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EPITOME OF NEWS. BRITISH AND FOREIGN Last Sunday the town of Rensaukee, in Wisconsin, was struck by a terrible whirlwind. Only three houses were left standing. There were eight persons killed and twenty injured, and two others are missing, Very severe thunderstorms have been experienced recently in different parts of Essex, accompanied by copious showers of large hailstones. Many animals have been killed and buildings damaged by the lightning, and injury has been done to crops by the hail. At A veley, the residence of Ir. E. Wood was struck by the electric fluid, which travelled through nearly every room of the house, throwing a domestic servant out of her chair a distance of twelve feet, knocking down a stack of chimneys, smashing the rain pipes and pump, blowing out windows, dislocating coppers, and doing other mischief The master cotton spinners of Bolton and neighbour- hood have resolved to reduce the wages of their work- people five per cent., provided the masters representing two- thirds of the spindles in use sign an agreement to this effect It is stated that all exertions have failed to procure more than £10,000,000 of subscriptionstowards the internal loan of £30,000,000 recently issued by the Russian Govern- ment. The Mark Lane Express of Monday says that the heavy showers of rain which have fallen, have, on the whole been favourable to the crops Haymaking has indeed been hindered by the weather, but a large proportion of the crop has now been gathered, the yield being everywhere good. Reports as to the wheat plant somewhat vary. While in some localities it gives promise of an average crop, in others it appears thin and dwarfed. As to barley and oats, the reports are not favourable, and the fonner at pre- sent does not appear likely to yield more than half a crop. Beans and peas promise well. The new service of express trains between Man- chester and Liverpool was inaugurated on Monday. The trains invariably completed the distance within the 45 minutes allowed. A bulky volume, of over 1.100 pages, has recently been printed fn America, at the expense of the government giving a full account of all the public libraries in the United States. In 1776 there were only 29 public libraries, with 45,623 volumes; in 1876 there are 3,682 public libraries, containing 12,276,964 volumes and 1,500,000 pamphlets. Of these libraries, nearly 3,090 have been organised since 1850. An appendix contains some very valuable papers, parti- cularly one on the best method of preparing catalogues. This report deserves to be well studied by all English librarians. The anti vivisectionists have hit upon a new and ingenious method of furthering their views (says Vanity Fair). On the last Hospital Sunday many reverend gentle- men who had made impassioned appeals for these charities were gratified at finding in the collecting-plates a more than expected number of donation-slips. But on examining them, most of them were found to be inscribed not with a donation or even a legacy, but with a signed statement to this effect, I declare that I will not subscribe to any hospital where the revolting practice of vivisection is carried on." Lord Beaconsfield, who arrived at Windsor Castle on Sunday, and had an audience of the Qujeen returned to Loudon on Monday. An accident occuwed last Friday near Privas (Ardeche) to a party of seventeen pilgrims on their way to La Louvese. They were surprised by a fog, and the vehicle in which they were travelling fell down a deep ravine. One woman, named Duchamp, of Caux, was killed on the spot, and ten others were seriously injured. On Saturday her Majesty the Queen drove to Old Windsor, and visited Mrs. Bagster, widow of the late Samuel Bagster, the publisher of the Polyglot Bible. Mrs. Bagster will attain her hundredth year next month. Official news has reached Washington that a detach- ment of United States troops has pursued a band of maraud- ing Indians into Mexican territory, recaptured the stock which had been stolen, and wounded some of the Indians. William Cureton, a private of the 36th Regiment, was shot on Saturday while engaged as a marker for a de- tachment of his corps who were practising at Ernesettle, near Saltash, and he died on Sunday. The accident arose from one of the soldiers misunderstanding the bugle call to cease firing after the danger signal had been hoisted. The Quinine Committees which have been formed in many Russian towns will not obtain full supplies of the potent tonic without a large expenditure. What with the great demand caused by the war, a partial failure of the crop of cinchona bark, and the difficulty of getting it to ports, owing to the insurrectionary outbreaks in South America, quinine has greatly advanced in price. It is now retailing in England at about 18s. per ounce; not many months ago it was only 8s."