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PRESENTATION TO MR. W. L AH AMY, UPPER CWMBRAN. INTERESTING PROCEEDINGS. A meeting of a singularly interesting character was held at the Bush Inn, Upper Cwmbran, on Saturday evening, for the purpose of doing honour to Mr. W. Laramy, recently under- mTnager at the Upper Cwmbran Colliery, upon his retirement from that position after a long period of able and faithful service in the interest of employer and employed W t became known, some time ago, that Mr. l^aramy intended relinquishing the ™i^nt P°^ion he had so long occupied, it was felt Wiat sucn an event could not be allowed to occur without being marked in a tangible form by the mens sense of his character and ability, ^committee was accordingly formed, and subscriptions solicited, with the result that it was decided to procure a splendid double-cased silver stop- watch, and handsome illuminated address.^ The former bore the following inscription Pre- sented to Mr. W. Laramy, by the workmen and officials of the Upper Cwmbran Colliery, in re- cognition of 45 years service farthfally and conscientiously performed- September, 1891. Prior to the presentation meeting the committee, the recipient, and other friends, numbering 60 altogether, sat down to a splendid repast, which ■did great credit to the catering of Hostess Jenkins. Mr. E. Quilford presided over the meeting subsequently held, when the room was packed to its utmost capacity by interested auditors, Mir. D. Morgan being in the vice-chair. The chairman was supporte4 by the guest of the evening, and Mrs. Laramy Mr. W, Wood, hon. sec. of the testimonial committee J Mr. T. Grey, ion. treasurer Councillor D. Thomas Messrs. H. L. Morgan, Maesyrhiw: R. Evans Board Schools; Dl. Jones, under-manager J. Burgess, W. Knipe, &c. The proceedings were marked throughout by much enthusiasm. The Chairman at the outset explained the absence of several gentlemen. Their manager had had to leave by the four o'clock tram, but hoped to be present before the meeting broke up Mr. Parfitt was absent from the district; and their medical officer, Dr. Bowen, had written to say that he could not be present with them, but he had subscribed very hand- somely to the testimonial fund. (Hear, hear.) He would ask Mr. G. Edwards to read a letter he had received from Dr. Bowen. Mr. G. Edwards said the part of the letter referring to the meeting was as fowws:- Dear Sir.—I regret that I cannot attend the Sresentation meeting as I hoped to, owing to omestic circumstanced. Please convey my hearty sympathy with the -object of the meeting? and I trust the recipient will live long to 1en3°^ repose and a useful and active life, an example to the younger men to strive to earn a similar recognition." (Applause.) The Chairman said they now came to the business of the meeting, which was to 00 honour to their friend Laramy for his past services. Some time ago a committee was formed for the f'Urpose of getting up a testimonial for their; riend on his resigning the post under- manager. He had known the recipient ever since he (the speaker) was a little boy, and had worked under him now for more than 20 years. During that time he had learned to respect him for his straightforwardness and integrity, and he thought if they imitated him in those qualities they would do welL (Hear, hear.) If there was anything wrong, he did not hesitate to tell a man of it to his face, and that was a good trait in his character. (Hear, hear.) It was said that to know a man they plust live with -him, and he had lived very close to Mr. Laramy tor a .number of years. He always found him to be a J man, and whenever he took his advice he found -U did not go very far wrong. He had known b"A in several spheres as an official, but could never emher him as a worknum. All the workmen hadjMironised the testimonial hand- somely, which spoke very well of Wm. (Hear, hear.) The former proprietor of the colliery, Mr. J. Lawrenoe, had been seen by their frieni Mr. H, L. Morgan, and had, also contributed .handsomely to the fund..Mr, Parfitt and other outside gentleman had also contributed, shewing the respect in which he was held in the neighbourhood. He was very grateful that they had made the presentation such a success- (Hear, hear.) There was one thing for which the Cwmbran Colliery was noted, and that was for the length of time it had kept its officials. About four yeans ago they got up a testimonial for their manager upon hie completing a period of 21 years at the eollieiy. He had now been there 25 years, whilst their friend Laramy had maintained an unbroken connection o £ 4o years with the colliery. {Applause.) He asked them mnr to diiiuk wMiwlth « tlM-gneet «f the evening, Mr. W. Laramy. (Cheers.) The toast having been heartily honoured, Mr. John Jarrett, who was called upon to present the watch, said he was placed in a posi- tion he had never previously occupied, and experienced a feeling such as he had never felt before. He had the advantage of the chairman, who said he had not known Mr. Laramy as a Workman. He had known him as a workman, and they had worked together. He had driven a tram of coal for him, and he said Beest thee coming again" ? (Laughter.) After that Mr. Laramy became his manager, and he had taken his instructions from him, and they had worked together har- moniously. There was no man for whom he had more respect, and he gged now, on behalf of the subscribers, to ask his acceptance of the watch as a token of esteem. (Cheers.) The Chairman said he now had another and 5leasing duty to perform, and that was to ask Mr. ohn Miller to present the address, but