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Utisttllmuous Jntflligeiitt,


Utisttllmuous Jntflligeiitt, HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. STRANGE CAMP-FOLLOWERS. — Several of the home papers (8YS the Calcutta Englishman) complain that the expenses of the Abyssini in Expedition are doubled by the necessity of furnishing an army in modern times with so many scientific accompaniments, but the most extraordinary follower of an army that we have yet heard of has accompanied the Russian troops to S imarcand. This is a Savoyard with a barrel organ and a monkey. Is it for the purpose of keeping up the spirits of the troops, or of striking terror into the enemy that he has been permitted to join the camp-fol- lowers ? A BRAVE MAN !—Dr. Cumming haa already made it known that he means to attend the Pope's Council, at least if he can get a safe-conduct, for it seews, from a letter he has address d to the Times, that his presence at Rome depends in some measure upon his being assured that he will not be dealt with as John Huts was. How the doctor wrote to Archbishop Manning, and how the Archbishop sent him a courteous reply and a copy of one of his books, has been some time a matter of history, hut it was not known until Tuesday that Dr. Cutnming had addressed the Pope himself "in the accustomed ec -lei-iasrical Ltin and form (the letter is set out in The Tlme,) The lloly Father has not yet replied, but in case his reply is of a favourable character Dr. Cumming does not doubt that he will get it in time to be at Rome for the opening of the Council. "I am persuaded." he adds, "that if you send, as you no doubt will, a reporter to the successive meeticgs of the Council, he wiil not be able to report any language used by me or the others inconsistent with the courtesy we owe or the respect we feel to the Sovereign Pontiff and the assembled prelates." THE MURDER AT PENDLETON.—The mystery surrounding the murder at Pendleton has been in- crease i by the discovery that the body found in the canal is not that of the young woman, Kate Mac- donald, by whose relatives it was cla med last week, it turns out that Macdonald since her disappearance has been living at Rochdale, where she was discovered by Inspector Jones, and brought on Sunday evening to Salford Town-halL The girl appears to have heard of the rumours of her death, but states that she kept out of the way because she did not wish her relatives to know where she was. Next morning her parents iden- tified her at Salford Town-hall, and admitted that they had been mistaken in claiming the dead body as that of their daughter. No doubt exists that a murder, ac- companied by circumstances of peculiar atrocity, has been committed, but who the victim is remains a mystery. The body has been buried, but the clothes found upon it remain at the Town-hall as a means of identification. A HUMAN DKFICPT —In an article with the above title, the TPancferer of Vienna makes the fol- lowing remarks In every 10,000 inhabitants. 353 deaths occur in Austria and Hungary, 258 io France, 290 in Prussia, 259 in Holland, 220 in Great Britain and Ireland, 222 in Belgium, and 361 in Spain. Truly it is a sad pre-eminence to stand next to Spain in the rate of mortality. But what is our position with respect to elementary education ? For every 10.000 inhabit- ants the number of scholars at the elementary schools is in Austria and Hungary, 830 in France, 1,1G0 in Prussia, 1,520 in Holland, 1,280 in Great Kritainand Ireland, 1,100; in Belgium, 1,140; in Spain, 7UO Hence we find the two countries where the rate of mor- tality is highestare by a staking analogy those in which the proportion of scholars is lowest. But a sceptic may say perhaps the high rate of mortality arises from immoderate production, and is caused in act by too large a number of births. Huhner shows that for every 10,000 inhabitants there are 403 births in Austria and Hungary, 269 in France, 404 in Prussia, 351 in Holland, 349 in Great Britain and Ireland, 300 in Bel- gium, and 400 in Spain. If we cont-ider the increase of the population by the exctss of births over deal h. we find that it averages for every 10,0001 inha ir.auts 50 in Austria and Hungary, 31 in France, 114 in Prus-ia. 92 in Holland, 129 in Great Britain and Ire- land, 78 in Belgium, and 39 in Spain. From this we see that France alone among the countries with largely visited schools stand below Austria in the rate of in- crease, but that all the others which surpass her on the one point do so on the other also. We, with our sparse population and our rich natural resources, have therefore, as we have shown, for every 10 000 inhabi- tamts an increase of 64 lees than Prussia, 79 Jess than England. 