—Mayfair. At the Glasgow Police Board it has been agreed, on the suggestion of the Lord Provost, that a vigilant look-out should be maintained, lest the Colorado beetle should visit our shores. The Privy Council instructions were ordered to be sent to the "Glasgow Agricultural Society, with the request to warn farmers on the subject. The Lord Provost said he had seen thousands of beetles heaped upon the American shores as they had been washed in, after at- tempting to cross the Atlantic. While returning home from New York he had seen them on board on the second day at sea. General Ladmirault, military governor of Paris, has sent an order to the physicians of military hospitals, pro- hibiting the patients- under officer's rank to receive any newspapers whatever. Officers will be permitted to receive "Conservative newspapers" (i.e., those in the interest of the Government), but they must make a formal application to that effect. Now we have adopted the Whitehead torpedo as the weapon of the future (says the A rmy ad Navy Gazette). it is gratifying to find that no pains are being spared to en- sure their being worked efficiently in ships which have been fitted with the mode of ejection. The Shannon, for instance, will carry a torpedo lieutenant, and her chief engineer and special engineer for torpedo service will also be fully qualified by passing through a course of training in the con- struction and use of this lliventlOn. A new metal, according to the Golas, has been found in platinum mines by a Mr. Kern, wfio has named it "Davy," in honour of Sir Humphry. The NouvelUste of Rouen states that, according to an official inquiry in the wine-growing districts, the crop in France this year will be one of the most abundant of the century, and will exceed in quantity that of 1875. Each sprig holds from 30 to 35 grapes of unprecedented size. An American officer named Sale is said to have invented an aerial machine for use in warfare. It consists of a slight framework, covered with loose canvas, which be- comes filled with air, and thus the apparatus is kept afloat. In order to make observations of an enemy's camp at night the machine is made fast, and a kind of parachute provided with fire balls is sent up the line, which at the proper point ignites the fireballs, and thus illuminates the surrounding country for a considerable distance. A trial of the apparatus Is said to have been satisfactory. Apropos of the rapid printing in connection with the Caxton celebration, I am reminded of an incident which actually occurred at Ormskirk, Lancashire, a few years ago. An old lady walked into a shop and asked to be supplied with a Bible of the same bold and black type as a venerable specimen she carried with her. Being told that there were none like it in stock, the ancient dame, adjusting her skirts to a sitting posture, replied that she would take a seat whilst one was being printed."— Mayfair. Mr. T. B. Potter, M.P., in presiding at the annual meeting of the Cebden Club on Saturday, remarked that from many communications which he had received from America, and from an exchange of views with Americans visiting this country, he had good reason to believe that there was the dawn of an improved state of things in the United States on the free trade question. Americans had begun to see the evils of protection, and the disadvantages of restrictions upon navigation and commerce. Not a single carcass of either beef or mutton arrived at Liverpool during last week from America, a circumstance which has not happeued for many months past. There were landed, however, on Friday a consignment of 300 head of fine oxen from Boston. From Canada 876 quarters of beef arrived, and from New York about 3,000 packages of fresh butter, brought by the Inman steamer City of Richmond. Aceording to the Temps the military authorities of France have decided upon issuing an order sanctioning the wearing of spectacles by the officers and men of the French army. In Germany spectacles have long been worn by both officers and men in the ranks. It is recognized as essential that an officer should be able to see his men, and that these latter should be able to clearly distinguish the target at which they have to fireand therefore, unless spectacles or eye-glasses are permitted, every short-sighted man must lie excluded from the army. The return of Wrecks, casualties, and collisions from July 1, 1875, to June 30,1876, shows that the total number of vessels reported to the Board of Trade as wrecked or as having met with casualties at home and abroad was 7,998. Of these 1,148 were total losses, 2,344 serious casualties, and 4,506 minor casualties. The total number of lives lost was 2,486. In British ships only the total loss of life was 2,283. The American papers publish a private letter from General Grant to a friend in Philadelphia, written in London in the midst of the festivities with which youhave honoured him. co I appreciate the fact," says the General, "and am proud of it, that the attentions I am receiving are intended more for our country than for me personally. I love to see our country honoured and respected abroad, and am proud to believe that it is so by most all nations, and by some even loved. It has always been my desire to see all jealousy between England and the United States abated, and every soTe healed. Together they are more powerful for the spread of commerce and civilization than all others com- bined, and can do more to remove causes of wars by creating mutual interests that would be so much endangered bywer." The late Queen of the Netherlands was laid in her coffin dreBBed in her wedding gown Attention has been called to the fact that apart from Queen Anne and other royal ladies, no woman in England has ever received the honour of a public statue. