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ftobltc &c. { Xte USX of APPLICATIONS for SHARES will open on TUESDAY, the 27th NOVEMBER, and CLOSE the SAME DAY at-4 p.m. Country Apolica- tions will be received up to the MORNING ot, WEDNESDAY, the 28th. j THE MINING AND GENERAL { JL ELECTRIC LAMP COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL £100.000 in 100,000 Shares of JE1 each. < Of these 20,000 shaies are taken in part payment by the Vendors, and the remaining Shares are now offered 1 for subscription. Payable—2s on Application 8a on Allotaent; and 10s one month after Allotment. DIRECTORS. The Right Bon. the EARL of CRAWFORD, F.R.S. (Chairman of the Wigan Coal and Iron Company, Limited), Chairman. "N STORY MASKELYNK, Esq., F.R.S., M.P., Deputy-chairman. The Hon. REGINALD BROUGHAM (Divector Lon- don Electric Supply Corporation, Limited). Y STEPHEN, Esq. (Late Messrs Samuel Allsopp and Sons). Dr FRANKLAND, F.R.S., D.C.L. (late Professor Chemistry, Royal SchooJ. of Mines). •DILLWYN PARRISH, Esq. (Director United Tele- phone Company, Limited). ("Will join the Hoard after Allotment.) BANKERS.—LLOYDS, BARNRTTSs & BOSANQUETS' BANK. LIMITED, 72, Lomoard-atreet: E.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS.—Messrs#. & P. HIGSON, Manuhesc^r. BROKERS —BOURKE, SANDYS. 4 CO., 10, Throg- morton-avenue, E.C. SOLICITORS.—Messrs PAINE, SON A POLLOCK, 11, St Heien's-place, E.C. PATENT AGEKTS.—Messrs J. B. JOHNSON A co., 47, Lincoln s Inn Fields, W.C. SECRETARY and OFFICES.—F. H. i SUMNER, 43, Colemau-street, E. C. PROSPECTUS. This company has been formed for 'the purpose of acquiring from the New Portable Electric Lamp and Powar Syndicate Company, Limited, tbeir patents and system for the manufacture of (1) an Electric Miners' Lamp, (2) a Lamp for the Electric Lighting of Railway Carriages, (3) a Lamp for Domestic Purposes, and for use in factories and places where a portable and absolutely safe light is required. At the present timo probably no subject has received greater attention frora those engaged in the practical working of mines, factories, and railways, than the production of a lamp, which, for the purposes of those and similar enterpri>!es, shall combine the elements of perfect safety, awl improved illuminating power, with cheapness of manufacture and maintenance, and it has loug Iteen felt that these requirements would have to k furnished through th medium of an electric light, From the exhaustive ex nments both in laboratories and in th coal pits, extending oVr a period of two years, wliich the Vendor Company have carried out, it IS beiievrd that a solution ot the problem is now pre. sented i* the lamp, which will be acquired by this Cmpany. MINERS' LAMPS. For the purposes of a Miners' Lamp the following requirements would a ppear to be essential(1) The lamp sbould be absolutely safe under all circumstances; (2) it<< continuous illuminating power ghould be greater I than that of th oil 1 Pimps now 10 use, and should be maintained for from 10 to 12 honr; (3) its weight must aot exceed b lbs. (4) its cost must not be prohibitive, and (5) the of maintenance must compare favourably with the lamps now in use. It has been the object of the Vendors to produce a Miners' Lmr. which should fultilall these conditions, and the directors are confident that in the present laran they fulfilled. After I), series oi experiments, extending over a period ,f two years, under the superintendence of Messrs J. and P. Higson, the well-known mining engineers, of Manchester, the Directors are enabled to announce tbat the Miners' Limp (1) is absolutely Wife; (2) with a reflector it gives a lisrht much superior "0 the oil lamps generally in use, and can be maintained from 10 to 12 hours '3) its weight is a little over bibs (4) it can be sold for 20s and (5) the expense of main- tenance will not exceed 3d per week. The tests referred to were conducted by the fonowiD Companies and tirmg carrying 011 the business of colliery proprietors and managers, who received sample lamps from the vendors and placed them in the hands of the pitmen and ..uperintendents for lle :— The Wear DALE IRON and COAL COMPANY, LIMITED, I Sptl!1nymoor. The WIGAN COAL and IRON COMPANY, LIMITED, Wigan, The Pkarson and KNOWLKS COAL and I&ON COMPANY, LIMITED, Wigan. Messrs JOHN BROWN and Co., LIMITED, Rotherham. Messrs J. & P. HIUSON, 18, r.ooth-street, Manchester. SHIRE OAKS COLLIERY, near Worksop. And it is satisfactory to know that without exception the verdict of these representative persons is entirely in favour of this lamp as compared with any other electric lamp which has come under their notice. Amongst others, the following testimonials have been received JOHN BIlOWN AND CO., LIMITED (Atlas Steel and Ironworks. Sheffield,), '• Aldwarke Main and Car Houge Collieries, Rotherham. Miners' Electric Lamp. Dear Sir,—in reply to yours asking my opinion of the above for use as a Miners' I-amp, I have to state that. having had numerous opportunities of testing it —not only in an Explosive Current of Gas and Air— but lD actua, work underground, I am of opinion that It i. perfectly safe under all conditions (including ractore of the glasses) in an explosive atmosphere ,hat it gives an ample and sufficient light for mining Operations that it is very portable, and stands the Knocking about that is incidental to mining operations well, and is the best la.mp,so far as my knowledge goes, yet introduced as an Electric Miners' Safety Lamp. Faithfully yours, C. E. RHODES." THE PEARSON AND KNOWLES COAL AND IRON COMPANY, LIMITED. Portable. Hiectric Lamp This is to ce; tify thut the Llectric Lamp, which we have held here lor trial, is, in our opinion, suitable in .,ery respect for mining purposes we have given the lamp a fair test, and it burns over 12 hours.