42 less than Holland, and 28 lets than Bel- gium. This is an important loss both in material and intellectual respects, a physical deficit which arises from our spending too much—that is, from oui high r*te of mortality." A NOVEL EXPEDIENT —A story is told in a Paris paper of a new method for recovering one's debts. The other day a crowd gathered in the vicinity of the OJéon round a girl with a wooden leg, whom r. gentleman at an adjoining window was apostrophizing with loud cries and gesticulation. It turned out that the girl was a washerwoman wh had gone to the gen- tleman to ask for payment of her bill, and finding th it. the money was nor. forthcoming, ehi hid seiz <i her customer's wooden leg, which was lying in a corner, aud hid walked off declaring that she would not returl: it till she was paid. A PLAGUE OF LADYBIRDS.—Great was the surprise last Sunday morning of the inhabitants and visitors of liamsgatc to find that the plaoe had been taxeu possession of by a vast swarm of ladybiids. They tilled the air and covered the earth at every conceivable point. Their number waa greatest about noon, when they were to be bten upon projecting corners of hou-tes, collected s.) a-i to form one red patch. Later in the day the air got somewhat thinned of them, owing to the traffic of the streets and the destruction which they met with at the hands of persons who neglected the old courtesy towards these creatures implied in the nursery rhyme, Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home." The streets then presented a peculiar appearance. The number of these bodies "trewn about caused the roads to look as though newly gravelled. It is a somewhat curious fact. that these insects paid Ramsgate and its neighbourhood a vit-it in August 1849 in great numbers, upon which occasion the only noticable effect of their visit was the extinction of the Aphides, which was of great advantage to the hop crop. DIVORCE IN CINCINNATI.—At the commence- ment of the last statistical year there were 70 ca-es of divorce pending in Cincinnati. During the year there were added 151 more cases, making a grand total of 221 cases. Of these 102 cases were decided, while 119 remain yet to be determined. Of this large number only 54 were brought by husbands, while 167 were brought by wives. Of these 23 decrees were granted to the husbands and 70 to the wives, and three re- fused to the husbands and six to the wives. Of the charges on which these were brought, 48 were for adultery, 85 for absence and gross neglect of duty, 47 for cruelty, 29 for drunkenness, 6 for fraud, and 6 were brought on miscellaneous charges. On the ground of adultery 28 were brought by husbands and 28 by wives on the ground of absence and neglect, 19 were brought by husbands and 66 by wives on the ground of cruelty, 2 were brought by husbands and 45 by wives on the ground of drunkenness, 7 by husbands and 22 by wives on the ground of fraud, 4 by hus- bands and 2 by wives, and on miscellaneous grounds, 2 by husbands and 4 by wives. PLATING AT GENTLEMEN FARMERS !-The most expensive luxury indulged in by city people, says the New York Commercial, is playing gentlemen farmers." Never before were so many rural homes for sale as during this spring and summer. The papers have been filled with "desirable country seats" for sale. It isalit leremarka.ble how short a stay some folks make under the greenwood trees." Not one in a hundred of the beautiful retreats on the Hudson re- mains in the hands of the original owners, and moet of them have been sold half-a-dozen times. Only a family with an income of 40,000 or 50,000 dollars can keep a house in the country. A CASE OF HYDROPHOBIA IN FRANCE.