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(gkrtian ]liite5S2S. o T H E ETE^CTO R S OF TOH Wt.STEKN OR GOWER DIVISION OF GLAMOR. UANSHIRIS. GE.NTLKMEN.— On the unanimous) fnvitation of the Representa- tive Liberal Association "f your Division, I off..r myself as a candidate to All th» wcmc> in ih« r^re- lm y. of the PivisiQM caused by the death of yjur late respected Mernbev. r, ril Although I no) person-lily known to m')!!t. of veu, I nn not altogether a stranger to your neigh. bourhood. I was ft membev of Mr Gladstone's Government of 1336, Mid I am a supporter oi his policy as well on the Irish question as other political questions. TLi* legislative union with Ireland has had a trial of 87 years, anti it twvs failed to create any raal union between Ireland-and the other parts of the United Kingdom. Tie ,f the Irish people from the British Government has. indeed, increased from year to year, and tlvit willing respect for the law which is the nnly s ire foundation rf stable government in a tree count; y. has steadily diminished. The of t:<! Irish reople with the Lel!1a. tive Union nr, w finds expr-sdon through their repre. sent: Uvss, legaiiy elected on An enlarged basis of rtt,i*e"iw,t,.en, ati,i ctit-,iot, iii my judgment, be any ,er ignored with fairness or with safety. Arran gements ought, therefore, to be made for establishing lescislatiTe an,1 xecutive bodiesiii Ireland, with yuch control over Irish domestic affairs a' shall be consistent with the supremacy of the Imperial Parlia- mep.c and the safety an-1 un;ty of the Empire. In allocating this measure of reform, I believe that I am promoting a real union of the different parts of tne Crated Kingdom, auu rem .Tins a serions cause of Aanger to the empi". I am opposed to the coercion policy of the present Government, It i. a po) cy which contents nobody, which exasperates and does not conciliate, and which offers no solution of any question. The severity of the law is aggravated by the harshness of its adminis- '.ration. But there are other political questions besides that of Ireland, mmy of which affect Wales specially. Foremost amongst these is Welsh disestablishment. film opposed in principle to the maintenance of any Kxlesiaetical privilege or monopoly, and in the case of Wales the Established Church cannot any longer be maintained coMisten-ly with justice or wi I h fairness to the hrge maj-riiy of its people. I should, therefore, vote for the disestablishment and disendowment of the Church in Wales. The subject of Welsh education also demand., the attention of Parliament. JSlementary education should be compulsory, and therefore free. I r:-n opp,)-s,-d in i)rii,c;p!e to t',e support of denominational religious teaching out of public money either direcèly or indirectly, anal recard with jealosy schools supported with public money and 1l0 under public control. I should, if re umed to Parliament, support Mr MuniieUa's Intermediate Kducuion Bill, "out I sh.-uld like to see a nior.: direct I Qpresentition of the people on the Education Committees. The union of the Welsh collegas in a. national un. sectaridn university, with power to confer degrees, would hate my warm support. I am :n favour of a reform of the IIone of Lords. I am in favour of such alterations in the law oi I registration as will carry out the principle ui "on: man one vote." In nij judgment a reform of Local Government in our counties is urgently needed, hue it must be a large measure, thorough in its character, and based on direct representation of the people. if the promised biil of the Government is of Miis character it would have my support. So far liS it departs from these principles, I should, as your represen'ativi. endeavour to introduce the necessary amendments into it. As part of Local Government I am in fivour of e:i- trusting the control of the liquor traffic to the people of each locality ilucugh their iepre«entativt9. I have fcr ruany yea' pas; tikeii in active interest in tL,e ref,,i-m th, L:tnd L, I hope to have all early opportunity of addressing yon on these as well ss on other questions. As a Welsh member I should e:ulevrour, in concert vvi,b (;tizer NVf-h in,nit)crs, t-, ii,:iintain and v,-onicte the national interest-* of Wales, and as your representa* tive it would he my pleasure as well as my duty to pay a close attention t" your local interests. 