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ilusímss ¡¡tt¡¡St$. I « QUININE BITTERS "-NOTHING MORE. Once upon a midnight dreary, ill in 'bed, quite weak anil weaiy, Wid) s1epltslles, lone :pirit3, alltl indigestion sore; Whi-e i strove in vain at nappiaj?, suddenly there came a capping As of someone gently rappinj);-r3.ppiug at my cnamoer door Its Doctor Draughts," 1 murmured, tapping a.t my cbambei door,' '"l'was .be Doctor, nothing more. Oh 1 distinctly I remember it was ia the bleak De- cember. -TV. And in every single member of my body pains I bore Kagerly 1 visaed the morrow—vaimy Had I sought to borrow from drugs surcease of sorrow-sorrow for my paras sral^re And 1 twiced if I should ever bo as healthy as beLre Q-ioth the Doctor—" Nevermore Your chest is ba.d. that's certain your neuralgia's always hurting, And your Hver is siv.ajj^ish that life s to you a bore Aud your he irt's bad at beating that ia vain yourlt sleep enfcreitiriir. While from weakness even now you perspire from evtiiy uore "— But,Doctor, when shall I be fit to pass the threshold o £ my (loot t" Quoth the Doctor—" Nevermore; I Presently my soul fprew stronger hesitating than no longer Nurse, send for G'WILYH QUINTNS BlTTEHa, 1 ircplore And the fact is, after tapping Olltl bottie I was n;1 ppin In the sweet refreshing napping I had known in days ot yore And with neuralgia, palpitation, indigestion, a.nd bronchitis 1 was troubleù-evermore Now, to all within my hearing who are now these ailments tearing I will sive the good advice I received myself before: See that stamp's unbroken, and the bottle bears cofeen Of CiWILYJI QUIKl.NE BITTERS," SO Well kaoWD ami pra:d Ol yore, Merely this, aud nothing more. RECENT TESTIMONIALS. LIVER COMPLAINT. QUININE BITTEKS „ T- 89, Kelshaw-«treet, Liver- QUININE BITTERS DearPsir!^hav^ulered from Indigestion and Liver QUININE ElTTERS ccmpiaiIlt for many years, t11t after taking t11 won- QUININE BITTERS deriul Medicine, Uwilym Kvaii-t QUININE BJ TTbRS, '^Tri'VI'VE1 T^T1VTT'1 tor i nly two months, I am ^UlNXNii bill*.Kb .lapi>y ro say ;t has given me ureat relief.—Yours^iu- QUININE BITTERS CEREIY, ii. BROOKS, QUININE JilTTE^ 3 Church-Street, Uadley, Saiop, QUIN1NK BITTEBS Dear ^1^f39yoa Dear ¡r.-J. thank you T ? r„ n, kindly fr the Pills you sen: (QUININE BITTEKS me,which have been a great help to me and the effect OUININE BITTERS of the Quinine Bitters has been wonderful they have imwTvi' tittwusj "tone uie moreirood tiian all QUININE BITTERS th(t doctow. x waa uudsr the care of seven ùoctor in QUININE BITTERS the int.uuirv last year, but ID the "ud was worse t-han 7UININE BITTERS wheal commenced. But I 6 fee! -ure if 1 can con- T,T TT-r tinue to or>tain Gwiiym QUININE uITTxW* KYans. Q<linine BitteJ a little longer, I shall soon be QUININE BITTERS able to work '1'hey are clearing the liver, antllcn QUININE BITTERS eat almost anything at tinier. I have recommended •ITTTVTVT' i>r>T,W"P« t0 a ia(ly who suffers as QUININE Bli-TERS A ,!id> AuU7 3lU; w al,tfacly feeling better QUININE BITTERS Vours ,tt..full, j \V. PEARCE. GWILYr EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. BE>VAllE OF IMITATIONS. Do not be put off wicli Q linine Wine, Quinine Tincture, Essence of Qaini .e, or any other i-repara- tion, but insist upon having Gwiiym iivaus' Qauine Sitters, and see the name on ^tarnp, Label, and Bottle. "JWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS. THE £ E £ ,T FAMILY MKDICINE. Sold in 2 9d and 4s 6d bottles, or in cases contain- inil three 4 6.11 bottles, at 12s Di per case, by all Chemists, or direct from the Proprietors, carriage free by Parcels Post. 28 ——— 1130 PROPRIETORS :— QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. SAMUEL BROTHERS, MERCHANT )0 I'AlLOltS, Juvenile and General Outfitters, Market Buildings, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. <2 AMCELIBROTHERS. -SPRING IV OUTFITS. f High-class quality, and Finish. SAMUEL BROTHERS.