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Jnhlít afítts. QARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES HORSE SHOW. SOPHIA GARDEN PARK. 19 r II AND 2 0 T H S E P T E B E R, 18 88 £ 300 IN PRIZES. REDUCED RAILWAY FARES. RIDl1.1, DRIVING, AXD TROTTING. JUMPING BOTH DAYS, j Admission—Wednesday, until 2 p.m., 2s 6d., after 2 j -O.xii. 1.s ihursday, ls :111 day GRIND Stand l both | VJ>¡. WxLLIAM B. LEWIS, Secretary. Guildhall-chambers, Cardiff. b31—1263 \V 1. v 4- u G H A N, • OF GREAT .FREl.)EIUCK-STREET, 1:Jj!;NERAL HAH. FITTER ANi) CONTRACTOR, SHOW OF HOTEL ^BAR .FITTINGS, BEER 10: A'C.. SECOND VOLUNTKER BATTALION, O W blLs-H REGIMBNX HEAD -QUAR'l bRS. A1ARGAM, TAIBACH 5:h "pt<lmbt1r, 1388. MOUNTED CO)IPANY. The Commanding Officer BAVINS beeu wfoi-med that THERE existed J. desire to form a Mounled Company In 1:01lllectJOII with tbis Cons has enaeavoured to ascertain -first, the probability of its being sanctioned by the authorities in the event úf a sufficient number of apph. cants being ready w jOlD; and, secondly, tbe extra cost fur eqmpment AS mounted men. ÅS regards the tirst. there i5 gi reason to belIeve that under curtain cuUÙltlOnS A Mounted CompiWY will be ,anctiun"d, I WIth reference to THE extra. cost the Commanding Officer beLlev"8-provided the Volunteer tinds hig own I borse, SADDLE (ordinary hunting), AND bridle (c, mplete "WITH ordinary PelüaDl tit and ColonJal bead collar), ihe additional cost. beyond infantry, would be COYered with £ 4. This would induce Bucket for Rifle, mounted service Bouts and Spurs (HeDlmins Patent), and Pantaloons. It must, however, ge di5tînctly under- stood that this extr" cost must be met i-y TIE members themselves tae reDlainder ot tbe cost of OIITIIR ulllforlll could be defrayed, as usual, by tbe Capitation Grant e:¡rnect oy th", members oi the Mounted Company The wl.l111d be required to make wemselYe5 .thclent *S Infantry Volunteers before they proceeded to mounted drill The root drills could be performed .1GU the detachment ue:1.est to tbt1 residenc of thø Individual WIT- BERR. Tbe mounted drills 1fowd haye &0 b.1 arranged !J."rea.iter, as might best suit the con. venience of the majority of th memb9rQ. The horses should rang" between H and 15 bands. Anyo- quaJlöed and able to rid wishing to join Under the aoove conditions are requested to GIVE in their names to the fiicer COALMAN-ONE the detachment .earest ro tbtHr resiÜence wbo will submit them to thae Adjutant TOT tbe Commadillg Officer's ..ppron,L A PENDAKVKS VIVL\ Colonel, Conuuaudlog ind Volunteer Kattalion, 2017 Welsh iiegiment. GUROUGH 0 };' CAR D I F :If. TENTH \)A YOI" SKPTEMBER, 1888, It is tl:1, olay resolved and ordered by th Council of the Borou h vi Cardiff, in pursuance, anÜ umler the Authority 0)1 tLe Carl,i1ff Corporation Act, ltlS4, that the following streets, being now formed or set out within tbe 'Borough øf Cardiff, and not sewered, levelled, metalled, flagged, Ji;.ertJed. channelled, and Blade good to the satisfaction or the Council, namdy ;— 1.LATRI"S \NT-ST.T MINN Y -STltEE1, DA" IL-\N-:jTR/Œ1". WHITCHURCH.Pc. DARliAN.I.AN K, DAL r,) S! REKf, and MA Y-STR K ET. FERRY -LAN E, .shall, witnin wo months from the date of the last publication of tbl notice. in pursuance of the proYisions ()i tb6 said ACe, be Heed tvoin obstruction, sewered, levelled, metalled, flagged, ;riJed, cl¡¡,nuellelÍ. made jood, and u.l:1erwise cL.>mpete-1 hy tue respective "wlJer of tbe b'.1i¡din!! c1111 UML aLlJOinm or abutting DII such streets, at t 11.:1 l' respective charges anù ex. penses, and in the manner following, that is to say ;— rhe insIde dimensions oi tue sewers to be not less ib.M 3 feet 5 inches by 2 feet, and to be constructed of a"IÙI, sojnd, well-burnt b,iek> wIth 9 inches invert and inches silte w3..ls and arch, and to be laid at a rate or rates of inclination, and at depths in accord- ance with sections PREPARED by the Borough Engineer anù Surveyor, ur as may UE otherwise determined, with all man-holes, ventilating shafts, and side entrances ne- essary for the proper access to and ventilating of SAME; carriage-ways and footways to be carefully excavated, 1 veiled anù formed. sites of carriage-ways to he excavated, levelled ami prepared for receiving foundations 111 "uch a manner as may be necessary in each ca.e too obtain Lhe proper leyds allll contour ot the sunace, ja relation to footpaths and adjacent buildings, and III accorÜance I\" It 1.1 sections a.