—The following paragraph is going the rounds of the French papers:— On the 3rd Instant, one Jean Lombard, eighteen years of age, a farm labourer at Champforguiel, near Chalons, was attacked by hydrophobia, and attempted to bite several persons, and succeeded in biting a dog. He then went home to his friends at Sissenay. Information was given to the police. On their arrival they found Lombard at the door of his father's house. He was foaming at the mouth, and in- spired such terror that no one dared go near him The pre- tence of the police having reassured the father and a few neighbours, they coaxed him into a room, locked it, and care- fully barred all the issues. Lombard, however, made no attempt to escape, but asked for scma white wine, which was let down to him through the roof. One of hb friends having offered to go and attend him, he replied, 14 You had better not. I shall bite j on." He died at three o'clock in the morning, after a night of torture. Feeling he was dying, he requested the curjito be sent to him The curS came, and administered the consolations of religion through a hole in the winnow. Lombard had been bitten six months ago, but had not had the woand cauterized." NOTHING NEW.—There really is nothing new under the sun (remarks the Athenceum.) The paddle- wheel for boats is seen on the .Assyrian slabs, and in more than one old European fresco. The bicycle seems to have been known in China more than two centuries ago, and the velocipede was probably seen even before that in Europe. Among the ancient painted glass in and about the once noble church at Stoke Pogis may be.seen the representation of a young fellow who is astride the mute bu active horse he is working his way al ng with the air of a rider who has introduced a novelty, and is being looked at by admir- ing spectators. It is one of the most curious illustra- tions of ancient times in the painted glass windows of this interesting church. THB TELILOP.APHS.-It is rumoured that when Government has taken over the administration of the telegraphs, the repairs, maintenance, and construction of telegraphic lines will not be intrusted to any com- mercial company. The Government, it is s iid, will employ for this purpose non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Euefineers. THUS, not only will the work be more cheaply performed than by civilian labour, but a valuable corps of efficient constructors of telegraphs will he formtd, which will he of the utmost service in any future campaign, to lay and maintain those field telegraphs which must in future be essential concomitants of every combatant force in active service. A Boy LIFrlw BY A KITE.—The Vicksburg Times is responsible for the following A young lad at Lake Station, Miss., had a very large and beautiful kite presented to him, about six feet by four in size, which he attempted to raise just as the wind was In- creasing and a storm was threatening The wind drew the kite so heavily as to drag the boy along also. To prevent losing the favourite he wound the cord around his body. At last the grist bore kite and boy along in the rapid air cur- rents The hoy teemed to be about 100 feet above the earth and the kite five times that distance. At la-t the yo-ung kite-flyer caught in the top of a tree, and was x,impetided seventy-five feet above the ground. A flood of rain came on, slackening the line, abating the wind and allowit g r.he little sufferer to be rescued He was found to be uncontv; ( and so bruised and marred as to be scarcely recognised, but was restored the same evening. and is now doing well. FRIGHTFUL ATTEMPT AT SUICIDF,. -A fright- ful scene occurred at St. George's-hall, Liverp .ol, on Saturday moruing. Just before the arrival of Mr. Juss-ice Hayes and Mr. Justice Hannon, who were to preside at the Liverpool Assizes, a middle-aged, well- dressed man went up the steps at the south end of the hall, and pulling a rdozor out of his pocket, and after uttering some words which were unintelligible to those who were close to him, cut his throat almost from ear to ear. The jugular vein, however, was not touched, but the wind-i.ipe was completely severed and the doctors at the Royal Infirmary, where the unfortunate man lies at present, give very little hopes of his re- covery. When the attempt at suicide took place there were a large number of barristers and gentlemen pre- sent, together with a crowd of people, eager to see the arrival of the judges. A THEATRICAL INCIDENT.