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When William Reigned. -

Reportorial Reminiscences.


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LONDON STORES West St., Fishguard. The Best House for Welsh Flannels, Stockings, and Blankets, &c., also a choice selection of Grocery Goods. Nothing but the Best in everything is stocked and prompt attention is given to all orders A. S. DAVIES, London Stores, Fishguard. BRODOG TIMBER YARD, FISHGUARD. W. MORGAN & SON Beg to inform the public generally that they have OPENED BUSINESS as Timber Merchants, And have now in stock all kinds of Timber, also general Building Materials. Sawing (by Gas Power) done on the Premises. Orders respectfully solicited. PETER WILLIAMS, Stationer, West-street Bridge, Fishguard. RAND selection in general Fancy Goods, 1 Travelling Bags, Ladies Handbags, Parses, Clothes and Hair Brushes, Combs, Razors, Pocket Knives, Pipes, Pouches, Tobaccos, &c. Capern's Finch and Canary Seeds. Large range in Bibles, Prayer Books, and Standard Works by eminent authors, and Life of the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P., at popular prices. Pictorial Post Cards of local and district views in fine Coloured and Photographic processes. Fishing Rods, Flies and Trout Tackle, &c. r Also Hairdressingand Shaving Department. Things you Require Useful and Artistic For Old and Young Reimport Bouse, fisbauard, CAN SUPPLY Tea Services from 5s 6d Dinner Services from lis 6d Toilet Sets from 4s lid O A Large Selection of Cups and Saucers, Plates, and Choice Dinner and Tea Ware. Stoneware, Footwarmers, Jars, Pans, and Butter Pots. Presents for the Season and a Useful large variety of Toys, &c. THE SLADE TIMBER YARD, FISHGUARD. J. M. GUILD TIMBEXi MERCHANT Has a Large and Varied Stock of I Good Building Timber (in Red Pitch-pine, White and Spruce), Flooring Boards and Match-boards, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Archangel White, American White Wood, Carolina. Pine and Oak- sawn Boards, Prepared Mouldings, com- prising Architraves, Saslfes, Sills, Skirting Boards, ike., also Split and S^wn Roof and Ceiling Laths, Wire-cut and other Nails. Speciality—Welsh Oak, Ash, and Elm, Shafts, Spokes and Felloes, Shovel and Mattock Sticks, Ladders Cart Material cut to size. Wheelblocks turned and Gates and Bar- rows made to order. Estimates given to supply Buildings. OFFICES — SLADE, FISHGUARD. Letterston Joinery Works and Saw Mills. Daniel Thomas & Son Beg to inform the public generally that they have OPENED BUSINESS as TIMBER MERCHANTS And have now in stock all kinds of Timber, also general Building Materials Sawing, by a powerful Oil Engine, done on the premises. PAINTS-Linseed Oil, Turps, and all kinds of Paints. Varnishes from the best meters. Also Engine and Paraffin Oil SLATES—Carnarvon and Local Slates, orna- mental ridges and plain. Also J.B.W. and other best Portland Cement, and Lime in truck loads, and Tenby Sand. PAVEN BRICKS-Encortic Tiles and all other Paving Bricks, Chimney Pots and Drain Pipes. Window Glass cut to sizes and Wall- Papers ordered direct from makers. IRONMONGERY-Grates and Mantlepieces, Rain-water Gutters and Pipes, and all kinds of Nails. Also Corrugated I Iron of all sizes in stock. Estimates Free. Orders respectfully solicited. Umbrellas In order to meet a long existing public demand, 5). bairdresse r. West St. & Main St., FISHGUARD Has engaged a fully Practical UMBRELLA-MAKER, And invites public patronage. Umbrellas repaired, re-covered, or new handles made, and refixed, and all other repair work-undertaken. Moderate Charges. First-class work guaranteed. 3 MINUTES FROM G.W.R. STATION. Convenient to the Docks. ml Private Sitting Rooms and S Comfortable Bedrooms. GRIFFITHS' Temperance Hotel, CAROLINE STREET, CARDIFF. ,|j] IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS! Ever;- .other whr> values the Health and wr C:c<tniiness oi her chiid should use 9^ A HARMSOHSS A Y "R^UABLE" f A NURSERY POMADE. A S' One application kills *11 Nits and Vermin, gr A b-aMifies and strengthens the Hair. T jm In Tins, 4rj. 9:1. Postage id. Jk c F C. W. VARRiSOri, CHEMIST, BitCAO ST., SHADING. W I .IJ,r'- Sold by all Chemists. For Goodwick, D. L. Llewellyn, chemist, and Phillips and Meyler, chemists. Fishguard, Thos, Lewis, chemist, Market Square 9 Latest Fashions for Spring and Summer, 1909, AT J Paris House, West-Street, Fishguard Francis A. Davies i INVITES AN INSPECTION OF HIS | New Stock of Latest Novelties, Choicest Designs & Newest Styles i TAILOR-MADE COATS & SKIRTS in all the Leading Designs. New