—Yours irnly (for the Company), ISRAEL KNOWLES." Crown Buildings, Booth-street, Manchester. I baTe now for some time past had a Tery intimate experience of your Portable Electric Lamp' for mining purposes, and h'ne to report that, in my I opinion, it is the best Electric Miners' Lamp that I have seen, all I believe it affords perfect safety to the miner under all conditions when exposd to the action 9f explosive atml>sphere. Tbe automatic arrangement, which comes into play in the event of the glass protecting the light being brot. at once cuts off the electric current, and se prevents any possible chance of the light igniting the surrounding atmosphere. Experiments have deter- mined this all-important point most satisfactorily. The Lamp is very light, portable, and well adapted to the miners' requirements. The light, as concentrated by the shield, possesses between a half and one candle power. "Yours faithfully, JoHM filOSON, Mem, Jrutt. Civ. Engr. The cost of the Lamp is no doubt more than the cost of the best made oil lamps, but the cost of maintenance Is much leas than 3d per lamp per week, for « The renewal of working parts is less fr The cost of cleaning is less < The charge of charging is incomparably less, be. cause there is practically 110 cost for material, much less laDour is necessary, and at a colliery the cost of the power required for charging is inappreciable. There is an imperative demand for such a lamp, and the aeenU of the Company can secure orders for large aumbers of the Lamp at a price which yields, after saying all expenses, a proiit of as per Lamp. Large orders for lamps await completion and these as they stand will be transferred by the Vendors of the Com- .y.. la addition to colliery requirements, the lamp as a safety lamp will bo found iuvaiuable in all factories whore the nature of the industry creates an inflamma- ble atmosphere, sucu as cotton mills, corn mills, JIOwr factories, and the like. And as a portable lam? tur domestic use, the Directors aeiieve that for price and efficiency it is without a rival. Ag«wu> its application to railway lighting, as herein- iftei- explained, shoud prove a most extensive source of 3iupioymeai for tae .-ysteni. in addition the protit on Teuewal work must oe cousidered this is a lare source of protit to existing lamp manufacturers, and (here can be no doubt that the profit 011 necessary re- pairs and renewal char&ea would amount to a cou- jiderable sum. Again, as the comply acquire ail the foreign patents of the vendors for the invention,a considerable from licenses to use these on royalty, or by sale them outright, should be made. In naming JQba as the price of the miners lamp, ail g for manufacture have been taken into account. It is not. however, at- present intended to erect costly 'actories for this purpose, but to enter into contracts with existing safety lamp manufacturers to supply ihe orders the company receives. Negotiations with view and of a favourable nature have alreauy been vueredupou. RAILWAY LAMPS; Besides their application to the fcwteries and lamps of the company will be suitable for lighting railway trains, whether block trains or single coaches, and whetner running at speed or at rerhe mileage per annum on the principal railways in this Kingdom ot the passenger trains is computed to be from 22 to 40 millions of miles, and. the cost 01 oil, where oil lamps are used, with such a mileage, very great, 'liie breakages are very heavy, anu1 tne ceMot labour in tiding, cleaning, aad hxing lhe lamps and removing them is also considerable. The cost 01 ligutmg by g;ts is beyond all douDt iar cheaper than oil, but the cost of lighting a train by alectncity on the present system would compare most favonrably with either gas or oil. There can be no doubt that the light Riven on the trains which already been lit by electricity is far superior to that ot any gas or oil system, and it is equally certain that the eiectric lighting ot trains would ere this have become far mure general but ior the fact that it has been impossible to light any trains except those known ac omnibus trains, or those which are never broken up. By the present system it is believed ail the previous difficulty of lighting through traffic has beeu met. The ditliculty has been to discover a plan, under which each ¡ coach should possess an arrangement enabling the lamp to remain burning in each coach, whether tne coach bit nart of or deiached from tne train, and whether sta- tionary