—A ridiculous story comes across the Atlantic, concerning Mr. Charles Reade's dramatisation of Tennyson's poem, "Dora." At the performance of "D Ira" the other night in a Western city, when Mary Morrison made her exit to bring her little Wi lie of four years, she was shock* d to find a lubberly boy of at least fourteen, and as he was the only Willie at hand, on he must go, though he was well nigh as big as his mother. The Farmer Allen of the play being equal to the emergency, instead of inquiring How old are you, my little man ?" en- deavoured to remedy the matter by saying, How old are you, my strapping boy ? But he failed fot the boy. who was instructed to say from four to five," said it in such a coarse, sepulchral tone as to drive the good-natured grandfather to exclaim, "Forty-five! You look it my boy, you look it." WAGNER AT Homz !-A new specimen of the numerous eccentricities of Richard Wagner the in- ventor of "the mu«ic of the future," is given in a book lately published by Herr Mendes, under the title of "Wagner at home." There is a room in Wagner's house, says the author, with a gorgeously decorated ceiling and tapestry of leather embroidered with gold. On the walls are portraits of Goethe, Schiller, and Beethoven. The two poets are placed facing each other, but opposite Beethoven there is nothing but a looking clws. On turning to Wagner for an explana- tion, the musician placed himself in front of the glass, in which his face was reflected, thus supplying the deficiency. It is added that this is the only kind of portrait of himself that Wagner allows to be kept in his house. PHOTOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION.—About four weeks since the d^iid body of an unknown man WöJS found on the beach at New lirighton, and before it was buried a photograph wa* taken and circulated by the police. Ou Friday a person called at the police-office. Kanley, Staffordshire, to give information that Elijah Sutton, of that town, had not been heard of since he went away, a month ago, for the benefit of his health. The seraeant in charge, remembering the carte pro- d iced it, and the person depicted thereon was at once identified as the missing man, EXTRAORDINARY CONTESTS OF A HORSE'S STOMACH.—A Clydesdale mare, worth about PAO, was brought to the Helifield Chemical Work., Glasgow, the other day, which on coming home from putting in hay had walked straight into a pool in the farm-yard court. In stooping down to dtink the weight of the cart forced her head fir»t into the waUr, an 1 before fhe could be relieved was drowned. Attention having been called to the contents of her stomach by one ot the men, there was taken from it the following articles, viz. Six horse nails, broken 8 round nail-, from 1 to 2 inches long 10 single flooring nails, 24I £ -inch nails, 97 broken nails various sizes, 35 it-inch nails, 11 1 inch zinc nails, 56 i to 1- mch tack nails, 16 shoe tackets, 3 Klfite nails, 4 screw nails the total nnmber of nails was thus 269. There were also four common pins I-I inch long each one blue bead, one brass button, one pearl button, five metal buttons marked V.M., 25 small pieces galvanised wire, three copper nail heads, four small metal washer?, one book (ot ho"s and eyes), one hair pin, one-half of a needle, one ,mall. piece of lead, seven p'ec-js of zirrc-ill all 66 articles; or, the 269, 324 articles weighing lib. I" addition there were found gravel and sand weighing jibs, lljuzs. MARKIAGHS IU FitAIICIC--Ila the year 1867, 265.030 marriages were celebrated in France, of which 17,730 were contracted in Paris. The marriages in Paris were Between bachelors ana spinsters 14 451 Between bachelors and widows 9^5 Between widowers and spinsters 1 619 Between widowers and widows '7u5 Total 17,730 POOR FELLOW !-Tie dead body of a man has been found fearfully mutilated on the Midland Rail- way, at Whittington, near Worcester. The body was ntinecl as of a respectably connected young man named Fletcher, who was last seen alive at a pub- lie-house at Birmingham, on Tuesday evening. After calling for a glass of beer, he was supplied with a sheet of notepaper, and wrote a note, of which the following is a copy, to a friend, at Bolsover "Mr J. Carter, you have behaved well to me, wife, and family all. I shall soon be in a grave I helped to make a short time ago, little thinking I must be the first to eiiter therein. God bless ) ou and keep you for ever and for ever. Oh, my poor father, Wm. Fletcher. 