1 am, (;.(>utlemen, Your Obedieut Servant, HORACE DAVEY. Swansea. Marih 10th, 1:63. RJIO THE ELECTORS, MKIUHYR TYDFIL. At; Kit DARE, VAYXOlt, AXD II MOUNT AIX A.>H. GENTLEMEN,— In response to the unanimous invitation with wbi h I have ween honoured by the .Merthyr and j Abe dare Liberal Association, I gl-dly offer myself as ) a candidate for the reor-'sei'ta,! ion of the bor..>up:h in I Pariiameni; rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr Charles II. J,-me,. Mv opinion* upon the leading pclitical questions of the day are already familiar to many of you, and are, i i have reason to hope, in accord with those entertained I' by the eoRMituency. The continuance oi an Kftabi ;'hed Church in Wale, constitutes one of the greatest grievances remaining at ¡ Mia pi°Mo:>t ti:n-> unredressed. I h id that complete 1 r llgiou* equality is a principle which "ùOi\l,! jtui.;e I the future course of legislation f r every pertio of he t'"nit¡i IiH\1()n1, b"t tll' .?i l condirion fo!Ãi;lin in i the Pr ncipality call in common just.ee for the applica- tioik ,lia;ea of that principle will10ut ,¡eJay, As an e tablishment the Church of lOuglasd in W.iles has admittedly > eglected its trust in the past; it has alienated beyond recall the sympathies of the Welsh people, and hewn itse:f quite powerless to minister to the religious wants of the Principality. The appro- priation and retention of nat ional property by the Church oi a small minority is, to my mind, a grave injustice, and one which should not be tolerated. I wc,uld devote the funds resulting from Disendowment to the I'Urposes of Education. I am convinced that a lasting settlement of the Irish question can only be attained by the adoption of a generous and conciliatory policy upon the lines of "dang to others as we would be dune by." The coercive measures of the present Government must end in ignominy and failure, as these of preceding Govern- ments btva (lone. It is both right and expedient that puiely Irish affairs should be managed by Irish authority, and I have little hesitation in faying that when the proper time arrives, the Liberal leaders, in consultation with the Irish members, will be able to produce such a measure of self-government for Ireland as shall satisfy the essentiai conditions of the problem. that is to say, a measure securing the integrity of the Empire, while fully meeting the expressed wishes of the Irish nation. I am opposed to pledging imperial credit in order to afford security to Irish landowners. I am in favour of retaining the lull representation of the Irish members at Westminster for the present, but I recognise the difficulty of devising any practicable scheme for a double representation of this nature. Waltis is fairly entitled to look to the Irish members for support when her cwn affairs come under the consideration of Parlia- ment, but the exclusion of the Irish iiiembers from Westminster will preclude the possibility of their I rendering any very effective aid, and might so weaken the strength of the Liberal party as to delay s: ill further the fulfilment. of those reiis, nable and just claims for which she has waited so long and so patiently. Our Land Laws require considerable reform and it is to the Liberal pirty, and the Liberal party alone, that we must look to have the necessary reforms carried )-it in a thorough an,1 completely satisfactory manner. The accumulation in comparatively few hands, to which our present system tends, is a source of dinger to .he State. Reforms calculated to distribute land and increase the number of those directly interested in the soil are needed—reforms which will enable land to be transferred more simply, and at less cost than at present, and which will remove entirely the weight of the" dead hand" iroin tlie action of the living owner. Leaseholders should also be enabltd to purchase the freehold upon equitable terms. Heceirers of royalties and ground rents should, in my opinion, be compelled to bear