or in motion. Here a battery is used In each carriage, and whether a ca riage be detached from a train or not. it makes no diffeience to the light, as tlfh coach possesses in itself the machinery necessary to Maintain the light. The Company propose to offer parties 111 tending to UM the lamps and batteries the cnoice of one of two courses they will be able to purchase them outright and provide their own re-charging piant, or r,his Com- pany will supply and maintain the lamps required, at a fixed charge per annum. Estimating the income to be derived from ad sources, the Directors believe the volume of business that may be anticipated will, be large and very remunerative. basing a calculation on an estimated annual sale ot oiny b0,o„0 Lamps amongst ail the collieries factories and Railway Companies of the Umfcea Kingdom (and including, •nor -uvei ,11 this estimate the torej-n user ot toe Patents as wei ). a protit of 10 per cent, per annum on the capital of tne Company Would be forthcoming. In order to test their vahdi.y as fin- as possible, the Patents CO be acquired have been ^.oroughiy examined by Messrs Jobiioon and Co.. tbe well-known P^eiit Agents, and submitted to counsel, Mi* **loulton, with a result which is entirely satisfactory. The price to be paid forjail the patents nHectmg these important inventions, not only tor the Unitea Kingdom but all foreign countries m which the them is £ b0 000, payable as to a^46,000 m cash, £ 20,000 in fuliv paid'shnres, and the balance at the option of the Directors, III or fully paid shares. The cash payment ia made to repay tha amount the V endors Lve spent and the liabilities rliey have nxurrsd in l purchasing patents and perfecting the system during the past two years. In additiou, for this sura, all expenses of the present Company up to allotmenr. will be (.ei rayed. The Miners' Lamp, alight and ready for use, may be seen at the Offices ot the Company, and at the Office of Messrs J. & P. Higson, 18, B joth-tieet, Manchester and a Model of a Railway Carriage lit by this system can be seen ai tne Office of the Company. The only contract entered into by ihe Company is one dated ,,4th November, 1888, and made between the Company of the one part and ihe Vendor Syndicate Company of the ottier pari. Ibis contract, with a copy of the memorandum and articles 01 'ssociation, can be seen at the ofli es of the Company. Arrangements for guaranteeing a subscription to the capital have been made by the Vendors, and under the above contract the Company will take over the business of the Syndicate Company, and with it certain contracts for leasing premises, purcnase of material, nire of workmen, these arrangements may technically constitute contracts within Section 38 of the Companies Act. 1867. Subscribers for shares will be deemed to have notice of these, and to waive further compliance with the statute in this respect. Application for shares should be made on the form accompanying the prospectus. prospectuses and Forms of Application can be ob. tamed at the Bankers, Brotten, or Offices of the. Company. Dated 24tb November. 1888. ftelrljr Companies, &r. '1 As evidence of the high premiums at which the £11 Shares of the Witwatersraadt Mining Companies are I now being dealt in. the following list 13 taken from the-. Financial N euJa of the 22nd inst :— W IT WATERS KAN DI MINES.—African Exquer, 14 li; Aurora 2i, 24 Bantjes 3, City and .subur- ban t. 6; Crown Beef 64, Durban-Boodept. 2 2b ¥erreira 8.. 84 Qektenbais 1J, 2.; Heriot 3t 3j; Jubilee 6i.. 64; Jumpers 7j. 7j; Knight ii, 3; Lan- giaagte 3 7-16, 3 9-16; Laagiaagte Cent. 26s, 27s Main- reef H. li Mitchell 168 6d, 17s 61I; Modderfaatem 21s, 21s 6d; Moss Rose 5, 5i; Nabob 1" 13 Neebe Syndi- cate Ii, 2; Robinson 34, 36 Royal 4> 4 j Salisbury 11. 12; Spes Bona. 21. 2i; Van Ryn 1 9-16, 111-16 Vogel- struis Ii, 2; Wemmer 6j, 7. Wolhuter 2i, 2.. THE WITWATERSRANDT CENTRAL JL MILLING AND PBOSPECIEiG COMPANY, LI.MITKD. Incorporated under the Companies* Acts, 1862 to 1888. CAPITAL, £100,000, divided into 100,000 Shares of £1 each, payable aø follows :—& per share on applica- tion, 5s on allotment th& balance a* required, in calls of not more than 5s per share, at iaten*l@ Qt. loss than one mouth, DIRECTORS. J. M. ALPROYIDGE, fcsq. (late chief of the Bay and liast African Railway Land Commission), 30, St. Swithin's-laae, E. C. JAMiSS HASTINGS, Esq. (Messrs Hasting? and Co., 80. Lombard-street, E.C.). Director of the Balaghat- Mysore Golt Mining Company, Limited. T. G. HERVEY, Esq. (Director of the Eastern Oregon Gold Mining Company, Limited). — G S ROBERT COCHRANE FORSTEH, Esq,, F.G.b. (Mining Engineer), 113, Cannon-street, SOLICITORS.—Me-srs LUMLEY and LfJMLEY, 15, Old Jewry-chambers, Bank, B.C.; and 37, Conduit- street, Bond-street, W. BANKERS. — The LONDON and WESTMINSTER BANK, Limited, Lothbury, E-Cj- BROKERS.—Messrs GODEFROI BSOis., 11, Copthall Court, Throgmorton-street, E.C., and the Stock Exchange. SECRETABY AND OFFICES.