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Family Notices







LONDON LETTER. ——————„—————!


LONDON LETTER. ——————„————— [BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. I [SPECIALLY WIRED. I LONDON, Wednesday Night. The turn events took 011 Monday before the commission of judges is likely to have an important effect upon the progress of the action entered by Mr Parnell against the Times in the Scotch courts. Under the impressiou, entertained on both sides, that the commission of judges wuuld more or less tollow the lead of the majority of the House of Commons, Mr Parnell was eagerly pressing for- ward the Scotch trial, and the Times was reso- lutely interposing delays. Undoubtedly when Mr Parnell, acting under legal advice, made a flank movement which startled the Times by raising an action in a Scotch court of justice, he expected that he would be able to have tbe case heard and decided in Edinburgh, and decided whilst the commission was still under weigh. But the course of events on Monday bas entirely changed the aspect of things. The Times has discovered that it is a very difficult matter dealing with a commission of judges instead of an anti Gladstonian majority in the House of Commons, led by an "old friend." Mr Parnell is absolutely reassured on the points of tbe impartiality and thoroughness or the inquiry which will go forward under the direction of Sir James Hannen. He is now, accordingly, lees anxious ro press forward the Edinburgh trial, while the limes, since it must be faced, throws aside its objections, and will now bend its energies to delaying the progress of the commission. The first evidence of this new departure was given on Monday, when Mr Graham, at the urgent and anxious entreaty of Mr Soames, the Times solicitor, succeeded in obtaining the postponement by a week of the business sittings of the commission. It will now be too late for the Times altogether to undo its work in Edinburgh aud harry forward the Scotch trial, which a careful calculation of necessary processes shows cannot come on till January. The businesslike management of the judges on the commission justifies the expectation that they will have disposed of the evidence and delivered their judgment within six weeks, or at the, most, two months. The Standard to-day gives utterance to the feeling of apprehension and distrust with which Mr Chamberlain's visit to Bradford is regarded in Conservative circles. Alluding to tbe expectation, ) mentioned in this column yesterday, that Mr Chamberlain would take the opportunity of urging the necessity of remedial legislation for Ireland, the Standard warns him, if he cares to earn the gratitude of the Unionists at large, to content himself with the simple announcement that he has thought out a plan without elaborating provisions, "which neither his friends nor his antagonists can just now find time to criticise." Mr Chamberlain is not the man to be snubbed by the official organ of the party for which he has during the last two years done so much. It is probable that this insulting note of warning may have the effect of making him more outspoken in denunciation of a continuance of unmitigated Balfourism. What Mr Chamberlain has to say on current events will, as usual, be interesting. But any weight the gathering in Bradford may have bad, if the secret had been kept, is destroyed in advance by the disclosure made this morning that it has been found necessary to bribe attend- ance by the issue of free railway passes. A letter from an official of the Congo State, dated July 26th, confirms that dated two days later, but published yesterday, and gives a painful account of the relatious between Major Barttelot and his men. If these correspondents are to be trusted—and it is well to remember that they are at present anonymous—it was a matter of common talk 011 the Congo before Major Barttelot started on the expedition which ended so fatally, that he would be assassinated by his irritated followers. It will be well to await confirmation of these painful communica- tions but if they described actual facts, there is some gleam of comfort to be derived with respect to the position of Stanley. These correspondents from the Congo, writing, it must always be remembered, long in advance of Major Barttelot's death, forecast that result as attributable to the harshness with which the major ruled his men. His death would seem to be due to an act of personal revenge rather than to either treachery on the part of Tippoo Tib or a generally hostile feeling among the natives, from which, in his turn, Stanley may have suffered. This has been a beautiful summer day in Londou, and telegraphed accounts received this evening from various centres describe the fine weather as general. It may come too late to REPRESS the damage done to the crops in the South of England, but further North, where the harvest is later, the sunlight is literally a shower of gold. In North Wales it comes in good time to make the harvest at least up to the average. There is also cheering news from Ireland. Mr Bullock Hall, a great authority, writes that during the hinguificeut weather Ireland has been blessed With in the present fortnight abundant crops of Qats and hay have been well got in. A prosaic paragraph in to-day's papers ANNOUNCES that yesterday the Three Nuns Inn, Aldgate, was offered for sale, and the bids not being sufficiently high, was bought in. This old inn, situated close by St. Botolph's Church, is one of the oldest hostelries in the city. It is mentioned in De Foe's "History of the Plague." Its name is derived from the nuns of the Minorite Convent, which gives its name to the Minorias, a street "tanding almost immediately opposite. Sir Henry Tyler, member for Yarmouth, is, AMOTIG many other things, president of the Grand Trunk. He has been to Canada for some weeks making a thorough inspection of the xystem. According to bis own description, bis is a mission of peace, its object being to induce the various rival companies to abandon competition and put up the rates. Sir Henry has promised Mr Akers- DOUGLAS to be back in time for the openiug of the aUtumn session. I hear of a curious and unlocked for calamity RISING out of the wet summer. It has, I am aQred on high authority, brought about a pain. fully depressed condition in the hat trade. Silk HATS are a drug in the market, whilst straws and Ilibt goods have had no chance. Some compen- sation has been found in the demand for cloth caps for travelling, ladies coming out strong in their orders for the peaked caps, which may be seen crowding every railway station. Brown felts have also beeu brisk, but,on the whole,hatters are madder than usual. In reviewing the unsatisfac- tory season they are only partially encourxged by the conviction that in silk bats brims have now reached the minimum of narrowness, that a turn °F FASHION is inevitable, and that the app6ur- ANce of broader brims will lead to the putting aWay of old hats and the buying of new. TRUTH to-day makes a statement which, if correct, brings into strong prominence a still more important result of the wet summer. It puts forth a calculation which shows that the cost of fodder for the 9 000 horses of the General OMNIBUS Company will amount, at the present prices, to £17,000 more for the current half-year than for the corresponding half of last yeav. If this be true, it will be bad news for the share- holders, who last half-year received a reduced dividend oniy by a large encroachment on the reserve fund. The importance of the statement lies in the fact of its national application. What is bad for the General Omnibus Company is bad. for the carrying trades throughout the kingdom TRAMWAYS, cab proprietors, and carters must all suffer from the increased price of fodder following on a SUNLESS summer. Oddly enough, there is one exception to the calamitous state, more striking as it oomes in contrast with the General Omnibus COMPANY. The directors of the London Road Car COMPLY, some nine months ago, entered into a contract for hay which will carry them over the next SIX months at prices current before the failure of the bay harvest had affected tbe MARKET. This is a matter of public interest, since it will greatly strengthen the position of a company In the welfare of which millions who pass through the streets of London are concerned. It was the Road Car Company that broke up the monopoly of the General Omnibus Company, introducing penny fares with vastly improved accommodation.