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Gillespie, a great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin, the President of the Committee of the Woman's Branch at the Philadelphia Centennial, has arrived in Paris, and is stopping at the Hotel de Holland. A new temperance crusade is reported in the Southern States of America. An Elmira letter alleges that whole committees have resolved themselves into temperance organizations, and" developed effective temperance orators from confirmed drunkards almost on the instant." Mr. Ward Beecher has been offered £5,000 for a lecturing tour in California. An attempt has been made to perform an operation on the Pope, whose feet have lately become powerless. Philippe de Angelis, the senior of the Cardina priests at the Vatican, has died in his eighty-sixth year, having belonged to the Sacred College for nearly forty years. The rifle is a weapon which may be used either as a firearm or—when the bayonet is fixed—as a pike. When the Martini-Henry was introduced, it was found that we had the shortest staff for a bayonet of any army in Europe. Very properly ignoring the declamations of those theorists who declared that the bayonet was an obsolete arm, the War Office determined to compensate for the shortening of the rifle by the lengthening of the bayonet. Last year 35,000 long bayonets were constructed, and the manufacture is continuing. With these bayonets we shall have a pike equal in length to the longest in Europe.—Vanity Fair. On Saturday a report on the Paris Exhibition of 1878 was read to a full meeting of the French Committee. The works are described as in a more forward state than the most sanguine anticipation could have predicted, and the building will certainly, it is said, be ready at the appointed time. In London, last Saturday, when the Lord Mayrr took his seat in the Justice-room of the Mansion-house, there waB not a single prisoner for trial, a most unusual cir- cumstance there, and the Chief Clerk, in accordance with custom on such occasions, presented his lordship with a pair of white gloves. The journals of Finland announce that a large quantity of smoke is issuing from a mountain situated near the river Tarra, and that the snow is melting throughout that neighbourhood. Hitherto, that mountain had not been remarked as voloanic. The colliers on strike in West Lancashire have been reduced to great straits. The union men have received strike pay," but the non-unionists have had nothing what- ever to draw The belief gains ground that many of the pits will again start running in the course of the next few days, and that a considerable number of the men on strike will resume work. On Sunday, Dr. Vaughan, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, made some remarks on the present posi- ticfn of the Pope. He condemned the action of the Italian Government in reference to the temporal power, and said Catholic Christendom wowd not cease to continue by means of every energetic power which it could legitimately use to agitate until the Sovereign Pontiff became the father of all. The practical question was that the Pope should be thoroughly independent and subject to no monarchs and that he should live in a territory which was governe4. by himself Lecturing in the theatre at the Royal United Service Institution, in London on Monday ening, upon "The Discipline of the Volunteer Force," Captain H. W. Hummell, of the St. George's Rifles, said that there could not be any doubt with regard to the present value and efficiency of the volunteer force, but he thought the discipline maintained in their ranks was of a description barely sufficient for the proper fulfilment of their present duties, and that the only method to make them perfect soldiers was to place them under the powers of the Mutiny Act. In London, on Monday, Mr. Hardwicke held an inquest at the St. Pancras Coroner's Court, concerning the death of John Page, 77. The evidence showed that the deceased, an inmate of the infirm ward at St. Pancras Work- house, asked one of the helperB to give him some house medicine, upon which she went to a cupboard and took therefrom a bottle and poured out a glassful, which Page took and drank off at a draught. He immediately found that there had been a mistake, and that instead of medicine carbolic acid had been given to him. Although everything was (1o lie ior the deceased he expired in five minutes. It was clearly shown that it was against the rules of the house for anyone except the paid nurses to give anyone medi- cines, and that the bottles were of a similar kind.