—W. B. CALDWELL MOORE, P.S.A., 136 and 137. PaJmersC<pn Buildings, Old Broad-street, E.C. PROSPECTUS. This Company is organised principally to erect Custom or Central Mills and Reduction W rka in. Custom or Central Mills and Reduction W rka in. Witwatersrandt to meet an urgent want in that dis- trict of the South African Goldnelds, and h,»s, among others, the following subsidiary objects :— 1.—To establish Custom Mills and Reduction Works in other districts of these fields where desirable. 2.—To crush ores and treat concentrates for all comers. acquire auriferous properties, with a now of developing and working the same, or selling them to gub-companie3, or other parties. 4.-To prospect lands for gold, silver. Ac., on terms carrying the nght of negotiating such properties, and to form or take part in Syndicates for these purposes. 5.—To buy up concentrated taiBngs from the various Mining Companies, with a view of extracting the Gold by chlorination. 6.—To establish, in connection with the Works, & complete Laboratory, and .0 act as Assayers and Analysts. 7-—To act as Agents for the examination, sale, and purchase of Mining properties in South Africa. The establishment of Central Mills is Witwaters- randt has become a pressing necessity in order to acoommodae the many Mining Companies wch are unable to mill their own ore for want of capital, and the vast number of private Claim Holders and Syndi- cates who at present find it impossible to procure test crushings of their Ore. Some of them have been able occasionally to obtain trial crushings at mills belonging to other Companies, and the high prices paid for this service show a very large margin of protit. Owing to the presence of Pyrites and other dele- terious substances which make amalgamation in the Mill impracticable, the tailings from the Mill in. variably contain a large proportion of the aesay value of the ore—sometimes larger than is actually yielded in the MilL There are no reduction Works on the Witwatersrandt at these tailings can be treated. With proper appliances these tailings could be concen- trated from 50 to 100 tons into one. Following what has become a flourishing and profitable industry m America, this Company proposes to buy up these con- centrates, or to treat them in this works at a fixed chaige per ton. This should be a source of great profit to this Company, and means increased dividends wall the Minin" CompMlies whIch cOQICentrate tbelr disconnection with the Milling and Reduction Works a laboratory will be at once established, and the com- pany will be in the best position to conduct assays and analyses of ores cheaply, which in if will yield a good revenue. „ The official returns lor October from/ the district of Witwatersrandt show a gold production of 27,773 ounces. The average loss in nulling naay be safely put at 25 per cent., which shows how much the actual richness of these fields is under-estimated by the returns, owing t defective milling. It is proposed to erect 100 Stamps on suitable and central 8ires. with amalgamating and concentrating I appliances of the most approved typo. It is estimated that these 100 stamps will crush, at least, one and a-haif ton per day per stamp head, or 150 tons per day- The following figures snow the amount of busi- ness wllich may be ÙOIlt: on this basis, 26s pr ton being taken as the charge for milling, although 30s can be obtained, and much higher price's have been frequently charged 150 tons per 24 hours at £1 5s per ton £187 10 0 Cost of milling at 13s per ton 97 lo 0 Profit per diem £ QQ Q Q equal to per annum of 300 working days, or 27 per cent. per annum upon the capital of the Company A small preliminary plant capable of treating only 25 tons per week, either by the American amalgama- tion grinding process or by Chlorination of concen- trates, will cost about £1,000. The cost of treating 25 tons per week will not exceed E2 per ton, or £ 50 per week. Assuming that the tailings contain only 5 dwts. per ton (and it is well known that for the most part they contain more), a concentration of 50 tons into one would mean a value of 12i oz. per ton of concentrates. To the Mining Companies m Witwatersrandt this would mean an increase in their revenues of £:0,000 per annum on a supply of only 25 COD" of concentrates per week. A charge of £5 per ton for treatment would be moderate, and would yield a protit of £75 per week, or :£3,750 per annum. The total profit fnoio Milling and Reduction Works may be estimated at about £ 33,000 per aunum, equal to 33 per cent. 011 the capital ui "he Company. The Directors do not make any estimates of the probable returns from the prospecting and exploitation of properties, but it is well known that large profits are made in thÜt kind of business. <> The only contract entered into is one dated the 21st November, 18S8, between Alfred Archibald Gould of the one part, and the Company of the otb2r part, a copy of which can bu seen at the offices of the Company's Solicitors. It is intended to apply for a settlement and quotation on the Stock Exchange. If tbe namber of shares applied tar exceeds the amount of the issue, the allotment will be made strictly pro rata. and the 8Urplu1\ money paid on application will be credited towards the amount due on allotment, Prospectuses and forms of application for shares may be had at the Company's banners, brokers, solicitors, and at the offices of the company. 