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IN PABLIAMJGST.—Hsssios 1889.'


IN PABLIAMJGST.—Hsssios 1889. v ALE OF GLAMORGAN RAILWAY.' (Incorporation of Company; Power to make New Railways m the Vale of Glamorgan Running Powers over portions of Railways of Great Western Railway and Barry Dock and Railways Companies; Working and other Agreements with those Companies Subscription bp Barry Dock and lUeiimarys Company; Amendment of Acts.) "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is J31 intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act for the following purposes, Of some of them, that is to say :—To incorporate a Conii3aoy (hereinafter called the Company") and to confer upon the Company the following powers, or some of them, that is to say :— To empower the Company to make and maintain the railways bereinatter described, or some or one of them, or some part or parts thereof, with all proper stations, ridings, approaches, works, and conveniences connected therewith respectively, all in the county of Glamorgan, that is to say :— A Railway No. 1, commencing in the hamlet of Coicy Lower and parish of Coity, by a junction with the Llynvi and Ogmore section of toe Great Western Railway, 50 yards or thereabouts, measured along that railway in the direction of Bridgend, from the mile post on that railway denoting one mile from Bridveud, and terminating in the parish of Barry, by a junction with the Railway No. 1, as in course of con- struction, of the Barry Dock and Rail- ways Company (hereinafter called "the Barry Company ") authorized by hf! Barry Dock and Railways Act, 1884, at a point measured in asouth-westeriy.direction 250 yards, or thereabouts, from the bouse called and known as East Barry House. A Railway No. 2, wholly in the hamlet of Newcastle Lower and parish of Newcastle, commencing in an enclosure numbered 32 1 t on the ordnance map (scalei.-) at a point 120 yards or thereabouts in a south-westerly direction from the bridge which carries the Great Western Railway over the turnpike- road leading from Bridgend to TondÜ, and terminating by a junction with the intended Railway No. 1 in an enclosure numbered 188 on the eaid ordnance map, at a point 10 yards or thereabouts from the south-west boundary thereof, and 60 yards or tbere- abouts from the south corner thereof. A Rail way'No. 3, commencing in the hamlet of Newcastle Higher and parish of New- castle, by a junction with the South Wales section of the Great Western Railway, at a point 270 yards or thereabouts measured along that railway in the direction of Milford, from the mile poet on that railway denoting 1911 miles from London, and terminating in the harniet of Newcastle Lower and parish of Newcastle by. » junction with the intended Railway No.. 2 at the commencement thereof, as herein- before described. A Railway No. 4, conouiwncing in the hamlet; of Newcastle Higher and parish of Newcastle, at a point 30 yards or thereabouts, measured in an easterly direction from the south-east corner of the general office at Tonel of the Tonritl Ironworks, and terminating in the hamlet of Newcastle Lower and parish of Newcastle by a junction with tb.e intended Railway No. 2 at the commencement thereof, as hereinbefore described. A Railway No. 5, commerteing ia the bamietof Coity Lower and parish of Coity, by a junction with the South Wales section of the Great Western Railway opposite the mile post on that Railway denoting 191 miles from London, .and terminating in the hamlet of Newcastle LllWer and parish of Newcastle by a junction with the intended Railway No. 1, in all enclosure numbered 184 on the said ordnance map at a point 50 yards or thereabouts in a north-westerly direction from the north-weat corner of Newcastle Cora Mill. -n The said intended railways will be made or pms from, through, or into, or be situate in the following parishes, townships, and places, or some of them, namely: Cnity. C,,ity Higher, Coity Lower, Newcastle, Newcastle Higher, Newcastle Lower, Bridge, Ewenny, St Bride's Major, Llandow, Llantwk Major, Boverton, St Athan, Gileston, Penraark, E;ttt Aberthaw, Roose, Porthkerry, Ba.rry, Tondft, and Aberkenfig, all n the county of Glamorgan. To authorise the crossing, stopping up, altering, or diverting, temporarily or permanently, ot railways, tramways, turnpike and other roads, streets, canals, watercourses, rivers, streams, drains, sewers, pipes, and telegraphic and tele- phonic apparatus. witbin the parishes aforesaid, which it may be necessary or convenient to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, in executing the several purposes of the mtended Act and to deviate from the lines and levels of the intended railways, laterally or vertically, to such an extent as may be authorized or prescribed by the intended Act. To authorize the Company to purchase by compulsion or agreement, lands, houses, and Smildings, and elements therein, in the parishes and places hereinbefore mentioned, for the purposes of the said intended railways and works, *nd to e»npower the Company to purchase a part only of any property without being subject tc the liability imposed by Section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845. To authorize the Company to purchase and £ >e {t/il'irving pieces of land, or such part or rts thereof as may be required for the intended railways and works, which land is, or is reputed to be, common or commonable land Description of Area within common or com-i limits of Area estimated mo liable land antlj deviation to be required, mo liable land antlj deviation to be required. naltie of parish. not exceeding _1- Old Castle Down,' Parish of Saint; "Bride's Major 25 acres. 