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TVTETTING, NETS. NETTING for Fishing, j GAVE POULTRY & GARDKN from Id. per yd. Write for Lists Si Samples 2 stamps. David Reid & Co., Hilton St.. Manchester. IRON HURDLES, IRON HURDLES. All kinds of Iron Hurdles, Continuous Fencing, Field and Entrance Gates, Manufactured by BAYLISS. JONES and BAYLISS, Victoria Works, Wolverhampton, and &. Crooked Lane, Bang William Street, London. Catalogues free on application. FI UNS!BREECH& MUZZLE LOADERS,RIFLES, VT&ct-Catalogues Free. J. P.CARR,Dundas 3t.,Huddersfleld. ARCHERs New Patent BoNE CRUSHER. ARCHER'S NEW PATENT STONE BREAKER. Sea. Sole Manufacturers, DUNSTON ENGINE WORKS Coy., Gateshead-oa-Tyne. TYETROLEUM OIL. — Contracts now JlT made for tbe Coming 8eason;.Price List on application. AM^BTHAN OIL LIGHT COMPANY, LONDON. HnHE PETRIFYI(^SILICATE PAINTS, HnHE PETRIFYI(^SILICATE PAINTS, 1 PROTECT IRON from CORROSION; WOOD from DECAY Do NOT BlJBTBB, AltK NOW-POISOWOBI, BMLMANT, DTTBABLS, ECOKOMICAXU For HOUSE, SHIP and GENERAL USE. Manufactured in all COIOUM bv the SILICATE PAINT COMPANY. LIVERPOOL. I\A1FFP TTnnSES. DAflLP CHURCHES XI &C, CAN BE CUBED CHEAPLY ^THOROUGHLY by the PETRIFYING LIQUID Manufactured Transparent or tn XTv -— LIVERPOOL SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, vrtio also the Sole Manufacturers of the Petrifying Silicate Paint. EDW ARD-PïNKDELÏCACIEB ARE THE BEST. BUT of AiJ. GEOCKBS. Jams, Jellies. Marmalade, Pickles^Sauoes, Bloater Paste* w. SCMLLTNGS^BRIGHTON SELTZER As supplied to the House of Lords. J unr. Un ited ServioeClub, jkc., at 4 per do& Carriage irseiwterenoAgents^CMM ofsa dozen from the Manufactory, 9, MIDDLE ST., BRIGHTO. URE DEVONSHIRE CIDER supplied in Pipes, Hogsheads and Quarter Casks. Apply Jo Jno. ons& Co..CiderMerchants.Totnes, Devon. Agei.ts Wanted. CHAMPAGNE CYDER, Lime Juice Cor. dial & VINEGAR. HENLEY & SON, invite AGENTS for Bale of the above, all prize articles, of increasing demand, Pam- Phlet on applioation. Office, Joiner StMTooley St., London, S.B. WALKERSÙOTèHARLS, OAT ■ MEAL CAKES, bak'd wi' butter and guid Scotch Meal, every Family ought to use them. WALKER'S Royal Digestive or Entire Wheaten Biscuits are regularly supplied to the Queen, & highhr reoom- mended forpersons ofweak digestion & WAXiKER's Banting Biscuits are void of fat formers, and unsurpassed for reducing over-corpulency. WALKER'S Biscuits can be had through any Wholesale or Retail Grocer in the United Kingdom. or from the Manufacturer, John walker. Manufacturer of Biscuits to the Queen. Olsvelaad-st., Glasgow. DR, xicuoils, TflOOD of HEALTH. J- 8d. per Pound. One meal a-dav would give health to thousands who are now Buffering from Indigestion, Constipation, and their attendant Maladies. Sold by Chemists and Grocers everywhere. Wholesale Agents. Franks & Co.. Little Tower St., London. THE POST OFFICE TEAS. JL SoM ONLY at the POST OFFICES throughout the Kingdom. Pure, Rich & Strong, 18 to 4/- per lb. in yeUow wrappers only, Sole Wholesale Depot, Pilgrim Street, London, E.G., Where particulars of Agenaia* may be obtained. FURE TEA.—We have received a Sample of Tea from Oliver Oliver, & have no hesitation in sapng we desire no better. It was equal to what has oost us 3/8 per pound.— Watchword. To enable the Puhlio to taste & judge we will send 8,18 or SO lbs. at S/6 per pound. Carriage paid to any Railway Station in England on receipt of P.O.O. Dealers sup- plied direct from Bonded Stores. OLIVER OLIVER & Co., Tea Importers, 06, Coleman St..Exchange, London. Sample post free. XHOR CHCnrERX; DIARRHOEA J- DYSENTERY, Ste. DR. J. COLLIS BUOWNB'S CHLORODYNE. A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—1The extraordinary medical reports on the effioaoy of Chlorodrne render it of vital importanoe that the publio should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words -Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vioe-Ghaneellor Sir W. Pace Wood. the "Times." July 10th. 1864 Numerous testimonials from emment Physician* aooompany each bottle. The General Boardof Health, London, reports that it act.8.. a charm, one dose generally sufficient. Earl Russell reports to the College of Physicians, London, that Chlorodyne was the only remedy of any serrioe in Cholera. Dr. Gibbon, Army Medioal Staff. Calcutta, states:—" Two doses completely cured me of Diarrhoea." Sold in bottles, l/U, 2 9, & 4 6 by all Chemists. Sole Man*. faoturer, J- DAVENPORT, 38. Gt. Russell-st., London, W.O. YE'S -^fORSDELL's XI ILLS, I THE BEST SUMMER MEDICINE Cool the Blood. Purify the System. Go to the root of disease. Cored thousands. Established over 80 TIWTI f AMPLOUGH'sPYRETICSALINE -U ÍfI most agreeable and elficaciuns in preventing and curing fevers, small pox and eruptive complaints. It instantlr relieves the most intense headache & thirst, iludif given with lime-juice syrup, is a gpecifloin gout & rheumatisru. 113. Holborn-hiIl,E.C. tost Free, bix Penny Stamps. A DVICE AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE -c3L- INVALID in SEARCH «f HEALTH. With oertain remedies for MELANCHOLIA, Nervous Prostration, Impaired Digestion, &c.. &c-, their epeedy Alleviation and Cure by a new and simple prooess. J. WILLLI-A-ATS, P.M.V.. Mariachal Street. Aberdeen. Wo RM: S. Lloyds "Vegetable Worm Lozenges, for all kinds of Worms in Children or Adu-ts oausing foetid breath, paleness, variable appetite. ffrmajng tne teeth, disturbed sleep, fits. &c. lie v. J of St-pav id s, writes, *4 They execute tb air work nobly. Sold by all Chemists, or sent post tree for 16 stamps for children, or jg stamps tot Adults, from MR. J. W. LLOYD. Chemist, Liverpool. -VF,RITYs SEA SIClSSTSSS REMEDY, safe, T effectual, easy to take.—Prize, Itedal.RO years success. By post 4/3 Verity & Co.. Chemists. 35, Warwick St., London. W. LEA'S PATENT IRON COCKS. the -L< cheapest and best for use Is the HARVE T FIELD, WATER BUTTS, Sco., &c. They will last much -mg> r th..n any other tap in use, and c&er r.o inducements to thett, as OLD IRON they are worthless- To he had of apy IronmcTiper. WJLLIAM LEA & COMPANY, GaaersJ Ccck *c.a Bra i Founders.


