from 15d. per yard. T. P. has so purchased a considerable quantity of Town Printed Ca ibrics of the newest patterns, adapted for the approaching s ason, from 18d. to 2s. 2d. per yard, usually sold for 2s. 6d. A large assortment of 4-4 and 6-4 Cambric Muslins from Is per yard. Jacconott, Mull and Book Muslins of various qualities and prices, with a great variety of fancy, do. 1 P. has also to notice, that he has been enabled to purchase for ready money) a variety of broad and narrow Cloths, co iderably under their real va- lue, and which he is determin d to offer at a small profit.— Ladies Pelisse Cloths of the m it fashionable colours, with a select assortment of Kerseyme cs, Waistcoatings, &c. N. B. Country Dealer^and Travellers supplied equally cheap as in London, for READT MONEY only. QdlT Funerals furnished, ani every article of Mourning supplied, on the lowest terms. | ft CARMARTHENSHIRE. FOREST/TREES. TO BE SOID BY AUCTION, At Pant-y-rhebog, near Yelindre Shenkin, in the Parish of Penboir, in the said Coiinty, on Monday, the 29th day of October, 1810, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in such lots as shall be then andUhere agreed upon, THREE HUNDRID THOUSAND and UP- WARDS of fine, healthy, transplanted FOREST TREES, viz. ASH, t HORSE CHESNUTS, OAK SCOTCH FIR, three to five BIRCH, years old, BEECH, LARCH, Ditto SYCAMORE, PINE ASTER, 3 feet. MOUNTAIN ASH, The greatest proportion is Scotch Fir. Pant-y-rhebog is within hree miles of Newcastle Emlyn, and one mile of Veli^dre eiikiii, and adjoining the Turn- pike-road leading to Carm rt/len, Cardigan, and Lampeter. ftlr As the Ground mus be cleared and given up on or before the first day of M rch next, the Trees will be sold' without reserve at a very i duced price; and the same may be viewed and examined y applying to Mr. David Jones, Velindre, aforesaid. j SOCIETY = FOR 'ROMOT1NO CHRISTIAN KNOWI EDGE & CHURCH UNION In the DIOCEl E of ST. DA FID S. Premi ms for 1811. A Premium of Ten 'ounds will be given for the best Essay, on the Qi zlilications, Literary and Moral, of the Clerical Profession. < Also a Premium of T renty Shillings worth of Hebrew Books will be given fort c best Transcript of the Hebrew Primitives from Buxtorf, with the leading signification of each Hebrew Word in E glish. This Premium is intended for the best of not less th: i Three Transcripts at each School. Also a Premium of Te Shillings worth of Hebrew Books for the second best Transfcript. to Also a Premium of Ttiventy Shillings worth of Books, for the best Latin prole exercise, On the Omnipresence of God, and on duties res ting from. it; and a Premium of the same value for the best Latin verse exercise on the same sub- ject, will be given to th be-st of not less than Five Compe- titors, in any of the lice cd Grammar Schools in the Dio- cese.—This premium to i|»e tifecided by the judges of the Easter Examinations, anajat the same time. Also a Premium of Foley Shillings worth of Books to the best of the successful exen-ises. The exercises to be sent by the Masters of the several Schools, to the Rev. Mr. Barker, Vicar of Carmarthen, on gr before the 1st of May, 1811. S Rev. T. PRICE, Auditor." — 1 DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID S. A GENERAL ORDINATION will be held by the Bishop of ST. DAVID'S, in the Church of St. Pe- ter's, Carmarthen, on Sunday, the 9th day of December next. The Candidates are desired to send their Papers (in cases not exceeding one ounce each), directed to the Bishop on or before the 17th of November. The Candidates are to be at Abergwilly on the morning of Tuesday, the 4th, for Examination. Carmarthen, Oct. 18, 1810. CHARLES MORGAN, Registrar. .DR. SOLOMO,,V's ANTI IMPETIGINES. rFWE Anti-Impetigines proves of the highest JL utility in all cases of depraved habit with affections of the skin," hence its efficacy in cases of scurvy, scrofula or leprosy, as well as \n the opnfirmed lues; and hence bv its sanative power it expels UA virus out of the system, and restores it to convalesceiieVV AJ scorbutic complaints, lues venerea, &c. Mercury, AntwionV and Aqua-fortis have been recommended and tried, bulthewhave reduced the patients who have made use of them to' most deplorable state, and have left cwmplaipts which the skill and abilities of the first physicianslliavfl\feen unable to cope with. These dis- orders fly bcte»e me. effects'of the ANTI-IMPETIGINES, even when salÎvaH ha. ailed, and leaves the whole frame firm and healthful vPrice half-a-guinea a bottle, and the family bottles with the quantity of four, thirty-three shillings only, cl, by which thejfe is a saving of nine shillings, with copious folio bills •rdirections, and with the security of having the proprietor's name in the stamp, SA^.IL. SOLOMON, Liver- pool," which secures to the purchaser the genuine medicine. -r-Sold by J. DANIEL, Printer of this Paper. CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Tuesday, the 30th instant, at Kilgadan, in the Parish of Llandefilog, ALL the Elegant and Useful HOUSEHOLD J-.& FURNITURE of a Gentleman, going to quit Wales:— n Comprising four-post bedstead with chintz furniture camp ditto, with ditto hair mattresses nankeen, chintz, and di- mity window curtains; a set of mahogany dining tables, ma- hogany side-board, butler's tray and stand, dumb waiter, celeret, mahogany chairs with hair seats, mahogany card ta- bles, knife-cases, mahogany bureau and book-case, maho- gany chests of drawers, a painted ditto; an eight day clock sopha, swing glasses, dining-room Brussels carpet, drawing- room do. ditto, a Scotch carpet, bedside and stair carpeting; brass-rods, bed-room chairs and tables; mahogany and other chamber horses; a piano-forte; receptacles; blue chi- na, glass, earthen-ware, a double-barrel gun, polished steel and wire-fenders.—Cows and yoiln^ Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Ploughs, Harrows, and a number ot otaer articles too nume- rous to insert. (f-:1í The Sale will commence at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, ,and continue till the whole is disposed of. W. DA VIES, Auctioneer. Credit on approved security. CARMARTHEN. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, ALL that Capital DWELLING-HOUSE, Out- houses, Gig-house, Stables, and Garden, situate in King-street, Carmarthen, now in the occupation of Mr. John Brown, Attorney-at-Law. The above Premises are in good repair, and fit for the re- ception of a large family. Or the LEASE, for two lives, aged 45 and 18, will be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. Q^Sr* For further particulars apply to the said Mr. John Brown, Guiidhall-square, Carmarthen. Sept.29,1810.