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WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. The final session of the Conference at Hull com- mened on Frirlay evening, at four o'clock. Educa- tional affairs were brought before the Conference by the Rev. G. W. Olver, B.A. In addition to the usual resolutions, endorsing the action of the Committee dnring the past year, and appointing committee and offijers for the year ensuing, two others were passed one complaining of the intolerant action of the clergy, in preventing children attending national day schools unless they would also attend Church of England Sunday Schools the other, authorising the Pre-ident of the Conference to call together during the year the Education Committee, with the Committee of Privi- leges, and such other persons as he miyht see fit, after consultation with the officers of the Education Com- mittee, to consider any proposal that may be laid before the country respecting primary education. It was desired by Dr. Rigg, the principal of the Normal College, at Westminster, that cases of clerical intolerance should be sent to them confidentially, fur use in private communications with members of her Majesty's Government. The motions of which notice had been given were then brought on. Rev. John Bedford wished the mind of the Connexion to be turned to the question of whether, by enlarging the powers of district meetings much of the detailed business now transacted by the Conference might not be rendered unnecessary, and so the time of the Conference be saved. He would not this year make any detinite proposition, but satisfy himself with having called the attention of the Con- nexion to this matter. Rev. Dr. Osborn moved for a committee to consider whether any, and if any, what action should be taken in respect of the proposed changes in the higher education of this country. (Agreed). Rev. Hugh Jones proposed that the Conference should direct the ministers to preach on the importance of regular attendance at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. It was thought that this was already done, and that therefore the proposal was unnecessary. The motion was negatived. Rrv. Dr. Rigg, that the resolution of the Conference of 1861 in reference to the election of lay representa- tives to the preparatory committees be printed in the Minutes of Conference. (Agreed). Rev. Dr. Rigg, that the rule declaring it illegal for a minister to spend more than six years consecmtively in any town or city, in circuit work, be rescinded. The late Mr. Thornton had brought this proposal before the Conference more than once. He (Dr. Rigg) had a new fact to communicate to the discussion of the matter. The rule in question was entirely traditionary. It could not be found in any "Minutes," nor on the Journals of the Conference. The rule was passed sixty years ago, and no doubt for some very good reason. But those who lived in London were con- vinced that it takes a man three years to get anything like insight into the special phenomena of London life and modes of work suited to the special needs of that city, and that a man when h4il had been five or Bix year-* thre had secured a knowledge and inftaence which rendered it highly desirable that he should then stay. However, he would not attempt to push the matter to a vote that year, but would withdraw his motion, giving notice of a repetition of it next year. (Motion withdrawn. ) Rev. W. Arthur, that all ministers of ten years' standing, shall be able to vote in every case in which now only ministers of fourteen years' standing are entitled. (Agreed.) Some other motions, of little public interest, were ,withdrawn. The Secretary of the Conference and his a88Í.itants then proceerled te read thQ Conference Journal. Votes were then passed giving the force of law to all the acts of the Irish and the Canadian Con- ferences. Then, on the motion of the secretary, 8econrJed by Dr. James, the proceedings were con- firmed by the vote of the legal hundred; and then, the members of Conference all standing, the President and secretary signed the Journal. The President then addressed the Conference. They were about to separate to go to their several stations and work for God. There was no likelihood that the 500 ministers who had been present would all meet again. He rejoiced in the affectionate brotherhood of the Methodist ministers. They had had a happy Con- ference. The dying saying of their founder was still true, "The bebt of all i, God is with UB." It was a comfort to him to think that eighty young ministers of character and promise had been ordained. He was thankful, too, for the determination of the Conference not to depart from their pri- mary principles. But the future was before them. Their trust was not in their founder, not in their system, not in compact organisation or multiplied agencies but in the Lord of Hosts. He beliewd they would have a good year. They needed influencies from on high. The valley stretched wide before them full of death. Let their prayer be "Come from the four winds, 0 breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live." Thanks were then cordially voted to the friends who had entertained the Conference, and to the Hull minis- ters who had carried out the arrangements, which have been exceedingly handsome and complete. The Con- ference concluded at eight o'clock with prayer, offered by the Rev. W. Arthur, M. A.


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