23rd November, 1888. SPECIAL O T tO E. fJRAPNELL AND GANE, 38 & 35, QUEEN STREET, ARTISTIC AND INEXPENSIVE JJOUSE JIURNrSHERs, desire to draw special attention to their NEW BEDROOM SUITE CALLED THE BRISTOL, COMPRISING Solid Ash WARDROBE, 3ft..Plate Glass Door. DRESSING CHEST, with Glass and Jewel Drawers. WASHSTAND, Marble Top, Ttle Back, Pedesta.I., aud T, Rail com- bined. 2 CANE CHAIRS. THE WHOLE COMPLETE FOB Nothing in the trade like it at the price.; EHHIBITED at our own window 38, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, for 10 Days only. rjIKAPNELL AND Q. A N.E. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREID. 1221 A YEN DISH HOUS, CHELTENHAM. HIGH-CLASS AND USEFUL WINTER GOODS NOW SHOWING. Seal Jackets, from 7 Fur-lined Cloaks, from 29 6d Fur Muffs, from £ » lid Fur Tippets, from 8 lid; Fur Boas, from bi lid Fur Capes, from 15s 6d Walking Costumes, from 29s 6d Flannel Dressing Gowns, 15s 6d; Warm Petticoats, from 6s 9d; Witney Blankets, 8s lid pair Welsh Flannels, from bd yard andUndyed Medical Wool Flannel, from Hid. Full particulars, patterns, sketches, die., sent by post. CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY, LIMITED CUELTEN HAM. 1279 Granted since 186bhave each year THE EXCEEDED £1,000,000 sums Assured, a result mÛntainell C4TANTIA~RXI uninterruptedly for so long a w L AJH UAKJJ neriod by no other office M the United Kingdom. POLICIES FUNDS, SIX AND THREE- QUARTER MILLIONS, in creasing annually. STANDARD LIFE OFFICE, 57, BROAD-STREET, BRISTOL 1143 JOSEPH JULER, Local Secretary. ^HAVING. KVEKYOZTE WHO SHAVES 0 SHOULD USE THE S HAVING. M 1L K AND SHAVING. SULPHUR SOAP, 1 i H A VTXli w^ich yields a firm, creamy, and WilA VIXXUr. refreshing lather, softening the beard, preventing the irritation n rr a xrT'Wrj •so o;,ten caused to delicate skins WHAVliHU. Jn shaving, and rendering the passage of a razor rapid and ClTTAVTNTr easy" ii a^To;let Soap, it is unequalled. Delicately perfumed. /VTTATrT^ Sold by all dealers in Perfumery VHAYING, in Striving Cakes and Toilet K-> Tablets. 2990 nPEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea j A Single Tooth. 28 bd. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson. R.N., says: "They conduce greatly to health and comfort." Re-models, repairs. Painless Dentistry, Gas, <fcc, —Good^ian AND CO., 56, Queen-st "ordiff, and 1, Old Deck-street, Newport. 13041 1114 otønuttJ Cfltmcil (Elections ^LAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DIVISION OF PENARTH, COG AN, AWn LLANDOCGH, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I have been selectedljy the Liberal Association of this district candidate for this division, and the selection having been confirmed at a public meeting of ratepayers, I have much pleasure in accepting the in- vitation to become a candidate for one of the two seats which has been allotted to this division. If it will be your pleasure to return me as one of your representa- tivew to the Coonty Council Board, it shall be my earnest endeavour, to the best of my ability, to serve the county as a whole, and especially the interests of the division of Penarth, Cogan, and Llaodon&b. I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, THOMAS LEWIS. Gartba, Penartb, November 17th, 1888. 3075 COUNTY CO ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF PEKARTH, COGAN, AND LLANDOUGH. LAMES AND GENTLEMEN,— In January next yon will have to elect two Representatives upon the County Council. At a meeting of electors held at Andrews' Hall, Penarth, you have unanimously selected me as one of the candidates. My services are therefore placed at your disposal, and if you think my qualifications are | such as to entitle me to your confidence and support the business of the Council and. your interests shall ACeiye my best attention. t I am, Ladies and Gentlemen r Yours respectfully I:, D. T. ALEXANDER. Bryneithen, St. Andrew s, 15th November, 1888. 3066 QLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE LLANTWIT FARDRE, LLANFABON, AND LLANWONNO RURAL WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, Having been selected as the Liberal candidate to represent the above ward, I beg to oSer you my services, and respectfully solicit your support. I have for years past had considerable experience in the management of public affairs as a member of the Board of Guardians and Local Highway Beards. If elected, no efforts shall be spared on my part to serve your interests truly and faithfully according to the beafeof my ability. I am your obedient servant, E. EDWARDS. Penlan Tlonse, Llanfabon. GLAMORGANSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE ELECTORAL DIVISION COMPRISING THE HAMLETS OF CAEGURWEN, MAWR. AND BLAENEGEL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I seek the honour of representing yon in the Council which will be elected in the month of January next. As I purpose, in the meantime, delivering public addresses, in various parts of the Division, on the subject of the Local Government Act and on questions pertaining thereto, I need not herein enter upon detail. If you elect me, I would do my utmost to merit- your confidence. I am, Your faithful servant, E. HALL HEDLEY. Alltycham (Hamlet of Mawr), Nov., 1888. QOUNTY COUNCIL. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Having been selected at a Public Meetin" representing the Workmen and Tradesmen of the Ferndale Electoral Division in the County Council. I have much pleasure in offering myself as your Candidate, and if elected I will endeavour to carry out the duties devolving upon me efficiently and economically, 3036 Yours faithfuUy, F. L. DAVIS. GLAMORGANSHIRE COUNTY \JT COUNCIL. TO THE COUNTY ELECTORS OF THE RESOLVEN DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— In January next you will be called upon to elect a member for our district on tte Count.: Council. Although I had no intention a few weeks ago to offer my services, but having been unanimously adopted by the different Liberal Associations of the district, it gives me very great pleasure to come forward as a candidate. Having lived in this Division for very many years, my views on public questions are pretty weU known, and are in sympathy. with those held by a large majority of the electors. I reepectfully solicit your vote's, and, if elected, al matters affecting different ;nterests concerning rate. payers in the division, and especially so those affecting I the working classes, shall have my best attention. I am, Your obedient servant, EDWARD PLUMMER. Glyncorrwg, November 22nd, 1888. 3180 COUNT): COUNCIL FOR BRECK- VV NOCKSHIRE. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE GELLY AND DYFFRYN DIVISION, IN THE PARISH OF VAYNOR. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I have been invited by an influential body of ratepayers to stand for this division. In answer to their invitation I offer myself as a can- didate, and beg to assure you that if you do me the honour to elect me as your representative, I will do my utmost to see that the affairs of the county are carried out economically and efficiently. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, WALTER M. NORTH. Vaynor House, 3205 LAMORGANSHIRE COUNTY COUN. JT CIL ELECTION. To the ELECTORS of the ELECTORAL DIVISION known as the WEST WARD of the MOUNTAIN ASH LOCAL BOARD DISTRICT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I ber; to offer myself as candidate to repre. sent you on the County Council of Glamorganshire. The transfer of power to the County Council, a body popularly elected, will doubtless add fresh strength and life to the principle of self-government, which has educated the inhabitants of the British Isles to the practice of ordered freedom, and the wise exercise of political power. In order that the new Act may be turned to the best account, it will be advisable to introduce some fresh blood, but at the same time it is most important to retain a sufficient number of those who have been conversant with the affairs of the County. I have had twelve years' experience of the manage- ment of County business, and have served on some of the most hnportaut committees. Should you do me the honour of electing me as your Representative, I feel confident that, with the experience thus acquired, I shall be able to do justice to your choice. Yours faithfully, HENRY C. BRUCE. Ynisygerwn, Neatb, Nov. 19tb. 202 3162 GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH AND EAST WABDS OF THE MOUNTAIN ASH LOCAL BOARD DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. In response to the invitation of an inftuential and representative deputation of the Electors, and in conformity with the resolution of a public meeting confirming that invitation, I have much pleasure in coming forward as a candidate for the honour of representing you on the County Conncil. My long residence in the district, which has made me familiar with all its requirements, my experience on the various boards, such as the Local Board of Health, School Board, Board of Guardians, and High- way Board, which has gained for me a thorough know- ledge of all the details of Local Government, and my connection, as agent, with Messrs Nixon's Navigation Company (Limited), who are the largest ratepayers in the district, will, I trust, be considered a sufficient qualification for the office. If you will do me the honour of returning me as your representative, it shall always be my sole aim and pleasure to watch and to promote your interests to the best of ray ability. I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, C. J. M. GRAY. Troedyrhiw Forest, Mountain Ash, 5168 November 19th, 1888. 104 QL AMORGAN~~ CCUJN T Y COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PONTYPRIDD DISTUICT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Having been unanimously adopted by the Liberal Association of this District as their candidate, and at the request of a large number of electors, I have con. sented to contest the Pontypridd District in the Liberal interest. I have always taken a great interest in all matters connected with the mining community, and having lived all my We in Pontypridd and the Rhondda, my political views are well known to yon, and I venture to think that they are in full acctrrd with those of f a majority of the electors. If elected, no efforts shall be soared on my part to serve your interests truly and faithfully according to the best of my ability. I shall at an early date avail myself of the opportunity of addressing yon upon the subject, and placing my views fully before you. I am, 3190 Your obedient Servant, WALTER H. MORGAN. OtonntJ1 (Iflttttril OMectians. 