> prepared; tbe ground over llY line uf sewer-trenca, or recent open. 1JI or trenches [or gas or water mains, to be thoroughly rammed before tile foundation is laid on, the surface to receive the foundation to be fonned with a rise from each side to the ceatre ;\1; the rat of 1 inch in 2 f vet or otbezowise ;$.S Shu1VD OD the-ectiou.s the foundation to consist of a lay- of gtro.¡!, ciean, dry gravel 3palls. ehippings, or rou"h n: okell stone, not less than ó incbes thick, IML to be rolled immediately after spread- in:! the metalling to be of Caatell Coch limestone, and broken sufficiently -mall to pass in any direction through A .AU^E I incuts in diameter to be laid on to ve a depth of not iess than O inches when roiled, the rolling to be done before the gravel is laid on do ¡ covering of limestone SCREENINGS or limestone grayel 1 fccii t:ucE to be laid Oi: the metalling, ami watered, and rolled umil a linn and REGULAR surface is ootained the chml1el" tu be formed of Newbridge stone L inches wide and 4 inches thie;110 "tone to be less thun IS inches long, well ,qU&red, chistll-dlØ611Ød 011 joints, ds, an,1 ;a>¡£, and to be tirwiy set in line mortar, on a bed or concrete 6 inches deep the I channel* to be SET witl.1 an inclination of Jths (If an inch from tho kerb To the outer OkLe, and .0 ba )3.iJ at such levels AS wùl /1.1ve t :E m> st efficient taH to the reso»»cnve grids in back Janes the channels, if ;;() I required, to b- formed wIth Leckwith stone 10 inches by 7 incurs, formed wita a hollow down the centre q I inches witt" and l mell deep, and to be laid 011 a bell I of concrete 6 inches deep; the kerb swns to be of the bes Newbridge stone, unitormiy 4 inches wiele. nd 12 deep, to average 2 feet in iengrli and no stone or closer to be TSS THUN 13 inches in lenth; to be I :-q:¡:ueci nn a I sides, chi<;el.j"inted, aml dressed 011 back joint, top edge and iace, and firmly set in tine UlOrl;H 011 a solid oeu; at street corners, cro>!sin;ls, an.1 angles, th.) ke'-b to desc-ibe curves of such raelii as shown on the plans p;"DARED by tbe Borough Engineer and Survey r the surface or tbe footways to fail Trom the houses to the outeT ellge of the kerb ston with an inciin3.tion of 1 inca in 2 feet; the channel .tone, 3.t then- l.1'hest point (I droo 3 inchesbdow the op edge of the kerb stones the footw ys to b" paved jvrli flagging of not less than I? inches thick of sound Newbridgs stone, r stone pf equal quality, weL squared through, oul; of winding, bid in tine mortar, It" a beÜ or gravt-1, 8&, ne chippings, rine shes, or marp sand, 4 inches thick, spread and rammed on a joiid bed prepared for the same, tlw quantÜy of J8-inch gauge stone not to exceed I-4th of ihe whoie, measured lineally; the flags to break joint three inches at the east, and the coursing joints to reak joint with, and be laid at riaht anles to the e"b; the flaggiiur tù be cut fOl shute channels 4 inches oy inch ouposite each down shute ami to be properiy tnwmed mimet all coal plates, cellar flaps. are;, grid", or jther fittings "r shall be laid witn best Startord- shire blue HAVING brickg laid on a bed of cnnaete six inches, thick, <1" with such otuer materials ;1, may be approved uy the Borough Engineer; the crossings to belaid n wi<h- corresponding to the footways, with Neworidge or granite sets, in regular courses and ofa uniform depth, 1 id 111 fine mortar, I.In a bed of con. cret., 12 inches thick, w. I rammed, and formed with the proper rse; wh-re the KERB is circular tile crossing 8tOne to be dressed to tit the curve; the mortar useú thrúu2hout the works tl) be of a strong consistency, eo-I-uosed of one part creened Bin.