their fair portion of the common expenditure. ▲ measure securing Intermediate Kducatjon upon a strictly unsectarian basis, and uuder the control of thoroughly representative bodies, would confer in- estimable benefit upon the Principality. Time waits for no man, and every postponement in dealing with this question is attended with irreparable mischief to those of our young people who at the time are of an age to take advantage of such education. It would be beyond the limits at my disposal to do more than briefly refer here to the other important questions embraced in the programme which received the sanction of the Liberal organization of the con- stituency, but I hi)po in the course of a. few days to have an opportunity of discussing them at length. Meantime 1 would only say that I am In favour of the principle of one man one vote county government based on popular vote; public control of the liquor taaffic; abolition of perpatuil pensions, and any effectual measure for the reduction of me national expenditure. As an employer of labour and closely a«soci.lted with toe coal tiade of South Wales, mv interests are. in a sense, identical with the prosperity and well-being of the great maY of the population of this district, whil > my long residence in the locality and knowledge of its special requirements lead me to hope that I may be able to use that knowledge in the service of the con. stituency. If you do me the honour of electing me as your representative, I sli,ill zo to Westmillster with a strict charge, in the first place, to watch those question;; pertaining to Wales, and which ought. in my judg- ment. to be settled in accordance witu the interests and reas'-nable wishes of the people of Walc-s and with that view I shall consider it my duty, in concert with the other Welsh members, to adopt a more a"ttressive course of action than has unril recently been thought desirable. I remain, zentlemen. Your faithful and obedient Servant, D. A. THOMAS. Yscyborwen, 7th March, 1888. 9043 ELECTION FOR THE PARLIA- JLJ MENTAUY BOROUGH OF MERTHYR TYDFIL, 18S8. NOTICK Is HEREBY OIVEX that t, the under- signed Live bee.. APPOINTED ELECTION AGENT on behalf of Mr David Alfred Ihomas. of Llanwern, Newport, in the county of Monmouth, Colliery Pro- prietor, a Candidate at the above Election, and that no one s entitled to incur any expenses or m»ke any payment* on heh*1* of the snul Da*id Thomas, in connecti said Kleotion, other than myself as such agent All accounts must be sent m to me on or before the 2 th day of March instant, or the sauoft Will not be paid. CHAltLES KENSHOLE, Solicitor, 4. Ccj'OU' Atx :d*.e March mtV 4 fSnsiness Ubrisses. 1 JJEVAN AND COMPANY. "rpHE CARDIFF FVRNISHERS. tJ JpATRONIZE THE yiRM WHICH HAS EXCELLED ALL OTHERS IN EDUCING THE pRICE or FURNITURE IN CARDIFF AND JJI STRICT. fcl I .1 REVOLVING j^lUST0 ^T00LS' 4/11D J^RAWING J £ >OOM gUITES, £3 10/- LjCPERTOR DITTO UP TO 0 £ 2G oh THE SOLID jyjAHOGANY srITE, IN HANDSOME FIGURED OR HIGH PILE VEL V ET. STANDS -JJNEQUALLRD FOR THE pRICE IN THE KINGDOM. .£10 10- ■yyTALNUT piANOFOHTES, £12 12/- THE THIRTY GUINEA IHON-FRAMED TRICHORD JpiVNOFORTE WITH BRASS WRflST PLANK I GOLD INCISED WALNUT CASP., AND WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS, IS A MARVEL OF CHEAPNESS, AND FULLY EQUAL TO THE INSTRUMENTS OF OTHFlt FIRMS AT FIFTY GUINEAS. "RÉ ARGEST, I .-J B FST, AND QHEAPEST STOCK OF H OUSEHOLD F U R N I T U Rri., I AUPFTS, DEDDINGt JJARDWARE. &c, IN GOUTH W A t, F, s OR I yy EST OF E INGLA N D, AND EVERY ARTICLE SOLD AT SUCH A PRICE AS TO | "FY QOMPETITTON. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND DE. LIVERY OF GOODS FRRE OF CHARGE. I I j VAN AND COMPANY, I (KT-f!TSTE*tJrr> AS) "T HF, QARDTFF JpURNTSHERS," ) f)-1 JQ U IC E j^TrviiiC' AND 76, ST. MART STREET. I fNATtDlFff. I I 1 Snsiitfiss -A-bbrrssis. rjlHRBE Y Jt A JgYSTKA* rjlHREii YKAKS' SYSTEM JpLANQFORTES BY BROAD WOOD JpiANOFORTES BY COLLARD. JpIANOFORTES BY BRINSMFSAD. J>IAN0F0RT.ES BY NEUMEYEK, JL jpIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN. jplANOFORTES BY ERARD, AND Alii. TUR LEADING MAtClvlM FJIOM lOR, MONTHLY Ptvi l for after which, and Without any Purbll*? Mtarse wlwte*°r, tlie iusrviunsiit bBSoittwl Hip Property ni he Uiren rjlHOMPSOJf AISD gHACtCFU^ LIMITED' QtJttHN'S nWILDlNOS, PAllDtEF; ^IHOMPSQN AND I I A LT,, }.tl\II-rlm, 32, OASTMS'Ji'A'WWi'i'A-. SWANS-WA fJpHOMPSOtf AND gHAOttMU', LIMITED, 118. HlGfT-R rUKhri', MlCUTltVtti rjlHOMl'SON AND ^JHACIVELIJ LIMITED, 35, OOAtMTUtCf Al.Ti; NEWPORT?