Jackets, Costume Skirts, Underskirts, Children's Coats, &c. 1 • 1 Dainty Blouses in Real Irish Linen Embroidered, Delaines, Lace, Viyella j Shirt Blouses, Nuns Veilings, Cambrics, Jap Silks, Blouse Robes, &c. Grand Stock of Black and Coloured Dress Materials, New Costume Tweeds, Serges, Alpaca's Delaines, Zephyrs, Crepe Lawns, Muslins, Drills, Oxford Shirtings, French Cambrics, Naval I Cloths, &c;- Novelty of the Season—The New 2-Toned effect 1 — in Cambrics, Delaines, &c 4 Smart Novelties in Lace Goods, Tabots, Fronts, Cravats, Motor Veils, New J Smart Novelties in Lace Goods, Tabots, Fronts, Cravats, Motor Veils, New J New Belts, Umbrellas, Sunshades, Insertions, Laces, Trimmings. Corsets in all the leading makes. Feather Boas in great variety. CEPTIONAL VALUE IN GLOVES in Kid, Swede, Doeskin, Real Gazelle | and Reindeer. Dent's celebrated Kid Gloves in Black and Colours—Is Hid J per pair. New Fabric Gloves and Mitts in all shades and lengths. f Special Value in Lace Curtains, Brise-Bise Nets, Madras Muslins, Sheetings, -j Quilts, Calicoes, Flannelettes, Cretonnes, Hearthrugs, Carpet Squares, 1 Straw Mats and Matting, Window Hollands. New Patterns in Flour-cloths, Linoleums, Cork Lino and Carpets. Inlaid Linoleum a Speciality. F j CHRISTY'S CELEBRATED HATS & CAPS in all the NEW SHAPES Gents' Straw Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Pants, Vests, &c. i Boy's Suits in great variety. Children's Fancy Jersey's, Caps, Sailor Hats, &c. i. Throughout the Season, Novelties will be added as soon as Produced Every Endeavour has been made to Maintain the Reputation for supplying the Highest Class Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices. Pendre Motor & Cycle Works, Istterston, ^.T. WILLIAMS^ Begs to draw special attention to his L A RGE STOCK of WTHIGH- GRADE CYCLES A large proportion of which have been Built throughout on the Premises. Machines Built from B. S. A. FITTINGS a speciality. Agent for the following High-grade Cycles :-Royal Enflelds, Premiers, Rovers, Singers, Rudge-Whitworths, Sparkbooks, and Swift Cycles. Every description of Repairs executed at most moderate Charges. Send your Old Machines to be Re-enamelled and Re-plated. 1^" TME IIOU m DreSS Skirts. That does things well is sought after by Belts. Underskirts. all," so don't miss visiting Bradford House Motor Scarf 8 Blouses. to see my New Goods for the coming season, SHJc Ties Aprons. Whioh ot a" the creations aod Gloves. Pinafores. Novelties "om the home aod Collars. Markets. You should see the amazing r>„ m._ Gorsets% Puritan value I offer in Dress and Blouse Fabrics of Collars Under-clothing. every description, also Household Linen, in Veilings Hosiery. fact everything you require I stock. Frillings. Hats. OUTFITTING. Caps. Collars. y°a deoWed what you like ,ot yonr Suits. Ties new Suit ? No matter what the style, shade, Fancy Vests. or pattern, you will find it here. Beauti- Grocers. > Fronts. n • A fully Tailored Garments cut to fit, made to ^atntersf Braces. please, guaranteed tQ wear well. Mechanics Shirts. Aprons. Pants. Men's Suits to measure from 2188 Jackets and Vests to 60s. Overalls. JSvsun. Davies, Bradford pouge, Wegt pt., Figfjprd. 23T_ ROBERTS, A.1C3hc:»: c:» -aS9 Is now showing a choice Selection of 3Xr B "W GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. BLOUSES AND BLOUSE MATERIALS in all the Newest Shades, in Muslins, Zephyrs, Delaines, Delainettes, etc. DRESS MATERIALS in all the latest shades, in Plain Cloths, Fancy Tweeds, Cashmeres, etc. A Splendid Variety in Trimmings, Braids, Buttons, Collar Supports, Hat Pins, etc. Novelties in Neck Wear, Frillings, Embroidery, Lace and Silk Collars with Frill, Plastrons, Ties, etc. MILLINERY for old and young in Trimmed and -Untrimmed Straws, Crinolines, etc. A Large Stock of Lace Curtains, Netts, Muslins, Cretonnes, and Hearth Rugs, in all qualities. GENTS' DEPARTMENT. This year's Patterns of Gents' Suits to measure from 21s. up is the finest selection we have ever had. We are doing a large business in this Department and can offer splendid value. A Large Stock of GENTS' CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, MUFFLERS, etc., always on show. T New Boots&Shoes for Spring. Lotus shoes mean ILOTUSl i r for ladies a perfect i. f Ladies' Shoe No. y/J fit and a greater 42 J degree of comfort. swesj2] Si J- ? f Width *3xj f" 1 I t widufTl I t | 9 idwh 4s per pair for cash III H O D G E 'S i) Guildhall Square Carmarthen 2 A and varied stock of boot3 and shoes at all prices always in stock. Best value guaranteed Also at MARKET SQUARE, FISHGUARD.