- Lias qllicn: lime to two parts clean sharp saud, thoroughly nlÍxed awl usedw iie res 1 he whole oi the above-mentioned works to be exe. cuted iD accorrlaned with tht1 above Specification, anil WiLh the Phns aud Sections, wllicillllay be inspected at th. office of the Borou-h Engineer and Surveyor, in the Town-hsu., J-t Mary-street, Cardiff, betwen the hours or 10 a.m. anti 4 p.m., vI" "II Saturdays between 10A.m. and 1 p,m.; a:,d;;o be of the d¡mensi..m,widths, and 1. veis shown thereon; and the whole of the materials 11(1 w0rkman1!bip to be vf the best descrip- twn, and subject I,o the exatw- ation AND approval of the Council 01' tbeir proper officers. J. L. W1JJ<:ATLEY, Town Clerk. I DO HEREBY GIV; NOTICE TO ALL PARTIES CONCKRNE that if 8uch work" be not commenced hi he streets mentioned in the above order within one monch alter the last publication of this order, or be NVT duly proceeded with after being commenced, or be ,t completed wicbin ,he time anlÍ in I he manner here- inbefore expressed, or e in t;ie opinion of the Surveyor insuflicientiy or improperly done, the said Councit wili cau, r > be executed, completed, or re-executed, &3 the case may requ re, ail or any ui the said works, and the o.,t.s incurred lJy the Cuuncil in any such case shall be deemed private improvement expenses, and shaH he rewver9.tÚe accorùilllly frum the person or persons in default. J. L, WHKATLEY, lownClerk. Dated this 10th day of September, 1888. 1995 LIEBIG EXTRACT gf MEAT. For Improved and Eon01llic Cookery. Th, oniy sort ever ùaranteed genuine by JLSRU.3 VON LIEBIG. LIEBIG CO:VIPA):'3 EXTRACT of MEAT. Finest Meat-thvourinJ{ Stock. Use it ior Soup" and :t:1ces. Use it lor Matie J>i-nes, Use it for Fish "nù Game Sauces. Efficient Tomc. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of MEAT. Highly recommended as a Nightcap instead of alcohol. Genuine oniy with ra.c.imiie of J L S I' I S VON LIKBLU' S SIGNATURE in £ LU r.: ThK across Labd. ASK FOR 12797 1120 LI £ BIG COMP A'S EXTRACT of MEAT, With BLUB SIGNATURE. AUTU)lN JpASHIONS. I. SAMUEL, 76, QUEE* -STREET (CROCKHEKB- TOWN), CARDIFF, Is now receiving CHOICE DRE8S MATERIALS in the NEWEST DESIGNS for the comin Season. AUTUMN COSTUMES made to order from 45s. NOVELTIES in JACKETS and C1.0AKS. FBENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY. Seal Jackets, Fur CLOAKSRPELERINEA and Boas. 915 Ban and Evening Dresses made on the shortest notice LEA In consequeooe of Imitations of Lea & Perrins' Sauce, A which are calculat-d to deceive the Public, LEA and PERRINS » RPT' beg to draw attention to the fact YJAUVE* that each bottle of the Original and ►C? Genuine Worcestershire Sauce bears LEA their Signature on the label. 1 1 WORCKSTERSHIRE SAUCE. & So 1.1 Wholesale by the Proprieters, PPDUTVC W orceSLer: Crosse and Blackwell, CiXv KliN o London and Export Oilmen generally. SAUCE. Retail by De's throughout the 13303 WWID. UQ8 Cardiff djfjiMiimt. CA R D IF ITTN T EM A TI ON A L EXHIBITION. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE EXHIBITION BAND, CONDUCIER—MR PAUL DRAPER. I TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. POPULAR SELECTIONS FROM THE BEST AUTHORS At 3.0 p.m and 7.30 p.m. ORGAN RECITALS. ELECTRIC ILLUMINATED FOUNTAIN. Brilliant Effects at 7.50 and 8.:JO p.m. GRAND CONCERT TO-DAY, WEDNESDAY, 19TH INST. MISS LUCY CLARKE (Her Last Appearance prior to her Departure for the | Royal Academy, London), | MR C. EMLYN JONES j (Prize Winner Tenor Solo, National Eisteddfod, 1! Wrexham, 1388), and | AP HERBERT (London). J MACHINERY IN MOTION. | SWITCHBACK RAILWAY. j Numerous and Varied Attractions. | OPEN DAII.Y from 10 a.M. to 10 p.m. 1 ADMISSION ONE SHILLING. 1224 [ PARDIFF EXHIBITION, F A PRESENT FOR THE CHILDREN. j A BEAUTIFUL MINIATuREI SOUVENIR OF THIS YEAR'S EXHIBITIONS AT GLASGOW, MELBOURNE, BARCELONA,] BRUSSELS, CARDIFF. and ANGLO-DANISH, j Will be PRESENTED TO EACH VISITOR At the Exhibit of COLGATE'S QASHMEEE BOUQUET CJOAP O 840 AND PERFUME. LUNDBORG'S PERFUMES, MURRAY A UNMANS FLORIDA WAIER, "LANOLINE" COLD CREAM, POMADE, &C. STAND No. 50, AVENUE C. ( A R D IFF E X H I BIT ION. PIANOS, jpiANOS, JpiANOS, fJlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL. LIMITED. NEWEST DESIGNS, JgEST VALUE, LARGEST DISCOUNTS, JlROM TEN POUNDS CASH. I ORGANS, QRGANS, QRGANS, FROM FIVE SHILLINGS MONTHLY, ON NEW HIRE SYSTEM. The EXHIBITS of THOMPSON AND 8HACKELL, I.imiterl. comprised SOPIe of t1rè choicest de!dgn8 ever shown in the Principality, at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. ALL RECENT IMPROVEMENTS