} ALSO AT GLOUCESTERv V, PKNARTH, AND PONTYPRIDD. rjiKK Tallt?," YJAn' 8YT$i1 WtM fifflt irttrodmiftd intn Ronth Wale5, bj* THOSlPSfJ?) SFI ACKEI«I» iiiiwtvnis nf tweiltjr years agrij which time many thousands of homes have beeil ftIri; dere,t happy by Mi4 Pa.-Aa.itltt of ft Mtlsie*! t»str«nM»i> on mien e^sy The Mon«lil^ Paymenta w at inw islat <ilirt»«i HII!1II4 it hIt hpnse wlfelmnf, » FIASCO, AMERICAN QUGASf, ø. HARMONIUM &A£ IJ^UOMPSO* AND gtuaittstA MMJTED, Are s»3wt»srs ,,1"I\Q11 to bull Pat-tienlaM) Dpsti-ibtive t'nmplilet, t'lmtograplw of the jfetreid Styles, die., free loy post, mt the KpjiiidAiUa OW All! intmnihm fnirolnwjw, TJLSCINTLNT C-ARTFF, w-t liberal .Discount is allowed to CMh UnjreW and Aiorg<> nuuil»?r of PECONDiirAND PIAfiPS ho aiwt»)r« ¡.. Sø,,1i t. salpofc irmrt at I\¡'o"i; I'RtOK. THOMPSON AND MMIT15P1 CAUOIEV, S5WA.vsiiA, VtfWfcnr, M.'iR'rnvn, ot.oucrsriiu, PENAUTTI, I tral ifep* AtlP PO.NTYPRIDB, I —. TUB ANGLO-BAVARIAN CIII'.WKKV COMPANY, 'VA^ SHEPTOK MALLEI?, SOMEUSETSIURR, 'o; ;¡ SOMEUSETSIURR, ;1fti:: llipsio nigh^i^ea BRITISH A L S may be obtained of to following Wine Mer- chants and Dealers 111 South Wains at 1/ 1/2, 3/4. 1/6, 1/8 "Im GAl.tO" AnRRDAUK R. M. HAVID, Srewer- Iir.XI)«ENl) SANkkv & CQ, CARMARTHEN W. I txnf. r-ULTO.4 J)SJINLOP. SANKRY C-o, W. U. MATHEWS, Cantoii HAVERFORDWEST. G. 1»au«I:R .t SON, KVANS. LLANDILO .JinwiN JUNKS, MILKORD A. DAVSM. MERTHVll G. Al. GUNSOJI. MU.\MOUTH.G. 11, Co«5KNS. NEWPORT J. L. LLOYD, Hieh-st: „ U. A. SMITH. NEATH STONE & KAFFRIX PEMBROKE G. L, ORUKJUIS. II ROUT, GEORGB. TONTYPRIDD SMYTH A. AB!4ir»S; .SWANSEA FULTQS A* DuNb9P; TENBY J. Mr.niWAJi SaN, THIS Finxx MEDAfi AMBKR A-Ln, (LIGHT IIITTFT). f gli. PF-H KILDEItKIN: 11/. PR. FIRKIN. 7005 J/. PER DOZ, IMPERIAL PINTS: E L E c T U I a L I ii ¥ i a & i .1. C. HOWELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINEER, I.LANKLLY; Gontfaotor for the Supply anl Fitting.-ftp tit KLEGTRtti LIGHT APPAPvA l U.S 4>E EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bole A sent for South Wals« fof CROMPrON CO., LONDON .4tm CHELMSFORD; InSatidopreflt ft till Are T,ip,)It tn-tflllsttiritsh tot (^oHiotlWj fartoi-ies, f;h¡tl1 Houses, &C; J5STIMATEB APPLICATION: A fptv examples of WorU carried cut anri Goods suprlioil locally— D,1\Y!ai Iron Co., Dowiais 4 Arc-, AO Incan'i«»=eeiits Glamorgan Coal Co., I.hvynypia 301) Incand scents National Steam Coal Co., WatUtown 39 Incandescent* Ocean Coal Co Trsorky • b0 Incande.teeuts Cardiff Castle, Cardid • • 500 Incandescent"! Roath Docks 25 Arcs Yo. liorewood Co.,Llane!Iy, 10 Arc", 250 Incandescent^ J. Mnckay, Esq., Treforest 4 Arc Swansea Tin-pi ito Co. (ten)porary "I 1 t" lialitinz) • • • ) v') nca.n, e¡¡C9n B. Howell Son, Saw Mills, Llaneily, I Arc, 100 Incan. Western Tin-plate Go.,Llaneliy,4 Arcs,130Iocandescenf d Groveser.d Tin-plate C<> (Jorseinoii 4 Arcs, 120 Incan. Vivian & Sons, .Swansea 60 lucan descents FOR COPPErt DEPOSITION— WILLIAMS, FOSTER & CO., SWANSEA. VIVIAN &- SONS, SWANSEA. Contracts taken for Transmission of Power to a Distance. Telezrami-" ELECTHIC," LLANELLY. 7842 JG ALSAM S UPLRYE D E D MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN BERE PASTE. MAT Is warranted to euro ail AMERICAN MILTON'S /discharges from the urinary HERB MAT organs in either sex.! PASTE. MILTON'S Thoroughly reliable con-;AMERICAN MAT Tenient to take. In tins,; HERB MILTON'S 2s 3d and 4s od each. Free PASTE. MAT l>y post 3d extra. AMERICAN MILTON'S HERB MILTON'S HERB MAT UEWSONIS COMPOUND PASTE. MILTON'S PENNYROYAL AMERICAN MAT PILLS FOR FEMALES. HERB MIL I ON'S In boxes. Is Hd and 2s 3d PASTE. MAT each; free by nose 2d extra. MAT MAT each; free by nose 2d extra. MAT MILTON'S Local Agents: Cardiff, Mr MILTON'S AMERICAN Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-!AMERICAN HERB street Newport, Mr J. HERB PASTE. Phillips, 92, Commercial-! PASTE. MAT street; Swansea, Mr Keail,| MAT MIlft'ON'S Chemist, 199, High-streer ;I MILTON" AMERICAN F. H. Herroon, S, Victoria-IAMERICAN HERB a»enue, Maindee, Newport,! HERli PASTE..VIon. PASTE. 