-SPRING )0 SUITINGS, Overcoating?, Trouserings, &. S~~AMUEL BROTH ERS.—DRESS suns. o FROCK SUITS, M.;ruiutf Suits, Jacket Suits. SAMUEL BROTHERS. — INYER- iSESSiiS, JiUST COATS, Covert Coats, B^aufort.<. AMUEL BROTHERS.—LIVERIES, 0 RIDING HABITS, Atu.eCH Onthts, .tc. Patterus and Price List Free. 97 1315 p. J ELLTOTT AND CO., CIGAi. MANUFACTURERS, HUDDERSFIELD, MPORTEBS AND BONDERS OF HAVANA AND MKXICAN Sole Importers of the noted t.rand of Mexicaii Cigars. Du Barry." All sizes 111 :;¡"Jci;. Bond or duty paid, All hotel proprietors should sell the tollowmg orauds PACK HORSE REGALIAS, LA FATIMA R' GALIA CONCHAS, Tbe 4D. CLGAK ever offered. ROBIN HOOD CONCHAS, BULL DOGS. The BULL DOGS and ROBIN HOODS are acknow- Jed £ «d to be the i'lNiiST 3e,. ClUAKb in the Kingdoui. It J E. and Co. a.Iso wisli co introduce to the Trade ■^veral specialities in 2<1. Cigars. The iollcwin^x brands "'tt 00c to he equalled :— ANGELINA REINAS, J3. D. BRAND, ttESSALINA TKABUCAS, ORCHID BOUQUETS, Manufactured solely by R. J. ELLIOTT & Co., HUDDEi! SFIELD. 5035 CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM DURING ArOUST I!.nÜ EPTKMBER WE SHOW OVILY LATEST NOVELTIES IN TAILOU- MAD"; and JACKETS FOR SEASIDE, VACHll.Ms TRAVELLING, 1HE MOORS, etc., composed of the new rwotds, mixtures, and clo .hs, beautifwlly cut and finished, and sold at the most moderate prices. Patterns of materials aml sketches of 8tJles sent bJ posit on application. (CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY, J LIMITED. 1279 LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of JLj For Improyed auu Economic Cookery. As Stock for Tea, Soupi, Made Dishes, Sauces (Uame. Jtc.), Aspic or Meat Jejjy. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of BEEK Keeps for any length of lime, aud is j cheaper and oi iiuer flavour than J any other Stocit. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of JLJ BEEF. Forty pounds of prime lean beef (value 30s) are used tü inaxe .;n,. PUUl1Ù of Extract of Beef. COOKERY BOOKS (indispensable for v_y 114Jie.) iient free on application tn LIEBIG'S EXTRACT ,.r MEAT COMPY. B-J Limited. 9, FENCaURCII-AVEN UK, E.C. 4C74 SKIN THE GLORY OF WOMAN, t. THE PRIDE OF MAN. THIS SKIN "— A rriBE A LBION "i\TILK rpHE SKIN X A 1VL J| AND J AND SKIN QXJLPHUR (^OAP, rpUE SKIN „ v I Purest, most emollient, and most c(,|w deiicausotall Soaps, giving to the 1 I ITIAJ OiVAvi skin that softness and Clearness so JL desired by all. It is invaluable l'oi rnHE SKIN children, and unequalled for the I complexion. The very best Shay. cj^TTC ing Soap,as it will never irritate the I iH l-1 orvJ.^ most delicate skin. Delicately per- JL fumeci. Solti by ail dealers in rilHE SKIN Perfumery in Toilet Tablets and 1 shaving Cakes. 6778 fTIEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea X Single Tooth. 2s bd. Fire years' warranty. Re- models, repairs. Painless Dentistry, Gas, Ac,— UOOUM*^ amo CO., 1. Old Newport, and j ^Queen-at Cardilf. 