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EPITOME OF NEWS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The presidentship of the British Association for 1870 is to be offered to Professor Huxley. Marshal Niel's death was occasioned by the breaking of II.D instrument during an operation for the stone. the broken pieces of which could not be extracted. The personalty of the Right Hon. A. J. Plunkett, Earl of Kingal, has been sworn under £70,000. There were, during the session just closed, 160 divi- sions in the House of Commons. Of these 20 took place on the Irish Church Bill, one on the second reading, 21 in com- mittee, one on the third reading, and six on consideration of the Lords' amendments. On the Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Bill there were nine divisions, and on the Parochial Schools (Scotland) Bill eleven. The following bon mot is attributed to the Bishop of Exeter. A young lady was visiting Bishopstowe, and made the remark that Torquay was very like Switzerland. Very," replied his lordship, "except that there is no sea in Switier- land, and no mountains in Torquay." The Rev. George Prothero preached beforetheQleen on Sunday at Osborne. Lord Cowley, Lord Sydney, and Kr. Lowe dined with her Majesty on Saturday. A few weeks since a licensed victualler, at Ports- mouth, had a quarrel with hia wife, at whom he threw a plate, which, however, missed her and struck his son, aged one year and eleven months, fracturing his skull. The poor little fellow lingered until Sunday, when death put an end to his sufferings. "Gail Hamilton," in a letter of regret that she could not be present at the silver wedding of the Hon S w Moulton, at Shelbyville, on the Snd inst., said" When on' has stayed married twenty-five years in Illinois I is worth while to ring the bells over it." Why G»li it u nothing like so trying as it is to stay unmarried' ftftv in Massachusetts—and you know what that U. years in On the coffin of the late Bishop of Salisbury the words ■KequyfCfitxnPaei' were inscribed, lioes not this imply a belief in the doctrine of Purgatory and is not that doctrine repudiated by the Thirty-Nine Articles, to which all clergymen of the Church of Xngland are bound to sub- scribe?"— Weekly Register. A few days since Richard Wood George died at Green-street, Kent, at the age of Mi years. He was the father of ten sons and two daughters, nine of whom survive him, the eldest being 71 years of age. His grandchildren number forty-nine alive and nis great grandohildren ninety- six. of whom twenty-three are dead. He lived to see the fifth generation, and the number of his polttrityalive is no fewer than 121, many of whom attended the funeral. The Belgian papers speak of a curious wager made the other day by a young man of Antwerp. He engaged to swim on his back in the Scheldt for a quarter of an hour with his spectacles on. Scarcely, however, had he swum a few yards when the sun came out, and acting on the spectacles as on a magnifying glass, gave him such pain that he was obliged to swim to shore before completing his task It is said ^though that might have been expected^ that the unfor- tunate swimmer has not onlylolt his bet, but his eyesight as On the 3rd inst., the first stone of a monument tu the celebrated Serman geographer Mereator, was laid with great solemnity at Cuisburg. Sentence of death was on Friday passed at Bristo on William Pullin, nineteen years of age, a sawyer, who was indicted for the wilful murder of Rlehard Hill, a police- constable, on the 24th April, at BristeL He was recom- mended to mercy. A Manchester merchant suggests the formation of a Lancashire cotton growing company on a large scale, say with an effective capital of three or four million sterling, to grow cotton in India. The Berlin committee have received subscriptions to the amount of 5,166 thalers, for the purpese of erecting a monument to Alexander von Humboldt. A Georgia paper says the heat has been so intense there for ten days past that thermometers fail to indicate the degree—the mercury pushes the top off, and rises above the figures. A curious case of touting appears in the agony column of a London contemporary. It runs as follows:- Widowed Toby, broken-hearted. May the new love be as intense as the past Nothing to hope for now—but once more to fee you. May it not be too long delayed What a future Tout en tout." A Boston gentleman has invented a rat trap which kills the animal instantly, throws the body in the air, and sets itself for another victim. The bill for consolidating and amending the Acts relating to merchant shipping and navigation haa been issued. It extends over 200 folio pages, and comprises 733 clauses and 35 pages of shedules. A general order has been received at Chatham garrison from the Horse Guards respecting the employment of men immediately after they have been vaccinaterl. In order tWavoid the injurious effects which may be induced by drills and musketry instruction immediately after vaccina- tion, commanding officers will assign lighter duties soldiers who have recently undergone that operation." A list has been published of the awards made to schoolmasters who have distinguished themselves in science and art teaching. It is satisfactory to notice that, on the whole, these awards are fairly distributed over the three kingdoms. London certainly does not come in for more than its share In the manufacturing districts technical educa- tion would seem to be extending. Young ladies who play croquet are known in America as maidens all for lawn." An accident occurred on Saturday to Captain Jen- kinson, of Ealing, which it is feared will prove fatal. Whilst practising with a velocipede he was Jerked off and thrown to the ground. He was taken up insensible. The Indtpendance Beige states that Miss Buidett Coutts has accepted the invitation of the town of Liege to attend the iStes of the forthcoming Tir International." There is living at Sapperton, at the head of the Golden valley, a hale old man named Thomas Fisher, who is 106 years old. He has spent all his days at Sapperton, and belongs to the labouring class. The parish register contains an entry of his baptism 101 years ago, and he was some years old when the ceremony was performed."