747e London Barclay & Sons 1M? "VTO NAMK OINTMENT.—This Oint- JJl mentix confldentialiy recommendei'. as a'l old.. tried, and successful remedy for scurvy, scrofula, glandular swellings, ringworm, old wounds, ulcerated legs, scald head.s, blotches on the face aivt body, St. Anthony's fire, burns, chilblains, bruises, pi.e:i. fistula, rheumatism, bunions, etc. It will soon b-gl IIP t!1" moot obstinate eruptions of the skin of every kind. Please note the Trade hrk Label on each poo. ~V^O NAME PILLS. — 1'or scrofula, _1_ i scurvy, ulcerated less, erysipelas, blotches on the face, eruptions on the body, piles, tistula, glandular swellings, &c., &c. They may be fea'cen by persons of either sex, are tonic and invigorating, and, acting upon the secretions, they are a truly valuable blood purider, a>ul maybe used in conjunction with the No Name Ointment they are a truly valuable blood purider, a.ltl maybe used in conjunction with the No Name Ointment in any of the above diseases. Sold in pots and boxes by all chemists, price 7id, Is ld. and 2s 9d each. SOLE PROPRIETOR :— J NV ii IT E ii o u s z. 194. DER1TEND, B1RMIN<; HAM _52S9 Who sulfer from NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VIGOUR. EX- HAUSTED VIXALITY, KIDNEY B, n DISEASES, AC. A ireatise ex- piaining the renownedMARSTOS treatment, fry local the only positive cuie without TO Stomach Medicines, wU) be sent in plain envelope sealed for three stamps.—l'he MARS- ME N TO5 RKMEDV CO., 249I, High Hoiborn, London, 1^623—1207 1VTERVOUS INVALIDS, and all who J31 suffer from Debility, Loss of Knergy, Deprea-ion of Spirits Want ot Toi.e and Vigour. Impoverished lUooil, and all symptoms arising from a wanL of NTVOUS Power, un'i wish to Regain their Health, are requested to send their ad'iress to Secretary, I institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, S48 IBitsinuss ^.bbrgssgs* I JMPERIAL MANDARIN TEAS. ~j\/TANDARIN TEAS. J3.SL 2s 6d per lb The Perfection of Tea. T\/L ANDARIN TEAS. «L»JL 2s per lb. Best ever sold at the price TVF ANDARIN TEAS. .1.7 A Biended by Professed Blender*. MANDARIN TEAS. .1. Packed by Machinery iu London. 1\TANDARIN TEAS. J>*A Direct from Miucing-lane Market.' MANDARIN TVAS. Are positively Matchless. MANDARIN TEAS. !L Everyone Praises them. TV/F ANDARIN TEAS. j3Jl Their quality will snrprise YMI, ANDARIN TKAS. _Lv JL Genuine oniy in Red Wrapper* "JL/I'"ANOARIN TEAS. _LT_3_ U'var;! of Imitations. MANDARIN TEAS. Sold by Agents Everywhere* M ANDARIN TEAS. 2., per MANDARIN TEAS. 2s. 6d. per lb. M ANDARIN TEAS. Agents wanted where not represented; JPTPKRRAL MANDARIN TEAS; i The BRITISH TEA & TRADING ASSOCIATION,Ld., Dunsler Housa, Miiu-ing-lane, LONDON. 6624 j jfjt L 0 R A L ^y R JJ A T d 8. ¡ A SPECIALlf¥i I HEA'H and SON, CHELTENHAM, -UJL arc L'iieouallfd for Lightness and Elegance of Ariai'genient. Packed in Air-tight Boxes, aud Sent on the Shortest .c Notice. j^p LORAL Q R 0 S S E S. A qPFCTALITY6 IIEATH and SON, CHELTENHAM, have the Choicest an.I ;\[03., Varied Collection of FLOWEISS, of their OWN GKOWING, for Making up in the Country. Packed in Air,tight Boxis, and sent on the SheTfest Notice. 0 U T FLOWERS. jf A SPECIALITY. HEATH and SON, CHELTENHAM. _1 oniy sRKLFLOWfiUStrf their OWN PRODt'C- 3'1, 0,11, which are Cat on Jieciipt oi Order; and they Guarantee ')h:m to Arrive in Prfect Condition. FLOWERNG P L A N T S. === HEATH AND SON, CHELTENHAM have many Thousands of Azdeas, S Pire, Arums, Tulips, G:I;St1!1. Primulas, Ciuerarns. Registerrd Tol -jr.iphic Arli-lress— HEATH, CHELTENHAM .1 ¡ JJEATH AND SON, ROYAL EXOTIC N U R S E R I E S, CHELTENHAM; ^963 I'JRPPER's QUININE AND IRON JL TONIC Sf-o;nrr!HI the Nerves and Muscular yteDl. FEI'PER\S QUiNlNK AND IRON TON Ie Animates the Spirits and Mental 1-Viculfcies. SJICPPJDRS QULNINIS AND IRON Jl TONIC Promoter Appetite and Improves Diges tic, V>EPPERS QUININE AND IRON jL TONIC Hirtroughly Recruita tbeGeiiefal Health, and Induces a proper healMiy comliMoit of II, Nurvoun fl-n.l Physical Forces. t1 RE AT BODILY STRENGTH.