13041 1114 iiasingfis g O G E R S' AK ^LES AND JpORTERS (In -i Gallon Casks and upwards). I BREWERY, BRISTOL. CARDIFF STORES WORKING-STREET. NEWPORT STOKES COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS CHEPSTOW STOUE BEAUFORT SQUARE. Applications for Purchasing Agendas in Soath Wales to be addressed to J. B, MADDOCK3, PENARTH. 4267 NEW gEASO N TJ1 E A. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Supply their celebrated leas in original chests, contaiuins 100 lbs., 56 lbs., or 20 Ibst Alao in canisters, containing 12 lb.,i., 14 lbs., or 20 lbs.. or in any quantity from 6 lbs. upwards, carriage paid, rjlEAS of really good quality from. Is 4d per lb. and some of the most delicious Teas erer grown from 23 to 3s per lb. ITY OF EA ('IOIIFANY, £ IITY OF J^ONPON FJLEA ^LOHFANY, NEW BASINGHALL STREET, LONDON, E.C. npRAYANCORE TEA. The NEW BLEND TRAVANCORE TEA. of -&. lNDIAN TEA. HPRAVANCORE TEA. Wonderful in strength j arud ricnnt» of fla- '/our. rniiAVAJiCORE TEA. lend packets. rilRA VAN CORE TEA. A ONE QUALITY rpRAVANCORE TEA. J THE BEST. TjlRAVANCORE TEA. ¡. AGENTS APPOINTED. TRAVANCORE TEA. ^OLE PKOPRIETOUS: r^RAVANCORE TEA. J 'NEW BASINGHALL ,)iEW B.L."iGHALL TRAVANCORE TEA. | STREET, LONDON. f 4355 rjl RAPNELL AND A N E. gEASON "J^OVELTIES. THE PRINCESS RUG, FOR DRIVING, BOATING, OR LAWN TENNIS, 7i od EACH, ALL flLK. Beautifully ;i,ft, and warm. BAMBOO CORNICE POLE, with Euds, Eir.s, anil '('.rackets Complete, 5s lid EACH. New and .Novel. A BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED SATIN CUSHION, ALL SHAUHS, 13 6d EACH. BAMBOO FLOWKR HOLDER, F(D?. 6,D EACH. I, 2, 3, i. ami 5 cuts in stock. HOUSE FURBISHING DEPARTMENT. T. arrt G. are now shmTiis^ their "DUCHESS" INLAID DRAWING ROOM SUITE, Stuffed all hr.ir, and covered in real Genca velvet, beautifuiiv- finished, £ 17 10s COMPLl-U'K. HANDSOME INLAID lWEWOOD CABINET to match, from £3 10s. T R-KPNELL AND G ANE, 55 and 33, QU KEN-STREET, CARDIFF, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. CATALOGUES FREK. ESTIMATES FREI. 5144 jQrNNEFORDS MAGNESIA. This pure So'ution is the best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. JQINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. 180, Bond-street, London, and all Chemists. 3931 -==:-===_=-=-=- THE NEW FRUIT CASCARA- DYNK.—NATURE'S REMEDY FOR CONSTIPATION.—Pleasant to t ike, certain in action. Tne Nisw Knurr not only acts on the bowels, but the charm of its action is that (from its invaluable ttreat tonic properties) it it once gives tone and energy to the muscular coat* t of the stomach, gradually restoring to Nature its long-lost power. d by all Chemists in Is 1 jtl and 2s 9d boxes, or 5S direct from T. O. SAXDEIX, West Kensington, ro U.M.S. SAVING OF H.M.S. CALLIOPE. "If the Engines" held out we "ere" safe. If aiiytliing" went wronu; with thew," "fa were done for." C'aotaia KANE'S Report. Nothing did go wrong with the Kinjines, which were packed throughout •wit'a Bell's Patent Asbestoa Dapper Packing. jgELL'S jL>ATENT A SBESTOS I DAGGER PACKING. I J^ELL'S JpATENT SBESTOS DAGGER PACKING. I ILLUSTRATED CATALOG 'o K POSV FREE. JJELL'S ASBESTOS CO., LIMITED, WEST OUTE-ST., CARDIFF. 219 JLf W34_ QROSSLEY'S "OTTO" GAS "R N GINE OVER 28,000 l USE. From 2 man to 1G0 b.p. REFERENCES for AL1, TRADES and in ALL TOWNS. Second-dand Engines. Deferred Payment System. Second-dand Engines. Deferred Payment System. QPvOSSLEY JgROS., j^IMITED OPENSHAW, MANCHESTER.

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i LONDON LETTER. --------













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