—Gloucester Chronicle. Mr. Donnelly has issued a sheet, showing in statute acres the extent of flax grown in Ireland this year, as com- pared with last. The total acreage in 1868 was 206,483 acres, and this year, 228,178 acres, showing an increase of 21,695 acres in favour of the present year. In the province of Ulster, the increase amounts to 18 814 acres. The number of scutching mills is 1,542, of which 1,420 are in Ulster, 47 in Leinster, 41 in Munster, and 84 in Connaught. The amnesty proclaimed by the Emperor of the French on the occasion of the centeuary of the birth of the First Napoleon, includes not only offenders 8j{ainst the press laws and political misdemeanants, but all soldiers and sailors undergoing sentence for desertion. Another shocking accident is renorted from America. The boilers of the steamboat Cumberland exploded on the Ohio river on Saturday. Twenty persons were killed, and the boat was blown to pieces. Mr. Holt, of Glocester, was staying with his friends on Saturday at Babbicombe, near Torquay. He went out to bathe, and being carried beyond his depth, was drowned. A workman recovered the body 20 minutes after the accident, and the two medieal gentlemen called in applied restoratives but all was unavailing. The great eoach-making establishment of Lauen- stein, at Hamburg, which occupies 1,400 to 1,600 workmen, suffered last year a loss of 96,000 marks banco, in consequence of the low prices, resulting frgm excessive competition. The proprietors have therefore been obliged to inform the work- men that a reduction of 25 per cent, will be made in the wages tariff. This reduction the RrtisalJs have refused to accept, and have struck work since the 1st of August. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has much to answer ior in having thrown down that problem of the Gold Coinage for the consideration of public men during the vacation."— The Timet. The name of Mr. Charles Moore, M.P. for Tipperary county, must be added to the list of members of the Huuse of Commons recently deceased. lIe was the son of the late Mr. Arthur Moore, and was born in 1804 He was first re- turned to Pailiament in 1865. Mr. Moore was a Liberal. Mr. Henry Keep, a noted railway shareholder in New York, died in tnat city July 10. He W811 one of the boldest and largest operators on the .New York Stock Ex- change. The Roman correspondent of the Tablet says The poverty of the clergy is so great, that poor priests are often Seen dying of hunger in the streets of Northern Italy. Only a few days since a poor priest fell fainting with inanition on the pavement of Florence. No one attempted to assist him, when a Jew, indignant at the inhumanity of the bystanders, gave him a franc, and carried round his hat to the Christian crowd for alms, to save one of Christ's priests from dying of starvation." On Monday an Act was issued for facilitating the payment of dividends on the public stocks and for making regulations with respect thereto. The Bank of Boglaii.t, with the sanction of the Treasury, may send warrants, which are to be deemed cheques, through the post. Every share- holder is to make a request in writing to the Bank in a form approved. Dividends on stock, after this Act, falling dueou the 10th October, are to become due on the 6th October. The ability of the female tongue to keep a secret is proved by the conduct of a St. John's girl, who did not tell her lover that she was worth four milUonl iu her Qwn right until after the marriage. But who will believe that he didn't know it ?"—Ameri, 11;. Paper. Murrain, or foot and mouth disease, has appeared in eeveial places in Ayrshire among cattle; and also in Surrey. Mr. Bryan Mackey, a solicitor of many years' prac tice in Southampton, has died from iujiJries received by a fall from his horse. He was for some time a member of the Town Council. It is said that the Khedive of Egypt, before leaving Paris, cave an order to one of the principal toymakers for & doll which is to exceed in its dress and ornaments any recently heard of. It is intended II.S a present for one of th daughters of the Sultan, and some idea of the style in which it is got up may be given by stattng that in the ears are diamonds worth £2,080 The Rev. Prebendary Mackarness, of Honiton, and several members of his family and household, are now re- covering from severe stomachic derangement, owing to the presence of some deleterious ingredient in a junket of which they partook. News has been received at Lloyd's that the mails which were supposed to have been loat in the recent wreck of the Germania, off Cape Race, have been entirely saved, and will be brought by the Cirhbria to Plymouth. The specie, likewise, has been nearly all recovered. More than 100 tons of frozen poultry, packed in ice during the winter, have been received and disposed of in Faueuil Hall Market, Boston, since the 1st April. The largest portion of it came from V tJrmont. where packing frozen poultry is made quite a business by a few merchants, though a ,onsiderable quantity was shipped from the West. It was all sweet and in good order, and brought full prices. A velocipede artist gives an epitome of his accom- plishments. He states that during the performances he "draws a four-wheeled cab, containing four persons, runs up an incline, leaps twelve feet in the air while on the ve10ce, performs with chairs, bottles, &c., carries six men at one time, and within a space of eight feet." A journeyman painter of Castlemain, says the Melbourne Argut of June 19, named Duncan Leonard, has just come into a legacy of £20,000, by the death of a distant rdative in Scotland. A New York church, which lately tried the experi- ment of having the contribution boxe3 passed by handsome young women, is now called the Church of the Holy Waiter Girls." T. A. to A. L. A.—Will youconfidentiallvconfide to any one (to be named by you) where you are, that your parents, who are dreadfully distressed, may be certain of your safety. It you will make this one communication no further steps shall be taken."—Advertisement in The Times. The New York newspapers recently contained this mysterious advertisement" Don Carlos and the Throne of Spain.-Gentlemen of military experience please call on Colonel George W. Gibbons, special envoy, 446, Broome- street, near Broadway."—This is supposed to be a new phase of Cuban filibustering operations, and the Government and Spanilh agents are keeping a watch on the II Colonel. A correspondent of a Dublin paper, writing from ]Ullybegs, lays that for monthl Donegal Bay has been literally alive with salmon, mackerel, herrings, sprats, and a variety of other fish. A few days ago a fisherman took at one draugh1; 200 salmon, while of mackerel &iii many as 1,000 have been taken in a single evening. Recently, owing pro- bably to the abundance of fish, several whales have visited the bay, as well as some specimens of the misshappen monster the sun-fish. One of the latter was captured through a well-aimed shot from a musket discharged by Father Kelley, but as a rule the local fishermen are too poor to avail themselves as freely as they might of the singular abundance of fish and marine mammalia in their bay.




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