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SHOCKING MURDER BY A SUSSEX FARMER. A shocking murder of a wife was committed on Sunday at Ashbnrnham, a small village in Sussex, a few miles from Hastings. Near tho village is a quantity of land called. Gardener's farm." which is failed by an old man named Stiibbertield and His son Jo re 11 dab. The son, who is married, and about 40 years eid, has a separate residence, about sixty yards from that of his parent. Oil Saturday evening there ivero living in the same hnuse with the son, his v/ifo Matilda, their so*1, "Mary Deeprosa (a compani- on to Mis Stubberfield), and several ia la- bourers and domestic.servants. The years old, who occupied the same room" at parents, states that carlyon Sunday nion whilst it was scarcely light, he r his kneeling upon his mother, and squeezing h. throat. Hearing his mother sav Oh f.jeb.y. and as if in pain, he said to his father, You'r' hurting inotlier "You hold your replied the farmer, am only tickling h The boy again made a similar remaik, upon which his father said that if lie didn't h dd his tongue he would Sec to him." Stubberfield then dressed himself, and having kissed his wife arul child, took his coat over his arm, and went downstairs. The boy then immediately aroused the other inmate* of the house. In the meantime, Miss Deeprose, having heard a moaning noise in the Stubberfield's bedroom, and thinking something was the matter, had gone to the father's house for assistance. On her return, in about ten minutes, she met Jere- miah Stubberfield at the door, as lie was about to leave the house, and tried to prevent his escape, but did not succeed in doing so, although she struggled with him for somo minutes. James Honeysett, a carter, who was one of the first persons aroused by the boy, got up directly, and went into the bedroom, where he found Mrs Stubberueid" lying ia tho bed dead. He also says he heard a pretty smart" struggle in the yard that he went there iiume- diately, and found Miss Deeprose exhausted by the efforts to detain Mr Stubberfield. Several other persons were soon in the bedroom of tho murdered woman, and Dr Simmonds, who Jived a mile and a half distant, was at once sent for. It was six o'clock wlwa tho gontleinan readied the house, -md there being no appearance of a struggle, he was at first led to suppose that de- ceased had died suddenly from natural causes, A11 examination of tiie neck, however, revealed marks, aud the doctor then came to the opinion that the woman had been murdered. The police wero then communicated with, and were quick- Iy on the spot. Search was at once instituted for the murderer, and in a very short time soma 200 p.i -.ms o s-„„arl'(u; the neighbourhood. Men fro 1,1 Asui>ut nbam Eou-o brought a boat and dragged the ponds, and it wv, not till the afternoon that he was found, anu than he was making his way from CWden Farm towards hento. It is supposed that he had secreted himself in a pit where there was water, and that he had tried to U;*<v: himself, for when taken he v;as completely saturated with wet and covered with mud. The police took hi>n to the farm to change hi.< clothes, lie was then taken to Battle, where lie remains in elnrge. lie is exceed- ingly quiet, and cannot give anv other reason for tho deed than that he felt coinpelled to tl > it. He said he loved her so much lie did net like fo le,c I hind, hut now he would give the world to bilek a^ain." He also s>ates that lie attempted to drown himself several time, but cou'd not do bù, for he always floated 011 the top of the water. Ilis father states that some twelve or eighteen months ago be had a" serions fall backwards on his head from the top of a ladder some 2if feet hig-h; that he lay Fenseleis frr softie time until found by his mother; that he would not have a doctor, and that they date his insanity from that time. Ilis father and mother, a- I the poor wife's father, visited him 011 Monday morning, the interview being a most painful one. Printed and Published by DAVID WAI.KTNSUAW, at his General Printing Office. Corn .'d.ivkf-t Uou.-e, the county of Monmouth.—SatUidny May 29, 1869.

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