before doing so he might mention, as an illustration of the uncertainty of life, the fact that since the testimonial was first talked about, one of the committee had passed away, He referred to their departed friend James James, who was ready to help in any way that he could, and whose name they had left upon the address. Mr. R. Evans then read the address (which was beautifully illuminated and handsomely framed) as follows To Mr. Wm. Laramy. Dear Sir,—On behalf of the workmen and offi- cials of the Upper Cwmbran Colliery, we sincerely desire, on the occasion of your resignation of the post of Urider-Manager, to place on record our high appreciation of your personal character, and of the admirable manner in which you have discharged your important duties in the various positions you have held in connection with the Colliery. For the exceptionally long period of 45 years you have maintained an unbroken connection with the Colliery. 'During- this period, a period marked by great legislative changes in the management of mines, the Upper Cwmbran Colliery has largely developed its workings, its output has greatly increased, vast improvements have been effected in its ventilation, and by its skilful management all these changes have, ttnder the direction of Providence, been ICCKKM 'ofSS?" fr<?edom fr0m 8erious We heartily recognise that by your ability your constant and faithful adherence to duty, and yonr intimate practical knowledge of all matters per- taining to colliery work, you have largely contri- buted to these results. Though the time has arrived when you feel it incumbent to relieve youcself of the onerous duties attached to the post of Under-Manager, we rejoice that you still retain yotar connection with the Colliery. We earnestly trust that with the greater freedom and less responsibility you will noy enjoy, you may have health and strength to maintain that connection for years to come. Accept our sincerest hopes that in all your relations in life you and your beloved wife and family may have all prosperity and happiness, and that as the evening of life ad* vances you may enjoy the consciousness of having performed your duties well and faithfully. With renewed assurances of our respect and esteem We are, dear sir, in all affection, Officials- Workmen- DAVID JONES. HENRY NICHOLAS. JABEZ BEESTON. JOHN MILLER. J. BURGESS. CHARLES JONES. P. JACOB. Z. CHIVEES. SAMUEL FRY. JOHN JABRETT. ISAAC MORGAN. JAMES JAMES- WM. JOHNSON. JOHN EMANUEL. WM. MEREDITH. DAVID MORGAN. WM. HUGHES. WM. WILLIAMS. • JOHN PARKHOUSE. E. QUILFORD, Chairman. WM. WOOD, Secretary. Tnos. GREY, Treasurer. AUgnBt, IOT1, Mr. J. Miller said that the committee was formed some three months ago, and after having talked many things over in connection with the testimonial, they had come together that night to close the matter up. Being one of the oldest workmen in the colliery, he had been selected to present the address, and it afforded him great pleasure to say a few words in reference to their friend Laramy, whom be could remember for more than 40 years. He (the speaker) had been working in the colliery for more than 42 years. He should be 50 years old on his next birthday and he was taken to the colliery at 7 years of age. There was no School Board then. (Laughter). The first man he worked for at the colliery, with the exception of his father, was Mr. Laramy, who was then a collier the same am themselves. He remembered the time when he was taken from cutting coal to be a gaffer on the roads ,by night^and after that he became their under-manager. He had nothing to say of him except thakhe had been a straight- > forward man. And he did not mean to tell them that anyone had had anything from him more than they had worked for, (Laughter). If they were in any difficulty, he had advised them like a father. He felt proud of the re- spect their friend had gained, and hoped he would live long to enjoy that handsome present. He begged now to hand him the address, and was sure that their best feelings and best wishes accompanied the gift. (Cheers). Mr. W. Laramy, who was loudly applauded on rising, said that it had been a pleasant meeting so far, but he felt that there was rather an un- pleasant time now coming on, although Itnught be thought that if anyone could give a good speech that evening it would be mmseir. (Laughter). He thought they were all pretty well acquainted with him-some of them for a. very long time—and he was not a very good hand at that sort of work but when became to talk to them one or two at a time, he could manage pretty well. (Laughter). When he came to face what was before him that evening, however, he felt somewhat timid. He might say that what had taken plade that evening had been something he never expected, for he never imagined that he should receive that high token of respect from them as the workmen of the Cwmbran Colliery. He might have bad the name of being somewhat hard in his dealings towards them, but he was satisfied/of one thing, as was mentioned in the address, that whatever he had done had been done conscientiously, and that he had always tried to be straightforward in all his dealings. (Cheers). He had been, as already stated, overman and under-manager among them for something like 20 years, and he felt grateful that he could look over th tt 20 years with some of pleasure. He was glad to think that it had been any unpleasantness between it had long since passed away. When he first became an official among them on his appointment as overman—and this circum- stance would be well understood—some of them thought it rather strange, seeing that he had been