— JT PEPPER'S QUININE and IEON TONIC.— Jy e:¡riching T,ho blood, ¡;ivin!! tlrmness to the tissues, and streugtheriing the muscular system, weakness disa]>pears, appetite returns, fatigue ceasos. and re- cruited health results. GREAT -NERVIP, STRENGTH.- G PEPPER'S QUININE and lUON TONIC braces up the weakened nerves, increases strength of pulse, fortifies the nerve centres. GTREAT MENTAL STRENGTH. — f PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, by it;> supporting influence on the body and nerves, repairs the ravnges caused by over-taxing the brain power, and so gives really great mental strength. It costs about lJ,d each dose. C~ 1 RE AT DIGESTIVESTRENGTIL— C~ 1 RE AT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH. PJ<PPER'i QUININE and IRON TONIC pro- motes appetite, strengthens the stomach, stopping sinking sensations, removes indigestion, heartburn, palpita ion, cures dyspepsia, constitutional debility, restoring health, strength, and energy. HALF-CROWN BOTTLES of PEP- PER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC are now sold, bringing it in reach of all. Next size, 32 doses, 4s èù. Insist on having Pepper's l'ouic. No other is of any nse. CJ ULP HOLINE LOTION clears the SKIN ►O SPOTS, ELlsMISHES, BLwTCHES, REDNESS, ROCGUN ESS. DISCOi,ORATIONS, UNSIGHTLY OBJECITONABLH APPEARANCES UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN DISFIGUREMENTS, Entirely fade away. Q ULPHOLIN K LOTION makes the SKIN tO HEALTHY, SOFr, BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT SMOOTH SUPPLE. SULPaoLINE. -For' he COMPLEXION O SOI'TICNS and PRESERVES. GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE. COUNTERACTS EFFECT of WEATHER EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES. Bottles, 2s il. Sold everywhere. QULPHOIJNE—'The best SKINLOTION kJ BEAUTIFULLY FRAG 1! A NT. COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS Bottles, 9d. Soldevoryivuere 1062 CJTIFFlS S'l AKOtl. Solu in ID. MECURO KOX«W. Sold in 51b. Packets. ^TIFF'S STARCH. ^f^kj;^een 8,9 Warranted Pure. Cjl'IFF S STARCH. Most Economical. )0 For Collars. TIFF'S ST AlCH. For Wri%tbands. U For hlrt STIFF'S STARCH. IZ O For Cuffs. QTEFFS STARCH. :Fo. l.actl. |i^ For Linen. STIFF'S STARCH. OTIFF'S STARCH. X'SSMU. Note tlie Caution Label Note the Caution Label m TIFFS STARCH. Observe the Trade Mark o Sold by Grocers. OTIFF'S STARCH. Sold £ A!SSwia. Wholeaaie— STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF CO.. 1 O 131 IB 3911 RKDCLIFF-ST.. BRISK L Easiness ^2t2k«saes. PR IYG A S HI O N S. M. s AMUEL, 76, QUEEN-STREET, (CROCKHERBTOWN), CARDIFF, is receiving NEW GOODS int, J I L L I N E R Y. DRESS MATERIALS, MANTLE CLOTHS, JACKETS, CLOAKS, &c., CLOTH WALKING COSTUMES MADE TQ ORDEn from Sixty Shillings. 182 jgJARLY SPRING DRESS MATERIALS. CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. COMPLETE SETS OF PATTERNS, Comprising the whole Assortment of NEW DRESS MATERIALS, Including every Novelty of the Season, sent post free on application. Please Address THE MANAGERS, CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. 9035 G R E A T KSTOCK TAKING <g A L E POSITIVELY CLOSING THIS WEEK. WONDERFUL BARGAINS A:>D GENUINE REDUCTIONS. DOUQHT FOR CASH, 40 PER CENT. LESS THAN COST PRICE. BANKRUPT STOCK OF L ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UMBP..ELLAS, FROM 7D B A C H. yy | £ ORNEIl AND CO., 13244 THE CARDIFF HOSIERS, 8296 27. 23, 29, 3D, A .s1. ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. XT AYMANVllALSAlf of HOREEOUND AA JtelicTes coupli in ton uiinutea. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JH. The most certain and speedy Remedy. IIAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND For Coughs and Colds. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND For all disorders of the Lungs. RELIEVES COUGH IN TEN MINUTES Invaluablo in the Nursery. T_B AY MAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JLlL The most successful preparation HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND Ever offered to the Public. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND c Prepared only by A. Hayrnan & Co. (late of Neath). HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JjL 15, Albemarle st., St. John's-square, London, E.C. f-old by all Chemists. Price, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. 1022 If EA1'H jplANOFORTES, R G A 1q. a." Aitn H A, R M 0 N I U M S. JJEATH AND SONS t-Jt. fJIHREE YJARS' SYSTEM IS APPLIED TO THE HIRE A PURCHASE OF INSTRUMENTS BY ALL MAKERS, FROM 10s MONTHLY, EVERY INSTRUMENT GUARANTEED. COOPERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH The Largest Stocl, in Wales to Select from. 61, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. I ODEN MINERAL PASTILLES. <0 COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. COUGHS, BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. COTTGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. NEVER haa a medicine so soon become •Ui the most popular household remedy. The highest medicul authorities recmnmend aud proscribe the SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES tLn m.ist efficacious for Affections -unl Diseases of the Throat, Chest. Lungs, B-nd Coiisumji'.ion. Amongst a great r.1J\ny testimonials reqwed, our greatest authority, SIR MORELL MACFCENZ1E, writefi I have watched the effects of the ijjioden Waters for a considerable period, and !<egurd them as extremely valuable in obstinate catar- riial affections of the throat. The small amount oi iron whicn they contain renders them very useful in the early sta.¡!;?S of throat consumption, and they do good in nearly all cases of relaxation of the mucous membrane. The Soden Mineral Pastilles offel" a most convenient method of using the Waters, pro ducing both a local and general effect. 1 hey are especially beneficial in catarrhal diseases of the air passages. I frequently found them flf great service in the case ot sircers a.nd public upcakers.—MORELL MACKENZIE, M.D., Lon- don SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES. s HOARSENESS, SOIE THROAT. HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT. HOARSENESS, ROlHe THROAT. HOARSENESS, hORK THROAT. -VFO SECRET PREPARATION, no so- 1 xl called Patent Medicine, which often contain rimgB ami opiates injurious to the constitution The SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES, a pure product of nature gained from the wor!d- renowned medicinal springs of Bath Soden, are prepared uuder. strictest control of the Royal Sanitary Counsellor and celebrated Physician, Pr W.stoehzing. Insit upon your Chemist pro- curing for YOll thegetuitte article see each box has Dr W. Stoeltzing's signature and our Trade Mark (Two Globes, Cross, and Crescent) take jioot her. Price Is ld. or for 15 stamps, of Soden Mineral Produce Company, 10, Dyer's-buildings, Ilolboui, Loudon, E.C. Ci KIN and BLOOD DISEASES. I KIN and BLOOD DISEASES. O CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. It is a guaranteed cure for all skin iind blood uiseascs. It is the m' st search- ing blood cleanser yet discovered, and it will free the system from all known bloo,l poisons, he they animal, vegetable, or mineral. It is Warranted to cure the worst forms of skin diseases, blotches, pimple3, and eruptions, also ulandular swellings, diseases of the bones, white swellings, hip-joint>nd spinal diseases. SCROFULA, SCURVY, ULCERS, ABSCESSES. „ OCROFULA, SCURVY, ULCERS, O ABSCESSES. Sfcin Diseases, Eruptions, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Boils, Carbuncles. Ringworms, Sore Eyes, ErysipeJa.s. Scurfs, Dis- colorations of the Skin. Humours and diseases of the skin of wba'erer name or nature are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted frbe from anything inju- rious to the lIlost delicate constitution of either flex, the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE.—THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. Is sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, and in cases con- taininlt"six times the quantity, lls-sufficient to effect a permanent gure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, the LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES 910 DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. 