0 O U N T Y COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE WHITLAND DIVISION. IiADIks AND GENTLEMEN,— Since the Public Meeting held at Whitla.nd on been taken from your Division and added to Llanboidy, conse. qnently I beg to withdraw my name as A for yoursuffrages. lam, La.dies and Gentlemen, Yours Obediently, THOMAS JAMES. Ffynon Brodyr, Nov. th. 1888. MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE ROGERSTONE DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Having received an invitation from a con-. siderable number of the ratepayers of the above, division.I have pleasure in announcing myself a candi-: date for the honour of representing you a.t the County Council shortly to be elected. Should your choice fall upon me, I shall fulfil the duties to the best of my ability, and shall endeavour to procure the administration of the Local Government Act efficiently and with a due regard to economy. I have the honour to be Yours faithfully. EDWARD STEER. Castle Works, Tydu, Nov. 26th, 1888. ONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY ULi. COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PONTLLANFRAITH. DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— I am a Candidate for the honour of represe nt ing you on the County Council. 3063 Faithfully yours, M. W. MOGGRIDGE. MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. EBBW VALE, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CENTRAL DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Having been requested to offer myself as a Candidate at the forthcoming Election, I beg to place my services at your disposal, and to assure you that, If elected, you may rely upon my doing ihe best in my power to forward your interests in every way. I have the honour to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, EDWIN GROVE. Stow Park. Newport, Nov., 1888. 3186 FORTIFY YOUR CONSTITUTION FOR THE COMING WINTER BY USING GWILYH J^JjVANS' QUININE glTTERS. This renowned Vegetable Tonic is unanimously acknowledged by all who have tried it to be unfail- ing Remedy for all AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, INDIGESTION, NER- VOUS and LIVER DISORDERS. DE- PRESSION of SPIRITS, and DEBILITY. Long experience has satisiactorily demonstrated that these Bitters are well adapted for the cure of all winter ai intents, and is, without doubt, THE BEST POs. j SIBLE WINTER M E DI C I NE. c A MIRACULOUS CURE. Springfield House, Penwaenmawr, June 3rd, 1887.DEAR SIR.—It if with very great pleasure I inform you that I have derived more bene- fit by using the last two bottles of Gwiiyni Evans'Quinine BILter than I have from any doctor during the last fifteen years. During the cast month I have been able to work full time, a thing I had not been able to do for many years. The inhabitants here know that my miraculous cure has been brought about by taking your Quinine Bitters. — Gratefully yours, JOHN OWEN. DYSPEPSIA AND NERVOUS DEBILITY. A gentleman of Liverpool, writing Aug. 17th, 1858, says :-Dear Sir,— I am compelled, undermost extra- ordinary circumstances, to relat to you the effect your most won- I derful medicine has had upon a friend of mine—Mr Davies, of Den- bigh. He was a traveller between New York and Liverpool, and was at the same time a severe sufferer i from Nervous Debility and Dys- ] pepsia. He wrote to me telling me of his sufferings, and I advised him to try a 2s 9d bottle of your Quinine j Bitters. I cannot possibly describe 1 the wonderful effect it had upon bim, and now be is as well as I am, and he, like myself, is over 70 years of age, aud with your fur ther help, if necessary, he will. no doubt, if it be God's will, live for 20 years longer. I have recom. mended it to many friends BRONCHITIS AND PAINS IN THE CHEST. Sunny Bank House, Penvilla-road, Brynhyftyd. Oct. 13th, 1887.—Mr Gwilym Evans—Dear Sir,—I have great pleasure in informing yon that your Quinine Uitters have completely cured me, after suffer- I tnlt from Bronchitis and pains in the chest for nearly four months. I and could »et no relief until I took your valuable medicine. I tned many doctors and all sorts of medicine, but they were of no a7ai'- ~Toanking you for your valuable discovery, I remain, yours truly, ALBERT DAVIES. ERYSIPELAS AND INDIGESTION. Mount Plasinarl, La.ndore near Swansea, January 7th, 1887.—Mr Gwilym Evans,—Dear Sir,—I have suffered irom Erysipelas and In- digestion for over seven ye^rs, and during that period 1 tried all digestion for over seven ye1rS, and during that period I tried all ICXTKVS of li'.i-uicine, but without obtaining any permanent relief. At last I took some of your Qui. nine Bitters, and I am now very mucii better, and c-ia conscien- tiously recommend it to anyone who suffers as I did.