are to be found in the Instruments offered for sale by fJIHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, LIMITED. If you do not see what yon want at their I STAND NEAR THE FOUNTAIN, be sttre you call in at one of their Establishment?, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, I CARDIFF, 32; CASTLE-STREET, SWASNRA, 35, COMMERCIAL-STREET. NEWPORT, 146, WESTGATE-STRE 1ST, GLOUCESTER, 11S, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, 86, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD, 12, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH, I where you can select from the I LARGEST STOCK OUT OF LONDON. j Catalogues with full particulars of New Hire System for Pianos, Organs, and Harmoniums fee on appli. cation, ° 1047 jgLECTRIC LIGHTING! J. C. HOWELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEER, LLANELLY. Contractor for the Supply and Fitting-np of ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sole Agent for South Wales for CROMPTON LÇ; CO., LIM., LONDON AND 1 CHELMSFORD. Incandescent and Arc Light Installations for Collieries, '1' Factories, Ships, Houses, (fee. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. QARDIFF E X H I B I r ION. STANDS, I40 143, AND 11&9 228. CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES EXHIBITION. STAND 88. AVENUE D. j R. J. HEATH AND SONS, I 51, QUEEN-STREET, I CARDIFF, i Are Exhibiting a Large COLLECTION OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Including I PIANOFORTES AND ORGANS, By the most Celebrated Makers, which may be had on I the ¡ HIRE SYSTEM, I From 10s 6d and upwards monthly, or at CO-OPERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH, DELIVERED FREE, and GUARANTEED the CHEAPEST HOUSE in the Trade. I R. J. & SO9S" CARDIFF. 1066 I TO BOOT WAREHOUSEMEN. "STAND No. 48. J. and E. REYNOLDS, CHEaHAM, BUCKS, WHOLESALE AND EXPORT BOOT and SHOE MANUFACTURERS, BRITISH and FOREIGN ARMY and METROPOLITAN POLICE CONTRACTORS, are EXHIBITING a varied assort ment of their WORLD-FAMED BOOTS AND SHOES, OAK TREE BRAND.. The following are specimens of numerena press extracts :— The&iropeanMail: They have wen a reputation in almost every market of the world." The British Manufacturer: They are probably un- rivalled throughout the world" 1959 JJARTLETT AND SON, 2 AND 3, WELSH BACK, BRISTOL. GROCERS and PROVISION DEALERS' SCALES' MILLS, and WEIGHING MACHINES, WOOD FITTINGS, SHOP FRONTS, COUNTERS, and THAD. REQUISITES. Repairs of all kinds. BRANCH DEPOT r BARTLETT and SON, 20B6 Mill Lane, Cardiff. -T- TEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea Single Tooth. 2s bd. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson, R.N., says They conduce greatly to health and comfort." Re-models, repairs. Painless Dentistry, Gas, Ac.—GOODMAN AND Co., 56, Queen-st J Cardiff, and 1, Old DECK-STREET, Newport, 1^41 1114 Cardiff (Bsfribition. CARDIFF X H I BI T ION: During the above Exhibition, fJIRAPNELL AND GANE intend makin SPECIAL DISPLAYS of JpURNITURE AND QARPETS IN THEIR MAGNIFICENT WINDOWS AT 3 8 and 35, QUE EN S T R E E T, I And will vary these from time to time in order to give all those WHO visit Cardiff during the next two months an opportunity of seeing that. REALLY GuOD FURNITURE can be had at MODERATE COST. To commence with, -we shall show in our window at 38, QUE ENS T R E E T, fJIRAPNELL AND CHALLENGE DINING-ROOM SUITE:— SIDEBOARD (Solid Walnut, Bevelled Plates), OVERMANTEL, II DINING TABLE, SUITE m saddlebag, comprising COUCH, GENT'S CHAIR, LADY'S CHAIR, SIX SMALL CHAIRS, FENDER (Brass rail), FIRK BRASSES, COAL BOX, THE WHOLE COMPLETE, £33 10, DELIVERED FREE. TRAPNELL AND GANE. JL Vx 1221 JJINDE'S )VIRE llRUSBES. SILVERED WIRE AND RINGS OF BRISTLE. PATENTED. Cheaper and far more durable than Bristle Brushes. anufactured AT THlL CARDIFF EXHIBITION. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE BY MESSRS. GREENSLADE, BRISTOL. ¡ TT INDE'S pATENT inTAIR CURLER. A PERFECT FRISETTE IN 10 MINUTES. NO RISK FROM FIRE, BEING USED COLD. CHEAP! DURABLE! EASY SUPERSEDES CURLING IRONS or CURL PAPERS. A N U F ACTURED AT THE QARDIFF JgXHIBITION, AND SOLD BY FIVH THOUSAND HAIRDRESSERS, &c. Beware f Imnudent Imitations, sometimes p1'ê&lled on the Public by Shortsighted llopkeep. JJINDE BROS., f ONDON, OLD-ESTABLISHED JgRUSH j^JANUFACTTJRERS. THE EXHIBIT AT CARDIFF JgXHIBITION I HAS 20 PEOPLE AND AN 8-HORSE I ENGINE EMPLOYED I to delineate the process of I jgRUSH AN UFACTURING, &c., And is worthy of inspection, more especially by dealers in Brush Goods, to whom the Manager, Mr THOS. HAWLEY, will be delighted to give every explana- tioa, 2C64 jyj ORGAN AND CO. (LIMITED), COACHB UILDERS AND HARNESS MAKERS, LONDON. j 2040 STAND No. 131, AVENUE F. CARDIFF EXHIBITION. DUCK, SON, AND pINKER (Bristol and Bath) w exhibit a magniflceat assortment of IjplANOS AND ORGANS At the forthcoming Exhibition. Persons wishing to cb-ain a high-class Instrument at a moderate cost should defer their purchase until they have inspected this choice selection. 1243 JQLECTRIC BLACK | ^EAD. ¡ Saves labour. A rapid, brilliant BLACK polish. yyiNDSOR CASTLE JgLUE. Linen of Snowy Whiteness No HousekeeDer shouid be without these matchless article*. May be had of all Grocers, ic. Gold Medals 1882; Paris 1885. SMITH & GREGORY, Blue and Bluett Lead '-Vorks. Bristol. 1110 J^INNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. JJINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. 180, Bond-street, London, and all Chemists. 1136 Granted since 186ohave eachyear THE EXCEEDED sums Assured, a result maintained STANDARD uninterruptedly for so long a JJA-KU period by no OLher office In the United Kingdom. POLICIES FUNDS, SIX AND THREE- JL QUARTER MILLIONS, in. creasing annually. STANDARD LIFE OFFICE, 57, BROAD-SI REE I-, BRISTOL. 1143 JOSEPH JULER, Local Secretary. THE SKIN THE GLORY OF WOMAN THE PRIDE OF MAN. rpHE SKIN —— A mHE A LBION 1\/f ILK THE SKIN A A. iWL AND rjlHE SKIN QXJLPHUR QOAP, THE SKIN Purest, most emollient, and most ra-> rrxji delicate of all Soaps, giving to the I OlVLIM SKin that softness and clearness so JL desired by all. It is invaluable for rpHE SKlQf children, and unequalled for the 1 complexion. The yery best Shay. TWfi1 SITTitt *'«g Soap,as it will never irritate the vysost delicate skin. Delicately per- .mm-r-w-n c.T^-r^T f^Toed. Sold by all dealers in TI1HE SKIN Pe_amery in ToiluC Tiiblets and i JL Cakes, 1171 ■ business ^btiiezzts. THE NEW ANTI-CORROSION LEAD. JGRISTOL SUBLIMED LEAD COMPANY, IT IMITED. WORKS—AVONMOUTH. AGENTS :— JOHN HALL & SONS, GLASS, LEAD, OIL AND COLOUR | MANUFACTURERS & MERCHANTS, I JGROADMEAD, BRISTO L. j WHITE LEAD. LEAD COLOUR LEAD, ——— (Dry or Ground in Oil.) Made direct from the Ore by a new process of Sub. limation. After the first fire it is pure LEAD COLOUR, after the second Are WHITE. Unlike ail other Lead, Sublimed Lead is made without the use of Acid, and is therefore a much better protection to iron. It is less soluble than any other Lead, and is consequently less poisonous, whilst it resists better the free Acids of an impure and suioky atmosphere. NO ACID. NO CORROSION. Numerous Testimonials already published in the If South Wales Daily News" can b" inspec-ed at J OHN JJALL AND SONS, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. LEAD COLOUR LEAD —JOHN HALL & SONS Paint all their Works, Warehouses, Wagons, and Packages with this Paint. Their BroaUmead Premises give a good illustration of it. SUBLIMED LEAD SHOULD NOT BE KEPTUNDER WATER; IT KEEP BETTER WITHOUT. BEST SOFT ENGLISH PIG LEAD. SHEET LEAD. LEAD PIPE AND SHOT. 1807 PARK HALL & HOTEL COMPANY, JL. LIMITED. THE BEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS HOTEL IN CARDIFF. At the request of numerous Customers, EVERY SATURDAY A FIRST CLASS ORDINARY Will be served in the Large Coffee Room at 1.30. 2s ód PER HEAD. DINNERS OF A RECHERCHE CHARACTER to Order on Application to the Manager, P.S.