a workman amongst them for something like 20 or 25 years, during which time he had always helped to fight their battles and advocate their claims--they thought it strange that he should become, as it were, their master, and there was a little unpleasantness on that account on the part of some of the men who were not as sensible as they might have been. There were some men who thought they were going to have everything their own way and have whatever they wanted but the most sensible and most reasonable part of the men did not expect such treatment. There were many men present in that room who had worked under him for 20 years, and with many of them he could venture to say that he had never had any cross words or misunderstandings whatever. (Cheers). He remembered one or two disputes occurring after- wards, in connection with which, at hIs request, he met the men and the miners agent at that house, and after going into matters thoroughly, he was proved to be right and his opponents wrong. From that time up to the present he was glad to think that things had gone on plea- santly between thun as overman and workmen. (Hear, hear). Of course little differences had cropped up occasionally, but they had always' been brought to a, peaceable end. (Hear, hear). He did not think there was a collier or other workman who could say he (the speaker) had ever wronged him out of 2!d. (Hear, hear). With regard to the workings, great changes had taken place., and the number of firemen had been considerably added to. When he started they only had two or three, but now they had eight or ten, and they had always worked J together amicably and pleasantly. (Hear, hear.) Whenever a new fireman was started, he always laid down his rules, putting before him his way of dealing with the men, and, if he had any au- thority as to measuring work or keeping time, he always told him to be straightforward in his dealings, and then he would have no occasion to fear either the men 0r the masters. (Cheers.} He was very thankful to them all, and could not find words to express the gratitude he felt and owed to them all for the very kind way in which they had rewarded him that evening. With regard te their manager, Mr. Jacob, who had been with them something like 25 years, during the greater part of which time he (the speaker) had worked under him as overman and under-1 manager, only on one on had they ever had any cross words, and that was not very long ago —a fact that shewed that they had got on veJW well together for the whole of that time, (Cheers.) He felt abundantly thankjful to all who had subscribed towards the testimonial. Reference had been made to Mr. John Lawrence who formerly owned the colliery, and under whom he had worked for something like 20 years. He remembered once, when a dispute took place, be (the r) was a nted witli others to have an interview with Mr. JLawreneei1 and state the men's grievances. The meeting took pl&ee on the old rubbish tip after it one of the men expressed the hope that i*, \0 speaker) would not suffer for the part he had taken in the matter, as he was only there as the representative of the men. Mr. j Lawrenoe assured them that he (the speaker) should not forfeit his esteem on that account, and circumstances proved that he had kept his word, for they worked together pleasantly after- wards, and Mr. Lawrence had now contributed towards the testimonial. After referring to the extension of the colliery workings and to the freedom enjoyed from serious accidents, the speaker again expressed his thanks for the gifts which had been presented to him, and resumed his seat amidst applause. Songs were effectively rendered by Messrs. Frank Isaacs, H. Cannard, T. Bevan, J. Robin- son, and F. Houldey. # Addresses were delivered by Messrs. D. Mor- gan, C. Jones, Z. Chivers, S. Fry, and W. Wood, all highly eulogistic of the recipient of the testi- monial. The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Councillor Thomas and Mr. H. Morgan, both of whom spoke of the sterling worth of Mr. Laramy. The latter gentleman read a letter from Mr. J. Lawrence, the former proprietor of the works, in which the writer, in enclosing cheque, stated: Although many years have elapsed since I have had the pleasure of shaking hands with him I have the most vivid recollec- tion of his sensible and worthy conduct, and I was always impressed by his independent, upright, and truthful manner. I have never been acquainted witn a ? better specimen of a natural-born gentleman." The reading of the letter was received with loud applause.. „ The toast of "Prosperity to the Patent Nut and Bolt Co." was responded to by' Mr. Chas. Lang and Colonel Jacob. Mr Lang trusted the present prosperous con- dition of the Colliery would long continue, and spoke in high terms of the enterprise of the Patent Nut and Bolt Co. Colonel Jacob apologised for his late arrival, but important business had detained him else- where. As manager of the colliery he had the greatest possible pleasure in bearing his testi- mony to the invaluable worth of Mr. W. Laramy. For nearly 25 years he had found him conscien- tious, hard-working, and faithful to the last degree in the discharge of his duty. He trusted that he would live long and enjoy all happinesss. He trusted that the men would do their utmost by their good feeling and discretion in their work to maintain prosperity in the colliery, and thus mutually benefit themselves and the com- prny. (Applause.) Votes of thanks to subscribers, the Hostess, and Chairman, brought the pleasing meeting to a close.





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