13^45 Trade Mark Blood Mixture." 8288 Possessing all the properties of the finest arrowroo* I JJROWN AND JpOLSON'S 0ORN JjTLOUR HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. "226 NOTE.—Purchasers of Corn Flour should insist on being supplied with IUWWN A.NLD POLSON" It is istinguished for -jniiortriv superior quality. 1017 mHE BLAENDARE COM PANY, A LIMITED, PONTYPOOL, MON. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE BRICKS, BLOCKS, AND FINE GROUND FIRE CLAY, Equal in Quality to Stourbridge Goods. The Blaendare Company, Limited, make a speciality of the manufacture of Fire Bricks, Ac., for use in Siemens' Steel and Glass Works, and hold testimonials fr m the principal Iron and Steel Works, Ac,, in South Wales and 67M ESTABLISHED 1810. THE VERY BEST SEEDS AT THE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE (JUST PUBLISHED), TO IIONJ & CO., THE OLD ESTABLISHED SEED SHOP 12, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. 8705 I t "171 P P S S GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING, (BREAKFAST) i MADE SIMPLE WITH c OCOA. BOILING WATER OR MILK. 391 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS w warranted to cure all discharges trorn the urinary organs in either ser, acquired or constitiitional. gravel, and painr ia the back. Sold in boxes. 4a 6d each, bv all chemists and patent metiicine vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamns by th makers, The Lincoln tnd Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincoln {Vholesaie Agents Barclay and Sons, London, and all h wnc»lc>»a;e IIOIISRR. 1005 WHO IS YOUR BILLPOSTER at W Aberdaret MICHAEL PAIKg, Billposter, Distributor, and Advertising Agent, 25, Cardiif-street, t Aberdare, Tents the principal posting-stations in i Abordaro and district. Contracts made quarterly or yearly. Good accommodation for travellers, 4c Also agent for Guion aud Co. M30il Steamer¡,.aoE9-J029 .1' :N ijtoø laie for lass if ic alien. PARlCHALL ALE ROOMS, CARDIFF. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on -5- TUESDAY and THURSDAY NEXT, March 13th and 15th, 1888, A COMPLETF, HOUSF OF WELL-SEASONED FURNITURE, removed for convenience of sale. E L ECTRO-PLATE D GOODS. MARBLE AND OTHER CLOCKS. TWO GOOD HARMONIUMS. SET OF J<IRST-CLASS HAKNESS. he above goods «ill be offered for sale, and will include ssveral .substantial dining and (trawing-ioom suites, chefronier, walnut and mahogany sideboards, clocks and tii'iepieces, velvet pile and other carpets, heaithrugs, fenders, fire-irons, oil paintings, oval tables, wardrobes, bedroom suites, brass and other bedsteads, duchesse stands and tables, p er and toilet glasses, feather and milipuff beds, bolsters, and pillows, easy dhairs, kitchen and other tables, chairs, washing ma.hine, and other numerous sundries also a Superior American Organ and Pianoforte in splendid tone. E. F. KENNARD, Auctioneer. Goods on vie-v daily. Sale each day at 2 o'clock. r"EETUT.-Coniplete Set, One Guinea; JL Single Tooth. 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson. R.N., says: They, conduce greatly to health and comfort." He-models, repairs. Painless Dentistry, Gas, -te.-Gooi))IAN AND Co., 56. Queen- street (Crockherbtown), Cardiff. 13C41 6422 a A. Sto™ & c°" COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Sheilibiers, snperb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broug hams, and every necessary equipmenr. for Funerals. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. ——— 2956 10, 11, & 12, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. TJTHE 0TTO" QAS "|^NGINE. TWENTY THOUSAND SOLD. COMBINED "OTTO GAS ENGINES AND PUMPS COMBINED "OTTO" GAS ENGINES AND DRY AIR REFRIGERATORS. COMBINED "OTTO" GAS ENGINES It DYNAMOS. VERTICAL "OTTO "GAS ENGINES. HORIZONTAL "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. TWIN-CYLINDER "OTTO" GAS ENGINES MAN-POWER OTTO GAS ENGI NES. SKLK-STARTING "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. SECOND-HAND "OTTO" GAS ENGINES 1159 CROSS LEY BROS. <LD.\ MANCHESTER.

Family Notices

MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1888. ---_..._--_._-