—Trams and 'Buses pass the Hotel Door. 1270 THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture. THE GREAT BLOOD PGHIFIER AND RESTORER. SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Licent tell Sore Legs, Old Sures, Glandular Swellings tJancerolls ÙJcers,Spots, Pimples, Pustules Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worms, Scald Jlaads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Hnilloars and T'iseases of the Skin of what- ever name autt nature, are literally carried out of tLío> »ys5ein ilt It shert time by th9 use of this world-famed meàicil1" TlIOU,Á.o.u.. or 'l,n;'¡():-¡I"d.'5 FBOM .u.1, PAR/IS. Carlton, Beier N ottinp;ho.Ut, Fotbrllary 27, 1883 1 Messrs the Midland t:uuntiesDrng Company, Lincoln. Gentlemen,—Some tell years ago my wife oecam" lame wiob ulcerated legs. 1 tried every recommenda- tion for a cure, aud abo a large number of doctors (some of tliem very clever men vith. diseses of this kind), but to no effect. After bell1g JIl tills state for betwixt live and six years, I determined to try your Blood Mixture as a last resource, as she at that time appeared to be at death's door. and ad to be put to bed, having 110 use in her leg-s and 1 am thankful to baY, after taking 13 of your snu1l bottles she experienced a perfect cure. This i;;¡ now four years ago since the cure was effected, and there is no si of the complant returning. Imay add that it had cost us scores of pounds trying one remedy after another previous to taking your invaluable medicine, for which I return you my sincere thanks.—I am, gentlemen, yours grate fully, C. S. P.S.-You may make what usa of the above you think tit, but in the event of advertising it kindly keep hack my name. You can, however, refer an). oue making private inquiries to my address as follows;- C. S., Midland Station, Carlton, near Nottingham.' IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse tile vitiatetl blood whenever you nnd it impuri ties bursting through the skin in pimples, erup. tions, ur sores; cleanse it when you tind it ob structed and slugish in the veinH; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tlw blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As "thi", Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warrantei free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the pro- prietors solicit sutiere's to give it a trial to test lts value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE Is sold in Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in Cases containin six times the quantity at lis each-sufficient to effect permanent cure in the great maiorityof long-standin case-by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor throughout the world, o. sent on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor. 1006 THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG C0311'ANY, Lincoln. TRADE MARK—"BLOOD MIXTURE.' LASS, i^HINA, AND V> JJLAR. THEN WARE (Wholesale, Retail, and Export). S. J. KEPPLE AND SON, 3, CLARE-STREET, BRISTOL. Having a large wholesale trade, we are able to offer great advantages to our retail Customer^ Write for catalogue.) 118b LUNG SAVE YOUR TAVES BY TAKING TONIC LUNG I'VKRlDfiE'S TONIC LUNG 4 i VUiviJJUllia TONIC! LUNG >rf TONIC LUNG G U N G RTL O N I C TONIC LUNG JLJ J TONIC LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. TONIC LUG It has a.puwerovertiisea.ses hither- TONIC LUNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are you at all weak-chested, or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of Cough now and then? TONIC LUNG "Tiy this Wonderful Medicine.' TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC rtrx^ appear as if by magic, and you will TONIC ^UiNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC iiUiNG had,before. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC a HAVE YOU A COLD? TONIC DOsli AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC irvr 1, TONIC Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC TTC-,s instantly. TONIC LT- — TONIC ( fhe Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC l.ln "hooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. TONIC LUNG Sold in Bottles, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, TONIC LUNG and lis, by a.U Chemists and Patent TONIC LUNG Medicine Vendois. TONIC LUNG Wholesale all London and Provincial TONIC LUNG 13323 Houses. 1180 KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS, t\ FOR HEADACHES. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR INDIGESTION. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR BILIOUSNESS KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR THE LITER KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR DEBILITY KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS FOR COSTIVENESS. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS ARE EASY TO SWALLOW, BEING VERT SMALL. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES ARE THE MOST EFFICACIOUS REMEDY FOR WORMS KERNICK'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES ARE PERFECTLY HARMLESS FOR CHILDREN. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS AND WORM LOZENGES ARE FREE FROM MERCURY KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS AND WORM LOZENGES are sold by all Chemists in 7id. is ld, and 2s 9d Boxes, or direct ei the Sole Proprietors, KERNICK AND SON, 1025 Wholesale Druggists, 9, MiU*l$ae, C&rtJiff. 1 18 nsiitflss ^bbtesses. pp, LC ''1 ,1/ -r.- t1 dy 25 EVANS AND (COMPANY desire to direct special attention to a GREAT, DELIVERY OF ,NEW AND REASONABLE Q 0 ODS, BOUGHT at a REMARKABLY LOW RATE FOR CASH, and MARKED AT VERY ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES SO AS TO COMMAND A STIRRING SALE. THE GOODS ABOVE REFERRED TO INCLUDE BLANKETS, FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, SERGES, TICKS, QUILTS, SHEETS, SHEETING, CALICOES, LONGCLOTHS, DRESS MATERIALS, SKIRTINGS, SILKS, PLUSHES, VELVETEENS. MANTLES, JACKETS. GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, GENTLEMEN'S MERCERY, Ac., And will be ready for inspection rpHIS J)AY, ^tednesday. This opportunity is strongly recommended to regular Customers and the general Public. Temple-street, Swansea, Sept. 19tb, lasS. 104 gAMUEL jg R O S, BOYS' CLOTHIERS, BESPOKE TAILORS, GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTERS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, &0. GRAND J^ISPLAY OF AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK FOR THE PRESENT AND COMING SEASON. EVERY DEPARTMENT replete wirh a Stock of the most Varied, Stylish, and best assorted Goods in the Kingdom. One trial will prove we are Best and Cheapest. MARKET B UILDIN GS, ST, jyjARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 272 1315 TRY IT. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. SA-FE AND RELIABLE. TRY IT. Q_WILYM JjVVANS' QUININE J>lTTEfcs. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BETTERS G-WILYM EVANS' QUININE BrrTE When once tried has always been recommended. Ha.s proved successful when all other medicines had failed to give relief. Has proved permanently beneficial when other pre. parations at best only gave temporary relief. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTER2 Has been tested by ANALYSTS and declared PURE and Harmless, Has been recommended by DOCTOKS. and found to be TRUSTWORTHY and SAFE, Has bsen tried by PATIENTS, and proved to be THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. b. Hill-street Steel Works, Ebb* Vale. Mr Gwilym Evans. Dear -ir,—1 feel bound to confess my deep oblia. tion to ou for the speedy cure I obtained by unfailing nTMdy, the Quinine Bitters. I for a long nine from Bronchitis anti severe cold. acconj. panied by not painful cough. I tried the prescrip. tions of several doctors without obtaining the least relief. Then I resolved to try your QuilllntJ Bitters, and after taking a few does I felt its beneficial effects upon my whole system, for it enabled 111" LO enJoy refreshing sleeo, which I had not been privileed. to enjoy for a long time previously and after continuing to use it for the short .-pace of a fortnight, I felt quite well, alld I can teslity hat I am now as well BTe' I shall recomm9nd the Quinine Bitters to ail sufferers, since it is so cheap, and within the reach of nearly all classes, and 1 can recommend it as an unfailing remedy. You are welcome to make use of these hnes for the guidance of other sufferers.