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A. H. HOFFMAN, Watchmaker & Jeweller, GOODWICK, Wishes to thank the public of the locality for the kind patronage which they have exten- ted to him in the past, and trusts that he will be favoured with their further support and assures them that all orders will receive his skilful attention, all work being executed on the premises. N.B. Recently a large and valuable assortment of articles which would prove most useful Christmas Presents, have been purchased. 4d22 The Old Firm-Cannot be Beaten JUST ARRIVED AT THE CASTLE STORES A Large Assortment of Raisins, Currants, Sultanas, Stoned Raisins, Muscatelles, Jordan and other Almonds, Nuts Figs, Dates, Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Onions Metz Fruits, Prunes and Dried Apricots, Jams Jellies, Mincemeat, all kinds of Essences, Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits and Cakes, Harris' Sausages, Cooked Hams, Luncheon Sausages. Try our Home-cured B icon or Hams with your Turkey. NOTE THE ADDRESS- W. D. GRIFFITHS, Castle St Dres, FTISMGUTSRID- Temperance Hotel and Resturant. 0. 03 SMGOX Wishes to inform the General Public that he has OPENED A FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT (as above) at WEST STREET, FISHGUARD, And he is prepared to Cater for Parties and Sunday Schools. Also two full size Billiard Tables for use on the Premises. THE SLADE TIMBER YARD, FISHGUARD. J. M. GUILD TIMBER MERCHANT Has a Large and Varied Stock of Good Building Timber (in Red Pite',Dir!e, White and Spruce), Flooring Boards auc Match boards, Yellr:w Pine, Spruce, Archangel WJhite, American White Wood, Carolina Pine and Oak. sawn Boards, Prepared Mouldings, com- prising Architraves, Sashes, Sills, Skirting Board, &c., also Split and Sawn Roof and Ceiling Laths, Wire-cut a.nd other Nails. Speciality—Welsh Oak, Ash,, and Elm, Shafts, Spokes and Felloes, Shovel and Mattock Sticks, Ladders Cart Material cut to size. Wheelblocks turned and Gates and Bar- rows made to order. Estimates given to supply Buildings. OFFICES SLADE, FISHGUARD. PLASYGAMIL STORES, GOODWICK. rPHE above Stores are now Opened and customers will find all Greengrocery, &c., of the best quality and lowest prices. Thanking all customers for the past pat- ronage and hopes for the future. t, F. G. EVANS, Fruiterer, &c., Plasygamil, Goodwick. BRODOG TIMBER YARD, FISHGUARD. W. MORGAN & SON Beg to inform the public generally that they have OPENED BUSINESS as Timber Merchants And have now in stock all kinds of Timber, also general Building Materials. Sawing (by Gas Power) done on the Premises Orders respectfully solicited. -The Supply Stores,- MAIN STREET, ^^FISHGUARD, Hasstoodthe Test of all Comers for RELIABLE & UNAPPROACHABLE VALUE. We do not profess to give away something for nothing, but only Downright Good Value at Rock Bottom Prices. To sufferers of summer languor and heat de- pression, our Unique Blend of -Finest Young Indian Tea at 25 per pound, is beyond the dreams of Avarice and guaranteed to suit the palate of the keenest consumer. Also just arrived a large and varied stock of Tin Fruits (best brands) for the coming season. Huntley & Palmer's and Peek Frean's Biscuits kept in stock. Robertson's Golden Shred Marmalade, in short, an enormous stock in prime condition, from reliable Houses only. ONE TRIAL will suffice and guarantee satis- faction will follow^ Also an enormous Stock of FURNITURE to I select from, to suit the Cottage or the Mansion. Sole Agent for the Ffaldau Coal, also North Wales Coal stocked at lowest prices. J. FRANCIS. MILLINERY MILLINERY Miss R. JONES, Westbourne House, Vergam, FISHGUARD, Has a. splendid Show of Millinery and Fancy Drapery —For AUTUMN and WINTER WEAR,— which includes Felts, Beaver and Fur Hats the latest in Straws Wings, Fancy Feathers and Plumes, and Trimmings. CHILDREN'S MILLINERY A SPECIALITY While thanking her Customers for their support in the p Miss JOXES respectfully solici s the continuance of their patronage, p assuri ;-g them that nothing will be wonting oil her part to stock the Best Goods and give he best in Style and Work. ADVICE TO MOTHERS."—Are you broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth ? Go at once to a chemist, and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It produces natural quiet- sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as bright as a button." Contains no Poisonous Ingredient. Of all ohemists, Is lid per bottle.

A Christmas Stocking A STORY…


A Christmas on ,the Battlefield…



Wake-up, Fishguard !j