—Yours truly, MARY ANN LALISS. At this season of the year no one should be without it. A course taken NOW will be invaluable in giving tone to the system, new life to the blood, and bracing the nerves. Avoid imitations. See the name on the stamp, label and bottle. Refuse all othera. Insi-t upon having the Genuine GVVILYAI EVANS QUININE BITTERS Should any difficulty be experienced in procuring iL wnte to the Proprietor, who will forward it per parcels post, car- riage paid, to any address at the followng prices -.—Bottles, 2g 9d double size, 4s bd cases of three large bottles, 12s 6d. Sold by all Cheiiiiats and Vendors of Patent oieaicine* in the kingdom. Agents In all parts of the World, Proprietors: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMTANV (Limited), LLANELLi, SOUTH WALES 28 1130 JJUTCHINSO N'S pIANOFORTE ^fAREHOUSE, CLARENCE PLACE, NEWPORT. FIRST TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF TUNING IN SOUTH WALES. SINGLE TUNINGS. Newport and Cardiff 3S 6d. Country 4s Od. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS, BROM lus ÔD PER MONTH. Every Instrument Warranted for Ten Years. We have great pleasure in recommending Hutchinson's oi Newport as Competent Pianoforte Tuners and Itepalrers. 3127 JOHN BEINSMEAD & SONS. pENARTH RSERIBS. IMMENSE STOCK of all descriptions of TREES and SHRUBS reguiarly transplanted and with splendid roots. SEE CATALOGUE, POST FREE. ( ROSES. RUIT TREES. gHRUBS. QLIMBERS, &o. QLIMBERS, &0. 7,000 FEET of GLASS devoted to POT PLANTS. WREATHS AND BOUQUETS. 150,000 QUICKS FOR HEDGES. RALPH CROSSLING, PENARTH NURSERIES. I INSPECTION INVITED. 3126 "VTEATH AND DISTRICT ADVER- TIING, BILL-POSTING, and CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Office: 13, Cattle- street, Neath. Best permanent posting-stations in Town and neighbourhood. Contractors for all des- criptions of advertising, circular distributing, &c.. Ordors promptly attended to All ,parce13 to be dis tinctly addressed to T. Harry Haw&ins, Neaii- JUtfA itosnigss -4 F. C. E D. D E R S HAW (LEWIS. LATE BENNETT), A BIN-JS T M AKEB AND TTPHOLSTERER, X9 H IG-H STREET, jgWANSEA* -<.—. I I Extensive alterations having been carried out the premises are now the MOST COMMODIOUS IN THE DISTRICT, And contain a LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF CABINET F UltNITURE, BEDSTEADS, JgEDDING, CARPETS, T INOLEUMS, &c.t &c. IMMENSE STOCKS IN EACH DEPARTMENT. ¡ j All orders executed on the Premises by ex- I perienced Workmen in a manner which will maintain the reputation for durability which j this house haa enjoyed for more than half a I century. J IF. C. E. cordially invites an inspection ot the Stock and Premises without importuning to Purchase. F URN 1 s H 1 N G jQ E POT, 19 HIGH STREET, j i SWANSEA* 2945 GJAMTJEL JJROS., BOYS', YOUTHS', AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, T A R Y T R E E T, ST, MARY STREET, cA R D I F F. Important to those desirous of dressing well on the most economic principles. A Splendid Assortment of Clothing for Gentle- men's and Boys' wear at prices far below any otbar house in the trade. Quality combined with Economy. Every Article Marked in Plain Figures All goods Exchanged or Money returned if required. Only address in Cardiff- MARKET BUILDINGS, gT. MARY.STREET, Possessing all the properties of the finest arrowroo I BROWN AND POLSON'S CORN JflLOUR BAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. 226 NOTE.—Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist on being supplied with BROWN AND POLSON'S. It is distinguished for trnifoirolv superior quality. 1017 I^ADIES iqpOUSEKEEPERS L ADIES iqpOUSEKEEPERS CAREFUL J^ITCHENMAIDS And all those who like to see their Fire Grates shining with the BLACKEST and most brilliant polish,should insist upon having SMITH AND GREGORY'S ELECTRIC BLACK LEAD, which does not tarn grey like common blacklead. It Saves Labour, and is the best. Refuse any other kind. Of all Grocers, &c. Works, BRISTOL. 1110 DAVID DAVIES, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 161, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. Repairs in all branches of the trade, viz. Carpentry, masonry, slating, plastering, painting, and plumbing immediately attended to. Ranges set and encaustic tiles laid by first-class workmen. Drains put in thorough order. 14 ATERPROOF COVKRS and HORSE LOIN CLOTHS of all descriptions, coated with PHILLIPS' IMPROVED SPECIAL COMPOSITION. Full particulars on application to the manufacturer, CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Newport, Mon. A good covering for the loins of a horse during the cold and wet weather is as good as an extra feed of corn a day. 2526 BARTLETT AND S ON, 2 AND 3, WELSH BACK, BRISTOL. GROCERS and PROVISION DEALERS' SCALES, MILLS, and WEIGHING MACHINES, WOOD FITTINGS, SHOP FRONTS, COUNTERS, and TRADE REQUISITES. Repairs of all kinds. BRANCH DEPOT: BARTLETT and SON, 2893 Mill Lane, Cardiff.















Family Notices







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