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THE WAR. (From the Daily News of July 12th.) Our Correspondent with the Russian army advancing upon Rustchuk sends the important intelligence that the 12th and 13th Army Corps have been constituted into an army under the Czarewitch, for the siege of that fortress. The Prince will have General Cameowsky for the chief of his staff. The 33rd Infantry Division, of the 12th Army Corps was at Biela on Mon- day, with the cavalry division in front, while another infantry division is marching towards Rustchuk by a route nearer to the Danube. The 13th Corps with the Czarewitch was at Paulo, behind Biela.. The cavalry and infantry of the army of Rustchuk is thus now well on its way. The Turks are still in some force (JIt the north-east front of the Russians, but foil back without serious fighting. The road from Biela to Tirnova is open, and there is telegra- phic communication between the two towns. Our Special Correspondent with the advaaooa guard of the Russian 12th division of the 12th. Corps in Bulgaria, the same who described the capture of Biela, sends us this morning an ac- count of a sharp encounter which he saw laft Monday beyond Biela. Four squadrons of a Cossack regiment which our Correspondent ac- companied were passing along the road near the village of Bakleuse, when it suddenly came upon two regimeuts of regular Turkish cavalry. Secured by the nature of the ground against outflanking, theCos&aek colonel disregarded the superior numbers of the enemy, and at once attacked. The Turks had the advantage of weight, and the Cossacks that of swiftness. The resistance was steady and obstinate, but the Turks were gradually pushed back, when, wheeling about, they disclosed some companies of infantry and two field guns. The Cossack colonel hereupon sent to General Arnoldi, who was in the rear, for dragoons, who soon made their appearance with a Russian regiment. The dragoons dismounted and fought on foot, and, extended in skirmishing order, worked upon the flanks of the Turkish infantry and cavalry, while the Cossacks and hussars charged in front. The Turks fell back, but the steadi- ness of their infantry, we are told, prevented a keen pursuit. Uur Special Correspondent with the Russians at Sarevica states that the whole army was not across the river on Saturday, and that the bridge was constantly giving way. The march of the heavy columns upon Tirnova was prC)." ceeding, and the 30th Division was already at L Batak, fifteen miles from Sistova. There were indications of an advance by Plevna, and our Correspondent anticipates an attack upon Nico- polis, where the Turks are still The weather is described as fearfully hot, nevertheless the health of the army is excellent, and hay and grass are abundant. As some fearful tales have been circulated respecting horrible treat- ment of Turks at Batak, we may call attention to our Correspondent's statement that at Batak nearly the whole population which is Turkish remains at home unmolested." The Russians, our Correspondent says, hope to tempt the Turks out into the open by their ad- vance on Tirnova, and our Correspondent no doubt expresses thaieeling of the camp in re- presenting their disdain ior their enemy. It is very early yet, however, for jubilation. Alit ^ttCtaistaiitifiopte ttfat he has attacked the itwdsian detachment which had occupied Plevna, and driven the enemy out of the town. Plevna is on the Russian line of advance, and will probably be evacuated without fighting when the infantry divisions move up. The telegram of our Special Correspondent at Erzeroum shows that the relief of Bayazid has not yet been effected. Ismail Pacha re- ports that he has left Ipek, where General Ter- gukasoff lately was, to occupy the heights of Bayazid with a detachment of the right wing of the Turkish army, and compel the surrender of the garrison. According to the statement of Cossacks who, having gone down to the river by night to fetch water, had been cap- tured, the garrison was much straitened for want of provisions. Of General TergukasofFs force which was lately fighting in the neigh- bourhood, and which was last stated, from Russian authority, to have retired to Igdyr, in order to be supplied and equipped for a fresh advance, our Special Correspondent at Tiffis reports that it is still on Russian territory. A correspondent at Constantinople friendly to the Turks states that much uneasiness is felt there concerning the advanced oosition of Xlukhtar Pasha, and he has been admonished by the War Office to beware, as it is believed the Russians are concentrating in order to deal him a heavy blow, which, if delivered while his right wing is separated from his centre, could not fail to be disastrous. The Russians report a number of successful encounters with the Abchasians in the Cauoa. BUS. A report was published yesterday stating Redif Pacha, the Minister of War, had died suddenly. There is no one in Turkey whole death would just now be regarded as so favor- able to the interests of peace as that Minister's, but, as our Correspondent at Constantinople informs us by his telegram of yesterday, the news is untrue.