61 acres. Waun Pen y Fai1 Common, Parish, r-i Newcastle 20 acres 4 acres. To levy, demand, and recover tolls, rates, and charges in respect of the said intended railways and works, and to grant exemptions from pay- ment of tolls, rates, and charges. To empower the Company and any other company or companies working or using the railways of the Company to run over and usa with their engines and carriages for the pur- poses of traffic of every description, and with their clerks, officers, and servants, upon such terms and conditions, and on payment of such tolls, rates, and charges, as may be agreed upon or be settled by arbitration, or defined or autho- rised by the intended Act, the railways and portions of railways and stations following (that is to aay):— So much of the railways of the Barry Com- pany as is situate between the termination of the intended Railway No. 1 and Cogan including the railways and sidings to the Docks at Barry, and the wharves, staiths, coal tips, and shipping places at those Docks. Also so much of the Llynvi and Ogmore section of the Great Western Railway as extends from the commencement of the intended Railway No. 1 to and up the Llynvi, Cwm Garw, Ogmore .Fawr, Ogmore Each, and Avan Valleys respec- tively The Bridgend Station of the Great Western Railway Company and the railway into that station together with all stations on or connected with the said railways and portions of railways respectively, and the roads, signals, water. watering places, engines, sheds, offices, ware bouses, sidings, junctions, works, and conveniences connected therewith; and to empower the Company and any such other company or companies as aforesaid to take and levy tolls, rates, and charges upon or in respect of the said railways and stations so to be rnn over and used as aforesaid, and if and where necessary to alter or vary the existing tolls, rates, and charges now authorized to be demanded and taken in respect thereof. "To empower the Company on the one hand, and the Barry Company and the Great Western Railway Company (hereinafter called "the two Companies ") or either of them on the other hand, to enter into and carry into effect agreements for or with respect to the working, use, management and maintenance of the intended railways and works, or any part thereof, and with respect to the supply of rolling or working stock, and of officers and servants for the conduct and conveyance of traffic on such railways, and with respect to the interchange, transmission, and delivery of traffic coming from or destined for the respective railways of the Company and the two Companies, or either of them, and with respect to the fixing of the tolls or charges to be demanded and recovered in respect of such traffic, and the division and apportionment of the receipts arising from such traffic, and to confirm and give effect to any agreement which has been or may be entered into in reference to the matters aforesaid, or any of them. To require the two Companies, or either of them, to receive, nook through, forward, accommodate, and deliver on and from the undertakings respectively owned and worked by them, and at the stations, warehouses, docks, wharves, staiths, shipping places, and booking offices thereof, all traffic of whatsoever description coming from or destined for the undertaking of the Company, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, or. as failing agreement, shall be settled by arbitration, or in such manner as may be provided by the intended Act. To authorise the Barry Company to subscribe or contribute funds towards the construction and maintenance of the intended railways and works, or any part or parts thereof, and guarantee such interest, dividends, annual, or other payments in respect of the moneys expended in the construction thereof, aa may be agreed upon between the Barry Company and the Company, and to take and bold shares in the capital of the Company, and to appoint a director or directors of the Company, and to apply to the purposes afore- said, or any of them, any capital or funds belonging to the Barry Company, and under the control of their directors and, if they shall think fit, to raise additional capital for that purpose by the creation of new shares or stock in their undertaking, with or without preference or priority in payment of dividends, or other rights or privilegee attached thereto, and by borrowing on mortgage or bond, and by Debenture Stock, or by any of those means, or such other means as Parliament shall authorize or direct. To authorize the Company, notwithstanding anything in the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, contained, to pay out of the capital or funds of the Company interest or dividends on any shares or stocks of the Company during the construction of the said intended railways or any of them. To vary or extinguish all rights and privileges which would in any manner impede or interfere with the objects of the intended Act, and to confer, vary, and extinguish other rights and privileges. 1 To alter, amend, vary, extend, enlarge, or repeal all or any of the provisions of the Acta [ following, or any of them, so far as may be necessary for the purposes of the intended Act (that is to say): 5 and 6 Will. IV., cap. 107, and all other Acts relating to the Great Western Company the Barry Dock and Railways Act, 1884, and all other Acts relating to the Barry Company. A»d notice is hereby further given, that {dans and.sectiona of the intended railways and works, and showing the lands intended to be taken, withva book of reference to such plans, and an ordnance map showing the general coarse or directiou of the intended railways, and a copy of this notice as published in the London GazeUe, will, on or before the 30tb day of November, 1888, be deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, at his office in Cardiff; and that on or before the same day a-copy of so much of the said plans, sections, and book of reference as relates to each parish in or through which the said intended railways and works wiil be made or pass, and within which the said lands are situate, together with a copy of this notice, as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited for public inspection with the parish clerk of such parish at his residence. j And notice is hereby further given, that on or before the 21st day of December, 1888. printed copies of the intended Act will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Dated this ISth day of November, 1888. BLUNT and LAWFORD, 95, Gresham- street, London, Solicitors for the Bill. SHERWOOD and COMPANY, 7, Great GeorKe-streetfWestroiasterjParlium^ntary Agents. 3089





Family Notices





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