—The jury returned a verdict of Death from misadventure." His Royal Highness the Duke of Oonnaught visited the Queen's County Rose Show, which was held in Mary- borough, on Saturday afternoon, and everywhere received a cordial welcome from a large number of visitors. The Prince afterwards inspected the camp of the Queen's County RieB, and in the evening dined with the officers, after which he drove to Stradbally Hall, the residence ef Captain Crosby, where he remained until Sunday evening. A ludicrous incident occurred on the Duke's arrival at Mary- borough station. After his lugggge had been put on a car, an elderly lady, who did not recognise his Royal Highness, went up to him on the platform in an excited state and told him she had lost her bandbox. Her tone and manner sug- gested that he knew something about it. Receiving no reply she ransacked the Duke's luggage, and, not finding the object of her search, returned to his Royal Highness and, with gestures which implied suspicion, said, Mind, it was a white one His Royal Highness was much amused, and the spectators also enjoyed the scene. Speaking at the opening of a coffee-room tavern in Manchester, the Bishop of Manchester said he waa afraid that until it became a fixed idea in the minds of iõhe people that thehealth of the body and mind, tbe comfort of people in their homeB, the morality of our young men and young women, was infinitely of more importance to the country and an infinitely greater source of wealth to the country than the 20 or 40 millions which were derived from Customs and Excise, all the dealings with this demoralising element in the life of our countrymen would be nothing more than tinkering. The old lady who, man and boy, has for thirty years sold apples in Westminster Hall, had a great fright on Tuesday morning. She had been over to Covent Garden to buy her store for the day, and was, at a quarter past seven, approaching her familiar stand, when she saw Mr. Whalley issue from the Hall and rapidly cross the yard. Then came Mr. Parnell, and, lonyo intervallo, the Major. The old lady dropped her basket, and, standing staring at the hon. members as they passed at this unwonted hour, exclaimed, 'Bless my soul! The war must have broke out. —Mayfair. The Gardener's Magazine, in speaking of the rose season, says "One conclusion will, we expect, be pretty generally accepted. There can be no question now that we have had a good rose season, and the bloom of 1877 must be pronounced satisfactory on the whole, although this is not, in the fullest sense of the term, a season for roses. The warm winter, the cold spring, and the sudden burst of heat in the early days of June, were circumstances unfavourable to the development of first-class flowers, and yet we- hare Been two good rose shows In L0ndon, and several good ex- hibitions in the provinces, and we are satisfied that the season is not a bad one, although, perhaps, it might have been better." All persons will be glad to hear that the Russian painter Verestchaguine is rapidly recovering from the wound he received the other day while serving as a volunteer on board a torpedo vessel. His loss would, indeed, have been irreparable. The Russian school af painting is not large, and few artists have contributed so much original matter to it as the great delineator of life in Central Asia. On Monday morning the body of a gentleman (was found upon the London, Chatham and Dover Railway near Kearsney Station. It is supposed that he was run over by a train on Sunday night while attempting to cross the line. I is stated that the French clericals are impor- tuning the Pope to live in France, and in this they have the support of the Freuch Government. Hitherto Piux IX. has resisted these appeals, and they are now being renewed. Amongst the French there is a saying that prayers should be short and sweet. General Grant has a similar idea of eloquence. When he arrived at Ostend a few days ago, he answered the compliments of the burgomaster with these words, "I am obliged for your sentiments."