0, my poor mother, Aim Fletcher 0, my poor brother, Edward Bargh Fletcher. God blesia them all for ever and ever." The jury found that the deceased had committed suicide during temporary ins-inity. A MAD DOG PANIC-- The inhabitants of Ever- ton, were on Friday alarmed by the appearance of a large dog, of the Newfoundland and mastiff breed, wildly running about the streets, and attacking several persons with whom it came in contact ano ''it one very severely, who immediately went'to a chemist and had his wounds cauterized. It also madt. j HU atiick upon two tiier persons—a young Woman RII(I a youth—whom it seized in the lower part of the leg and in the case of the latter the flesh was torn from the limb to a considerable extent. In addition, it; also attacked several other dogs which came in ita way, and for upwards of an hour the neighbourhood WM in ASTUTE 01 Diuch t-xcitciuent, iinriug winch thr dog was hy several perons with weapon*, wIth the of 'j"ct of deFtroying it. and after being chased f. >r some time, it at length made its way rapidly OUf, of tbe town, h..n it was finally destroyed in Ii garden, hut by a process in which much cruelty was resorted to. Instead of procuring a gun, with which the poor animal might have been shot, its pursuers h ilt killed it by biuising it with stones and IIcale weights, taken frnm a fewale retailer of fi..h who happened to be in the neighbour- ly d at the time, and afterwards it was stuck with a pike borrowed from a neighbouring dairy. THE DKATH OF AN ILLUSTRIOUS POLE.—The Russian papers announce the df-atti in Siberia of John Gorbaczevski, the last of the decabrists," or Ill," bers of the cOlspirlicy formed against the Eaq,eror Nicholas in December, 1825. Gorhai zeveki was one of the most active leaders of this conspiracy, and ÍHi was sentenced to death in 1826, but Nicholas oommuted the entence to hard labour in Siberia for life. In 1840 he was relieved from the more severe part of his punish- ment, and settled in Petrov.sk, where he soon became universally popular among the exiles, whose sufferings I he was frequently enabled to alleviate through the in- fluence he had gained with the governor and other officials. In 1856 the decabrists" were permitted to return to their homes, but Gorbaczevski had made so many friends in Siberia that he preferred to remain. The principal papers of St. Petersburg and Moscow all speak with great admiration of his abJitieiJ and character. THE GUNMAKER AND THE KING OF ITALY.— Mr. A. Somerville, of the firm of Braendlin, Souier- ville, and Co., gunmakers, Birmingham, has been created by the King of Italy a chevalier of the order of St. Maurice and St. Laz uus. Mr. Somerville's firm are the patentees of the Albini-Braendlin rifle adopted by the Italian and Belgian governments, and Mr. Somerville, who is now in Italy, has lately effected an improvement in revolvers, adapted for use of cavalry rr giments. Some Italian officers, it is said, pointed out to him that the revolver is comparatively useless to cavalry, because mounted soldiers cannot eaily take aim. To meet this objection Mr. Somerville caued the ball to be cut into tour, six, or more pieces of equal size, and these being fitted together were re-introduced into the cartridge in the same manner as a single bul- let. This experiment, we learn, proved very success- ful, the charge when fired scattering like grape shot, and the revolver being thus altered into a mitrailleur. DANGEROUS MISCHIEF.—Two boys, aged four- teen and eleven years respectively, have been com- mitted for trial by the Buckinghamshire magistrates at Linslade fur having maliciously turned a railway truck out of a siding at Linslade station. One of the porters on the London and North-Western Railway on Sunday morning left the truck safe and was return- ing home when he heard a crash, and then perceived a carriage truck on the Dunstable line, which is on a descent, proceeding at Qonsiderable speed. The truck smashed four gates in its course, and was also itself considerably damaged. QUEENSLAND GOLDFIELDS.