—With heartfelt thanks, I am, dear Sir, Your Grateful Well-wisher, J. R. DAVIE8. For Affections of the Chest, USE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Debility in every form, USE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Indigestion, Bile, Headache, &c., USE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Liver Complaints. USE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Nervousness and Weakness, U-E GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. For Depression of Spirits, USE GWILYM EVANS' R QUININE BITTERS. RECENT TESTIMONIALS;— A gentleman of Liverpool, writing August 17tll, 1888, says Dear Sir,—I am compelled under most extraor- dinary sircumstances to relate to you the effect ,y.0Tlj most wonderful Quinine Bitters has had upon a friend of mine,—Mr Davies, of Denbigh. He was a travel between New York and Live-pool, and was at thn sa-me time a seyere ufferer from Nenous Debilityaud Dyspepsia. He wrote to me telling me ot his suffer- ings, and 1 advised him to buy a 2s 9d bottle of yonr Quinine. I cannot possibly describe the wondtlrful effect it had upon him. and now he is as well as 1 am, and he like myself is over 70 year, and witb your further help, if necessary, he wilijio doubt, if ie be God's will, live for 20 years longer. We have reccorll. mended it to many friends." 12, Angel-street, Neath, October 27th, lb87. Mr GWILYM EVANS. DEAR SIR,—I have great pleasure in 1nformif!g you that your Quinine Bitters completely cured 1 when other well-known doctors ana menicines nad failed. I have been suffering from neuralgia for nearly five months, and could get no relief until I took some of your Quinine Hitters. You may make use of thIS to benefit others suffering from the same complaint. Yours truly, SOPHIA GRIFFITHS- GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWI YM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS When once tried has always been recommenqed. Has proved successful when all other inediciues have failed to give relief. Hos proved pemanently beneficial when other preparations at best oniy Rave temporary rehef. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYAl EVANV QUININE BITTER-? GWLLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS "46, Mortimei-road, Canton, Cardiffi "July 28th. 1888. TO MR GWILYM EVANS. "DEAR SIR,—I give:, me particular pleasure # to testify to the wonderful efficiency of your Quinine Bitters, which I have taken upon the recommendation of Mr Parsons, 205, Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff. feel extremely thankful for this excellent remedy, and gratefully testify that I am now quite another person after taking your Quinine Bitters. I suffered for a long time from severe pains in my lef, side, from debility and loss f appetite, but I am now quite frøe from all of thtm. My son also, who was long a mar yr to the same complaint, took a course of your Quinine Bitters, and ever since that time has not felt the slightest a ttack of the old enemy. I can, therefore, most heartily recommend the Quinine Bitters to all who suffer irom the same complaints.—Yours gratefully, "DAVID THOMAS." See the name on the stamp, label, and bottle. Re- fuse all others. Insist upon having the Genui"9 GWILYM EvAKS QUININE BITTERS. Should any culty be experienced in procuring it, write to the Pro- prietor, who will forward it per return Parcel Post, carriage paid, to any address, at the following prices -Bottles, 2s 9d double size, 4s bd i cases of three large botties, 12s 6d. Sold by all chemists and vendors of patent medi- cines in the kingdom. Agents in all parts 01 the world. PROPRIETORS :— QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING co. (LIMITED) LhANELU, SOUTJS WALES. Justness :Alrlrrtfi5tS. CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. NEW D RESS MATERIALS. The NEW AUTUM BESS MATERIALS have now been received, com ing a Choice Collection of tbe highest class Novelties. Complete Sets of Patterns will be forwarded post free on application. CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY, LIMITED, CHELTENHAM. 1279 R. H. & H. ASHMAN, 2, 3, 4, and 5, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. MAKERS OF LEATHER MACHINE BELTING AND HOSE PIPES. ENDLESS BELTS FOR THRESHING MACHINES, &C. PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION^ 1132 CROSSLEY'S "OTTO" GAS E NGINE. Otbe 28,000 IN USF- From 2 man to 100 h.p. REFERENCES for ALL TRADES and in ALL TOWNS. Second-Hand Engines. Deferved Payment System. QROSSLEY JGROS., J^IMITED, OPENSHAW, MANCHESTER.

Family Notices






------------I"CYMRU FYDD."



-----._,,-- ------MR H. DILLWYN…

__-_---------..--THE FIRE…


._----__--___---SOUTH WALES…