—The World. M. Gambetta has been waited upon by a deputation composed of French residents at Berne, mostly from Alsace and Lorraine, who presented him with an address and a gold watch. In reply M. Gambetta assured them that the cause they had at heart was assured of success. The Republic was Hireatened, but its destruction was impossible. Their enemies hall seized on power and would keep it for three months, but those three months were a gain of three years. There was no sort of doubt about the issue of the struggle. No excuse would be given for violence by illegal acts, and when the solemn verdict of the nation had been rendered, right would naturally and peacefully assume its place. The London Hospital Sunday Fund (Mansion House) on Monday amounted to £24,700. A despatch to the Daily Telegraph says that a distinguished Prussian officer, serving in the Russian ranks as a volunteer, was killed in the battle at Sevin. In the Town Hall, Leicester, on Monday night, a banquet was given to&eicestersliire veterans who had served in the army and navy. There were 74 present, 65 of them being medallists. Thos. Broomfield, a pointsman at Crewe, has been run over by an engine and instantaneously killed. The deceased, who was almost cut in two, leaves a wife and seven children. The German Crown Princess—our English Princess Royal—last week had the misfortune to lose, while bathing, a valuable bracelet, a present from his pei-ipatetic Majesty of Brazil. The forest-keeper searching the bed of the river, succeeded in recovering the bracelet. He hurried to Potsdam, and Her Imperial Highness, thanking him heartily handed him a small packet, which he found to contain J675 in bank notes.—Mayfair. The Bishop of Manchester preached at St. James's Chucch, Blackburn, on Sunday evening. In the course of his sermon, he said that a statement had been made, by which he was much misrepresented, to the effect that he had been connected with the Society of the Holy Cross and their book entitled The Priest in Absolution." This asser- tion he denied, anù said he was utterly opposed both to one and the other. The movement was about to be dropped, and he hoped all further agitation would cease. Prince Leopold on Saturday afternoon unveiled a monument in St. Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London, to Alberico Gentili, a great Italian jurist and founder of the science of International Law, who. being driven from Italy by persecution in the sixteenth century, came to England and devoted himself to teaching at Oxford, and was buried in St. Helen's churchyard. The Chancellor of the Exchequer acknowledges in The Times (as Conscience Ioney ") the receipt of £ 26 48.. sent anonymously. The iron Clyde-built ship Roxburghshire, 929 tons, Captain Christie, sailed from the Tail of the Bank, Greenock, on July 5, bound for Brisbane, Queenbland, with the following number of emigrants on board—viz., 114 single men, 57 single women, 64 married people, 43 children between the ages of 12 and 1, and 4 infants, making a total of 282 souls, equal to 256J adults. The single women are under the care of Mrs. Ware, Dr. J. Raphael Joseph acting as Surgeon-Supefintendent. During the past week the catch of salmon in the Tweed and along the sea coast has considerably decreased, and prices have risen. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Clayton, the wife of a miner, was killed by lightning at Woodthorpe-park, near Sheffield. She and two other women were haymaking, and sought shelter under some trees during a thunderstorm. All of them were struck by lightning, and Mrs. Clayton was killed instantaneously. A bronze statue of Robert Raikes, the founder of the Sunday school system, is about to be erected by national subscription in his native city of Gloucester. The movement is promoted by the Sunday School Union. As a merely dramatic event, the collapse of the Russian campaign in Asia is certainly equal to anything that has happened in recent warfare. Not even the events of 1870, notwithstanding their greater suddenness and enormously larger scale, can compare with it as a reversal of previous conditions and expectations, though, of course, the disaster is not, as was then the case, a final one, and the tables may any day be turned on the Turks by the arrival of reinforcements, or by their incautious substitution of a policy of injudicious attack for a policy of judicious defence."—Leader in Daily Express. The Governor General of Canada received the following messages from Lord Carnarvon on Saturday The Queen is much ooncerued at the report of the great fire in St. John. Please report for her Majesty's information." I am commanded by the Queen to express the great sor- row with which she has heard of the terrible calamity that has befallen the city of St. John, and also to. express her Majesty's sympathy for the sufferers." The streets of Constantinople were surely never so full of strange faces and costumes as at this moment. Re- presentatives of all the Mussulman tribes of Asia Minor Arabia, and Egypt crowd the nalTowstreetsllndalarm timid visitors from Europe. Many of them are rascally-looking fellows, and have already distinguished themselves by their cowardly behaviour. The police, however, keep a sharp look-out upon them, the Government knowing how dangerous it would be to have a repetition in the capital of the acts by which the Bashi-Bazouks are known in Bulgaria. Thai might offend the diplomatists of Pera. Therefore thøøe men are sent off to the seat of war as rapidly as possible. Correspondent of Daily News at Constantinople.

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