—The Rockhamptnn Bulletin announces that" acothel" great Moldtield in the north has been proclaimed. The testimony of the Government geologist, Mr. Daintree, which is given with a freedom from exaggeration marking his other reports, leaves no room to doubt the existence of an extensive gohtfield on the Gilbert ranges. A rush from the other goldfields has already set in." The Maryborough Chronicle speculates upon the probable consequences of another Gympie half-way between the Pacific and the Carpentaria Gulf, and observes that there is no reason for concluding that the auiiferous deposits in that direction are confined to the particular complexus of gullies and ranges now be;ng worked. The ascertained existence of the precious metal on the Upper Cloncurry, far away to the south-weet, and on the same axis of elevation, as well as in the great is- land of New Guinea, to the northward, points to the probability of the whole southern and eastern water- shed of the Gulf eventually turning out auriferous in places. The great peninsuia of Cape York haa as yet been only superficially examined, and until its geolo- logical structure is more accurately known it is im- possible for anybody to tix defini"ely the northern limit of our gold-bearing rocks. The mo4 powerful stimulus to exploration—gold—is now gupplitd, and population, the most perfect agency for eS. cting it, will not be slow to follow. It seems as though we were on the eve of one of those great and suddeu de- valopments, necessitating comprehensive political changes, which have been so common since the era. of the first gold discoveries in California." BODY OF A CHILD FOUND IN A RAILWAY PABCKL. —On Friday last the body of a child was discovered in the parcel-office at the VVaverley station of the Nor'h Briti-di Railway. It appears that about a fortnight ago a small wicker basket arrived per rail from Bristol, addressed "Mr. Wataon, Edinburgh, Scotland—to be called for." No one appearing 10 dalm the parcel, it was opened by one of the railway official- in accord- ance with their usual practice, with the view of obtain- ing some clue to tbe owner. On the 0iRcO\-ery being made, the police authorities were informed of the cir- cumstance, and immediately took pos.-ess-ion of the body. A post-mortem examination was made on Satur- day. It was found that the body was that of a fully-developed female child that it had been b'.rn alive, and lived probably for about an hour; and that death htd been caused by fracture of the skull, which was very severely crushed. The body had been care- fully wrapped in linen towels, and subsequently pa ked into the basket in a large piece of white calico. There .was no name on the towels or anything that could lead to the detection of the unnatural mother. The rail- way officials at Bristol had been written to before the parcel was opened, but it seems that • hey donottake the names of the-eenders of patcel*, a practice followed by mot railway companies. The address was written in a fine Italian hand, and the ba-ket and wrappings were of superior quality. The Bristol police authorities have been communicated with, and will no doubt in- vestigate the case. AFFFAY WITH POACHERS.—A murderous affray with poachers occurred at an early hour on Sunday morning, on Lord Willoughby de Broke's estate, at Compton Verney, Warwickshire, between a gang of four men and three of his lordship's keep-rs mimed Creed, George Halibone, and Thoma-t Aliboue. About one o'clock in the morning the keepers found a net, 70 or 80 yards long, set in Pool-field Spinney. They began to take up the net, and while doing so were suddenly attacked by four men. The whole of the keepers were assailed with stones, which, being the oolite limestone common in the district, infhcted severe gashes. AI: hnngh all more or less injured by the stones hurled at them, the keepers rut-he i upon their assailants and a sharp conflict ensued, which is nt.ited to have lasted for nearly half an hour. The poachers freely mt d the bludgeon* with which they were armed, aDd: having lIucctleded in overpowering the keepers, managed to effect their escape. The kerpers are all severely cut about their heads with blows from bludgeons. Thomas Alibone's ear —- ten through by Higi<in'8 one of tb» „ 'j'n 1 ] also received a savage bite oil t*" "h_ J6 'p reed found on the ground J W° Cai'S u"? & "er the affray was over, which lea to tne ftpi'Tenension of two men, named James ttis;gimj and Isaac Harris, at Leamington. A third maa, who was with them when the arrest was made. escaped by dragging police-constable Torrence int » the river Leam, where he freed himself from the officer's grasp, aud eSCap by 8wimwing to the opposite side uf the rIver. A CURIOUS LETTER.—The Oaulois publishes, apropos of the recent marriage of Prince Pierre B im.apHrte with the daughter of a.bra,-8-founder, a cunous letter from Prince Lucien Buonaparte, hia tather, au directed by Napoleon I. to divorce his £ ife. The letter is addressed to Mdo e. Letitia B loraparte, and is dated 29th of May, 1810. Lucien oays that he married "because he had a right to do so aud before he to whose elevation he chiefly contributed became emperor." It is ridiculous and improper," he proceeds, a statesman, a minister, ana an amhas- Bad to be treated like a street-boy both my secoi.d aId my wjfe have deserved bv their virtues not to hive; their mi.«fortnms cast in their teeth. Jer. me might hav« In-, n required to divorce his wife, for he was a minor wo> n he married. The Emperor might al. so long as he was childless, make a sacrifice for his p-ple by dissolving his marriage but I have seven children and an excellent wife, and therefore have no r .a.>ion to do anything of the kind." TIII ORGAN IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: S.— The organ question is troubling the Presbyterians of Canada (says the London Scotsman). The scswioi of Knox Cnurch in Montreal was cited before the 83 nod of Hamilton for insubordination in using an orgau at the instigation of the Piesbytery. The correlation m effect maintained that the question was an open one. oco Uja' ler n lairt on tbe table of the Synod in lboo, and no orders anent it had been given to the Presbv tery and subscriptions had been obtained to- wards the building of the church on the faith that th& organ would be used. Six churches habitually use organs, but the Knox Church was the only one with. The S> nod temporised. The resolution wfneh was ultimately carried ignored any pronouncement on the organ question, and dealt merely with the question of order It ran as follows Receive the reference, approve the conduct of the Presbytery and, while un- wil mg to impute intended contumacy, regret that Vim session of Knox Church, Montreal, should have taken a position having some appearance of a disregard of the oynod s authority declare, iu case of misunderstanding oil this point, that the decision leaves the constitutional I;.¡,w s Ü, exis..d before the latf di.-cussions and that the Presbvt. ry was warranted in expecting of and congregations conformity to the existing order uut 1 it should be modified or alteied in due course. Mild as this is, it is strong in comparison with an amendment which, on a vote, ran it very close. Thia amendment was l< That the Synod sustain the re. ference, and declare that, inasmuch as the deliv. rar.ee, of the Synod was somewhai indefinite, nocensui^W what IS past be pronounced upon the kirk see&ion ofc Knox Church, further, inasmuch as the general sub- ject of instrumental music is to come up before the next meeting, it is not necessary that any special ùi rections be given to the session of that church." THE" ALABAMA" (QUESTION.—Proie-sor Goldwin Smith delivered a lecture on England and Slavery at Cleveland, in the United States, on the 31st ul> in the course of which he referred to the subject of" the Alabama He denied that she was an English ship, or that the English nation and Government connived at her escape, and said he did not feel sure that the leeal position of England in the matter was so untenable asi it was generally assmtned to be. The vessel, however ought not to have escaped, and if he had any voic the question he would, without discussion, "1 possible, without an arbitrator, pay the wb anr' v If claims. of the A USEFUL MAN GONE.—By*' sieur Moreau Chaslon, Paria v uIle *1012- The deceased gentleman \\IV .LIa8 a benefactor, nal omnibus cc mpany, r -3 the founder of the origi- ducted it with such sV i r ^Dir^.y"^ve years eon- the concern pawst*' V* an'^ energy that when in 1854, was appointed ',r ln. ° t*ie hands of Government he position till \,iA7eHr He ci ntiiiued in that traffi i" (.rl;Jri „ '• t, 8Ca'e on "h ell omnibus f C'chat diiri. tr VK m -I,liiy ke judged frotr; the- Carried in thp « ev yj'ar 1^68 the number of persons n!^lv r!?t!S V'" H amour,t, .l to 1-0 OOo.OrO or dur n^tL H 8the en!,re Potion i'i» "Hie of passengers c,,n. Tne averJ.f was only 115,000,000. L four, and a"hal* sous (six sou« the interior and three on the imp^riale), the CTOSB re- §!(»Jo!>0.aT* Mtt0UQted to about 27,000,000 francs, or oso.OOO.